Why is ultra violence acceptable in video games but slightly lewd content isn't?
Why is ultra violence acceptable in video games but slightly lewd content isn't?
The majority of people on the earth are conservative religious prudes and now leftist atheists are prudes too.
You live in a culture that glorifies violence, but vilifies sexuality. Not a difficult concept to understand desu ne.
because men must never be happy. Only angry and gay.
because violence is not necessarily sexist
I don’t know dude it’s so retarded. I remember how my parents were fine with me watching films like full metal jacket or die hard when I was like 6 but a girl showing her bra was horrifying. I blame puritans but it’s not that because Arabs and chinks are the same and they aren’t Christian
Violence in media won't turn you into a mass murderer, but sexual content in media will turn you into a degenerate
Case in point, this entire fucking website
because violence is fun
if I wanted to see whores being whores I'd go outside
arabs and chinks have the exact same values as christians you dumb fuck
You do realize that every normie watches porn right? Even girls, since they’re very very young. Get over it, everybody likes sex
anyome notice all these indie games that jsut ripped off meme game stuff.
Thats obviously dva.
I saw another indie game where a character was obviously bridgette fan art.
People turn into degenerates anyway.
Sexuality involves women and is thus more prone to causing offense to both women and white knights.
Lewd is "demeaning" to women. Ultra violence commonly involves men killing men, or women killing them so it doesn't matter.
TL;DR: lewd has a higher chance of offending women and that's not allowed.
It all depends on who specifically is the one trying to restrict lewd content.
Plenty of games have you brutally murdering females now though and that's still less offensive than a cute girl in a skimpy outfit.
Men don't matter so it's fine to view them being killed :^)
this is ok. Tits are not ok you incel.
Yes, but it's still less common than killing men, and being able to be brutally murdered is somehow viewed as empowering "I can be stronk warrior too!"
Most of the time instances where women are brutally murdered would actually be rape, but that's no-no, because you're not stronk there.
Violence is almost always inherent to games. Even pong.
The US has a large influence on games and produces many of them. The US is still grappling with the Puritan sexual repression it inherited. I thought this would diminish with the political failure of the Dominionists in the last couple of decades, but now the SJW left has taken up that mantle.
>he thinks the issue is christian puritans.
Protip: go get some big books on communist history.
Pong isn't actually violence. The ball moves on its own initially, it's performing the action, the walls are just temporarily impeding it.
Get fucked.
because america wants kids desensitized to violence so that more join the army. as for disallowing lewdness it's some puritan religious bullshit.
It's not sexual repression, it's about not offending women. Men have always been "vulgar", Mozart's "lick my ass nice and clean" for example.
Women were once offended because talking about sex publicly was not socially acceptable, women are now offended because depictions of sex are patriarchal oppression.
For the same reason you never see clips of actual rapes but people being beheaded "is fine". Strange normie moral codes.
It’s not America. Lewd games would probably get censored in China and Arabia just the same
nah it's america. the games are made there.
Why is MK banned in Japan?
Why did Japan cut the scene from MGS5 where you remove a womb bomb? Why did Japan literally black the screen out during deaths in Until Dawn? Why is Japan okay with child molestation but a little fake gore makes them sudoku?
Why do "they" have to censor the entire industry? Can't they just ignore it or just kill themselves?
>Most of the time instances where women are brutally murdered would actually be rape
Don't know about other countries, but at least on mine rapist are seen like the lowest shit by other criminals and are usually murdered on prison.
Because if I admitted what you said is fake I'd need to accept my own short comings.
Remember that X-Men poster that had the main villain choking the heroine? That had to be pulled because it was offensive.
Remember kids, you have to have a female action lead because women are equal to men. But you can't have that woman experience any serious adversity or be put in real danger because that's a sexist hate crime.
In my country prisoners stick to their gang and you won't touch a prisoner in a certain gang even if he had been put in for raping puppies while killing kids. Good chance if you do, they'll either murder you or bribe the guards to be extra rough with you.
Uninhibited sexual lust weakens man and turns women against him.
Japan might have really retarded and arbitrary rules on censorship, but at least those rules are consistently enforced. With Americans it changes daily. What was empowering for women one day is offensive and demeaning the next. What's okay for one person to say is not okay for another. It's a clusterfuck because nobody is able to just not watch things that they don't like.
Something has to be broken in a person's brain for them to be pro-censorship. I don't even really consider such people to be human.
Why is Yea Forums always such pussies about violence?
Right, but think about it logically for a second. Rape is not worse than murder, it just isn't. There should be no stigma around having rapes in games if you can murder people.
Sexuality is powerful
Healthy heterosexuality and open and honest discussion of homosexuality and transexuality is problematic for certain parties
They will stomp out any sexuality unless it is sexuality that they want and call everyone racist degenerate sex fiends rapists virgins frigid and pedophiles and what not until you do.
Even hires hit people from gender studies and different races and ethnicities to do their PR and stand behind the destructive narrative that they want to push.
>Violence in media won't turn you into a mass murderer,
But it will make you more accepting of violence and destruction around you and being a hopeless helpless victim and voyeur.
A perfect pacified sheep.
Because sex is significantly more "real" to most people than violence is because it's something they'll experience and seek out more often.
It's much easier to ignore shit that doesn't relate to you.
I don't have sauce on it, but I remember reading somewhere that some psychologists stated that rape was actually no more or less traumatizing than an armed mugging, and that the only reason women will say it's worse is because our society puts an abnormal emphasis on its evils.
Most people in the modern first world won't experience severe violence so they need an outlet to channel their natural violent urges. However, most people will have sex so they don't need that outlet in video games. Anyone who does need it is a defective human, and appealing to them is seen by the larger culture as approving of their defects.
Stop playing shitty games?
This is correct.
because western business interests want you to buy their pornography instead and then use videogames, under the pretense of 'art', as educational tools which they can then sell to the government for big money. Ever notice how it's mainly only eastern games or eastern cartoons get attacked for being wrong think, because western business interests dont make money off them not because these leftwing shills actually care about anime tiddies. Put lesbian faggots ina western game and its 'SO PROGRESSIVE', put lesbian faggots in a japanese game and its suddenly pedophilia creepy ick bad. Follow the money, stop listening to their carefully prepared talking points.
Is this the oblivion voice actor guy
victorian era, then sjw era
Christianity isn't inherently puritanical, monks used to fuck women all the time in the early days of the church for example, nothing in the bible against it
it's just memes from the time of "oh wow queen victoria is such a good widow and so modest after her husband's death let's all cover up and never even say the word 'leg' or 'trousers' so we can be like victoria-senpai"
fuck this thread. Post RUINER content
Somehow I have a hard time believing that you haven't already seen one of the hourly threads we have on this exact subject.
Because despite being warlike barbarians thanks to the military industrial complex, Americans still hold a bizarre aversion to sexual themes because of puritan heritage
Because Americans believe that sex isn't real and it shouldn't be represented in video games. Currently, Americans are "trying" to make games as realistic and as boring as possible.
>they need an outlet to channel their natural violent urges.
It's called art, science, sports, buiding things, exercise, thinking, discussion, learning, any number of fucking things.
The urge for violence is the urge to create and unmake things.
Crappy shitty games that leave you hollow and teach you horrible lessons is not the correct outlet for that powerful vital urge.
video games aren't respected as a media is really all it is. people are okay with erotica or tv shows involving sex because that kind of stuff is respected a media. video games are expensive toys to most people and thus should be made as such. why people who claim to enjoy this hobby also think that I dunno though.
>teach you horrible lessons
You mean to tell me I can't find gold in smashed cans through the street?
Or ammo in dumpsters? What the fuck, man?!
Why are you on Yea Forums?
You're retarded how does that make any sense? Are there any articles thay proves that atleast?
OP said "SLIGHTLY" lewd content, not straight up sex.
>bizarre aversion to sexual themes because of puritan heritage
Actually no.
There's more sexuality in modern media, games, and even children's cartoons then ever before.
The problem, the real problem, is that healthy talk about sex, not that creepy gross shit that jaded sex addicts think is sex, and real discussion about LGBTQA problems and sexuality is forbidden.
LIonizing sexual hedonism, the WORST kinds of people who are part of the LGBTQA and demonizing sexual conservatism is good.
>Why is ultra violence acceptable in video games but slightly lewd content isn't?
Pic unrelated?
It's a shit test.
Women want to know if you'll give up your hobbies just because they spouted some bullshit about "respect", to see if you're a spineless beta.
Of course, most people fail the shit test.
What they really want is to make characters even MORE lewd and youthful. That shows that you are dominant and do not worry about "respect".
>Gore is worse than sex in japan
And how is that wrong?
It's crazy when 90% of girls on instagram are lewd as fuck. These past few years I only fap on two sites. Gelbooru and IG.
Through anger, purpose.
Through purpose, struggle.
Through struggle, victory.
Through victory, happiness.
>puritan heritage
I'm getting really tired of this fucking lie. The outlawing of sexual content, of prostitution, the raising of age of consent and all that bullshit happened in the 20th century, in the first 3 decades of the 1900s, and it was brought about by women getting the right to vote and then using it to outlaw their husbands from fucking hookers, fucking teenagers, and from fucking teenage hookers. It wasn't puritan christians, who ceased to exist by the 1700s, it was fucking FEMINISTS.
The reason JEWS push this meme is because from the 1930 to 1960s, it was catholics who constantly challenged them on pornography/degeneracy laws and saught to prevent them from peddling their hollywood filth to children. Before the united states was completely cucked by corporations, local laws use to dictate what kind of pornography was legal and what kind of was illegal. The jews made it a national issue in the 1960s to get a federal supreme court ruling and to 'standardize' movie rules so they could start putting sex into movies without being blocked by local laws in certain states by catholics that didnt want to deal with that shit.
So he's lying?
I don't need sex in real life or my video games what am I?
Nah, they are just trying to make all games appealing to only women and girls.
Japan thinks sex is worse than anything, they just like looking at naked girls from a distance.
fuck off, jordan. gimme my vidya tiddies or else!
Women believe that men objectify women as prizes and causes men to expect women at a certain standard of appearance to be considered beautiful.
Just women using media in politics as a means to feel in control.
Of course! A game made by a spineless male isn't appealing. Why do you think that their calls for "representation" or "equality" are what will ruin games the hardest? They want gaming as a whole to crash, because it's not attractive to see developers bend over backwards over stubbed toes and hurt feelings.
because capitalism demands women not have control of their sexuality in order to own their children's future
ultra violence is a red herring. all oligarchs want is for military-abled young folk to stay ignorant of the enslaved so revolution does not occur
Then why do dudes who have sex on a regular basis still look at porn? I know plenty of dudes in my old job who were smashing half the staff and still watched porn and browsed IG for hot girls. That's retarded logic.
Achieving sex is not something so magically exclusively that happens and then all of a sudden you don't care about porn or seeing other hot girls. Seeing lewd stuff in vidya is simply icing on the cake. I think I've been browsing IG for lewd pics even more since I started having plenty of sex.
If you want to make a game appealing to women, you have to be strong, and brave, and confident, and proud of yourself when you make it.
What makes a game good isn't the game, it's your attitude and how well you pull it off! Be true to yourself and don't let anyone change you, and your game will be just fine.
Unless you're EvaXephon or the Yogscast. Fuck those guys.
I've heard others say the same.
>Violence in media won't turn you into a mass murderer
All of you fags are pussies! Come to fy_pool_day tomorrow, I wanna take a shot at meeting you!
Videogames are glorified advertisements made by Jews, by advertising sex you don't gain any profit, sex is mostly consentual and pretty much free, so unless you strike a goldmine of horny incels like FGO, you gain less profit
By advertising violence you indirectly advertise guns, why the fuck you think USA is a world leader in gun homicides and firearm related crimes AND a world leader in video game development?
They don't watch porn or beat off to it.
They watch naked solo girls on instagram.
Porno is mind destroying shit for dumbasses.
>They don't watch porn or beat off to it.
But they do. Who the fuck looks at lewds and porn not to jack it?
This is America
Those guys that are smashing on the reg?
They aren't watching porn to beat off.
It's just to get horny or turned on.
Seing a naked chick dancing around or going to town on herself = fun no matter if you're beating off or not.
A hot good smelling woman with a personality that a man finds appealing is an absolute good and makes a man feel good just being around her.
Porno fills that need when we want to be around or pound a woman but there are none around at the time.
>Then why do dudes who have sex on a regular basis still look at porn? I know plenty of dudes in my old job who were smashing half the staff and still watched porn and browsed IG for hot girls. That's retarded logic.
You a virgin? Not an insult, just asking. The orgasm you get from sex is a lot...how to put it, lighter? It feels more like your cum is tickled out of you over a longer period. Makes you shoot longer, but the orgasm doesn't have that dull, throbbing thud that you get from masturbating. When I masturbate, I feel like I can't touch my dick or even WANT to think about sex for hours. When I have sex, like 3 minutes later I feel like I could go again. It's not weird for me to have sex, go home, and then immediately masturbate.
What if we make a game called HOT OR SHOT?
The idea is, it's a shitty clone of a light gun game.
Women over the age of 22 have become angry and desperate, and have kidnapped girls aged 12-21 to ensure that humanity will have no choice but to settle for old hags.
You're a special police officer from the Taskforce for Hostage Operations and Tactical Patrol (THOT Patrol) sent in after negotiations have failed. Your task? Enter their compounds and preserve the lives of as many hostages as possible. Deaths of the kidnappers are acceptable.
That way we can combine women in skimpy outfits AND violence against women!
I have a gf and have sex on the regular. I still watch porn and jack off. Granted, I've been living life as a jack-a-thon way before I started having sex so maybe it's an "old habits" sort of thing, but I personally know plenty of normies who smash on the regular and still watch porn.
>It's not weird for me to have sex, go home, and then immediately masturbate.
It can go either way. I've had plenty of days where I've jacked off before work, come back home after work and meet the gf, and we have sex later that night.
>It's not weird for me to have sex, go home, and then immediately masturbate.
So...you're just one of those poor bastards who've fucked up their natural sexuality.
You're not supposed to go home and beat off.
You're supposed to picked the exhausted bitch up, sit up on the corner of the bed and slam her down on the dick like she's a fleshlight till you bust in her.
The fuck are you even doing nigga?
>It can go either way. I've had plenty of days where I've jacked off before work, come back home after work and meet the gf, and we have sex later that night.
Yeah, but that's like an 8 hour gap. I was saying that the orgasm you get from actual sex feels "lighter", so that makes sense.
i think you mean america
>Why is ultra violence acceptable in video games but slightly lewd content isn't?
Because violence is FUN. Obliterating your enemies is FUN. Slashing people and monster open and watching their lifeblood splatter all over the floors and walls is FUN. lewd isn't fun. It's just boring and I can go outside and see it anytime I want. I can't see ultra violence anytime I want because you stupid monkeigh and your laws prevent it. You people against violence are the true prudes.
What's the news from the other parts of tamriel?
>Obvious porn shill is obvious
>Keep on trying to normalize being a mentally ruined porn addict shll-user
>You're supposed to picked the exhausted bitch up, sit up on the corner of the bed and slam her down on the dick like she's a fleshlight till you bust in her.
That's too much effort for her pleasure. She's basically just my assisted masturbation pet, and the second I'm done, fuck her. If she got hers in the middle of it, that's fine, but I have too many video games to bother with that shit longer than I need to.
Wrong, it makes you a badass red blooded male. Not a soiboy like we have now. Soibois like you should be forced to listen to this until you become MEN:
>Crappy shitty games that leave you hollow and teach you horrible lessons is not the correct outlet for that powerful vital urge.
I disagree completely. Crappy shitty games are a wonderful outlet for your violent urges.
Does anyone here work at EA's Seattle office? If so, can you tell me what times of the day are busiest and have the most people milling around? Ideally people in management, PR, HR and marketing positions.
Because sex is very visual while violence is very physical. I don't necessarily think one is worse than the other, but I think that's the reasoning behind it.
Who didn't drink the Stormfront/nu-Yea Forums electionfag koolaid and fully embraces depravity and wants violence/nudity for both sexes to be as ramped up as it can in media?
Lewd stuff is fun, you're just an ignorant bastard.
Being an ignorant bastard is fun, you're just lewd.
you live in a female-centric civilization
lewd is bad (unless it's visually repulsive, then it's good) because it decreases the appeal of the average hag
violence is good because it's symbolic of weeding out undesirable men
I only want lewd is its in addition to ultra violence. Lewd on its own is just boring. It's why hentai games fucking suck. Lewd should be mixed together with pain and violence and suffering to create the ultimate feast for the senses.
I don't even care for violence/pornography/depravity. But don't tell me it has to be banned or that I have to enjoy it, just let it be made and the people who like it will consume it.
There is this death cult, and its jews are running your country.
Feminists are undesirable to most men and are only tolerated by undesirable men.
How in the fuck is using a cunt as the tight dripping milking warm wet hole she is at that moment for her intended purpose fucking her for her pleasure?
I need that nut and that bitch is too sore or too unconscious I'm sinking all nine inches in the least acrobatic way I can to get that quick much needed nut and I'm slamming her down on my dick balls deep no matter how much the little fucking slut screams then blasting and forgettng her or just putting her in a headlock and going to town on her till I drain my balls in her roll over then walk out.
Won't even look back.
Just leave her there sobbing or snoring
Her getting off means fucking nothing. If she gets off and her cunny helps pull out a load, that's a nice bonus.
I'll hold the slut still and enjoy the milking action and fuck her in that way to prolong it or ruin it depending on my mood.
If you don't see her as an almost too tight hole to fuck and preferred sexual tool over your hand and shitty porno then you're a goddamned cuck.
Worse then that, the porn is going to turn you into half a fag.
>no Mortal Kombat with massive bare tits and huge uncovered dongs bouncing about as players brutally dismember and gore each other
Because having an erection is fucking annoying if I can't immediately beat it off, and then I might as well be watching porn instead
I didn't. I just looked at the statistical facts and determined that giving into base impulses is objectively worse for you. But keep on giving into animistic desires and pretending you're civilized, user. I'm sure we all think you're cool.
Do you hate being a healthy virile man that much?
Why is she not wearing pants?
because you touch yourself
>The majority of people on the earth
Lmao no. Nice living in your bubble ? Retard.
I remember the one hentai game I saw that seemed even remotely cool. You play as some alien dude and torture some schoolgirl bitch using electric whips and punching the shit out of her as she screams and literally pisses herself. That is what I want in Mortal Kombat. The ultimate sickdark fighting game.
>western countries
>I need that nut and that bitch is too sore or too unconscious I'm sinking all nine inches
I stopped reading your dull, self-insert fanfiction here. Go tell someone who cares. Like reddit.
I hate getting boners when I don't want to, yes
t. nu-Yea Forums electionfag
If you cared about things being worse for you, you wouldn't be on this site. The fact that you try to take the high ground is laughable.
Keep deluding yourself though, lol.
May I recommend a game called "Degrees of Lewdity" to you, good sir? You might like it! It combines pain, violence, and tons of lewd.
Because mega corporations want a controlled populace killing each other instead of producing more and celebrating life, preferring to drag everyone in the mud and condition us to hate notions of beauty by accepting their arbitrary ethos and institutionally oppressive aesthetics.
It's just an example. I can and have gone in both direction
You're right that it might be self-insert fiction. The problem is, this poster is a girl and she's self-inserting as the slampig.
yeah ok fag, you keep playing your computer games or whatever it is you do in that dungeon you call a room, I'm gonna go get drunk and fuck bar sluts
"You're short but you're kinda funny, what did you say you were doing earlier today?"
>I was on a website called Yea Forums, it's really cool! I called this one guy a faggot
"No what were you actually doing?"
You are the one drinking the corporate and government dispensed coolaid.
Pretending you know shit when you are a fappening cancerfag.
Op isnt dva? What indie is it from
Thanks do you know about the bridgette one he was talking about?
So is Ruiner fun? I haven't played it but I think I bought it during a sale
You dont even know how to use t. and are parroting the same shit every mass media and ngo and government drone is parroting...
Its great
>Yea Forums lets me vent my stress in a private and healthy way on the internet while also keeping me up to date and informed about my hobbies and current topics, and also allowing me to keep my debate and argumentative skills sharpened as I fight with other anons about ideas, which allow me to have better, more thorough ideas
>Every time I fuck a slut to "reduce stress", my potential divorce rate skyrockets, which is already bad enough for men to deal with without the higher rates.
I'll go where I want and stop doing unhealthy things when I want to. When I deem Yea Forums as unhealthy to me, I'll stop. Simple.
Keep on walking, electionfag.
Cool thanks user
Nah, not really. It's a poor man's Hot Line Miami without any of the thought. Literally the only reason to play it is if you want to waifu Her, but she's not that special other than how cute she is, and she doesn't get many lines. Literally the best part of the entire game is her calling you Puppy, which is cute af. I gave it a C-. Would only consider it on a 65% or higher sale.
Your divorce risk is exactly 0 if you never get married.
The number 1 cause of divorce is marriage.
it has better gfx than hotline miami, a better artstyle, and way way better gameplay considering you don't die in one goddamned hit.
It's nothing like Hotline Miami though, it's a similar gameplay but when you play it it's super different.
Is a myth.
The people of the west and many eastern countries are already below replacement levels.
Within 100 years the western "white" "black" and asian cultures will be extinct.
>unhealthy things aren't bad for me as long as I say they aren't and ignore the bad aspects
you sure you aren't some fat acceptance tumblr bitch
>better gfx than hotline miami
Nah. They're more 3D, but that doesn't make them better. Ruiner's style is dull, muted tones that kind of blend into each other. Great for a more somber atmosphere, but not great for a fast-paced action game.
>a better artstyle
Definitely no. Ruiner is dull. Hotline Miami is oozing with style and good, clean artwork. The choice is obvious.
>and way way better gameplay considering you don't die in one goddamned hit.
Hot Line Miami is better BECAUSE you die in one hit. Complaining about this is basically admitting that you're a brainlet that rushes into every encounter without thinking and then complains about FUCKING KOJIMA when you get shot.
Its better than hotline miami in every way
People are huge controlling idiots or at the very least willing to tone things down if they think it will make them more money. Violence is okay because, well I'm not sure, maybe it's just ingrained and most people find it interesting and to be a reality. Lewdness isn't okay from some peoples' point of view, usually becuase of retarded feelings driven arguments like objectification or whatever. They seriously can't even tolerate fictional lewds in games that already have a ratings system in place because people can't be trusted to follow the ratings system, or something. More like their feelings will get hurt and it's easier to release a game with a lower age rating so it sells more. Basically fuck capitalism (I don't totally hate it but I don't like the ratings bullshit) and fuck feefees
Name 10 bad things about Yea Forums that I can't avoid by just hiding the thread or reporting and not replying.
Name 10 good things that will happen to me if the condom breaks. I'll even let you have the first two of "it feels better" and "You might not have all the bad things happen to you".
how exactly are they below replacement levels/
Stop pretending you know shit tumblerina.
Your brain is still short circuiting, just like it did since you got here in 2014.
>Self insert fiction
>The mere idea that an user fucked thots raw upsets your all males anons are "incels" narrative.
But you read all the way up to that point didn't you? Who're you kidding.
You read the entire thing.
And no, you're not getting a picture of "Muh Dik" as the snowniggers call it.
Black fellas aren't too well liked around here.
Wow, did how I used to have sex turn cunts on so much that it's like a porno for them?
Now I regret going all monkmode and shit.
>schizo still projecting onto me
Poor ol' 2017fag, riddled with mental illness.
Because we were desensitized by Mortal Kombat.
The offended tried to stop it then but they didn't have the same level of influence as today's offended.
I don't know why you treat it like some kind of conspiracy.
>The mere idea that an user fucked thots raw upsets your all males anons are "incels" narrative.
Nah, it was more the fact that you were trying to "Low-key flex' about how big your penis was and how good at sex you are like I would A: Believe you even if you told me it was 2 inches and you're a 2 pump-chump, and B: Care.
>But you read all the way up to that point didn't you? Who're you kidding.
>You read the entire thing.
lol. Keep thinking that. I'll stop reading here, and the next time you (You) me, I'll hide without reading.
The fact you die in one hit means you cant even play it as a real action game since you gotta play like a pussy
It is incredibly mediocre. It has a pretty nice visual style, and the few bossfights are cool, but the rest of the game is kind of a drag and the ending sucks. If you already got it through humble or something you can try it since it's only a few hours long, but I wouldn't buy it on its own.
Well we aren't having many children anymore.
And people confuse the growing older infertile population who's dealing with the fallout from stimulant and pain killer abuse with a large population.
user, if all of the people over 60 died right now the first world countries would lose well over half of their population. That has never happened before.
And the younger generations are NOT HAVING SEX and reproduction is being spat on and made impossible by wifi radiation and environmental and social toxins.
We're fucked ladies and gentleman.
>The entire world is like my liberalized secular Western paradise
Just admit you suck. It's the first step to git gud
>Wow, did how I used to have sex turn cunts on so much that it's like a porno for them?
... Did you not ask?
Huh, I guess you didn't. Well, that kinda fucks hard, comes hard attitude is 10/10. Just make sure you communicate clearly that you intend to crush puss and you should be good to go.
Hm. Maybe that other user was right. Maybe you are just a slampig living out your fantasies.
How cute.
Retard it's the opposite, a few prude countries are fucking it up for everybody.
wifi radiation? how can that be blocked? lead lined clothing? also how is it affecting birth rates?
>Its only a few
Because everyone in power in any kind of ratings organization is a boomer or sjw fuckwit, and somehow corps are still retarded enough to listen to moronic groups who exist solely to protest things they don't like being allowed to exist.
Fix your countries faggot, here we have plenty of kids.
I blame the jews
You mean Muslim Kombat? MK is Islam owned now.
Now give me the percentage of muslims in those countries.
Muslims and americans share the same values.
The US government is building up anarchists through sexual censorship. They want to destroy the monsters they created so they can trick everyone into believing they are the heroes.
That's true, americans even tried to forbid alcohol.
Which ones? I know Nigeria (the most populous country in Africa) is split down the middle between Christians and Muslims, and I imagine that they find a good amount of common ground on moral topics.
come on, puppy
You talk to hick people in hick places and you get hick answers. Move towards more educated and highly affluent places, you start to see more rational and nuanced views. This is true for Muslims, Christians, Blacks, Whites, you name it. Uneducated farmers and laborers tend to more conservative and superstitious views, and believe in stupid shit like religious law.
>I'm underage
because media is all controlled by liberals and liberals nowadays hate white men since 99% of all their voters are either women or minorities with inferiority complexes
where is this from
user 84% of Saudi's population is urban, as is 74% of Iran's. I'm sure you'd agree with me that they are not bastions of secular liberalism.
You're the one who brought in the stats. Some percentage of muslims believe in sharia, how many muslims are in those countries?
Trying to get the whole story. I know context isn't as fun as posting a headline or poll from a random year, but I like context. Personal preference.
Please someone I need to know, I can't find anything searching for Ralph Cosham
nigga's vernacular is hard to follow
Uh huh.
Whatever makes you feel good about yourself.
Now tell me.
How wet is your pussy right now?
Cause my dick is well beyond hard.
Hey, Ruiner was pretty good. I really liked that game.
Hope they make a sequel.
>why is violence ok?
>meanwhile, YouTube demonetizes people posting MK videos
Apparently, violence is not ok either.
Fucking hell I love the aesthetic of this game so damn much, but when I played it a while back I wasn't super into it. Should I give it another go?
Here ya go.
That's a pretty poignant question, user!
To find out you'd have to trace back cultural differences to atleast a century ago to figure out which practices are accepted and why.
The easiest denominator would be chivalry, the task to court someone without asking for anything in return. Does the same exist for violence?
>Should I give it another go?
Nah. Or if you do, just play it on the easiest difficulty. You're not missing anything after the first 1½ hours.
>any articles
t. modern internet mass media consumer
Too bad brainlets like you will never identify bias, out of context statistics and assertations, and the myriad fallacies that riddle the "articles" that "prove" these things.
Blame Zardoz.
I saw a mudcrab the other day, Horrible creatures!
Thank you so much, thank you.
they used to cover up because the BO was unbearable and cleanliness was almost non existent so they just hid it away, seriously, look it up.
Because the Goyim should get used the idea of in wars for Israel, not be aroused by beauty and think about sex.
The source of the argument is in the description of the video. It's by C.S Lewis, an excerpt of his book "God in the Dock".
>monks used to fuck women all the time
source: my anus
Some places are more sensitive to violence than lewds. Ultimately it's because the majority of the human population are a combination of retarded and control freaks and should probably be put down.
Can someone explain? I have no fucking idea what he's arguing here.
real women are attention whore and envy fictional women because fictional women are stealing real women's attention