How do you guys feel about the evo line up now?
How do you guys feel about the evo line up now?
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I hope they redeem DBFZ with the next installment, it should have taken up the torch for tag figthers when Marvel died, instead is stumbling.
at least UNIST is in too bad about melee
I would have to agree on the core argument just change a few things,
>tekken is just as slow and boring as Soulcalibur, and intrinsically has a lower skill ceiling due to less core mechanics
>I wouldn't say sfv is slow, I'd like a "tedious and boring" way better
Also UNIST is the Marvel 2 of anime games, take that for what you will
Fuck even UNI is slow and boring to watch. Nobody fucking likes watching Wagner going unga bunga for 20s or noodle man flailing from fullscreen
If you're not a tekken player you shouldn't be posting here. Seriously, look at that character you posted. What the fuck is that, cuphead? Lmao get the fuck out of here with that shit
DBFZ is already dead. That pick doesn't make any sense.
GG and UN are my favorite fighters of this gen easily. KOF14 would probably fall next although I don't get as many chances to play a good set in it which is a shame since I can finally play Heidern King and Geese on a legit no boss team.
Atleast Jap evo will have GG/KOF for a long time.
>Also UNIST is the Marvel 2 of anime games, take that for what you will
4 viable characters and a hispanic nigger shouting about everything?
And samsho about to show that something can be even more sleep inducing than SFV
>tekken is just as slow and boring as Soulcalibur, and intrinsically has a lower skill ceiling due to less core mechanics
>I wouldn't say sfv is slow
>Also UNIST is the Marvel 2 of anime games, take that for what you will
OP is pretty gay, but what the FUCK are you talking about? Please tell me you're being ironic
tekken sucks retard
Wagner and Merkava haven't won a tournament in awhile and Wagner is rare even if unga. I do agree though there are 101 Merkavas and atleast 2 wiggle their way into almost every top 8 I see. Phonons too.
But UN has insanely strong variety and if its slow id like to hear the non vs game fighter you think is fast.
So are you just going to make this thread every day until Evo weekend? The only games I'm not interested in on that chart are Smash, Tag and Ultimate. Everything else is going to be fun.
>UN is the Marvel 2 of anime games.
>UNIST has good balance overall
>UNIST doesn't have crazy infinites anywhere
>UNIST setplay is usually pretty specific to a few characters and otherwise not such a hassle to break
>Tons of mechanics to escape pressure and create it.
>Actual AA game
I could list more you clearly don't play the game to make such an idiotic statement unless its metaphoric and relates to just the community stuff.
Seething meleetard? Go take a shower
Am I the only one who think "and is angry" should be "and are angry"?? 'Is' just doesn't sound right in that sentence.
Ah so a game that is "faster" just means weak neutral , long ass combos off even jab confirms , tons of gimmick characters and having a stupid top 2-3 every balance cycle.
Tekken is not good, nice try Tekkenfag.
tekken is literally pure shit
SamSho should not be there. I'd rather have GGXRD again even though it's obvious Omito will steamroll the competition.
Sfv makes me sad. Such a tedious game, but since it has been propped up by all that esports dough people keep playing it huh.
why are you mad at samsho?
it deserves a shot considering the release date
plus there's not many other games active atm
people literally don't even know why they hate SFV anymore
Is UNIST worth playing for a first time fighting player? I really like the anime designs.
>yfw no melee
I remember when UNIST players were known for being chill and just being really passionate about their game, and now that they're doing well with EVO registration numbers they've become absolutely insufferable.
Sad, I was really looking forward to trying the game till they started acting all high and mighty.
I'm also getting sick and tired of their onions/bandwagon players showing up at other fg locals and parroting "UNIST is a good game!" or "SERIOUSLY. TRY. UNIST."
Shut the fuck up.
Also the hypocrisy is real in the OP. When a game has heavy neutral emphasis "Slow and boring" when the neutral is fast "durr no neutral". SC6 isn't slow at all, and DBFZ does have neutral.
Only confirmed bad game at EVO is SFV. Good riddance to melee. Play your game and stop compensating for your lack of skill by trashing the games you don't play.
I'm sad to see Xrd gone but I'm happy that Unist gets to have some spotlight. I don't personally play it (play a bit of Uniel on release) but now that me and some of my fighting game friends are planning to dive into within the next week now that the heavily early releases have calmed down.
I personally really like Crosstag, even more so than I like CF (I think it has a lot more flaws than CP) and I am really interested to see how the game shifts after this massive patch. I honestly think the game did simplicity a lot better than most other games going for that, which brings me to-
DBFZ: I think that game is actually trash, especially by Arc Sys standards. Played a bit on release cause I caved and bought. Had some silly fun with friends in the beginning. As soon as we started to play the game even slightly as serious as we did GG or BB the flaws became apparent and the game became completely boring and unfun.
Can't say much about any of the other games. I had my fun with SFV for about the first year of its life but I am well over that game and I don't play any of the others.
shit has me rollin
Still pissed there's no guilty gear, that shit was always hype.
You literally can't deny SFV is one of the most entertaining game to watch. It is frustating to play, but always hype to watch.
I'd say only Unist could be more fun to watch.
>Slower party game
>He says this when every tournament match he watches is a puff stalling with bair until the time runs out
>B-But that's just them trying to win. I love camping when Melee does it
guilty gear is fucking garbage, thank god they binned it. if only they binned cross tag battle and DBFZ along with it. horrendous games. fuck anime fighting games.
I didn't play the old guilty gears but the new one is fucking cool.
Yeah its a bummer, I dont mind UNIST nor Samsho, but its a damn shame wizard kept smash at all, and what the fuck is cross tag even doing there over GG, that shits trash
and soul calibur? get that outta my face, gimme back KOF, i dont even like kof it just deserves that spot way more
>muh neutral
Like a clockwork. No the offense in UNI is just extremely boring and only with few characters you feel being really screwed when they got you. BB is completely bonkers with shit you sometimes need to do to even survive basic pressure and it ultimately makes for better show
Watching sfv is the worst wtf are you on about.
SFV is more effective than Ambien
i wanted to amend my Unist thing, the game is fine but i hate it too. I just like smaller communities getting the spotlight, and if someone ever comes at me with "small/dying games shouldnt be main stage" you can get outta here. They should be getting the spotlight the most. its dumb samsho's there but ill take it since its an interesting game and itll give me a chance to watch before i buy it
can you not use GG to shitpost your stupid opinions?
TAG is getting in cause those retards in ASW got to finish all their retarded character announcements
fuck youre right and i hate it
put skullgirls in over melee shit would be cash and funny as fuck
True honestly, playing the game isn’t that fun but watching it is.
dog ya nuts, SFV is annoying as shit to play, its unsatisfying as hell.
I'm not a SF5 expert but often it looks like every character tries to do the same exact shit. Only exception is the chick with the balls. Honestly one of the most boring games every year
I think it's fine but I'm bummed about the choice they made for the sunday spot finals. I'm only gonna be watching tekken that day sadly
I literally said playing it isn’t fun?
I'm hyped to see Unist played at EVO. Got it a few days ago and it'll be my only FG til SamSho.
I can't understand the appeal of tekken. it's so fucking bad.
im sorry i have my shit tuned wrong, meant to say the game is ass in all facets and watching it is as unsatisfying as playing
The FGC is a more autistic community than the Sonic and KH fanbases combined.
I think the issue with sfv is less that the characters aren't unique and more that there's not enough room for players to express themselves. Like one guy playing ryu is going to be looking to do the same thing that every other guy playing ryu is looking to do. In the past this wasn't the case--players were able to make their ryu play feel unique.
Nobody plays ryu in sfv obviously but you get the point.
Nobody gives a fuck about goober queer or KOF14 or whatever trash FG you pretend to play. May as well rotate the kusoge every year instead of going on some "muh ogz" status.
I'm going to do the same thing I do every year when EVO rolls around, watch all the MK streams and skip the no-fun jap shit
I don't get it, why is "low skill ceiling" seen as a bad thing?
You're only playing video games, isn't it better if the game is easier to learn? Why even be so elitist about video games out of all things?
If you want to do anything with "high skill ceiling" that's actually impressive, just become a brain or heart surgeon or something.
this is actually the biggest meme
based, great game with a passionate community happy for them to get in
disgusting, get that shit out
i dont like it but it's one of the 3 biggest games out so it deserves a spot
complete shit, doesnt deserve a slot and the sign up numbers will show it
same as dbfz
there is no evo without sfv
pretty lame but i dont mind it getting a shot because it wont get another
going to be huge, same as t7/dbfz for me
weird situation because it's an unreleased legacy game that people seem hyped for but will more than likely have a very small following
all in all I would replace bbtag with ggxrd and smash with melty
I rather see Mario Kart back at Evo then Ultimate
I'd say so, it's generally pretty low execution and easy to wrap your head around, with the exception of a few characters.
this is a based opinion but melty needs to be in the sidelines permanently, whether they realize it or not their greatest asset is obscurity. it is a blessing. also as a skullgirls fan (and player) i will have to do the classic mikeZ and shill that shit
this applies to literally every sf game
top players differentiate themselves with talents that are inherent to the system, not their characters
>it's generally pretty low execution
why are anime players always trying to trick poor fuckers into playing their games by lying to them?
>their greatest asset is obscurity.
Don't mistake Yea Forums shitposters for actual unist players
They were shitposting with samsho when it was first revealed and switched to uni after people started actually paying attention to that game. They don't care about the games, just getting attention anonymously on an oriental moving picture forum
t. Man who doesn't play non-mainstream fightan.
BBTAG is the MvC2 of anime fighting games while DBFZ is the MvC3 of anime fighting games.
What’s the fuck point of this?
Not really? Seeing Fuudo play Mika and Luffy playing Mika feels completely different for example. I could tell who plays that character without any name on the screen.
what was bbtag even doing in place of bbcf last year?
sometimes its malice, as the anime player is well known for sharking scrubs
most of the time theyre just so beyond the pale that those stupid fucking loops and shit are cake to them
GG is faster and better.
no dbez is a boring piece of shit and bbtag is an incomplete piece of shit
listen to my opinions and agree
uni is relatively low execution for an anime game, that's for sure
the biggest thing with uni execution is that it's very unique, the delays feel really weird but once you get used to them they arent really *hard* just different
Watching SFV is still pretty cool.
To put it like this, I'd rather watch SFV at a high level than Smash Ultimate or Melee at a high level
I agree as far as spectating it goes. Watching SFIV was like watching fucking paint dry. They were both kind of ASS
>thinking bandwagoner hypefag shills actually play unist
Oh fucking please, they haven't answered my lobby challenges for fucking months. Make no mistake, those type of people don't play the games they're shitposting with.
Fuudo was more fun to watch when he was a Fei Long player.
most people agree that casual approachability is the driving force behind a lot of modern fighters, many of those people believe it to be a detriment
melty blood will neither A) pander to braindead knuckledraggers or B) get bloated with people in the scene contributing nothing and just filling the air with noise making the scene look bad
its small but cozy and while I advocate for the growth of every scene, i think that melty players are a bit late to expand too much and they should treasure the cozy last few years of their game. then again its one of those games that probably wont ever really die.
Dumb shit thats what, BB is a waste of time in all regards and the only reason it isnt in over GG is like that other guy said, ASW is still creating content and announcing shit for it
>implying OP/ bandwagoners represent the entire community of UNIST
Maybe you should actually lurk the threads before making that judgement call as many of the players also play other fighting games and the conversations stay within lines of game discussion and not "my game is better than theirs".
Especially when v.1 Uni was a kusoge.
The delays for Linne were way freakin hard add online delay into that and it would be borderline impossible.. And Linne is supposed to be the easiest character in the game.
It's a pretty bad lineup for my tastes.
Would prefer BBCF over tag, GGxrd over anything
Want to watch unist, tekken, and SFV
Might watch SC6 and Samsho
>supposed to be the easiest character in the game
Eh, I'd say Gordeau and Enkidu are way easier. 97% of Linne players I've fought have been pure garbage
>if evo was still about the games and not advertisement
sunday finals (reverse order):
sat finals:
Guilty Gear should 100% be in this is bullshit.
Fucking implying
I guarantee you that UNIST at Evo will have a high number of cross-game entrants. People who play UNIST play other anime fighters and other fighters in general
also do we really want to live in a world where the Melty pools arent run in the mens room?
Enkidu is an other ridiculous character. If you wanna get something as basic as 2.8k damage you have to juggle flaming chainsaws. Try practicing this combo. Ridiculous.
2A > 2B > 5B > 5C > 3C > jump cancel > j.A > j.B > j.C > land > j.A > j.C > j.CC > 236A > 6A > 6A
Why should it be? Xrd is 5 years old and it consistently is near the bottom of the list for entrants at every tournament.
Every single one of you xrd posters is at fault for xrd not making it in because no american has ever won xrd. Why didn't you prereg for evo?
>if evo was still about the games
>sunday finals
the fuck is that
tfw I enjoy the bb characters and anime aesthetic more than gg
enkidu is very easy, I blew through his trials day 1 of picking up the game
Doa6 was justifiably BTFO for trying to appeal to them
I play the character, he's easy as balls.
>using mission mode combos
Yeah, nah. His and Wagner mission modes are un-optimal compared to everyone elses. Those combos aren't hard at all, they're piss easy.
>wtf bro why does the biggest, most competitive fighting game get a sunday finals
you're allowed, for the same reason I'm allowed to prefer Guilty Gear's faux-90's anime metal aesthetic and also think youre a buffoon. for what its worth, the guy that looks like Kamina and Bang the ninja guy are both fucking great designs
want to play seth but I hear he is impossible to play online, I don’t go to locals. Should I drop him the second character I want to play is Vatista
If that combo is supposed to be easy then I don't even wanna know what hard is.
you're thinking of the bandwagoners that are using unist to shitpost against melee players with
you still need to use discord to organize matches across ps4/pc so the community hasn't grown greatly, but unist's name is out in the mainstream now
Could you please tell me how to be this sensitive to what other people think?
kys senpai
People will deny this but there is a reason the game still gets high viewer numbers even at 3AM on sunday
I just played ranked on PS4. But I gave up after a couple weeks because the game is too hard.
because it would undoubtedly have more entrants than bbtag and is also a more watched and competitive game
It is low execution, with the exception of a few characters as I said. It has simple inputs, you can chain any normal into any other normal so you don't have to worry about links or anything like that which can be tough for a newcomer, and they give you a lot of pretty simple but effective combos in the training mode. If you want to play at an optimal level and only do the best combos it's a lot tougher on execution, but a new player won't be able to do that in any game, and the more beginner-friendly combos in UNIST are pretty easy and effective.
He has an auto combo that's easy to get 2.7k off ya know.
Also if you wanna shortcut to 2.6k you can just do this one instead:
2A>5B>2B>5C>2C>3C>6[C]>2B>236A(or just slide your thumb to 6A)>2Ax.
Uh yes? That's easy as shit.
So you're just bad/really new. The combo you just noted out is off a light confirm. I just did it in training mode and it came out to 2.5k. My own 5A combo does 2.8k
I'm not talking about posts I see on Yea Forums numbskulls I'm talking about people I see on local tourney streams either commentators/TOs or players on twitter.
> hurr twitter
yeah I know, but at least they're not anonymous shitposters
I wouldn't be surprised. They tend to suck at every game they touch. I see them try DBFZ or Tekken and they suck and they go "hurr UNIST better" or something to cover the fact they are eternal scrubs.
idk what you think I'm implying but I'm not implying that UNIST players don't play other games. Just saying they got snobby once they got a bit of spotlight and that disappointed me because I always had a bit of respect for them and their dedication to the game.
Please don’t shitpost with my main
I like GG most, but I'm not sad to see it gone. It'll get a new game soon I'm sure and it'll have other big tournaments this year. It's absence here isn't that surprising and isn't that big a deal.
They hate it because it's been three years and the core gameplay is still shit and the meta still hasn't evolved.
>lower skill ceiling than Melee
Last I checked, people didn't cheat in Ultimate with defective controllers and modifying the game.
You know that I think about it, is there really any reason not to. Melee at least had the skill ceiling that gave the impression of a fighting game but Ultimate isn't a fighting game in any sense of the word. Might as well just play mario kart.
Slayer players are born shitposters, brother.
Said snobby people are the exact sort of people we're telling you probably don't play the game seriously. People have literally admitted to not playing it and just using it to shittalk melee.
looking forward to UNIST and Jive shitposting
you are billeting samurai shodown, a REAL fighting game while holding back on fucking MoriShitCrossGarbage. leave and don't ever shitpost using slayer again
Not being on the main stage really sucks for spectators, but if you actually attend the event there will be side tournaments for all of these games. I only really plan on watching Unist, here's hoping the side tournies get some screen time since I won't be attending this year.
You think the snobby players represent most of them though? Or was particular people who you previously thought were cool turned out to not be who you thought they were because I doubt the community as a whole shares the opinion that they "beat melee" when they come from the same cloth of grass roots community.
1. While I do like KoF more, SNK wants to push there new game instead of bringing an older game to EVO.
2. DBFZ literally broke records for evo. It isn't just "mainstream", it's one of the biggest parts of EVO.
3.Tekken 7 is slow as hell, and has less core mechanics.
4. Same thing that applies to Samsho applies to SFV.
5. Ultimate may be slower, but melee is 10 times more boring. Also, the community is fucking themselves over, so they need a time out for a while.
I could go on, but I don't think I need to.
when's Melty?
>impossible to play online
That's impossible because I play him online
>want to play Vatista instead
Do you know how to charge? I find Vatista harder than Seth so good luck
Do people play BBTAG?
pretty good descriptions, I have a soft spot for soul calibur but I know it's not exciting for most
Jesus if you find that hard then no wonder you can't play Linne
Last CEO had a stream dedicated to side tourneys and I believe on EVO announce stream they said they're looking to emulate that so they could showcase old games like SF2T.
>BB is a waste of time in all regards
hard agree. BB should've just stopped being made after GG came back desu.
I really don't like how corporate EVO has become.
Meant to put 6AAx at the end there, but yeah the only real tricky part of this combo is timing the 2B following the 6[C] in my opinion. I think it's in his mission mode too IIRC.
fucking finally someone else who isnt too much of a bitch to admit BB has gone on long enough. it exists to push other anime games out of the way, since GG pretty much already has the "biggest anime game" spotlight (ignoring dbfz since its a team game).
>tfw I enjoy the bb characters and anime aesthetic more than gg
t. zoomer
No, it has the lowest entrants.
GG is a million times more entertaining than BB.
They would if the skill ceiling was so high that tiny input discrepancies mattered lol.
Hell yeah that'd be great. I know sometimes they'll show the Top 4 or 8, really hoping to see GG and some others. Kinda forgot about SamSho too, I have no idea what to expect from this new game so I'll probably watch that one too.
Last year I remember walking over and watching the Accent Core tourney and it was a blast, though I've never played it myself. I'd kill to get a stream of this years.
what’s wrong with the anime style BB has?
a lot of the gg community feels that why. bb players just kept crying how they were getting bullied, so it kinda died down, but the gg community still feels strongly that way.
Whether you like it or not BB has had plenty of time to build it's own fanbase in lieu of people who were waiting for GG's return.
There is also quite a difference in the amount of gimmicky characters in BB vs the more straightforward GG so I believe both can co-exist just fine.
But you have to admit Xrd's artstyle is Amazing.
They're using it for games past DBFZ right? Whats that new one other than KLK? Granblue?
what fanbase? the people who just talk about their waifus all day?
personally i think that BB's issue is that its so goddamn generic, nothing looks unique to it and the main style, while mostly cohesive, is really uninteresting and bland. i feel like there isnt a character that i can look at and be like "damn that guys cool, never seen something like this".
like potemkin, whats the deal with that fuckin guy? whats up with that?
I'm glad that Melee isn't in this year, shit got stale as fuck to watch anymore.
I am glad, as a once GG-player aspirant I would die on the GG>BB hill 10 times out of 10
Well if you're looking at old anime games specifically then you should check out animeEVO streams since games like old GG will likely be present there.
Pic related was their roster last year.
Is UNIST any good? Kinda interested in picking it up but dunno if I want to as I already play 3 games.
Why are meleefags so butthurt that their 20 years old game was excluded from evo?
Tekken is sick
Have you played any Melty Blood?
I don't give a single goddamn fuck, and I don't understand why people do.
If you're a fan of a game then you watch tournaments of that game.
Why the fuck would you be a fan of a tournament and then try to get your game in that tournament?
It's completely ass-backwards.
if youre juggling games id give it a pass. if youre not into anime usually and want to try something that has a bit of other games' fundamentals in an anime control and mechanical frame then go for it
>Here are my opinions, they count as facts because I say they do
>he thinks twitchy autism makes for interesting gameplay
I'm sorry you hate entertainment, user
Sheeeiiiiittttt I forgot all about this. Thanks for the reminder user, you're the best.
Why do you let a 20 year old game live rent free in your head?
It’s like anime but your not in the air 60% of the time.
Aside from reverse beats, I'd hardly call them similar.
Post the 9 games you'd want to see at Evo.
fair enough.
merkava can fly
fpbp. dbez2 is going to be great with the lessons they learned.
because evo is exposure and always brings and influx of people into all its featured games (even if they don't stay). Fighting games live and die based on how many people play them meaning evo could be the difference between a game living for another year vs being dead
At the moment I play Tekken GG and melee. Outside that used to play SF and DBFZ but neither really held my attention.
No probs m8. Looking forward to this year's side journey's as well. Ceoc's Shaq Fu tournament last year was hilarious.
Having a hard time picking between bbcf, UNIST and BBtag. I’m liking bbcf the most I’ve played through a few of hibiki and naoto missions and like them. UNIST I couldn’t really find anyone cool other than Vatista but she’s really hard from what I hear and BBtag I have just fooled around in.
Most characters aren't merkava
nah idc about melee I'm glad it's dying. I guess I just got blindsided by bottom feeders that were enjoying the spotlight by shilling and making jabs at other games.
I jumped the gun generalizing all UNIST players.
Don't be cringey ya goober
KOF 13 or 2002UM
>personally i think that BB's issue is that its so goddamn generic
Honestly, UNIST is the worst contender in that regard.
What’s this image supposed to mean
Because we're not corporate cocksuckers and play the game we want to play.
Why cant fgc nerds shut the fuck up about melee not being at evo? Instead you get ultimate which is an objectively more casual game.
>"damn that guys cool, never seen something like this"
Susanoo is pretty cool to me.
stick with GG you'll be better off spending the time grinding that for good anime
thats fucking news to me i love the lanky asshole, just wish he was in a game i liked
you're fucking right but it has merkava and its """""""""new""""""""" so im letting it slide. find me next year, if its here again then ill be the first to riot
Well a fair amount of mechanics are different though rebeat and heat (which is similar to VO) on top of being made by FB makes me relate them.
I won't blame you 100% because a huge chunk of shills and the likes infest twitter. When they spam nothing but "play unist" and get asked if they play regularly they literally say "I like the game but I don't that much" or some variation of :I'm not good at it", it's pretty fucking annoying.
Plus an overwhelming majority of its discord players aside from those named people who regularly show up to tournaments are actually any good.
I fucking love the game but the community is filled with idiots and degenerates, which is why I avoid twitter/discord in general, they thankfully wrangle their degeneracy at actual tournaments at least.
im pissed because hes as cool to me as bang and not-Kamina, you motherfucker i was so sure i hated BB still sure but cool designs are my weakness
Maybe if you're a fucking child.
True but the general feel of them isn't as frantic and isn't as setplay heavy or a variation of jab jab air combo air throw.
GG doesn’t have enough cute boys to make me pick it up
thats gay but its your right to be gay and wrong so ill let it slide... this time
I suppose you're right about that. Also call me a pleb but being able to move around before round start also makes the game stand out vs UNI as well in my opinion since you can play mind games before the match even begins.
BB was created at the peak of the downfall of anime designs. Modern anime was a fucking mistake. I miss the 90s aesthetic.
>lower skill ceiling than melee
See you in a few years after they keep banning things like icies usefulness and hopefully soon jiggly camping and the game is just two marios punching each other not allowed to jump or anything
Melee high level play is not fun to watch
I prefer GG’s aesthetics and character designs overall but I think Hakumen is pretty damn cool.
Don't you ever use my main for your shitposting again, you undandy little shit
sfv still king of the genre and im glad that it upsets fagboys online.
He’s no Justice but Susanoo is a pretty great “final boss” character.
I’m going to miss Bedman. Bedgirl better be cute to make up for it.
When you want to discuss fighting games on the internet, people will call into question your skill and experience with those games in order to consider your opinion credible or not. Who would want to listen to a scrub talk about shit they know nothing about? A way to show your experience and credibility is to express in-depth knowledge that an inexperienced player wouldn't know about. Inexperienced retarded streamboar spectator scrubs who don't play the games accidentally equate shit talking certain fighting games and praising others as having "knowledge" about these games.
Thus, generally people who shit on other peoples choice in fighting games don't actually play fighting games, they are just shitting on those other games in order to "fake" having some kind of knowledge or experience in order to seem credible.
>"Street Fighter V, Smash Bros and Crosstag bad!!! UNIST, Street Fighter IV and Tekken good!!!"
>"Th-That's what everyone else agrees with r-right?"
>"Of course I haven't actually PLAYED any of those games beyond 10 minutes each, fighting games are too hard!"
A REAL fighting game player doesn't give a FUCK what games are popular, doesn't give a FUCK about others choice in fighting games is, because they understand that people choose the game that they do for specific reasons and that the least effective way to get people to play your preferred game is shitting on others for their taste in games.
Shut the fuck up. Quit streamboaring and actually PLAY THE DAMN GAMES YOU TALK ABOUT SO MUCH. The developers of these games LITERALLY dumb them the fuck down every single iteration to the detriment of their core players so that DUMB FUCKS LIKE YOU WILL FUCKING PLAY THE GAMES and despite ALL OF THAT you STILL FUCKING DON'T.
>The developers of these games LITERALLY dumb them the fuck down every single iteration to the detriment of their core players so that DUMB FUCKS LIKE YOU WILL FUCKING PLAY THE GAMES and despite ALL OF THAT you STILL FUCKING DON'T.
Yea Forums BTFO
based weakling
which is why I still play the goat. Just wait til they figure out how to put it on fightcade
Only games there I want to watch are UNI and Tekken
Maybe a little of Samurai Shodown
Everything else is too shitty for me to enjoy
>ultimate mvc 3
> Tekken 7
>Ultra street fighter 4
>guilty gear xrd rev 2
>soul calibur 2
>king of fighters 13
Fixed your evo bro
So they're basically the new GG fags, as in they don't actually play the game in any real capacity and just namedrop it to seem hip and intelligent. I'm trying to get into UNIST but inputs seem way tighter to execute than what I've been used to for a while, doesn't seem like there's much buffer for moves either.
>op embarrasses himself by obviously not knowing what skill ceiling means
Dbfz is boring as fuck and I'd unironically rather have mvci in the lineup.
>literally every place online throwing a shitfit over sfv and claiming that sf4 is the best game ever
>go online at eu primetime to see whats up in that game these days
>literally zero lobbies
>three people in ranked
>one is a honda that literally only headbutts
>only one guy knew his bnbs
pathetic really. also looks like a perfect reflection of fighting game discussions online.
people should put their time spent under any fighting game post. maybe other credentials like events won too.
SFV is the only game that matters nothing new.
All of those games are too hard for me. I can't handle these long combos and links. I need something easier.
Fucking this. I am so glad that people call this shit out.
>Say I play SFV
>"That game is shit bro, just gigantic explosive comebacks and 50/50 guessing on wake up"
>"bro no no no play Goober Gear instead!"
>my face when I have no face
>makoto would be wasted on such a dash and mash gorilla game
There's less input buffering in UNIST compared to Blazblue games. So I struggle with basic things like doing 360s and timing my dps. Whoever said UNIST is easy is spouting a load of crap. It has easier inputs for supers but that's it. It still has just as much links and weird timings as any other anime game and also less input buffering.
Then play blazblue cross tag you sniveling retard
>literally dash and mash THE CHARACTER
She'd be perfect for SFV.
>mr. wizard still in charge of EVO
it was destined to be shit. wizard is a fat shill.
Why is samsho not out but MK11 is?
Just because it has easier inputs doesn't mean it doesn't have a lot of hard combos, os's and a shit ton of training mode grinding. This is the kind of bullshit that needs to be removed from fighting games. Granblue Fantasy Versus now that's a real fighting game.
Yeah but the baiken of the game has such a high skill ceiling that the annoying waifufags outright quit the game.
sunday finals will be
practice and training requirements should be removed from sports too while we're at it so they can be more accessible
I started playing UNIST, but I'm just a button masher. I'll finish the tutorial though.
It doesn't have hard combos even a low functioning brain dead husk like you can play
Nope. I played Yang and she had a lot difficulty delay based combos, so did Ruby. I'm not sure if you even played the game.
>bros third strike was so epic parrying was so hype
>MY favorite fighting games? Third strike, sf4, garou, last blade 2, kof13, guilty gear...
>bro sfv is all about guessing 50/50s and mashing blockstrings in your face play guilty gear instead (which is literally all about that)
>PLAY fighting games? Bro I'm still part of the fgc come on... I jerk off to JAVs and retweet memes I'm in the fgc...
>aris is so epic hahah stoner xD
>unist is all about footsies, man, all about the neutral game *cue 50 second rebeat blockstring*
>super turbo? YEEEEOOOOOW!! hahaha fuck that shitty game sagat and boxer are literally broken *makoto at coop cup robs a better player with a mashed out grab into ToD* HOLY SHIT SO FUCKING HYPE!!!! THIRD STRIKE LET'S DO THIS NIGGAS!!!
This is when I start ignoring whatever people start to say. You can tell someone is a reddit kappatard from their shitty opinions. The sad part is how many of them are on Yea Forums, clearly know nothing about FGs, and post this garbage anyways.
Why do they do this bros?
Anyone else find it strange that there's literally 0 angry melee players in any of these threads, it's just random shittalk about the game? I hate to say it, but it's really rent-free. Anywhere I go there's sm4sh kids seething about melee, even with 0 mention of it from actual players
>slow and boring
Literally faster and more interesting to watch than Tekken. Only genuine complaint is the reversal edge mechanic
>unist is all about footsies, man, all about the neutral game
The funny thing is some people are actually ignorant enough to believe. There is no footsies in UNIST it's all blockstrings and frametraps.
>>bro sfv is all about guessing 50/50s and mashing blockstrings in your face
???? More like same-y and one note with normals that should reach but don't. Its painfully boring to watch and play, same problem as DBFZ
why would we go talk about melee in a non-melee thread? Meleefriends are good anons who dont shit up threads.
>so did Ruby
Literally the most brain dead unga bunga character, user I think you're legit retarded
nothing, the right can't meme.
Post 30 seconds of you doing optimal Ruby combos.
Thank god someone speaks the fucking truth. All of that is so fucking accurate it's unreal. People just can't form their own opinions AT ALL.
>watching evo 2002 usa vs japan matches
>tfw americans didn't even know about urien reflector unblockable
>tfw SA2 yun
>tfw flimsy ass projector and shit
It was a different time.
At any event you go to you can usually directly correlate skill inversely with how loud and obnoxious a player is being. Quiet and scrawny asian or white guy playing on pad or with a vanilla looking fight stick? Usually a god. Black guy or fat ass that won't shut the fuck up about games he doesn't understand and has some faggy ass stick with his waifu's anus plastered on it? Total shit
fuck off smelly
what’s a good fighting game to start with? I have bbcf, bbtag, unist, nitro+, kof 13, and umvc3
Fighting games are for retarded manchildren that REEEEEEEE whenever a company covers up or changes their hyper-sexualized female characters for the better.
Fuck all of them.
any of them, you bought all these games and haven't played them yet, what?
It's kind of just something people regurgitate from hearsay. Like the "unist is anime street fighter" nonsense. Uni has easy intermediate combos for most of the cast but that's just a single facet. Game has very powerful OS's, a strict interpretor that will slap you for even a mild deviation in your inputs, and a bunch of high execution shit spread out amongst the cast.
It has a low skill floor but it's not an easy game at all.
out of those unist is most alive right now.
based kazuya steering up the fumes
yes. at different times on PC. I have 1-10 hours in each from just fooling around in training mode
Add SC6 to the good game list and I'll agree.
Good balance, good character variety, phat tiddies, mostly quite short combos, lethal hits are sweet.
I agree, fellow tranny-ally burka combat fan.
>makoto dash grab
You can tech in on reaction.
>unist is all about footsies, man, all about the neutral game
Nobody really said this that played the game for a while. Like neutral is important, its something you'll realize when you first jump into the game look at someone like Waldstein and Carmine and don't know how to even approach those characters (depending on who you're playing of course). In reality the game is about how to counter mixups and confirm into your character routes. If you don't know how to fuzzy and tech well in Uni you're gonna have a bad time
Why does Yea Forums pretend they are knowledgeable about fighting games?
SC6 is sweet, but ivy and azwel players can eat shit
Unist IS about the footsies when youre playing Akatsuki though. That guy has unga bunga pressure with only 2 normals that isnt plus, but you need to get in first.
what do I do after I finish the tutorial in bbcf? I like how fast the game is. Should I jump into online? Or just do mission mode?
I'll be the first one to tell you I'm bad at fighting games even though I've played longer than most people here. What I don't get is these people that barely even try to play past week 1 strats and act like they know a lot.
Go online
It's okay bro, they got nerfed back when 2B came out. Game's been pretty balanced since then.
I mean...what else could they put in?
-MVC:I a shit show. The player base simply isnt there anymore to justify it
-Other street fighters are better, but dead thanks to "latest game" autist syndrome+Capcom's money
-The best smash game got cut just BECAUSE
-the others are the most popular titles right now
I mean, yeah a KOF woulda been cool but realistically how many entrants can you get from south/centra america? Like, the only game there I care about is under night, and thats only because I love Melty Blood, I don't even play UNIST.
Maybe samshow will be good...hopefully? I don't fucking know. What even is Evo anymore.
none of you faggots even play fighting games
Faniliarize yourself with easy, practical and consistent combos your character has. Watch pros use the character to see the gist of playing said character on a competent level. Hop online, try to apply what you've learned, lose a lot, repeat process and you'll eventually get better. It takes time of course, but your goal is to just play the game competently for now
Maybe like 10 people out of 112 people here have played enough fighting games
Yeah but I jerk off to SF girls so I'm literally better then Daigo.
I haven’t played smash since brawl, but why do so many people shit on smash?
>other streetfighters are better
I've been playing all day you zoomer. Like why do you post this stuff. You just embarrassed yourself.
>No argument, or even attempt at discussion.
Thats the one (you) you're getting.
Alright SamSho bros, who are you maining?
>The best smash game got cut
shut up stinky
BBTAG is a good place to learn mechanics and fundamental because of it's simplified controls and easy to learn BnBs. It has a high casual population and is about to get brief reviaval in may because of the patch so now is a good time to play.
UNIST has the best tutorial for 2D fighting games ever so it's a good place to learn motions and Footsies. it has a healthy population and it's ez to find matches if you look online.
BBCF, KOF13, and UMVC will kick your ass, especially KOF, but they're all good games in to get into once you get a hang of the basics. I've never played Nitro+ so I can't speak for it.
In order of difficulty to learn:
KoF13 > Mahvel > BBCF(Excluding a few characters image related.)
Playing Akatsuki against Carmine, Merkava, Waldstien, Vatista feels like playing a different game than other characters. Yeah you have the fireball but you don't have full screen buttons and commands like most of the other characters. So your skill on Akatsuki is generally how good you are at dashblocking and being good at approaching in neutral. He's still strong af though
t. only played duty fighter v
funny because I completed the tutorial for bbcf and first character I started learning combos with is pic. lol
Not sure if I'm getting Samurai Shodown yet. Knowing SNK they're unreliable when it comes to online netcode.
I just wanted to say thanks for the small nod to Melee but that even as A Melee guy I'm fine with Ultimate taking the reigns for now. Our top players are tired and I fear Hbox has totally ruined our tournaments, at least for now. We have to get through these trying times on our own and that's okay.
I don't think I've ever played Nakoruru outside of CvS2, even then it was limited play. What's wrong with her? Genuinely curious.
whichever you liked the most, do you want me to play the game for you after I pick it too or what?
>was still about the games
Don't get me wrong Naoto cool as fuck and he's the first character I learned as well but micro-dashes are a bitch man.
In V Special she would've been fine if her damage wasn't so low. She has the same problem in II but not nearly as bad
Ah so she's a glass cannon without the cannon basically?
Im gonna go with the samurai person
>Smeleefat hiding behind GG
If theres any community that can and has gotten on by themselves, melees definitely the first that comes to mind.
I'm trash but I'm having fun
Some of the design choices in Blazblue are just really strange.
I dont play ruby but just to show you combos are easy in this game here
She takes a fair amount of damage, but she's not really that much of a glass cannon given she has defensive options. Her strengths mainly lie in her mixup potential with the bird
I don't feel bad for laughing
I do love me some soulcalibur.
Either Kyoshiro or Galford.
Yeah. SFV. The game that actually attracts players rather than faggot posers who dont play fighting games.
why would I attempt a discussion with some faggot who didnt put up an argument in the first place?
beat it.
Guilty Gear?
More like Guilty Queer! Am I right Chowder my boy?
>Hiding behind the one that saved the others
It’s scummy really
Samsho and BBTAG clearly don't deserve their spots and were paid/bribed by their companies to be there.
BBtag should be guilty gear since it's somehow still more popular than bbtag (a real testament to how boring bbtag is) and Samsho should be skullgirls (as an apology since years ago skullgirls was called "too new for evo" when it'd been out for 6 months but samsho got a spot when it wasn't even out yet)
More like shit gear.
Yea Forums is basically just full of r/kappa fags that think Third Strike is perfection despite knwoing nothing about it beside the Daigo parry. The game was shit on at release, for good, reason, and people still meme it as being the same as at release.
>Xrd Sign instead of Rev2
So close
SFV is fucking shit. All you do is just turtle the whole game and occasionally do some cookie cutter combos with awful shoehorned v trigger shit. Reddit's the only place that defends duty fighter 5. What's the next thing you're gonna say, CvS2 was shit? SamSho5sp was shit? Even if hipster faggots that just parrot other people say 3S and Garou was good that doesn't make the games bad. You're just a contrarian faggot that started with SFV mad cus you suck ass at every other fighters. And parrying is way more fun to watch and do than spam fireballs for half the match. And SFV have parries too so how are you gonna suck sfv dick than shit on parries.
GG didnt do shit. It was abandoned by both its players and developers.
Nobody plays Guilty Gear anymore. Not sure what you're talking about. it's always hard to find matches online and offline it's not getting enough entrants at tournaments anymore to remain a relevant game.
I love how shills desperately try to pretend anyone gives a fuck about samshoshit. Fuck off paid2poster.
he is exactly talking about poser faggots like you.
>should I drop the second hardest character to play because they're too hard for me and switch to the first hardest character to play?
>implying snk has money
>implying samsho as a franchise hasn't already been established
>implying skusogirls deserves a spot at evo
Please stop being wrong
>SFV is fucking shit. All you do is just turtle the whole game and occasionally do some cookie cutter combos with awful shoehorned v trigger shit. Reddit's the only place that defends duty fighter 5. What's the next thing you're gonna say, CvS2 was shit? SamSho5sp was shit? Even if hipster faggots that just parrot other people say 3S and Garou was good that doesn't make the games bad. You're just a contrarian faggot that started with SFV mad cus you suck ass at every other fighters. And parrying is way more fun to watch and do than spam fireballs for half the match. And SFV have parries too so how are you gonna suck sfv dick than shit on parries.
You want to see me in ST or 98 kid? Fightcade is gorilla dick daddy. I'll be waiting.
You underestimate boomers, my man. Boomers don't forget
>And SFV have parries too so how are you gonna suck sfv dick than shit on parries.
imagine being this fucking ignorant about both SF3 and SFV.
I'd say Yuzuriha is harder than Seth
3rd strike is fine, lay off the butt dust
you wanna shit on a game with losers that pretend its good go shit on blazblue
It's ok to be bad at fighting games. Know who you are, gain some self awareness.
SNK is chinese investor backed and I think people like you overestimate the money mcrib asks for. its probably not more than 50k which is peanuts when it comes to marketing budgets.
Please don't post about things you know nothing about.
He probably doesn't know what fightcade is, let alone what ST or 98 stand for.
>lessons they learned
Was DBFZ your first Arcsys game?
It's getting more than babytag. If you honestly think BBtag got an evo spot over GG based on merit and popularity you're delusional. Arcsys still has DLC to sell for bbtag, that's literally the only reason they're paying EVO to run bbtag to use the tournament as advertisement for more re-used assets.
Party is not a game genre
3rd Strike is good, my problems is memers saying it's literally perfect. I enjoy the game but it's just as flawed as any other SF game. I enjoy ST, Third Strike, IV and V each, they all have their annoying shit but I still play and have fun with them.
I know parries do jack shit in sfv. It's just capcom shoehorning little flairs that doesn't go along with the rest of the game because they just wanna make the game hype instead of making a good solid game.
>No Neutral Game
You can say the same thing about every Arcsys game, but you seem to have a boner for Guilty Gear anyways
>No execution
The only people who have a problem with this are people who don't even play fighting games, and total autists.
>Soul Calibur 6
>Slow and Boring
It's about as fast and exciting as Tekken 7
>Slow and Boring/Low skill ceiling
Isn't even out yet, don't get started with that shit
>No community yet
I could say the same thing about UNIST and Cross Tag Battle
>baby gets called out for retarded comment
>too scared to respond
fucking this. blazblue actually deserves hate.
no retard you already exposed yourself.
ohyeah no third strike is not at all perfect its just real damn good
i keep seeing BB hate in this thread and its breathing new life into me
some faggot at a tourney literally told me the only thing stopping him from playing SG was BBCTG and the playercount
shits whack
why everyone hate blazblue
Reminder that Smash is the future of EVO and fighting games
I don’t like its roster like how I like guilty gear’s.
Bullet is my wife though
cuz your game's shit, your players are whack, and you guys own the fucking US east coast and i cant get matches irl of fucking anything without leaving my state you degenerate moefag
You guys probably have the largest amount of avatarfags
>smash is a game
>you fight in it
Nice try
Based and Mugipilled
It's been shit since CT and the fanbase is even worse.
I remember when you had something like "popular" for Under Night, and the thread you posted was like "Ask three of your friends what this is."
I play UNIST and , but I don't know why this picture pisses me off more than it should. I would say it reeks of /r/Kappa, but I'm pretty sure they still love DBFZ.
Just because the chinese that own them have a lot of money does not inherently mean that SNK has a lot of money. If that were true XIV wouldn't have turned out the way it did and the devs wouldn't have gone on record to sat thy had a shit budget. The chinese didn't give them shit, in general chinese companies are infamous for being as cheap as possible and milking everything they can out of hat they got and toss whatever that was once they feel it's lived its usefulness. They never gave SNK shit, but if SNK ever becomes a money drain on them I have no doubts they'll shit them down and toss them aside no matter how much they or people say they are SNK fans. When it comes to business don't trust chinese companies. I'm glad SNK is doing better for itself, but I fear for them too.
its because its probably some sperg melee player getting saucy because the daycare center doesnt have their favorite juice
It's ok not to like Blazblue but if you're gonna try to criticize then at least mention something relevant. How about how overdrive is an unbalanced mechanic or how Izanami dominates high level play in the current meta or how the PC port is poorly compressed and the PS4 version has glitchy connections. These are valid points.
Why does everyone suck USF4's dick so much? In all honesty it was the first fighting game that I really got into, but I can't stand the game nowdays. I would even rather play SF1 than that.
Knowledgeable doesn't always better at it? Some guys are good understanding a character's pro, cons, punishes, and frametraps but cannot handle pressure and other people's game plan
Wasn't that because of Ninja?
hey fuck you being the only fighting game besides tekken and sfv on the US EC is a legitimate reason to bear a grudge, your game's shit casual-baiting sensibilities and 600$ of dlc pushed away other games.
and the rest of the BB games suck ass because theyre visually unappealing and the gameplay is fucking stiff as hell and an uninteresting mess of shit
>dominating high level play
I thought she got nerfed in 2.0
lmao look at this melee babby
UNIST is unified by its overwhelming chuuni aesthetic
You have no idea what you are talking about.
It was a lot of people's first game so nostalgia. Despite being just as dumb as any other SF game, like Sagat being literally broken as fuck in vanilla SFIV, people will only remember it as some flawless masterpiece.
It is good though, just not perfect like 09 babies pretend it is.
>I would even rather play SF1 than that.
You don't need to meme that hard.
Because most of the the people that "played" the game were dickriders, but now UNIST is popular the dickriders "play" UNIST.
how would you guys feel if a weirdo game that wasnt technically fightan like tetris vs or catherine got mainstage, sunday slot and everything
This, name one chuuni fighter besides UNIST.
That's happen, mario Kart was on stage once I believe.
babbies first fighter.
>no community yet
my sides
At least Melee isn't there.
But seriously, this is ultimately a spectator "sport". Whatever draws the most crowd should be what they push. Not what is most popular to play or what game plays well. If a game puts more butts in seats it should make the grade.
That said, that doesn't mean that these titles fit that criteria.
>You don't need to meme that hard.
Not competitively, but if one guy wanted to dick around in USF4 and the other guy SF1, the novelty of playing such a jank game is more interesting than playing USF4.
thats fuckin radical but sucks that it wasnt something cooler
GG is the free form jazz of fighting games. BB is the triangle.
I swear Yea Forums care more about what game isn't in EVO than the ones that are in. Last year was it was MvCI, and this year it is Meele. Yea Forums is one of the few places I go to that takes more joy in not playing vidya than playing it.
where's smash?
just set up more streams for sidegames.
why the actual fuck is BBtag here
people don't even play it anymore
it's got the lowest entrant count
bb is just bad.
Literally no one even likes blazblue in the first place. GG should've been there.
Because Arcsys paid for it to be.
Smash is based because it will always be in EVO and always makes manchildren seethe that it gets a slot over their favorite obscure anime game.
don't /thread me yet I wanna keep shitting on blazblue
you fuckin idiots look at this shit and tell me you like it
>Yea Forums is one of the few places I go to that takes more joy in not playing vidya than playing it.
The funnier part is most of these people don't even play the games their complaining aren't their nor were they going to EVO anyways They just like baiting for (you)s.
nobody who matters is upset about melee, get off it if anything this thread is proof that everyone can unite in their hate for blazblue
>every BB top 8
>90% top tier and repeating characters
>every GG top 8
>8 different characters from different tiers
im loving this shit, more please
>no omito
When was this made?
But I like Cross Tag Battle
EVO japan. Omito didn't even enter if I recall.
then you are the enemy and im glad that melee fags discomfort you so
go play a good game, anything else
dont use slayer to shitpost please :)
I love when people who only WATCH fighting games come into a discussion like they understand anything
>Go play a good game
But Cross tag is a good game. It's fun and has a lot of cool thing you can do with the three assists.
It is, but it's for things like mario party.
where's waku waku 7
>le gg is better than bb meme
Guilty gear is about oki and forcing autopilot 50/50s. Blazblue is heavier execution and heavier neutral.
What point is your image trying to make?
>someone posts a pic of the snowball effect from oppressive oki whereas oki is less strong in bb due to teching
maybe stop dickriding games you don't play, reddit?
You seem like a rather rude person blowing up like that over a simple question.
They deserve it. GG fags are the most annoying fanbase in the FGC. Most of them don't even play the game, the ones that do try to get everyone to play it like door to door mormon missionaries and hate on every other game with a passion. They are the biggest shitheads in the FGC.
salty bbaby
I miss Kermitposting
I feel like you have a lot of irrational hate in your life
CT was legit garbage
10-0 Nu v Hakumen matchup
Rachel bugs out of the ass
Long blockstun on top of long blockstrings
DDDDD being a legit strat to the point Tokido won Japanese BBCT tournies mashing mostly D
Nu making O.Sagat zoning look like A2 Dan
Litchi pressure nullifying instant blocking
Mad Guilty Gear faggot or seething KoF beaner, cope you fucking snowflake, nobody cares about your autism games
Not even beaners or chinks like kof14. The game is braindead with far c xx maxmode giving you either huge damage or a free mixup. Plus the jump arcs are fucked up. It's a bad KOF game.
>Nu-Guilty Gear
Why do people who never were able to pull an FRC complain about the game not having FRCs?
They were absolute cancer. Looked pretty impressive when you see the matches but actually trying to use them and grind them was awful.
Corporate as fuck. SamSho and UNIST are in for marketing reasons. Money, goods, or services was traded for that to happen. I'm a bit surprised the SCVI is in. Otherwise it's whatever.
>UNIST are in for marketing reasons
>falling for this shit bait again
The people who made UNIST are practically homeless and living in cardboard boxes tier kind of people.
No Darkstalkers, lineup is trash
vsav sucks ass and has no neutral
tekken bros...
>I posted le gentleman vampire assassin, my opinion is right but don't you dare post reaction images
Literal reddit, fuck off faGGot
Git gud
I'm pretty excited to watch UNIST, DBFZ, T7 and SamSho. SSBU is pretty boring to watch, don't care about BBTag or MK11, then I hate SFV and SCVI. All in all not too bad for me, I wish GGXrd was in instead of BBTag and KoFXIV instead of SCVI.
I'm glad Ultimate is in over Melee, Ultimate has a much higher skillcap as evinced by Melee "pros" not even being able to put up a fight.
cant wait for the new gg to btfo bb
highly possible to be revealed at evo
made by which team exactly
But Granblue Fantasy Versus still needs to come out.
Unist and Tekken are the only ones that are actually fun to watch. Samsho might be fun but who the fuck knows because it isn't even out yet.
>another kusoge trash like dbfz and bb
When will ArcSys realize that GG is the only game that will carry any legacy in the FGC?
Team Red isn't working on Granblue. That said it'll probably be announced at Arc Revo, not Evo.
Pretty sure P4A, DBFZ and GBFV are mostly to bring in the do$h.
>Team Red isn't working on Granblue.
Ah gotcha, makes sense.
I'm waiting for Project NX
I feel mass appealed
All that matters is melee shit is gone
Now we wait for the melee faggots to ruin ultimate being at evo cause they can't do anything but bitch about melee.
Maybe if faggots got good and stopped buying turd fighter V and bought GG instead, ArcSys wouldn't have to make trash and just focus on GG.
>skill ceiling
I hate seeing idiots talk about this as if they were ever high enough to even see the skill floor.
It's never that simple. It's better this way, as a GG fan I doubt you'd ever actually want GG to be as popular as SF or MK.
Mfw that one streamer who's a die hard melee fan was having a panic attack because melee isn't in evo this year.
It's more likely getting announced at a Cygame event.
Glad unist is there. Kind of happy about samsho despite it being an obvious shill entry just like every NRS game. Soul Calibur is meh. Arcsys is just kekworthy atm
I'm happy for UNIST, and the large amount of entries is heartwarming
Swap T7 with SC6 and we've got a deal
Oh, and don't be a bitch to samsho
Based, evo should have more games like bbtag and unreleased games like MK11 and samsho instead of having spots for games like marvel, melee, and skullgirls
fuck of smelly
>Youtube-tier "let me judge you based on your main" list
>doesn't go into mechanics of the games besides dabbing on Nakofags since she swung from being good to being really bad a lot
Kill your kys self
Don't even play melee but it's pretty sad that people are shilling games that aren't even out yet instead of games that have dedicated communities who come out and support their game only because of some gay internet meme about smash players being stinky autists.
melee players are obnoxious and their non fighting game is taking up too much time in the event.
its a good thing that its gone.
beat it smelly.
So what happened to FighterZ?
The last thing i heard was that an update fixed the game.
-its not that good and people are realizing it now
-goku only dlc is a turnoff
-the "fixes" barely adress the issues with the game
-dragonball rights holders were killing DBZ tournaments which killed some interest
>no melee
>games that come out few months before evo
I mean I wouldn't mind the lack of melee so much if they brought back darkstalkers or something instead of all this blazblue gg whatever the fuck nonsense, but most of the main contenders seem to be done with the game or taking an extended break, so eh, not that big of a deal.
samurai showdown getting a reboot is eh though, lemme get that darkstalkers, or rival schools or something instead.
why the FUCK would they add darkstalkers when literally fucking nobody plays that?
you retards dont know shit about fighters.
>why are they adding this ancient game with no community
>they should add another ancient game with no community instead
really late reply but from what i've watched it seems the game has strong pressure but at the same time the other player can block anything the opponent throws at them
i've watched mostly NA tournaments though but I do recall at least one timeout in a JP match (from an arcade stream)
I love DBFZ it's so pretty and fun but it does feel very button mashy
EVO is a fucking joke and a shadow of its former self
Would've liked to have seen Xrd, even just for the commentators
>No melee
Ulil when?
fg"c" and smash "community" are maybe 5% people actually playing with only 1% of that being tournament goers and the other 95% are randoms that played the game for a week then maybe played an average of half an hour every 4 months, then watch only the biggest tournaments and only know the 5 top players names. everyone in this thread is that 95% percent and you really ought to shut the fuck up