I unironically like the Borderlands games.
I unironically like the Borderlands games
Phaselock blowjobs
They're fucking fun, I agree. I hope they give my girl some good heads to use.
dont worry, lots of people actually like the game but cant admit to it because of the names attached to those games. mainly Randy and anthony burch.
First one is decent, good pacing and loot. Kind of feels like an FPS Diablo. Rest are literal dogshit that I couldn't bear to play for more than an hour or two.
me too
Oh yeah and they also ruined best girl Lilith.
So do I it's too bad about corporations though.
I find it easy to ignore the cringe dialogue in 2 and PS. If you can, they're decent games. I agree the first is the best though, even more so now.
Anyone who is excited for Memelands 3 is clearly just a faggot that was 12 when they played 2 and remember the horrible dialogue and gameplay fondly.
If 2 was good it wouldn't have to shill itself on Yea Forums and Reddit months before release.
That didn't bother me, the gameplay did. Didn't feel right.
i liked bl2
i hate maya's reboot
Is the handsome collection worth getting? if I already have BL2?
Maya > Lilith
I barely finished BL2 and couldn't finish BL1, looter shooters bore me to tears.
if you don't have any of the DLC and you want it, it also comes with The Pre-Sequel.
I am loving enhanced, explosions actually work now so it's perfect.
i don't even care s much about the cringe of bl2 and 3 but the FUCKING GUNS are garbage and that ruins them more than anything
I am excited for B3 and I played B2 when I was 22 and remembered it fondly. I am replaying it now and I still enjoy it. This cringe people speak of really only comes across with Tiny Tina and Handsome Jack's lolrandom dialogue, but I really don't feel like it's indicative of the entire experience like you memers make it out to be
go fuck yourself randy
I think the corporate aspect is one of the most interesting things about Borderlands. The intro of Tales where you're walking around in Hyperion HQ are high-finance kino.
>there was a central government that was toppled in the "corporate wars"
I need more of this lore.
is Pre-Sequel any good?
Gameplay has a bunch of changes for the better I feel, but there isn't a lot of content, and the writing is like everything bad in BL2 cranked up to the max.
Playing BL2 is pretty jarring nowadays when I see an ememy called a Midget. This was certainly released at a different time.
Best manufacturer?
vladof guns actually look good now
I like Maliwan the most.
Classes are amazing, especially the DLC ones, laser is a good weapon class, the extra mobility is good, frozen is better than slag.
The writing apart from Jack is atrocious.
Borderlands has best hips.
is this official artwork? Haven't seen Moze look that good in any of the promotional material.
I assume top right is a new one or from a dlc I missed.
It's the new group in 3.
I don't like how they now even jakobs has a gimmick.
Those are all BL3 things.
COV = Children of Vault, the Bandit equivalent.
thats the one that was leaked
Jakobs had a gimmick in 2 and it was awful.
It was "shoot as fast as you can pull the trigger" which absolutely annihilated the fun you could have with revolvers. It's one of my biggest complaints of Borderlands 2 and TPS.
It's fun mindless diablo loot FPS, fuck buying the game at full price though, especially with all the DLC they cram into it.
Siren here. The only correct answer is Maliwan
Why does Yea Forums like Jack so much when his character literally has all the well known Gearbox "personality" traits that Yea Forums likes to shit on constantly aka Battleborn?
S&S munitions made my favorite guns in the original BL and I'm still ass blasted they got replaced with bandit and now COV
>PC isnt powerful enough
>wont be able to play at launch
>no console
what do
I don't like the Borderlands games at all.
I'm glad we can respect each others opinions.
Because he acts how people wish they could act in real life. No inhibition, no shit taken, and he's also funny.
Nihilistic, but with a wicked sense of humour, but unironically.
Dahl got shafted again.
Leaks say they are back so take it as you will
I want to FUCK Maya.
But they're not in that image
play BL1 enhanced and have a superior experience
Well, there's that one SFM of her licking a dick tip with the balls being phaselocked and fondled.
dont forget they also had
>high damage
>high projectile speed
>high crit multiplier
but also
>high recoil
>small mag
>no element
COV wasn't either when the site went up so they may get added later. But like I said it was a leak so take it with a grain of salt.
just buy a graphics card
>everyone focused on the brown musclegirl
>qt russian tank waifu gets shafted
Where's all the Moze fanart?
Definitely looking forward to pirating it, and then buying the multiplayer DLC 6 months later.
Thank you, I shall research said fondling.
Borderlands always gave me headaches. Something about the way they do the cel shading or whatever fucks with my eyes. Which is weird cause Sly Cooper never bothered me.
Those are more characteristics than gimmicks
I will buy the game on principle if S&S is back
I like Borderlands but will never have the full experience of playing with friends
Just further proves this board is reddit 2.0 with people who consume garbage
I have over 900 hours in Borderlands 2
And maybe 30 hours of it was co-op
>cel shading
my psycho
Im not a scat fag but taking a big steamy shit right on this girls face would be so fucking hot
The first one has shit FOV and the second one's thick outlines are shit. Edit the FOV and the outlines through the ini files.
>COV "Infinite"
I hope it's a legit unlimited reserve to go with that overheating, like BL1's Alien weapons. I miss Roland's ability to easily have no concern for ammo due to his regen, and hate how BL2 and TPS almostly completely got rid of regen/infinite ammo.
Also Maliwan was and still is best.
are you on pc?
post a link to steam account
and i'll play with you
What ideas for guns do you have? I think it'd be cool to have a fire Maliwan that, when you reload, you toss on the ground and it creates a puddle of lava, incinerating anyone who steps in it.
The two rifles definitely look like energy weapons.
You cheeky bastard
Depending on how COV works I want a gun that deals more damage the closer you are to overheating.
tediore gun that when thrown spawns a child grenade for each remaing bullet in the mag
They already said they have a gun that spawns volcanos.
>coop borderlands 1 and all its dlc
>fun game, characters are decent enough
>friends enjoying
>coop presequel
>dialogue is kinda anoying but its still a fun game
>friends have fun
>coop 2
>dialogue is nonstop pain between trying to be funny and tragic
>friend who picked salvador abandons halfway because of how bored he is
>friend who picked maya drops because salvador drops
should we even bother finishing 2? Jack is really bad
>Jack is really bad
I would like a gun that look more or less like a gun and fires a projectile at between 2-3 thousand FPS and makes a sound like BLAM BLAM BLAM or BRAKKA BRAKKA or just BOOOM depending on type
Tourge shotgun when you shoot your last bullet the end of the barrel explodes and does damage to you and the closest enemy.
What the fuck is going on with Atlas?
>Randy voices Crazy Earl
Is there a gun that has ever talked? Preferably a Dahl gun shouting generic army quotes.
They're arm mounted, not held in your hand.
no im not telling you my ideas
think for your self Randy
also that being said i have a few good ideas
>tediore gun that always spwans with blade
>but when thrown it does melee damage
>kinda like Zer0's kunai
>but the more bullets thr more melee damage it does
>if you throw it and it doesnt hit an enemy it comes back to you restoring the ammo you threw
He was tolerable in presequel because he is just some loser that the team is trying to paint as a hero. But in two he just never stops talking
There are a handful in 2, the Bane which sucks balls, the sniper you get from Hyperion in that one Overlook quest, and the shotgun with the Loaders core in it.
Only one that I recall as actually talking....was the hyperion loader bot that wanted to become a shield or a gun. Good handful that just say random things while holding them.
I'd like to, but they just don't feel good to play to me. Guns are pretty inaccurate and you're very squishy while the enemies have near-perfect aim.
Bladed Fastball
tell me about the bane
why does it make you less fast
Vladof machine gun that increases your movement speed gradually while while hip-firing.
Also with the biggest magazine size possible.
>the Bane which sucks balls
Take the exact opposite of Yea Forums's general opinion about a product and you have a rough indication of said product's quality.
gun that does increased damage to black people
I like 2 but jesus christ replaying 1 makes me wonder how 2 was ever made.
also squidtails Maya is retarded looking
Is bright pink better than purple? I forgot.
Thing is if you dig through some of the "Game bad because i said so" there are some legit crits to read.
But yeah most of it is people who have never played the game shit talking the game or retards talking about randy or shitbox
Atlas rocket launcher that you camera-control like UT's Redeemer.
COV persistent laser beam that has just enough knockback impulse, if you aim it straight down, you can use it to get extra height on a jump and hover for a few seconds.
Dahl double barrel shotgun that makes your melee attack perform a long distance forward dash which will unload both barrels at point blank if you make contact with an enemy.
Tediore Gun that instead of throwing as a grenade, makes the remainder of your magazine's bullets whirl around you for several seconds before spraying out around you in a nova.
A gun that uses money instead of bullets for ammunition
they're the same rarity but most pink guns suck
bright purple is rarer
A Vladof gun with multiple barrels that uses several ammo types, all firing at the same time.
>if you aim it straight down, you can use it to get extra height on a jump and hover for a few seconds.
There is no way this won't be in the game
Getting pretty diablo like with those, pretty nice anyway.
Rocket launcher with underebarrel assault rifle.
gun like the hive from 2 but instead of bullets coming out of the orb it spawns friendly spiderants
thanks for the ugly dykes randy :)
top one kinda looks like randy
No bright pink is actually Pearlescent. In 2 and beyond that's the rarest tier in the game.
>dumb roastie has ammo cartridges on her helmet
its already a thing
look at the bottom right
how bout shields
>shield that makes you invisible when fully charged likes those hyperion soldiers
>maliwan and torgue amp shields that add elemental and explosive damage respectively
>tediore shield that has 0.0s delay with a high capacity but a very low recharge rate
>good pacing and loot
They're decent. I can only really play them if I'm watching something else on the other monitor. Or if I've been drinking and/or smoking with music playing. Otherwise I get too bored.
It's like $7.50 for all the DLCs I don't have with the Handsome Collection on sale, does Doppelganger make TPS at least a little salvageable?
apparently hes the best playable character
Did you play the Presequel before 2? Why would you do that? It ruins a lot of shit thats going on in 2 and completely changes your perception of Jack. Should have played in release order
same. the humor being cringe doesn't ruin it for me
Apex taste
he's great if you don't mind stacking mechanics
Pearlescent is cyan, nimrod. Bright Pink is supposed to be Seraph.
Bright pink is the E-Tech guns, Light Pink is Seraph
White -> Green -> Blue -> Purple -> E-Tech Pink -> Orange -> Seraph Pink -> Cyan
t.resident Borderlands autist
tediore gun that every time it digistructs in your hands it spwans with different parts
unreliable? sure
but it will make for some interesting and/or funny combat
Grenade mod that causes berserk status and makes enemies fight themselves
Grenade mod that acts as an option mortar strike at the expense of only being usable outdoors
Grenade mod that doesn't blow up on it's own. It just bounces for ten seconds, and every time you or an enemy hits it with a damaging attack, it blows up
What the fuck kind of difference is there supposed to be between bright and light?
A Jakobs laser that looks like an old flash camera, and shoots a wide cone of force with a small bit directly in front of the gun that deals fire damage
a shit bazooka
I can see this.
So all of them?
someone better be sreen capping these and sending them to randy
by bright pink he means magenta and by light pink he means pink
Magenta is a better description
The first is it's own separate tier/manufacturer of weapon. The second is a tier of rarity.
This is bait
top is seraph
bottom is e-tech
What's wrong with rapid fire revolvers?
no like a literal shit bazooka
like it shoots literal explosive shit at your enemies
I'm not seeing a difference.
I remember thinking it'd be cool if there was a booster shield that dropped little barriers you could duck behind a la Roland's turret. Could let the tank on the team run ahead and take fire while the others followed along behind the cover he provided.
i think you have ass burgers stan
Maybe some references to other weapons in other 2K games? I don't play 2K games really, but it would be a nice touch to make those references. Maybe include the iconic UZI weapon from Grand Theft Auto 3: San Andreas.
Damn, I'm really going to miss BL2 Torgue weapons.
>We need to talk about your DPS report
Best reference in the game.
I'm not unless they fuck the assault rifles which were the only tourge guns worth using.
Bioshock and XCOM are fair game.
A Civ or WWE weapon would be hilarious.
>7 years and nearly 1000 hours
>Still never seen a Cobra drop
My autism will not be sated
It' the only non-Pearl I have never seen drop
nigger what? Torgue shotties were god-tier especially the SWORDSPLOSION!!!!!!
>Gun that gives you extra jump height if you aim straight down, and lets you hover
Excuse me sir, you dropped this
>Troy Baker not returning to voice Rhys in BL3 despite the fact that he was disappointed he wasn't brought back and wanted to do him again
Fuck this gay earth
>Torgue shotties were god-tier
Boy i sure enjoy shooting four times and then reloading slowly. not to mention my slow projectiles with a weird delay between the trigger pull and shot coming out
They're fun mostly casual shooters but I'm always more tempted to cheat to get gear I want than to grind for them. I don't really like the dialogue and overall feel the characters and story provide but the atmosphere is nice. I would have to be pretty impressed with BL3 to consider playing it though.
>weird delay between the trigger pull and the shot coming out
so all Torgue guns?
The assault rifles and the spinguns had the least amount of delay and shot fast enough to not feel horrible imo
The average gearbox character is somewhat single-faceted and bland but decent enough for an ensemble, until they become plagued by these strange fits of lolsorandumb that ruin the characterization.
Jack is the other way around, deep in the mire of randumb behavior like taunting you through the entire first section about how he owns a rainbow unicorn, to the point that it is apparent even in-universe that his entire behavior is a facade. And there is, from time to time, a rare occasion to occur and show you the man behind the joke, who is also a single-faceted bland character, but it is well disguised by the fact that you only get occasional glimpses of his true nature.
It also helps that most GB voice-actors deliver lines like "wow, lootsplosion" with honest emotions like awe and shock, that make their character look like idiots for saying such a line, while Jack's VA delivers those lines with disdain as if he hates the word as he's speaking it, which makes him seem more reasonable and relatable to the audience.
It's simultaneously better and worse than 2, it's wierd. The DLC Jack class is fucking amazing though, unironic 10/10 class design.
Jakobs and Vladof are my favorite. Dahl is alright but boring. is patrician
i want maya to phaselock my cock and fuck my ass
They should ban you and your like from this site.
>Jack is single-faceted and bland
Maybe this would have been applicable if TPS and TftB weren't a thing
read the post again
The second game felt much better to me after increasing the gun drop rates. Maybe I am too much of a dopafiend but the regular rates were too slow and boring.
They finally added an in-game option to fix the FOV in the enhanced edition.
Hard rule of characterization: if it can happen to mary sue, it is not inherently good characterization.
Application to specific post: Interesting events that happen around a character do not make a character interesting.
Jack's personality as a spiteful, angry, bitter man who hates everything is not particularly good. What's good is how he doesn't reveal it until he gets mad.
Yeah my bad guys
Poor dalh. Always the mediocre one. They're like the budget cola of weapons.
Going back to 2 I noticed a lot of small details I missed before, like near the Highlands exit in the Dust is a charred psycho tied to a vending machine (Scooter's threat if you made fun of Ellie's weight), Bloodwing's headless corpse on display in Opportunity and all the random NPCs who actually started worshiping you in Sanctuary/Holy Spirits after the Clayton quests
Why didn't Roland come back through the New U station?
he ran outta cash.
gun that has like a 1 in 100 chance to insta-kill any thing on the first bullet to hit it
How will the multiple action skills leak work with what looks like only one action skill on the U.I?
they add more bottons on the controller
It's an improvement because now you can toggle instead of always doing it while scoped
I noticed a toilet area before the fight with Captain Flynt with Mad Moxxi posters on the walls and tissues on the ground.
Obviously you switch them out on the skill menu.
I think multiple skills will be on class mods.
Class mods will probably also give moze different weapons on her mech.
Each tree has it's own action skill I'm assuming.
I hope they bring back the Flakker.
i want a bullet that fires guns
Why can't we have nice things?!
Krieg is the best character in 2 in terms of build variety and actual fun to play
>Fire Build
Fuck melee shit, I'm going to run into battle on fire with the Flame of the Firehawk blinding me and blowing apart all of my enemies with zero effort
you guys suck!
Revive 2pac nigga
>Negro-Mancer character
>Channels the spirit of Shaka Zulu to raise spiritual tribal Africans from the grave
I would dig the fuck out of that actually
Shotgun with a grappling hook that pulls enemies into the highest damge range before firing.
A gun that has a backwards barrel and causes you to shoot yourself every time you fire. But shooting yourself gives you a nice melee buff for a few seconds so you have to keep shooting yourself in order to one-punch enemies.
A gun that teleports you to the location of your last kill.
A gun that slows time every time you shoot it, until time stops when your mag is empty. Reloading re-starts time. So you and enemies will move slower and slower, and your bullets will also move slower until your mag is empty. Then you're stuck in time until your reload. It would be like a reverse Super Hot.
I hope Gaige and Axton have cute cyborg children
I can see a Tediore launcher that fires Tediore smgs/pistols that get up and start shooting after impact
>coop borderlands 1 and all its dlc
>fun game, characters are decent enough
>friends enjoying
Good for you.
My friends are constantly complaining about 1 and how shit it is. Were therefore rushing through the game only doing main missions to finish asap.
Alright niggas, decision time. Who you maining?
is krieg gonna be in 3?
i hope so
Atlas, I'm hype as fuck for their return in 3.
It's always ends up being the Siren for me.
Though in the Presequel, I was Athena
>inb4 "but Axton loves Ellie"/"Gaige loves Hammerlock"
Beastmaster Robo-Hobo seems like my jam but knowing Borderlands and scaling summonable items he'll probably drop off real hard on the hardest difficulty
Maybe delicious brown whey-fu if I can keep my erection in check long enough
probably gonna start Siren but i'll see how the others play out.
they all look pretty fucking good.
melee siren sounds fun as fuck
Flak because he looks like a robot version of the Resident evil 4 merchant
Probably, but he's barely sane, so he wouldn't be in any where he cant fight
>Krieg is a random encounter that wanders around the entire game world
>He tears his way through bandit camps randomly
>If he takes too much damage he Releases the Beast
>Gotta put him into FFYL or else he'll turn on you
wait, if Maya have daughter, so Krieg.... finally made it?
Probably FL4K or Zane. I love the concept of a melee siren, but her style isn't really my thing.
The old Vault Hunters except Lilith, Maya, Zer0, and Aurelia will be NPC allies you can bring with you on missions while playing solo.
that is an incredibly unpleasant loop
Probably boomer Jensen. Maybe Moze for cute factor if the skins will be good.
That's a girl??
tfw no /ss/ of maya
>it wasn't krieg
>it was roland
The fact that they actually fixed the spinigun barrel is kinda hilarious.
>running around as badass psycho kreig with the handsome jack mask strapped to your face
I'm a Mechro main at heart, but goddamn it's impossible not to love Kreig.
Negromancer would be an interesting rpg class.
modern Yea Forums everybody
they're fun, but the latest one was just absolute garbage
me and a friend couldn't make it through because it was so fucking boring
Whoever plays like Krieg/Brick and has lines as good as theirs
>Never look at my fist, bitch
>troy baker not return
looks like the time to rise up is now fellow gamers
That child is awfully light-skinned to be a mutt.
I bet fl4k is really skinny under all those clothes.
I bet she's a realy cutie.
from what i can tell 99% of the people calling 2 shit care about the writing or just think UVHM is too hard kek
Hoborobo is my favorite design, but big robots are my weakness. Hard choice.
fl4k has the same patch as axton ;)
muh peepee
I've been thinking about Borderlands 2's writing lately. In a weird way it sort of subverts its main goal. It wants to present a cast of wacky characters, but Burch doesn't understand how to make a character memorable beyond the one method he relies on throughout the entirety of 2. For example, it's clear that they wanted Torgue to become an iconic, memetic character. And in a more grounded game he probably would've. But he exists in a game where no-name NPC's are just as out there as he is, which undermines his impact. The writing has no restraint.
hows this
Moze is cute. I hope we're able to give the mech custom paint jobs like the vehicles.
oh my fucking god
pp hard
I'd like skills that give the mech a paintjob with bonus effects, like a propa Ork Mek
>red goes faster
>blue is bullet reflection plus loot drop bonus
>black gains damage reduction/a shield
>white is an overall damage boost
>yellow is some kind of explosion bonus
who dat
Moxxxy brand weapons. Like one that shoots suction cup dildos that are remote detonated explosives.
>I reallyenjoyed Borderlands 2, but it's I want people to think I'm so cool so I'll pretend I didn't.
You know you don't have to pretend you hate things to be cool right?
>I barely finished BL2 and couldn't finish BL1, looter shooters bore me to tears.
Spending time posting on Yea Forums must be the excitement you needed? Retard.
If the back of her head is still shaved this hair cut will look silly
Dhal in 1 was one of the best
I feel like dahl should have the underbarrel slot options because thats conventional to use grenadier attachments and others.
>those new hyperion designs
so who's the new CEO that signed off on it?
jack merged with rhys right, so he's gonna come back too I assume
I thought that was Tina at first
Me too. Currently playing through Borderlands 1 (only ever played BL2 and TPS). How do I turn Lilith into a badass Siren of badass proportions?
>playing 1 again
>guns actually feel good
>fucking revolvers
>loot isn't garbage
>scaling isn't pantsu on head retarded
I seriously hope B3 will be more like 1.
Low dps numbers and lack of shield on siren leads me to believe this is early game so makes sense all the abilities wouldnt be available at once
Most likely you'll be able to hold action skill button and select one of the 3, and tapping AS button will just activate that last skill used
What's your preferred Zer0 build? and Maya build.
I want to have sexual intercourse with Moze.
How fast does Krieg melee get viable in reborn? I only want to use buzzsaws. The same for Zer0 since he can hit like a god damn freight train with melee.
twister and quasar
b0re and chain reaction respectively
None of the characters seem shitty. Moze is Axton and Roland but with more utility (I hope) and more interesting and mobile. The Sirens are never weak, the assassins are never weak. I'm worried about FL4K because Gaige had anarchy that turned her into a complete monster, but I'm sure FL4K will have 3 trees, one for each monster, or so I imagine in worst case. He needs something to fall back on. I wanna main him, his design is rad.
The trailer shows level 22 gameplay and they're hitting 22 and 39 damage on enemies and hurting them plenty so it seems like scaling is the least insane of all the games.
i can already see it
>game is too easy at launch
>hardcore gamers complain its too easy
>gearbox releases DLC to make game harder
>Yea Forums complains optional DLC is too hard
sounds familiar doesnt it
I'll have fun with it either way. I like Borderlands 1 and 2 and TPS. 2 is my favorite when I install Reborn and tone ths scaling WAAAAY down.
I want Amara to give me a nursing handjob with one hand.
Massage my balls with another.
Prostate stimulation with another.
Holding me down with two.
And a body massage with the remaining arms.
Go back
stop trying so fucking hard redditor
I do too.
They're fun.
1 is good, but 2 is pretty great with only really 1 or 2 major flaws.
This is the case.
Moze is cute.
I might know what animation you're talking about ...
Jakobs is my favorite. I really like the high damage pistols. I hope Revolvers are their own class of weapons in BL3 like they were in BL1.
I don't. Bl1 was shit.
That being said loot system was better
Good for you, hope you enjoy the next one, I personally couldn't fully commit to finishing it, found it gets pretty boring after a while.
>Breast bearly concealed.
>Tummy exposed.
Das da stuff.
Imagine a handjob from Gaige's roboarm
i really love elemental SMGs with lilith
Would that look as tacticool tho?
This. Sometimes I hear a sentence or exchange about stupid bullshit and then have flashbacks to the writers who are californian commies and think about just how stupid and brainwashed you have to be to get to that point. But then i get to the game and it's really fun, and many other lines are funny so whatever.
>tfw was 12 when BL2 came out
Wow, time does fly
Not canon.
>being born in 2000
go away
>"Oh you want to use a union actor for your character? Haha, pathetic little thing, then you have to use union actors for EVERY character in the entire game"
>"we'll just not use union actors then"
I don't know anymore.
At first
>Lol look at that cool robot man, I want to be hobo robo
>Whoa that old guy looks like Adam Jensen and he has a drone and a decoy
>Holy shit that Siren is Asura, I'll play her
I'll just wait until we get some more info on each of them and their action skill(s). Hopefully the may 1st gameplay reveal isn't just some 2-3 minute trailer but like a breakdown kind of thing of what each character can do with 5 minutes of gameplay for each showcasing combat and the new mechanics like sliding and action-skill(s)
Wny not Maya?
People shit on bl but it’s still a thousand times better than destiny
>1000 times 1 is still 1
oh wow
BLR is shit.
>1000 times 1 is still 1
Objective fact.
I just hope the writers in BL3 whoever, they are or if it's just one person, can bring back some of the SOUL from BL1.
I think BL2 is a much better game over all and I have much more fun actually playing them, but BL1's writing actually presented the world well as these "borderlands" outback type no one is wholly evil and good and people are out for themselves. In 2 Burch all over that and Burch completely missed the point of the writing in BL1, like it went over his head and he never even thought about it. His goal was to make the game more "funny" so he just injected all these shit memes into the writing, but BL1 didn't have all that because "lol le ebin fun memes rite?" it was to present this kind of weird and wacky outback planet with some colorful characters. In BL2 it's like everyone is some memelord or an edgy 14 year old girl.
times 1 is still 1
Y A ' L L
>Tried to door crush Master Gee
>Ended up fucking it up and just having to fight him
>Beat him second try
Oh. After how much everyone hates him I thought he would be harder. Fight is pretty boring though probably wouldn't do it again.
is this the best lineup of any borderlands ever?
there is no character I wouldnt consider playing.
I was just thinking of banging Moze doggystyle but getting a body massage from Amara sounds nice.
the more acid orbs he absorbs, the faster his shileds go down
but the more acid orb you absorb the more damage you do
its really not that hard
super easy on gaige with the buckup glitch while wearing a BBB
youre shields recharge rate will outpace the damage over time and the constant dots on the BBB just gives you free grenades
Just as long as you agree to her many hands 100% access to your body.
is tales from borderlands supposed to be good?
I'm at chapter 3, i thought vasquez was supposed to be someone powerful but he died like a bitch, and i dread every time sasha voices her opinions. the writing is pretty bad other than rhys
You're opinion is 10000% garbage. KYS right now
i bet that's how it will be ingame
Pre-Sequel had a kino lineup
serious question about the Pre-Sequel
what was stopping Deadlift from just raping Janey?
she was just scavenging by herself and he has like an army of ex dhal soldiers and hes already a criminal
there was nothing stopping him from just taking her while she was scavenging or locked out of concordia and just raping her to death
Phoenix is amazing but it can ignite barrels around you so it'll most likely kill you a lot.
Borderlands 1 has aged like shit. Tedious travel and quests, literally all fucking dumb fetch quests, skill trees all fucking suck and are boring.
BL2 improved in everything but the writing. UVHM ruined it with slag scaling but TPS fixed that
I dont know? maybe borderlands is not real life?
i dont get why people think its the worst thing ever
every character except for sal and krieg has skills that apply slag and most of the time its not necessary unless your fighting raid bosses and even in uvhm slag sticks longer and weapon swap speed was increased for every character
Just go with kunai
That's why she's got the hood up
>2 in the morning on the west coast
>American hours
So he doesn't know math and you can't tell time, great.
the sax solo sold it for me
>the only reason why I was interested in the franchise was Tales from the Borderlands
>all the other games are the epitome of consolized FPS trash
>Rhys' VA is not coming back
Fucking gay.
The sax solo was funny, but this comment is so fucking reddit. That's what sold you on the game? A silly fucking quip entirely designed by Randy to make you go "HAHA EPIC SAX SOLO SO BADASS" is the sell for you? Jesus Christ.
go to 2:00
I just want a gun that makes the a-10 BRRRRRT sound
hey fuck off I imported your pic
i saying the sax solo was awesome just like watching kiryu change WORLDS in the inital trailer with ichiban
You're literally going Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru LMAO MUH ANIME QUOTE
fuck off cunt
adult Tina has nice hips
I think said it best
brapfags need 2 die
Could someone help me out with a Zer0 build? He feels so fucking weak compared to Salvador and Gaige at OP8, and I know it's because I need to git gud and my build is garbage.
Borderlands would go from a solid C at best to an A+ if they got rid of their faggot writers, got better weapon designs, and hired some decent game designers to polish the core mechanics.
>Blackhole grenade
Goodbye entire levels and any bosses who dare to bring backup with them.
I hope my wife is alright and still a tomboy
This desu. You can easily build your char to be great and not use any slag if you want to.
imagine her building a fuckmachine and using it on you
Imo it's a B in 1, B+ in 2 and C+ in TPS.
his name is Krieg. why are Americans too dumb to properly use "IE" in words? why do claps ALwAYS switch them around to "EI"?
>FL4K is the love child of Axton and Gaige
There's already fanarts about BL3 already? Damn...
>You're literally going Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru LMAO MUH ANIME QUOTE
Who are you quoting, retard?
you tryhard fit-in cunt
Goind to try the robot, awlays wanted a pet class set in the BL universe
It's a C in 2, the problems with the gameplay become extremely and egregiously apparent from almost the getgo and all the DLC is trash.
TPS is an F
>Normal mode
>Pet rips and tears
>True vault
>Pet starts to fall off
Pet is only good as a brief distraction
You know it to be so.
isn't it the same already with Gaige's pet robot? What a damn shame, I like pet builds
reborn is great, started using it yesterday and you can feel the new scaling from the get go, my shield actually does something now
I'm sure there'll be a way, see Krieg: people started to complain he sucked in UVHM because they couldn't melee facetank anymore like a retard, turns out with a bit of thinking a swapping some skills & gear he was absolutely doing just fine at OP8. FL4K will probably be in the same vein
I think vanilla BL2 is pretty good, both Jack and ClapTrap have some amusing lines. The writing turned to shit in the DLC, I still cringe thinking about that fake gamer gurl BS. Hopefully BL3 will have better writing with Burch gone.
anyone play with a witless mouse
Not him but I would also like some Zer0 build advice.
dude with the pet skag
Is there a way to just start off in ultimate vault hunter mode right off the bat?
Really dont want to play through the story twice to get there.
do you have b0re
get b0re
Either the robot with pets or the assassin.
Just download a max level OP8 save, there are plenty around. I used to do that to try different builds. You can then reset progress and play through the story at OP8 with a max level character.
I usually go with the soldier, but the robot and blondie looks fun and this game´s soldier is the only one I´m not a fan of the character design
What this guy said, the game is more fun at max level and UVHM anyways
probably siren again. i'm betting Amara is a black dike with psychic punching powers. the fisting jokes will be hilarious.
>that man hand
Just HOW incompetent is Gearbox?
No accounting for shit taste.
>skill trees all fucking suck and are boring
>punching someone's torso clean off of their legs and having unlimited rockets for a launcher is boring
>your bullets completely ignoring enemies' shields and having a fucking bird that swoops down and decapitates enemies is boring
>going invisible and psychically slapping the shit out of enemies, also having the highest fire rate and dps in the game is boring
>throwing out a turret is boring
Alright user I'll give you that last one but you're on thin fucking ice.
no its fucking shit
Doing a Gaige run now That isn't on the Vita, Jesus Christ
>Got to Sanctuary in the air
>Did Torgue's campaign and slogged through those awful boss fights before that
This is where I dropped the Vita version
>every mission is Trivial difficulty now
I think I'm hitting a wall, what do?
Cut him some slack, attention spans have been getting lower.
I never played Borderlands games. Is the GOTY enhanced edition fine, or should I go and scavange the original version?
Unless you have potato PC no reason not to get it.
wish they didnt fuck with the UI but thats my only gripe
Just played through one with a friend and it aged like total shit:
>Enemy variety is extremely poor and the enemies are all retarded (this stuck out especially since I'm playing Division 2 right now)
>Skills are all braindead linear increases to shit like health and bullet damage
>Guns feel samey and 90% are complete ass
> nonexistent story
>Wanted to buy Borderlands 1 on Steam
>was $19.99 most of the time and wanted to wait for a discount
>GOTY is announced
>price rises to $29.99 dollars
>will likely won't drop anymore
>even knew this would happen once the GOTY was announced
Don't project my man. I think it's time for you to go back to where you came from.
anthony burch
nigga a shitload of retailers discounted GOTY when it was announced. I brought it for £2.66 (about $3.50) a day after the stream announcement
>"shoot as fast as you can pull the trigger"
> annihilated the fun you could have with revolvers.
Well, I didn't know the website you posted existed till today nor does it look like Borderlands is being discounted today anywhere but then again said website is confusing to navigate.
>finished BL 1 it was okay
>nearly finished 2 but got bored after the platform fight
>want to try Krieg but in no way I spent 4€ just to do the same boring slog again
>never tried TPS
I dont even now why I even consider it
in aesthetics i like tediore and then maliwan, but holy crap do i hate tediores gimmick.
What did Bobandy mean by this?
>pls gib job
damn is that the magician class from 2? she didn't age very well