why are pcniggers hypocrites?
Why are pcniggers hypocrites?
consider suicide, redditor.
I just don't see PC games as something of value so of course I pirate them.
Pc.u.ck.s confirmed to not be game enthusiasts and just be egotistical and narcissists.
You can't use the n word on 4channel
I seriously find it hard to justify buying digital games and you should too.
I only had over my money to games with the Nintendo Seal Of Quality.
this. theres nothing more cucked than buying digital.
Reminder PEECEE gaming is a faggy plebbit meme pushed by viral corsai marketers. PClardasses need to be gassed
>threads about reddit comments
You seriously want to do this senpai?
>I just don't see PC games as something of value so of course I pirate them.
- All PC Gamers
>dude look at these irrelveant dipshits on a website made for actual fucking retards
Yea Forums?
This is now a sonyroach shaming thread
>"lol, what kind of retard pays for multiplayer?"
Paying for something you can get for free is the highest form of stupidity, stay seething plebbit consolecuckolds.
>wahhh Sony won't pump out endless lolicon simulators for us anymore
Tough luck u pedos.
reddit obviously, Yea Forums has so much merit that your kind have a huge subreddit dedicated to it
Nice flaseflag go have sex incel nazi
The absolute fucking worst thing about Reddit is that it's not anonymous, so any time you post anything, hoards of autistic faggots will crawl through your entire post history as a half-assed attempt to invalidate your argument. Imagine if we could look at each other's shitpost history. That'd be a fucking nightmare.
Because morals are mutual agreements that let two parties co-operate over long periods of time. If there is no other party to co-operate with, then morals are backed only by your own pride, and your pride is worthless.
>for ants
this is the console version of that picture
Go suck his nigger cock OP. You know you wanted it so much that you posted his -27 score post as a new thread.
That is a sign of nothing else but nigger love.
>can't even see beyond 30 polygons anyway
my fucking sides LMAO
For human consumption version coming through
Criminally underrated.
you realize steamfags are just as cucked if not more so, right? at the very least they own something tangible that is more than 1s and 0s.
That's why I don't use steam, like I said, paying for things that are free is retarded
Explain to me how piracy isn't peak alpha behavior.
Seriously when are these FROM faggots going to get it together? I got excited about Sekiro thinking "Well its 2019, surely they've gotten rid of their fps locks". What a bunch of hacks.
Do the faggots at reddit constantly use ad hominems instead of actually targeting the argument? Plus that stupid voting system that drowns out unpopular opinions. I got no idea why people are willing to deal with that shit.