Make a game where the player can romance multiple female characters

>make a game where the player can romance multiple female characters
>one of them is so much better than the other girls that they're basically obsolete

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Fuck every switch owner on earth

That's not kawakami

are you alright there, buddy?

Pic not related

That's not Hifumi.

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It's almost like the game was rigged from the start.

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>goes off and almost gets raped and drained of cash because she was sad
>tries to act tough with fucking drug lords like she’s hot shit
>only joined the thieves a day ago and is already barking orders
great waifu you got there

>pic unrelated

based and shogipilled

I'm happy as fuck because every switch nigger eat shit tonight

I know. Why did they make Futaba romancable? The other girls don't stand a chance.

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not an argument. you literally cannot defend how retarded makoto was when she tried to find kaneshiro

rent free

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Just like Dark Souls Remastered Switch is the definitive version of Dark Souls, Persona 5 Royal will not only be Switch exclusive but the definitive Persona 5 version.

Playstation... is walking the same path as Sega.


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Even nintendo memes are bad ports

Shit choice.

>My two favs are also constantly paired together
Feels pretty nice.

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Who cares? This is a dumb shit series for babies and if you like it I hate you

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romancing in persona was a fucking mistake and they should never bring it back so cucks like you quit playing

Except Makoto is really boring to actually talk to and interact with

Word. Just finished p1 the other day.
Short and sweet just like a game should be and it has actual multiple endings.

been playing through all of them. P1's the last one I need to do. I've put a couple hours into it, it's pretty fun. I missed playing some old school RPGs. Wish the main battle theme was a bit longer though...It could be really good but it gets repetitive after a while and it' s a shame because I love the singer.

Cute dorky neet

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Picture unrelated

Futaba is the best, I wasnt bored to tears being around her like the others
Tae and Kawakami would have been good if their confidents werent shit, and they actually went all the way with the relationship. Ann is actually ok but friend tier same for Haru and Hifumi. Makoto is just boring safe main girl choice but at least her outfit and bike persona is cool I guess

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Don't forget switch also has the definitive version of Street fighter 2.

Get the ps1 music patch

Personally, I feel like I'd rather date anyone else than a literal autist.


guys what health care provider will let me go to a goth doctor who fucks me

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Did we play the same game? Because Kawakamis is really great for a teacher that is trying to cope with fucking her student.

is it just me or is the revolver barrel way too fucking long?

nah my bitch just got a short head

I dont remember that, but it is weird having that whole narrative with Kamoshida only for that to be a thing you can do later

kamoshida is a fucking rapist. what do you autists not understand

yeah but
>teacher dating a underage student
is the main problem

>Just like Dark Souls Remastered Switch is the definitive version of Dark Souls

Okay, i got flamewar banned because i shitpost about Nintendo and i deserved that but this guy insult Switch owner and get away with it?

What the fuck are you doing, mods?


Makoto is a shittier Mitsuru with no actual flaws.
Seriously waifu faggots have no standards lmao

My Futaba cannons are loaded

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No it wasn’t. It was about him abusing his power as a teacher. Not the act of just fucking your students.

if a 3d version of tae ever appeared, i'd leave whatever woman i'm with in an instant, guaranteed

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The only thing obsolete around here are makoto fags. Her sister though can get it

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Yeah, Kawakami is miles better than anyone else.

Well yeah but why did you post a picture of Makoto

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I mean, if we're talking about this seriously for a moment then the situations are basically complete opposites. Kamoshida is using his position of authority as leverage to make these students do things, including trying to make Ann sleep with him. With Kawakami, the maid thing is just something you find out about her, and you can choose not to take it any further. You're actively finding out about each other during the social link, and you're the one to tell her how you feel first.

Maybe one day you'll see beyond the short hairs and stop being a fag.

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Sae-user here
Drawfriend just finished up his latest work. Can you guess what Sae is doing, Yea Forums?

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I can't even tell where she is supposed to be in that image. All I see is some washed up rocker guy in his 40s sitting on a bed.

She's in her bed, dum dum

Tae really is incredibly aesthetically pleasing. Amazing how perfect her design is. Normally a long hair fag, too.
Felt like her personality should have been a bit stronger though. She has strong feelings about things yet I still got the feeling that she was a bit passive during her confidant. Not what you'd expect when you look at her punk outfit.

What difficulty should I play on?

Normal, I suppose. You can change your difficulty later I'm pretty sure.

She's passive because, as fitting her arcana, she's resisting a great change in her life, going from being a researcher in a stuffy lab to being an independent town doctor dealing with a variety of actual people. Her confidant is about understanding her new calling in life, moreso than it is about finding the cure she was looking for.

Hard. Merciless is a meme and not suitable for your first run.

Shes not abusing her power and past and present status for sexual favors. Its still a weird thing to do but I dont really care enough about it being a game and all.

So Normal is too easy?