Why does Vanilla get so boring after lvl 20?
Why does Vanilla get so boring after lvl 20?
Because you're alone
Brutal wowpill, the game is shit if you're a solo player. Knowing other people are enjoying eachothers company and banter while clearing dungeons and raids or just fucking around is suifuel. It's why I stopped playing the game as a socially awkward autist, I never manage to become a part of a group, I'm like natural repellant. The LFG life is boring and empty and no amount of cool mounts can fix that.
How will WoW classic survive the cancer that is discord?
20 is where it gets fun you triple nigger. You finally get to enter contested zones and gank shitters. Ashenvale is my fucking jam from 20-30. Plus you unlock actually fun dungeons like BFD and SFK instead of the boring and overplayed VC/WC.
It won't. There's a lot of boomers that won't use discord.
>join guild with active discord
>hop in and find other shitters leveling who want to group up and adventure together while fighting about politics and who's country is shittier
WOW that was hard!
>just talk to people bro
t. normie
20s are not bad though, you start getting shoulder armor, jewelry, questing on each continent, exploring vast new places, your professions start yielding decent gear, and then 30 hits and its time to dip your toes into stv kino.
You're not alone in Vanilla, you'll always have people around you to group up with for quests. In retail you'll never group up or talk with anyone from 1-120.
>I complain about people socializing in a game that's literally focused around people interacting with each other
Cool story bro.
>tfw only play on pve servers
god I want to hit 60 for raids but it's so fucking boring
Pic related. You'll group up with players all the time in vanilla
>implying that area won't be camped by groups of frost grinding gnome mages
good luck with that quest nerd LMAO
ashenvale has like 10 horde quests lol
The Zoram Strand on the NW coast and the area around Splintertree always has loads of Horde cucks to shittershatter. The Zoram Strand is amazing for a quick couple of levels due to the cluster of quests and abundance of mobs to grind.
i did zoram strand today, it had like 5 quests, and dungeons quests
>use Joanna's guide
>leveling suddenly becomes an unbearable chore
then go grind the yeti caves with the rest of the ritalin kids