Did this imagery make sense in light of the events of Persona 5?
Did this imagery make sense in light of the events of Persona 5?
Not really, It was in development hell for half a decade so it doesn't really bother me that much.
Yes the entire game is about breaking free from some kind of social bond.
It suppose to mean "We live in a society", dumbass
Lmao just lift the chair
I wonder what the most extreme version of Persona 5 looked like.
It's been a long time since they got away with Teen Suicide: the Game.
Yes, it made perfect sense of breaking the shackles of society
It would have been the perfect cast if they kept it to 5 like that: Akira, Ryuji, Ann, Morgana, and Yusuke.
Wow, you must be a huge fan of the P5 manga right? It must be popular since so many people use that name
>it's a renfaggot
Fuck off Akira is the better name