Are you rolling for this tsundere kitty cat tonight?
Are you rolling for this tsundere kitty cat tonight?
Probably. Jill probably won't show up until November if she is a farfetched hero. So might as well use some orbs.
Only with free roll and extra orbs because fuck bara
Maybe if she took some more clothes off
>No reason at all for her boot to come flying off
Based footfag artists
>Stefan's used goods
I'll try for the new colorless armored boy, but I'm not trying very hard.
Arr don't tell me you're reposting leddit memes
>admitting to browsing reddit
Nah, I’m just glad that I won’t have to spend any orbs to get my main man Yarr Haar
I'm using my free roll+tickets on colorless for that DD4.
man I love Lethe's design so much. all-time qt imo. I wish we could get a Tellius remake with the supports added back into RD and maybe some balance tweaks
Colorless pool is amazing to snipe on right now since the gen 1 5* got purged.
Even the worst pitybreakers like Mikoto or Nina are ok at best.
Free rolling for DD4 fodder and that's it.
I want her, but saving orbs for summer.
I wish she and other Tellius characters were in FEW, but that's so much work evidently.
>”playing” this garbage “game” in 3019
DD4 sounds nice, but I don't even know who I'd prioritize giving it to.
But user, they shuttered King's Knight in 4718. What am I supposed to play on my phone, apart from Blades (early access now open to the public)?
Probably. She's cool but I hate that she's red, because I have a million red units already. I don't have any red beasts aside from Keaton, but still.
I don't play gachas, OP
You know, there's a lot of people who outright refuse to touch FE9 and 10 specifically because of it having furries.
I need somebody to find and/or duplicate the most disgusting and repellent furfaggotry you can find that's related to Fire Emblem. I don't care if it's Tellius laguz or that fucking bunny girl from FE13.
No. I'm rolling for this kitty instead.
Furries is such a fucking stupid thing to call the beast characters.
Also, dragon loli shit is cheating, and technically not even furry.
Problem is you can still get up to a 4% pity rate without a single Kaze/Klein/Sothe and only a ton of Wrys and Azamas to show for it. The 5* pool is good, the fodder is absolute trash unless you get lucky. But I guess that applies to the other colors as well really, especially green, god damn.
>the proper internet term for this phenomenon is a stupid thing to call them
fuck off tripfagging raulcuck
We'll get that remake eventually, but I doubt it'll be the next game to get remade
Everyone who "plays" these "games" should be raped and executed.
I'm pretty impressed to hear that itll survive until 3019, what a godlike achievement
But not by you babydick
If I still played this garbage fire? Yes. I've wanted Ike's gf for years. But, I can't be assed to log in to spend my 20 orbs of disappointment.
So this is your plan for losing your virginity.
Go back to harassing /fgog/, dude.
I only take dick from futas that are bigger than me.
>Ike's gf
I know you're trolling, but the chick who made a definitive writeup about Ike's sexuality actually said that Ike/Lethe could be viable as an alternate reality pairing:
I'm not memeing. I played PoR and RD at release and I've always felt like Ike x Lethe was the OTP. Also fuck you.
Tellius is like the least "wierd japan shit" FE in the series.
The furries, despite their large focus, are not nearly as repugnant as any other furries such as Taguel or Fates' beast clans, and it's literally the only continent without dragon lolis.
And I thought Rolf x Marcia was cute, but that doesn't make it any less illegit in the eyes of canon.
Anyways, why don't you want to read that link?
>some nobody wrote a blog, once
>definitive writeup
Definitive by what fucking imaginary standard?
IkexLethe was as canon as any paired ending ever is in FE; that is to say that they had a support chain that hinted at mutual affection, and Lethe has special dialogue if A-supported with Ike in the epilogue, which is basically FE9's version of a paired ending.
She just found him in the desert, user. She's Ike's.
>why don't you want to read that link?
Did you actually think anyone was going to be interested in your overly long blog post regarding a fictional character's sexuality?
What is Myrrh dreaming about?
Okay, I'm sorry for saying "definitive". But it is a detailed one that pretty much combs both FE9 and 10 in both English and Japanese for any signs of sexuality.
Taking Ephraim's cock deep into her underdeveloped pussy while Eirika watches.
>random comment
>"While I don’t have a problem of Ike being bisexual, I sometimes feel like people use the bisexual or asexual option to sort of just deflect Ike being gay. Like idk how to say this correctly, but I think it’s like a way to completely overshadow him being into guys. So my problem is the reasoning. Is there anything definitive per say? No, for any sexuality on a spectrum we just have implications, game series context, and Japanese culture and some of the tropes.
>"For me personally, I see Ike and Lethe’s relationship as mutual respect... for Ike at least. Lethe on the other hand acts Tsundere and does respect Ike, but may be denying some hidden feelings for him. Ike on the other hand respects Lethe, but is pulling a “Mia”. I see Ike as oblivious to her feelings and solely focused on “Cool, sparring partner in a Laguz nation for a while? I dig that!”
>"Now this may be just my interpretation bias, but I can relate to that possible Ike interpretation of the situation because as a gay guy, this has happened to me with some girls who may not have known which way I swung. I just happened to be oblivious and respect those girls like Ike did in the fictional world of Tellius."
My dick.
There isn't a canon sexuality or pairing for Ike, and there never has been. Soren loves Ike, but Ike is about as asexual as you can get without being a robot. Anyone who tells me anything different has something invested in an agenda or didn't play the games, or both.
I have no interest in reading some pseudo-intellectual drone on and on for 10,000 words on why their OTP is the right one. I don't hate myself THAT much. I played those games, I read all the text myself, and I came to my own conclusions.
A world without the internet.
Personally I like IkexLethe, but that nigga is overwhelmingly fightsexual
>people who want to see sexuality in Ike have an agenda
Aren't we going to extremes here? Most shippers are just wide-eyed optimists who want characters to be with people who'll make each other happy, not social justice warriors trying to force homosexuality as a societal default.
Besides, seme-uke pairings tend to make the seme into a stoic, according to anime fandom.
>foot for no reason
What do you expect from a gatcha
Same thing. It's like Ryu or Goku. Goku would have stayed asexual if he hadn't married Chichi. Once they write her out of the story, he basically is all over again. The stoic male martial artist who's too based to care about dick or pussy.
>Aren't we going to extremes here?
No, you fucker. I'm not as naïve as you, apparently. I've already had this fruitless debate over and over again, for years and years. Anyone who tells you Ike is anything but asexual, as a statement of fact, has something to prove, or is just lying to you for shits and giggles. Or both.
Aren't we one stubborn solipcist.
>new icon has Eir as the centerpiece with Feh in the corner with an orb on its head
yeah... guess i'll play it when i'm fucking 35. after Jugdraal and Elibe get remakes.
still mad that this was basically dropped after PoR.
actually all of Ike's non-homo romantic / sexual tension was, lolfuck
Nah, she's hella cute but I'm still saving orbs, currently at 338. It feels like we have barely gotten orbs this month.
>I am going to get more Ranulf fan art
based. I don't even play this shit tastic tire-fire of a game, but I am glad it makes all the old console and GBA characters get more fanart.
I think his art is great, his stats are nice, plus he seems like the best of the 4 without being yet another armor. Buuuut I don't wanna be called gay for rolling for him.
It's okay, user, I will call you gay even if you don't roll for him.
user, if you spend all your time worrying about being gay for rolling gacha, then you'll never get anything done in life. Now roll for that muscley mancat.
Is it true this game doesn't work on emulators?
Cute feet
PoR and RD?
Nah they emulate great.
also neither boorus nor google is giving me that image so i'm gonna need you to spoonfeed me an artist name.
Path of Radiance ran just fine on Dolphin.
No, they emulate just fine. It's just that setting up Wii ISOs takes about as long as torrenting on a laptop.
What would it feel like to pet that pussy?
Knowing her attitude, I imagine it'd go a bit like pic related.
Based. I love to meme about Ike and Soren being gay for each other, but objectively speaking this is about the closest to the truth as we got.
I absolutely agree with this, at least
I am giving it to Xander. It will probably be one of the best units to put it on memes aside. SS4 really upped the game on mine.
Dude was fucking garbage in RD
>tank a good bit, still take damage but put some dents in enemies and block chokepoint
>shitty beast meter goes down and he reverts, is automatically dead weight
thanks IS, really loved only using royals, herons, and Giffca.
Usually, when you're using memes as counterarguments, you post with the image in your reply.
But seriously, why are you so adamant to believe that anyone who likes romantic pairings - gay OR straight - has an agenda? Since when did "I like this character with this other character" become an expression of political stance?
Great feature.
This just sounds like they are forcing Ike to be gay. This is coming from a fujo as well. Ike isn't interested in anyone and leaves everyone behind, so obviously he doesn't hook up with anyone because he isn't interested in them. I don't know what about that is hard to get. Why does he even need to be with anyone in the first place?
She might rip out your intestines, user. You gotta earn her respect, first. Then you can do this
Should have gotten Roy :^)
this single image sums up FEH to me
gonna need a source, pal
this is what I'm getting, senpai.
>He couldn't pull a single legendary or mythic hero with 8% modifier
Lucklets when will they learn?
Pretty sure that's the entire image.
I need to get around to killing my +spd LRoy. Fuck this feature and fuck Roy.
Probably because the "expected way" is obnoxious and retarded? I don't like being memed at when I'm trying to ask questions.
Disappointing if true
It's too fucking bad it had to be Roy since he looks like he'd be worth using with his A and C skill.
Also, I never said it was political. This is how I know you have to be a Zoomer.
I am killing him for that A skill. I just need to get around to it. I keep holding onto rare fodder and they just sit there. I should just do it.
But bro, what if a unit comes out later that can use it better?
>I never said it was political
The word "agenda" tends to be politically charged. If you weren't trying to be political, I'm sorry for assuming it. But I'd still like to ask what you mean when you said "anyone who tells me anything different (about Ike's sexuality) has something invested in an agenda".
There are units that can use it better right now. I am more hesitant because I want to give it to vanilla Ryoma so I can make him more viable to use again. I thought that might be a good one to put on. I still think SB is better for Summer Xander and CC is best for Dancing Xander right now. So I don't have anyone else to give it to.
I pulled Roy. He became food for my Nino. Fuck Pair Up and fuck IS for forcing me to use units I don't give a shit about to use their new "features".
Who are the best units, or the best ones for skills you use for giving your Nino stat boosts for her tome? I have only use bladetomes on fliers so without the easy access to those boosts I kinda ignored my infantry for like a year.
Legendary Azura
She was usually paired with Eirika since she could buff three stats at the same time, then Tactic and Wave skills came so she can be added in pretty much any team that uses buffs.
Nino right now can now use Iris' Tome with an Even Atk Wave refine, so you can give her Odd Atk C skill to be buffed every turn, or Even Spd and Even Def SS for a triple self buff every two turns. She's very self-reliant now.
I almost considered rolling for that Roy to feed to Legendary Marth for bonus quadrupler but then I remembered I don't roll for units I plan only to use as fodder
>Go to /feg/ to discuss fire emblem.
>It's just a whole bunch of autism.
You don't like talking about the tripfag and giving him exactly what he wants?
>Being surprised a /vg/ thread is terrible
/feg/ is ok sometimes
>go to /feg/
Literally why would you do that?
PEMN, tripfag.
Your fault, /vg/ in general is full of stupid autism.
Just stay in Yea Forums FE threads and chill. They're usually really comfy.
You're literally what ruins it
Wishblade on Marcia, please.
/feg/ is being extra autistic right now
Nah, gotta get my boy Bryce in here, with Ashnard.
>They're usually really comfy.
No they ain't.
And I'm in these threads too so what's your point.
>only girl that would open her legs for Sain
Why is Priscilla such a slut?
The point is that you're ruining the thread. Remove the trip or we will remove it for you.
>really comfy
>ugh fuck this game I'm quitting played since launch
>mention Echoes, PoR, or SS in literally any capacity and some retard spergs the fuck out on you
>the occasional smashfag
Maybe several months ago, but it's no longer the case.
Well, I guess it depends on what you're looking for. I usually either post waifus, talk about gameplay stuff, or both. I don't delve into Heroes or shipping nonsense.
Fiora and Rebecca also have paired endings with Sain, but Priscilla's support compared to both of theirs is much better.
Their personal biases. Their identity is wrapped up in their opinion being true, so they look for ways to beat their ideas into other people.
I 100% ship Ike with Lethe but no way to I see it as canon, nor do I ever mention it unless I just want to piss off literal fags or want an excuse to post cute fan art. Mostly I just post the art and say nothing because of the aforementioned tired, worn out arguments I've had with trannies and other mentally ill people for a decade.
You're not even interested in why I think or write the way I do, you just want something to latch onto so you can get your dopamine for the night.
Ah shit, I guess it's been a while since I posted in these threads. That's a shame to hear.
It's mostly the second point. He focuses on Echoes more than the other two but it's a guy who professes to hate Fire Emblem despite liking Conquest and he considers his taste "objective."
He's like the personal barneyfag for FE.
I like this new mode despite the fact that it adds nothing to the gameplay.
Yeah, same here. Most I've enjoyed anything in the game that wasn't unit building or XHBs in a long while.
Needs more terrain variety though.
Rolling for DD4 fodder for this chad
>You're not even interested in why I think or write the way I do, you just want something to latch onto so you can get your dopamine for the night.
I'm not gonna deny that I want self-satisfaction, but it wasn't really for trying to win an argument. It was because I wanted to share a blog post I liked with other people and have them acknowledge it as a cool find.
I really am interested in why somebody would think and write the way they do, since I'm trying desperately to read the emotions of other people on the internet. Realizing from your post that you phrase personal biases/preferences as "agendas" makes me feel really fucking stupid for assuming you were being an asshole out of ignorance, and I'm not gonna even try to shove the blame off of me.
It still really hurts that the only response I got for trying to share stuff I liked was essentially "kill yourself fag", though.
Sounds based
Simply beautiful, I wish you luck.
Most of the dude's posts are just insisting that you aren't allowed to enjoy something he considers shit while flinging insults. Some speculate he's intentionally acting retarded to get people to sympathize with the games he hates.
>tfw I share a waifu with a really obnoxious moron (probably not either of the ones you're thinking of) who browses /feg/
>have to deliberately not post about her for fear of being mistaken for him
The last thing I want is a hatebase developing around her because I get excited about her.
I wouldn't worry user I'm sure you're just as much of a faggot as him
Someone post the FEH wishlist template.
at least here you have less retards who bitch at/about the tripfag and instead choose to actually talk about the damn series
Well let's hear it
And if it's any loli then don't worry they already have one
Going on full delusional mode
We can't stop winning
He certainly is. Dude's impossible to reason with.
Footfags need to be fucking gassed.
Feg is full of faggot sucking dicks
Just like Yea Forums what's the difference
I've got a good feeling about this one. Caineghis would be great for cruising into Tier 21, but Lethe looks like she'd be fun to use.
Imagine being mentally ill enough to get off to feet. Normalfags were a mistake.
I was just guessing that it was, since god tends to hate me in terms of porn.
Yeah Imagine
Lethe is nuts. She's like a beast version of Karla.
You are the living example so there's really reason to imagine.
Nah, just you.
>She's Ike's.
my nigga!
I wish I got Karla, but Fir had to be on focus for the last banner she was on. How good would a merged up Fir be?
Ah, so you're him. Not getting any more replies from me, not that you'll admit to it.
Just for good measure, I love Echoes, PoR, and SS and I hope IS makes more Gaidenlikes.
Better then Ayra supposedly
God I hope this means she get more fanart
Wishblade on Gatrie instead please.
Nothing against Marcia, she's easily the 2nd best Tellius girl but Sonic The Treefucker needs a nice prf.
Pretty great, actually. Nameless Blade lets her bust out powerful icebergs like a cute machine gun. You can even stack it with Wrath for +20 extra damage on specials. She's definitely worth using if you like her and I doubt she'll disappoint.
dude was always one of my mvps in RD
Think I'm just about sold, then. So if I had the dew to give her the Wo Dao refine and already have armor effectiveness covered (Bartre), would that be better than refining Hana's prf?
>bringing a general to the endgame
At least if you brought Meg, we could see it as memeing. WTF is this
How stronk would Lethe and Ike's child be?
I LIKE Elincia-queen!
Absolutely. Hana's refine is boring as hell.
when I saved the image back in the day, I couldn't remember his name off the top of my head and never bothered to fixed it till now.
Delete this
>not bringing a general
not him but gatrie was very useful in taking out the aura. RD is one of the only games that I enjoy using armors in (except meg).
Nice. Here's hoping I get some more of her. And some more feathers. I'm running out of HM batteries.
Good luck, user.
Except Nephenee is pretty widely agreed to be the best choice for the Wishblade because she's the only one capable of attacking it twice in a row, unless you really want to meme and prep Fiona for the endgame.
You can do what you like in RD Normal once you get past Part 1, like using a General that has equal or higher SPD growths than several myrmidons.
Neph got the Brave Lance.
I brought her too, but she had a forged lance with a lucky coin card that made it have higher mt than the wishblade itself.
>assuming I didn't bring best girl just because I brought the big blue bro
Why do people get so upset when you use characters you like in mainline FE instead of meta characters?
Because of
>you're not allowed to like or use unit i don't like
Oh right, there's also Sigrun, Tanith and Marcia as Wishblade candidates.
Story orbs, don't fail me.
How many?
Nice. A seasonal +10's only a far off dream for me, let alone a 5* locked unit. Closest I got was with a +4 Quan.
I was overly harsh, I can admit, but dude, no one wants to read multitudes of paragraphs of some self-important person going over their own OTP. Just typing that out was enough to bore me, let alone actually read it.
>tfw I just get one copy and work with it even if it has terrible ivs
am I playing wrong
I just like to have them and don't really feel the need to merge them and it helps save for the next one
>am I playing wrong
Personal preference. For me, if I only wanted 1 copy of the units I wanted, I'd never run out of orbs, so I use them on merging my favorites.
Real pro tip: text-only communication is bankrupt. There is no human soul there, no connection, no voice, no eye contact.
There was a time when I was being an emo fag and reading Pokemon fanfiction, and one of the authors posted on /vp/. I tried talking to him and trying to get to know him because his writing style was so unique, but it was fruitless, and cringe.
I have like 3 friends I met in /vp/ that I still touch base with on Facebook on occasion, and only because we had a big WiFi tournament back in 2013, and the only way to organize it was through email. I knew more of them, but I've lost touch.
Basically, you're mostly wasting your time.
...Noted. I'll just go back to fiending for somebody to start another Yea Forums playthrough of some game or another, then.
I meant Heroes. And the image can be found on either pixiv or gelbooru. Though an user also posted another link.
>Since when did "I like this character with this other character" become an expression of political stance?
Because if it's gay shit it's retarded and pathetic to look at
I know Nox doesn't work.
ah yeah that makes sense
I like a lot of them though
Favorite is Neph but no merges
What was your free roll
>pic related
Hinata. No colorless orbs.
That's a saucy Cherche
4* Lucius in a set with 2 colorless, then I used 4 orbs and got a 3* Lucius
Then my first ticket got me a 4* Serra, then I used 4 orbs and got a 3* Serra. But then I used another 4 orbs and got a 3* Klein from the third and final colorless of the session so I got less mad
Now I have to wait for the hour to switch so I can grind out another ticket
If there's one thing I hate about this update, it's the fact that the Pair Up shit's shoved in where it doesn't really fit or have a purpose. We get a new gamemode, but will have to wait two weeks just to be able to play it. We have a full menu that basically serves no purpose whatsoever if you don't have Roy or any of the Legendaries that will have the ability, along with not being able to immediately end your turn on Turn 1 because the Swap button would be in the same spot as Pair Up's button.
Got Laslow.
I don't get why only Roy has it. It's not like anyone will ever even need this.
>telling players to buy orbs in a feh channel
Cute foot. Based devs for recognizing that she needed something appealing.
Gacha games are trash. This one in particular went to shit early on.
Footfags are the most pathetic fucking incels to grace this earth. Shoes exist for a reason you dumb fuck
They know
You can sprout more buzzword
Just got her, +res -hp, is it bad?
she's gonna trip on her own cape once she gets up
If you have a waifu or husbando you should +10 them. Otherwise unless you want to be tier 20 in arena you don't need any merges.
Imagine fucking Lethe so hard she willingly gives up her transformation powers to carry your child.
Being obsessed with footfags is an obsession with feet too ~
Makes you think how futa and cuckfagsdon't get called out nearly as much despite being even more prevalent
Still no x86 version of 3.4.0 so I can't run it on Bluestacks.
It's been a while since IS went after emulators.
they're not as obnoxious about it.
I know it's probably not enough, but is 3,734 a good enough score to stay in tier 20? I heard 3770-ish is more reliable, though.
I don’t understand why the fuck anyone would make this fanart. What even are those three other women from, some anime show?
ty for prissy
Post my wife, Sumia.
Thank you for posting my wife, Sumia.
No problem
Pitybroken by this
Can I save those IVs?
literally her best ivs, dumbass
Oh shit nigger, you just got the best sword unit in the game. I'll bite the bait.
imagine the smell
must be rhubarb
>5 free rolls were Matthew, Camilla, Oboro, Barst, and Merric
>he didnt luckchad a veronica to give one of his mcorrins close guard to better support his waifu/husbando
Here I am just using the tickets to try and get a +spd Camilla.
Fjorm and her girlfriend!