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Other urls found in this thread:


Stop posting articles from this fucking piece of shit website. They're fucking embarrassing and I don't know how anyone with sound logic can call Kotaku and Polygon shit but then praise Billy D and his incel rage articles.

>Over-exaggerated gore and death representation is normal
>Videogame character boobs are problematic
What went wrong?

MK was never sexy. I have not seen any r34 of MK women.
Why do people pretend that female fighters were attractive before?

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In an ideal world, both would be normal

>I have not seen any r34 of MK women
That's because you never bothered to look for them.

literally right wing kotaku
fuck off

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>be amerifat
>love violence, murder, bombing civilians, abortion, mass slaughtering animals
>hate lightly dressed females

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>feminists see large boobs as a symbol of power and female empowerment
>feminists see large boobs as male pandering
>feminists see naked muscular men as male power fantasy therefore male pandering

Imagine being a walking talking living contradiction and always having to brush aside the term hypocrite so you can survive.


Hypocrisy of American puritanists, the ones being obsessed with guns and violence.

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So the female youtubers are wrong for disliking the ugly females?

You missed how there were links to actual women on youtube that actually disliked and hated the censorship. Now you have to hate on women if you want to keep supporting censorship. Call me incel all you want, sexist.

I feel like the output of one angry gamer is rapidly dropping in quality
But you can kill yourself, nobody is posting oeg because they think he's good, they post him because he is the only one reporting on this sort of shit.

What the fick is "multiply disabled?" Is that like in pinball when you hit multiball except like 5 or 6 retards tackle you?

you are not allowed to post oneangrygamer here, threads are deleted by mods

only kotaku, polygon, pacgamer, twitter screencaps and other left wing media outlets are allowed

>Right wing website complaining about mansplaining

Horseshoe theory is real.

This, no better than the Twitter screencap spam.
How about you come up with your own material then?

He showed women on youtube being against women being censored. He isn't a incel at all, he is based and redpilled cause now you can either hate on women and be a sexist, or be against censorship.


>only kotaku, polygon, pacgamer, twitter screencaps and other left wing media outlets are allowed
Shut the fuck up you whiny cuck

first post best post, this website is for closet fags

what even the fuck is that title holy shit, if you don't like mk11 then go watch something retardo

I usually don't like to bring up the violence ce/sex comparison but it was fucking absurd to claim they were removing sexy outfits to be "mature" in a game about excessively gorey finishing moves.

You don't know what right wing is. OAG is centrist with liberal leaning.

skarlet unironically looks cool. the rest are really bad though

>This, no better than the Twitter screencap spam.
Uh except President Donald J. Trump uses Twitter you fucking dumb leftist
Twitter is based and redpilled Trumpkino


If you care what anyone on Youtube says, you are literally braindead.

Women. It is always women and the men trying to please them.


Do not worry user, the might of Allah and his Muslim Kombat will smite this one angry infidel.

>calls website right wing propaganda machine
>calls anyone who supports website incels

Ok ok yes its propaganda, but it has links to actual women on youtube that hate the censorship as well. So if you are a lefty, you will have to become a sexist monster and hate those women. But if you are non-political like you might want to say you are, then you are in support of these women being against the censorship. Because it proves both sides of politics to be morons cause of how easily it defeats their arguments.

>just posting an article link
Sure seems like advertising to me


>retards believe this

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Billy is a textbook /pol/tard and a brainlet.

Gamers... the SJWs have gone too far this time. They want to make tumblr-esque characters? Fine. But to infect a long running beloved series like Mortal Kombat is a step over the line. Do not buy MK11! Vote with your wallets.

This Billy D guy probably whiteknights conservative women on Twitter. The whole headline reeks of an angry virgin desperate to win some points with women.

>Ok ok yes its propaganda
stopped reading there

Respeck womans!!
Kano talks about his dick to Skarlet

>implying right wing advocates sexual liberty


Then you missed the non-propaganda female youtubers that prove you wrong.

How many shillings per day does that faggot site get, gtfo shitlord, saged

I bet most people wouldn't complain about OAG if he didn't mix his personal opinions with the news he's trying to cover (which is the reason Kotaku, Polygon, Vice and similar sites are always shitted on). I'm 85% sure this thread was made by OAG himself, so if you're reading this stop acting like a sperg and just inform people about this shit.
Also Mortal Kombat is for niggers. Play Guilty Gear and BlazBlue instead.

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>be slanteye
>fellow slanteye gets caught with child porn
>allow him to get back to his life and keep working
>some slanteye gets caught with some drugs
>stop production of the game he isn't even the main character on

>Also Mortal Kombat is for niggers. Play Guilty Gear and BlazBlue instead.
I think that MK is for nobody. It's a meme nostalgic game that boomers buy and never touch multiplayer.

He can't do multiplication

Women aren't the arbiters of what is and is not acceptable forms of sexual objectification. Some women don't care, some women are strongly against it, some women are strongly for it. You can't have it both ways. You can't say some dumb cunt in California can't just shit all over your favorite video games just because she's offended, then demand NRS respond a few YouTubers who are offended that they're offended.

>but it has links to actual women on youtube that hate the censorship as well. So if you are a lefty, you will have to become a sexist monster and hate those women

This is actual SJW bullshit. How is disagreeing with a woman me saying that I hate her? Hell, I don't even disagree. But I think NRS and the men and women who work there are allowed to do whatever they want with their characters. I think they should stop pretending that they're doing it for "all women" since that's clearly not the case, and just admit that their own personal politics and their own standards changing lead to less sexualized character designs. Women shouldn't be used as silver bullets to kill opposing arguments on either side of the debate.

>only males get aroused by scantily clad women
>disregards lesbians for being aroused
Hetero-sexist much

Female Youtuber says nobody should have a problem with scantily clad women wearing nearly no clothes, and states anyone that does is on the wrong side.
Female Youtuber says there was no reason to censor Mortal Kombat 11, says that SJW's are retards that would never buy the game in the first place.

All far leftists quietly hate LGBTQDWADS+ (and minorities)

sexual objectification is just a meme invented by old hags that envy the young.

its all the different parts of his shattered mind

so even the females want sexier girls in the game but the guys are saying no? Are they gay? WTF? more sexy the better.

Sorry but Lefties don't get to demonize men, and ignore women against them, it doesn't work that way. And yes like you said, they should just admit that this is cause of their political bias, not that they are helping women or something.

bet this dumbfuck reads waypoint,polygon etc

How many articles did this chucklefuck write about this? How long is it possible to milk this stupid fucking story? You have to move on, this teat has run dry.

Confirmation bias. Just like the disabled gamer Sekiro bullshit. Quit being stupid

lol no thanks

>i don't like it, you must stop!

>why aren't people just mindlessly consuming product

the mantra of the anti-SJW

>i'm gonna replace his post with a strawman greentext, that will show him!

If you don't think the news outlet is good, but the sources are, just post the fucking sources then you bumbling fucking retard

Stop shilling your awful website

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t. retard era

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>an article about youtube comments

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Why do they cater to SJW when girls dont play fighting games

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>its too sexy, demeaning to women
>its not sexy enough, stop suppressing us.

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Whoever named obvious human behavior as a "theory" is a literal fucking IDIOT and the ones who repeat this are even worse mongoloids.

stop spamming your shitty site here. Get a real job.

Reditor scum detected.

waaaahhh no anime tiddies waaahhh im not playing your game it doesnt make me horny enough

Kys Billy, your articles are shit.
Stop posting them here.

Stay triggered snowflake

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I agree but come on op you're better than this
Who knows

>who cares if the characters designs are objectively worse than X?
>just heap praise on the game, it's comfy!

You lost goober geeter.
>One Butthurt Incel is a hugbox for bitter incels.

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Ok here:

These are two good sources, and its refreshing to see women standing up for the right to see digital women nearly naked and showing off their tits and asses while fighting to the death.

ALL censorship is bad.

get a gf and play a different game

But It's not censorship but it is extremely retarded and people who defend it are braindead

Thanks for the advice. Definitely not buying MK11

>Battlefield V trainwreck

No I think the goober geeters are still on quite the winning streak.

>caring more about waifus than gameplay

Billy is literally an alt-right incel who shills his shit opinion pieces on Yea Forums and /pol/.
He's as retarded as Ethan Ralph and Andy Warski.

He can't handle the fact goober gate is over and the goobers lost HARD.

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Have sex incel


History sure has changed a lot.
>The Past
>"OMG the blood and gore in this Mortal Kombat game is just too much! Please censor it to be gray!"
>"Hahahahaha that guy got ripped in half with his organs hanging out so crazy! HOLY SHIT THAT WOMAN'S BOOBS ARE ALMOST ENTIRELY VISIBLE SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING!"


Legit based

why do you care?

>One angry incel
Kill yourself, OP.

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Mortal Kombat has always had really barebones designs, so it makes sense that they can be changed so easily.
>Kitana is a blue kunoichi with folding fans
>Jade is a green kunoichi with a bo staff and boomerangs
>Sonya is a military woman
>et cetera
In fighting games like Street Fighter and KOF, the outfits characters wear closely match their personality and how they fight - even alternate outfits tend to preserve a bit of what makes the character who they are. In turn, regardless of whether or not the character happens to have sex appeal, their designs are respectful. For instance, Mai dresses lightly not only because she's a kunoichi who moves quickly, but because she's a show off with a flamboyant personality - King, on the other hand, dresses more modestly because she's a bartender with a completely opposite personality. However, Mortal Kombat designs don't really have to show any sort of defined character - they're just more iterations on the same blank slate. As a result, there is quite a lot of honesty to be found in MK's designs in terms of what the developers are thinking.
It's worrying that the developers' ideas of respectful female design requires them to be covered up for the most part. We already saw in MK9 and some of the installments before it that NRS sees women as sex objects if they aren't modestly dressed - the female characters in those games looked and dressed like total skanks, even characters like Sonya who (with her half-assed personality that goes with the military girl stereotype) probably wouldn't wear something like that if they had to choose. Either way, I'd worry about people like Steve Beran who, clearly, see women showing skin as a sexual invitation.

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BFV is all you have though.
Look what won GOTY. (God of Onions)
Look at all the progressive elements in RDR2. A game literally set in the old west.

You lost.

I don't understand the mind of the people who post these images. They spend hours in a site they don't like, reading hundreds of comments made by people they don't know but still hate, take multiple screenshots of these posts and then post them to try to prove a point that doesn't really exist, that was proven earlier by other methods, that will be ignored or that will be forgotten the moment the thread dies.

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There are much better, legitimate points against Beran's design philosophy that come from this fucking site, than OAG.

>Barely anyone actually cares about this issue
>game is going to launch and sell 10 mil copies like X
It's not fair, bros!

seething cope

You have a basic misunderstanding of American politics. The political right wing gun lovers are the ones who are outraged by the Puritan left

The most sexualized female designs come from female japanese designers so it's safe to say the people who scream about sexualization are a small vocal minority conformed of both females and males that are super pro PC culture

Because fuck you is why, incel.

>having one decent backup means all of his points are good

The only thing I really hold against resetera is that the users seem to have a strange contempt for dogs and dog lovers. It's really weird.

Making fun of idiots is something everyone loves doing. You need to work on your understanding.

Why would they cater to conservatives when conservatives don't have time for video games?

God Of War isn't leftist at all. You chop people into pieces.
>Look at all the progressive elements in RDR2. A game literally set in the old west.

Never heard of beating up feminists in a game as progressive before, but ok.

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>history has changed a lot

Not really

>conservatives flip out about MK

>Conservatives flip out about MK

Typical leftie, flees when confronted with facts that go against his bias.

Arthur is a massive cuck though. Can't even get laid once as a rich bandit in America.

Then don't consume products? Why are you even here if you are anti-consumerism? Shouldn't you be against the game existing in ANY form?

that's not the answer, if you hate the views that he shares, there must be a reason

They always post sources

What facts? Saying you found two right wing women isn't really astonishing. Majority of white women are conservative, dude. This is like saying you aren't racist because some nigger you know ALSO hates niggers.

That's not censorship, you fucking mong.

>No youtubers come from Yea Forums
It really makes you think.

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Nothing has changed at Mortal Kombat has always pissed off conservatives. Conservatives being snowflakes and crying about MK is why the esrb exists.

Only appropriate that yet again the new MK is carrying on that tradition of showing just how soft and weak the right wing is.

I've already preordered the premium edition. Can't wait for the 23rd. All this incel rage is precious.

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>All censorship is bad
Like censoring Skarlets hair? I thought you guys were happy about that?

> a incel fragile reactionary surrounded by action figures and movie posters is telling u to "ask questions and not consume"

Actually yikes out loud seeing that shit

Except its not even about the person who posted the video, its that it was ALLOWED TO HAPPEN IN THE GAME AT ALL. So as a leftist, you are ok with a game having the option to beat up women? Why?

>someone paid real money for Kotaku

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God of war was a based manly game for manly men
Go away newfag
>Not really
it did
>conservatives flip out about MK

First they came for the gamer....

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>right wing
Right wing is in no way supportive of sexual freedoms or anything lewd. At least do some research.

>he doesn't realize the irony of them saying that and reposts it as a meme to one up people who buy things he doesn't like

They're film critics nobody consumes more product without question then them. Then they go further and have an opinion just to get next movie no matter what because their job is consumption

Why did you put dots? It's objective fact that once again conservatives are going insane because of MK.

Well at least he's self aware that he's fucked in the head.

I think you are protecting, sugar.

If those games are not leftist then MK isn't either. By your own standard.

>competing news source that doesn't suck publisher dick is labeled as [insert buzzwords about alt-right] by other "news" sites

This is my favourite thing now.

mk is trash because it has a low skill ceiling but keep obsessing about nrs being sjw even though that was already confirmed with kung gay and desexualized outfits 4 years ago

Show me 5 conservative politicians actively trying to get mortal kombat banned or censored


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name me 5 leftists trying to get mk censored

look at all of the incels here complaining whenever a game has a poc or a female lead character.

No one is trying to get MK banned.

The problem I see with OAG is that he's unable to separate his opinions from the news themselves, essentially making him the right-wing counterpart of kotaku. That's why people shit on him, because a lot of his articles are a mix of rants and genuine information.

Except the women in the game were not made naturally based on the history of women character designs in the series. Which means they were designed to appeal to a different demographic from the previous installment audiences. Which means a audience that want the women's designs to look that way. Which implies political agenda supporting idiots. Which means appealing to leftists. Which makes MK leftist.

In God of War, Kratos isn't designed to appeal to SJW's in his appearance. He isn't designed to appeal to SJW's in his actions either, they would label them as toxic masculinity because he solves everything by fighting.
Same for RDR2. Making a main character black is not to support a SJW agenda unless it tampers with historical accuracy. Which it doesn't. Also if it was truly a SJW game, there would be no option to beat up the nagging suffrage woman, instead you would be forced to listen to her without being given the chance not to.

>when you can't see the irony of you getting a character censored in game but then crying things you like were also censored
lmfao. Fucks like this cunt and One angry incel are why we don't get qt pixie cut skarlet anymore.

Incels don't like woman so they wouldn't be complaining they would actually really like mk11
Have sex incel

>one of two people claim some shit
Clickbait was a mistake

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it's not just the news sites
lefty shills are getting mad here, who always type:
in every thread
it's the same with Yea Forums
whatever doesn't bend the knee is proclaimed heresy

It's 99% lies or disinformation or out of context shit. He's like a worse kotaku

Joe Lieberman and Herb Kohl are democrats

You just call people incels when you do not understand the logic as to why a poc or female lead character might be inappropriate in the context of the situation. I'd much rather deal with your kind just being honest and saying "Fuck history its a video game" instead of name calling like children.