What did you play today?

What did you play today?

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Other urls found in this thread:



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>this creature visits this site
so basically proof that anythread about them is probably made by them or some retarded faggot defending them for social points or whatever
k nice to know

10:00am: masturbated to Skyrim sex mods

11:30am: masturbated to more Skyrim sex mods, this time with different spouse

3:00pm masturbated to Fallout 4 sex mods, featuring Piper getting ravaged by a Super Mutant

4:30pm: masturbated to more Skyrim sex mods
6:00pm tried to actually play some video games but didn't feel like playing any of the ones on hand so just went onto Yea Forums and posted

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delet ur bideo games
take a shower
get a hint
have sex

Nothing, I just painted my miniature.

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New to Skyrim mods. Played Vanilla twice, once in 2013, once two years ago. Name me some good mods.


i played katawa shoujo for a total of ~6 hours today

Playing through Mass Effect one again. I beat it once like ten years ago, but that was back when renting game was still a thing. Now that I get a chance to sink my teeth into it, I’m wondering how they fucked up the sequels so bad?

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Half a run of BoI before I got bored/butthurt that Tech-X does nothing on Azazel

Mhgu. And about to continue where I left off in Deus Ex gotye

I masturbated to my own Faceapp gender swap today. Is that gay? I think that app makes me a pretty cute girl.

r6 siege
got a new 40 line sprint pb earlier and the improvement feels nice

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Dark souls remastered.
Then I stopped when the boss walked off the edge and I won.

Yakuza 0 all day getting the cat scratch trophy

Something about seeing a man in drag crying over cyber bullying makes me furious. I want to punch this faggot really, really hard in the neck.

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i faceapp gender swapped myself and i was very surprised/scared at how much i look like my sister. we already look pretty similar, as in its almost as if somebody copy-pasted the same face onto a guy body and then on a girl body. but the faceapp genderswap was the turning point for me. we really look alike. i dont know what to think about that. it made me wonder if my friends ever thought/think this too. its weird

Mega Man X3.
I don't like it.

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Dead or alive xtreme 3 scarlet on switch. Adding to Marie Rose’s kill count

Dmc5, completing some s ranks. Fuck mission 10

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Did a few runs of RoR2. Still haven't gotten to 20 waves because I'm bad at video games.

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Kek I was in that thread

Some shitty grindan mmo i've been playing for year and i hate but hate less than my actual life so i can keep myself busy and forget about the latter

what game

Just mobile shit

Why does V feel like such ass? I was enjoying the game up until it forced me to play as him


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Is there a sound version? I need to hear his despair

I haven't played anything, too busy lately
I guess I played FEH if "check once a day" gatchashit counts

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making a new hammerdin, singleplayer

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me pouring the hereshy syrup on myself

Generic Korean Grindan Simulator: Pantsu Edition

Cosmo starts those threads himself, or at least he did before he abandoned the internet entirely. He would make these threads to initiate "bloodsports", which was basically him adding anons to his discord and letting them bully him for hours on end

Nothing. Been too busy with looking at new cars to buy after I totaled mine on Friday.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider

I actually really liked the first two reboot games, but Shadow iz such a fucking drag. Im tired of this boring city and these stupid tribal robes the game is forcing me to wear, the graphic are shit in 75 percent of the areas, and theres juat an overlying jank to the game thats driving me crazy.

this makes me feel bad
Narcissa doesn't deserve the shit she gets

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My dick

Shadow of War, the nemesis system is genius

fuck off narcissa
ur not fooling anyone
we know u come to this site and board
drink bleach faggot u will never be the woman no matter how many pills u take
>hidding behind a animoo girl pic
typical tranny behavior

No wonder you have no energy for games masturbating that much.

What happened exactly?

Yes she does

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well, I'm not her at least, but I know how not good it feels to be the butt of the joke.

someone actually just put a bullet in it already

Oh my god

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Division 2.

this is healthy and something people who dont do yoga will never understand

thats because ur either
a disgusting neckbeard
a ugly tranny
or a digusting sissy faggot
and u deserve all the hate u get
not fooling anyone

Yeah okay S O Y fiend

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fucking kek who doesn't do this? Just laying there sucking air into your ass just to fart.

why is this a thing
why did you feel the need to share it

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>people actually drink that
imagine being a living meme

Ha, man, that made my day.

it's mean to deliberately misgender, even if they're hon-tier monsters like gamestop ma'am
it literally has no impact on your life to do so, but it means a lot to the person being called something they hate to be called

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You're spotting clear signs of weakness and want to eliminate it, perfectly normal human reaction and the fact that bullying has become taboo is only going to create more of these freaks

>what in the world
ok the reactions were pretty funny

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Fuck off tranny

Playing a chaos campaing with Ultimate Chaos is my most fun horde run yet

Also Pathetic

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>it literally has no impact on your life to do so
You say that but they've already started encroaching on our hobbies crying about how they need to be represented.

discord tranny

and somehow calling them a different name is going to prevent them from doing so?
resist the politics, not the people

I hydroplaned into a truck and destroyed the radiator, lights, windshield, hood, etc. It's not totaled per se, but the cost of replacing everything would be worth more than what I paid for the car. Thankfully me and the other driver were not injured though

dude probably got his daily calories just by dumping that chocolate sauce on himself.

Is he wearing a fucking medal around his neck


look at this absolute faggot over here

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fuck off tranny go have a mental brakedown about how someone called u a man
>another animoo girl pic
posting those isnt going to make a gril

studying game. can't wait for spring break.

Would have been a joyous day had you been killed in that accident user

>not the people
Heads up kiddo the people are causing the politics.

stop forcing ur beliefs on to everyone

Get...... out......

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>and somehow calling them a different name is going to prevent them from doing so?
Given how prone to suicide they are?

Sorry that I refuse to accept your delusions instead of reality.

there's not a better word for it, so I'm stuck with that one, sorry to dissapoint
>having anime girl pics means you're a tran
huh, didn't realize that a large percentage of Yea Forums was trans, I'd better start referring to every user as "they"

Its his second place medal that he earned in 2015 at the Nintendo World Championships. He wears it whenever he feels depressed. He's 30.

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Stop not forcing my dick in your ass faggot
*unzips dick*

Just reached Eden in Final Fantasy XIII.
Decent game so far, story is quite intriguing. Could have gone better if it wasn't for 20 hours of walking tutorial and walking simulator but personally I don't get the hate to be honest.

“user, we don’t invite you to parties because you’re always so combative with people.”

/vg/station and CDDA

I have a high-end gaming computer and mostly just play 2D games.

This is just fucking mental illness. I don't give a fuck about transgender people one way or the other, but this is just a completely broken person. I blame the fuckers who just constantly watch her and clap at how brave she is for having constant mental breakdowns.
Fucking hell what a world.

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Pikmin, finally got my day count down to 13 so now I'm watching the current speed run record, gotta play like a fucking TASbot to get it down to 6 so I doubt I'll improve much more.

The binding of isaac
Rayman 1

Legend of Grimrock 2.

anyone who hides behide animoo pics is always a fat neckbeard or a tranny most of the time
i wouldnt be surprised if there was actually alot of trannies here given how defensive people get over traps/sissys

Who won the medal Cosmo or Narcissa? Because if it was the former then it should be taken away.

So she intentionally went into a thread where people made fun of her?

Wow, I’m astounded that you you came out of that without any injuries. My mum had something similar happen to her except she hit a tree and had to stay in hospital for 5 months.

actual cringe

it's a combination of the extremes desu
being told she is fantastic by some people and being told she is shit and should die by others
really fucks with people who are already not that great at dealing with pressure

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>its another comfy thread ruined by rent free shitposting
discuss vidya please.

He MADE that thread, user. Cosmo was notorious for starting threads about himself so that he could get more viewers during his streams.

World of Warships with my little bro.

how do you do that, i only masturbate one time per day

blame the poster who posted the tranny.webm

Why don't we discuss how my dick got in your ass first?

I guess you are right. The real point is that this is a person who needs help.

Pretty sure Narco created that thread and it just sort of devolved

We would if we didn't have someone that sperged about Nintendo all the time. We've even lost Persona threads to him now.

It's not a word at all. Let's not fuel the dellusion of trannies even more and pretend they're being "misgendered" please.


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playing through re 4 for the first time

Yeah, I have no idea how I didn't get fucked up over that. The only thing I noticed was a stiff neck the next day, but that was it. I'm very thankful that I was able to walk away from it.

I started Soldier of Fortune 2 but quit after an hour
Then I agonized over what game to play today for approximately 8 hours
Then I started to replay New Vegas but quit after about 10 minutes
The worst part is it's not an "I don't enjoy vidya anymore" situation. I'm just so overwhelmed by options that I can't settle on one thing. The instant I start one I start thinking about all the other games on my agenda and get more excited to play those.

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Whatever, that's not the point.

went online for the first time after playing around in training/arcade
pleasantly surprised that there seems to be a fair number of new players around so I'm not just getting bodied 24/7
I mean, I'm still mostly losing, but they're usually closer than you would initially expect
game is really clicking for me so I'm excited to keep playing and improve

Ur right

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The achievements aren't lying when they say the game doesn't kick into gear until you first meet up with Ashley.

I just prefer to call people by what they prefer, it's a common courtesy, I'd even call CWC "Christine" to her face despite not believing for a minute that she is actually trans

Minecraft. Had to re-fill my balance on Castia because the Demonic server got corrupted.

This is the exact expression I was making when I was watching the webm

just finished link to the past.

So...could any armchair experts give a diagnosis for Cosmo? Like, what mental illness do you think he suffers from. Or is it just a personality trait

>streaming shitposts on Yea Forums
this is the strangest thing I've seen all day

Let me explain in animated form

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Severe depression and anxiety, BPD, and maybe gender dysphoria. I honestly think he just has a fucked up sexuality and doesn't truly feel like a woman trapped in a man's body

in english doc

He has all of them.

Bipolar Disorder for sure. The fact that he spent years isolated alone in his apartment whilst abusing mushrooms and anti-depressants couldn't have helped his mental state

i dont like to delude people into their fantasies
litteraly nothing good can come from it

The belief of what? It's wrong to be shitty to people in your day to day interactions? Wow real earth shattering shit there kid

release me from this hell

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all the mental illneses

100% chance of actual Schizophrenia, other schizoid disorders very possible.
But basically this

no ur illneses ur not a girl dude just because u wear a dress and like cock or whatever
grow up
im not humouring ur bullshit

I played risk of rain 2, stellaris, and cornhole

>So what you're saying is, I'm totally sane
>Oh, no, no, in fact, even the tamest shitpost could...
>Totally sane!

does people who are trans getting called what they want somehow hurt you?

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I've been trying to play Invisible War, but I can only play for like 30 minutes before having to stop. Don't even really know why I just have to. I want to replay the original Deus Ex again, but for some reason I feel like I need to beat Invisible War.

He stated a few times that he felt that he was on the autism spectrum. I completely agree with him on that. He also got diagnosed with depression and takes SRIs daily. I think his personality certainly changed throughout the years, so schizophrenia and/or BPD are pretty likely.

IDK man, he is clearly fucked in the head and the fact that he had loyal fans who literally called him "Goddess" and "Queen" only helped fuel is delusions.

Enter The Gungeon and Rivals of Aether

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now THIS is a high quality post. A rare occurence on this website! I, Cave Johnson, will personally send a medal of honor to your address. (no i won't)

it doesnt i told u
im not playing into ur illness go seek help
and ur a ugly man trying to convince urself a girl hidding behind animuu girl pics
u have no right to feel sorry for anyone when ur at the bottom


Trans aren't people. (PS I do not identify as a transaphobe so you are not allowed to call me one)

>tfw still too cold to prime my models outside

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Hyrule Warriors and a bit of Goof Troop. Was at a gaming venue for an art show (my piece sold!)

I made a new friend playing some good old TF2. No matter how much Valve stops caring, the community always pulls through.

I can feel sorry for people who were never taught how to be decent to others just fine
lole I respectfully disagree with your opinion, not-transaphobe-user

I like causing mayhem as V. He can do some pretty cool shit with Royal Fork.

I hate shemales so much

underrated post

difference between respecting people and playing into ur mental illness the fact that this bothers u so much proves my point
and i dont want ur sympathy tranny

Persona 1
Fuck those toilet fuckers in the school

ur opinions cause more suicides tho

I don't think any trans people like Cosmo. He seriously managed to burn bridges with everyone: Twitch, speedrunners, the trans community, onions, his fans.

Pretty impressive desu

who are you to decide what is and is not a mental illness though?
we have no statistics on suicides during repression, so there is no way to tell if people kill themselves more after properly coming to terms with being trans

Played some Heroes of the Storm and Company of Heroes 2. Was thinking of getting Ace Attorney Trilogy even though I've played the games. I just recently finished DD and SoJ, which both I loved, but I want to replay the classic trilogy to see if it still holds up. Probably will.

Just because a game is dead don't mean it's fun.

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He kept talking shit until the only people left were a group of 11-12 bootlickers who worshipped the ground he walked on. If Cosmo was handsome and didn't have social anxiety, I'm 100% certain he could have been a cult leader

litteraly a man that deludes themselves to think their a woman because they act more "fem" or whatever to the point they mutilate their body not talking about hormones but the surgery
have to have constant validation of their gender
being called a man is enough to make them have a mental breakdown
and so on
its beyond mental illness
no amount of self delusion will change this
btw thanks for shitting up the thread and making all about u tranny
constantly starved for attention huh anything to distract urself from necking urself i guess
get out


Played tempt user into giving a tribute until they cracked, which they did and it was even better than expected. Also played Sekiro It was a good day.

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Nioh on PC. Games actually kind of nice looking when the visuals are hampered by low resolution, low framerate, and god awful aliasing on every edge

Xenoblade Chronicles while my little brother plays Xenoblade Chronicles 2 next to me. My luck was great. I'm currently inside Mechonis capital and got 5 skill books for my party members from some of the unique mechons. My brothers luck was great too, but it plummeted immediately. Got got 2 rare blades in a row, but the second one was Dahlia and as soon as he got her my mother had walked in on it. My sides had left me.

I don't think you know how trans works, it's not just convincing yourself you are a girl based on stereotypes, it's all based on gender dysphoria, extreme discomfort and a feeling of wrongness in their own skin
the only way proven to even slightly reduce this effect is transition itself, repression doesn't work, and that one case where taking schizo meds fixed it was because the person actually was a schizo and being convinced they were trans was a product of that
obviously there is trenders too, but who would willingly throw themselves into a life as shit as being trans?

Nothing and I regret it.
>school for 10 hours tomorrow


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>people actually watch this

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Risk of rain 2 cause I'm based

Just Pavlov VR. I'm garbage at it and think that I should unironically go back to Skyrim.

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>Risk of Rain 2
Is there something I'm not getting? This feels like doing the boring part of a MOBA for over an hour.

60 IQ post

u sound like a retarded child whining
PWEASE BEWLIVEE ME :((( why wont u believe me wahhhhhh
guess what ur a man in drag with a mutilated body
i dont care what studdies u pull up from some "doctors" trying to get social points or whatever
im so sick of dealing with u faggots on here if u cant handle being called a dude go back to ur discord or whatever faggot

Ninja gaiden
finally beat the third boss

mate, I'm just trying to be a bit informative, no need to get so pissed over it

lots of splatoon 2

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You've got the big gay bud.