Don't forget to buy her game this year

Attached: 5a26bce7e9b11a396c62a79ba678363a.jpg (493x628, 200K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Don't need to tell me, family

Attached: Indivisible Latigo.webm (1150x634, 1.89M)

this shit STILL isn't out?

oh wow another brown lesbian

Wait, that's all this game has been the whole time? A Valkyrie Profile ripoff with bad art and animations? Holy shit, no wonder this needed so much shilling to gain any traction.

Attached: 1553821440783.png (245x316, 84K)

>Release a multi record breaking game with huge franchise potential and a very dedicated fanbase
>do nothing with it and crowdfund another game nobody asked for with no confirmation on the future of the company or any of their properties after this.

why did they think it was okay to almost completely change the character

Nah I'd rather not support some inept creators who let other bullshit effect their work.

I just want the lewds goddamit.

Attached: 1549132652168.png (240x240, 24K)

The best thing of that game is that when it fails hard, it will probably be be a bigger hit than the team can handle, making them dissapear.

This feels boring. Just combo enemies to death with no reaction for 99% of the game?

Fuck off Oscar, you're a blight on human decency and aren't even fit to lick the delicious burrito grease from my fingers. That being said, I'll agree with you just this one time.

I'm not going to buy a game that removes a character just for being white.

How come a DS game that looks like it was made in RPG maker have a better combo/battle/air juggle system?

Attached: 61J-ZpcOdzL._SX342_.jpg (342x307, 40K)

R34 is free user

>this year

Attached: __doremy_sweet_touhou_drawn_by_minato_hitori__88a1f0bb7dda6618fbd5c3a372cf2275.jpg (1410x2000, 732K)

>literally cry that some dude became president
>remove a character promised in the backer rewards because people complained they were white
Left or right this shit is stupid.
Oh also, >Enemy gets thrown in air and looks more stiff than Inferno Cop animation
>Combo gets dropped and you're still able to attack
>Enemy is almost dead
Get this baby shit outta here

if it's shit i'll torrent it

Attached: happy to be here.jpg (1125x1099, 1.14M)

what's the average time it takes to make a video game?


>he doesn't like brown girls
>he doesn't like lesbians

Attached: 934e23fe69b7d0fcc94a4a24aba8adb2.png (900x1104, 552K)

I wouldn't know. What I do know is they announced Indivisible back in July 2015. It's been almost 4 years.

>99% of the game
Are you retarded? That's just a 20 second clip

>do nothing with it
There's a mobile game

post the rest pls

I know you're still seething that this game got funded but you're not allowed to shitpost about the animations when /ourguy/ ZONE is doing them

Attached: ZONE.webm (1280x720, 2.48M)

I want to kiss Ajnas feet so bad.

Most people don't know. Games usually get announced when they're almost done with development which is the complete opposite of Indivisible.

Indivisible started full development at 2016 after the campaign. A playable prototype was made in 3 months after the announcement you heard with a finished goal which was a boss and a secret boss.
Compare that to Yandere Simulator that started at full development at 2014. It has been 5 years and this Hitman rip-off doesn't have one main target finished yet.

Attached: Osana is taking more than five years.jpg (2048x2048, 704K)

Is every individual fight against every individual enemy going to be like that?

They were close to
>Alpha development status – that means the game is more or less playable from beginning to end, albeit with some bugs and placeholder.
at the end of last year.

god damn it
is this why the Lord Dominator flash STILL isn't finished?

With all this shilling you just know they already realized the game is mediocre as fuck

>remove a character promised in the backer rewards because people complained they were white
What happened?

desu I want it to get popular so the porn takes off.

Why do people bitch about this without researching? Any google search will show you games take anywhere from 5-8 years to make if they're not extremely fast at it. And as another user has pointed out, do you think AAA companies announce a game at E3 and then crunch it out in 2 years time? Fucking really? They announce it when it's almost done and they want to advertise it while it finishes.

YandereDev (aka tripfag EvaXephon) thinks making daily falseflag threads about this game is a good revenge on MikeZ

Attached: EvaXephon.png (629x430, 528K)

Cry more
Skullgirls was a big success and this one got funded pretty handily. There’s no reason to believe it’ll fail.

Attached: 340DDE5E-CCF1-4623-A53C-B43F7AA74769.gif (480x320, 1.15M)

I ain't bitchin. They obviously announced the game back in 2015 so they can start the kickstarter and get some money to help with development.

I'd rather not give money to a company that censors.

I only care because shantae makes a cameo

How does one transform from a Jew to a flip?
asking for a friend

>failed to reach goal and had to beg for extension
>started spamming guest characters and their own to get the money
>immediately redesign characters into pathetic versions of themselves after getting the money
heh, it will probably die as fast as iconoclast or whatever that other SJW crap was called.

>People are excited about a game
>Lmao shilling

Every time, and it’s always indie games
Even when the game is free (and not even freemium or whatever else bullshit, it’s just a free game) you do this shit

Attached: B3561A97-6176-47D7-B0AE-61D3B9E27D12.jpg (375x375, 39K)

>immediately redesign characters into pathetic versions of themselves after getting the money
Just out of curiosity, which characters were redesigned?

>it feels
You haven't even played it. If you had you wouldn't have written the rest of that sentence.

I havent paid that much attention but i do remember the gun guy in the OP image being way more badass, and that green open shirt guy that now looks like a complete faggot.

>Can’t dispute that it met its goals
>Not only met, but exceeded goal
Oh god, keep crying, I’m so close
Also Ren always looked like a faggot

Attached: 5D74D7BA-2C12-4205-9BAD-A4F3FCB0F875.jpg (800x533, 40K)

Not him but the character was redesigned so much to the point that he's not even the same character anymore.
People complained about this and they acknowledged it by adding him back into the game but I don't know for certain if he is playable still or not.
pic related is the original

Attached: Vasco.png (2000x3085, 1.09M)

I used to like lesbians.
Before the Legend of Korra.

Iconowhatnow? I vaguely remember something about that, then it just came and went with no fanfare.

Hes a villain now

No, he’s Latigo’s old partner.

Are they actually lesbians canonically or is this another crack pairing from delusional losers?

>"i will competely ignore the fact they had to double the time to reach the amount of money"
>"i will also ignore the second point about them throwing everything they could to backers in a pitiful show of begging to "exceed" the goal"
You are trying so hard is almost as pathetic as what they did to fund their garbage.

Naw that one actually happened.

who turns evil.

It's canon, the writers made them both dykes in the last episode out of nowhere so that they could deflect criticism of that shit sequel as homophobia.

It has Razmi so I’ll consider it.

Attached: A0D5E14B-198F-4E41-AD11-121B9EC58A05.jpg (2048x1448, 571K)

Stress and anxiety from a bunch of worthless trolls stalking me.

Well that's funny

Attached: baba.png (158x170, 6K)

If this dude just worked out with a bit of effort he might not look so damn bad

>their properties
Oop, and this is where your confusion must be stemming from.
Make sure you have all of the correct information before building reasoning and assumptions.

Also, the case of "do nothing" I argue is more relevant for the fanbase than the developers.
Keep those lobbies going, sign up for some weekly tournaments, go to Combo Breaker. Even MikeZ does these things.

Keep crying faggot. It's being made and will sell and you can't stop it.

Attached: 56317758_p0.jpg (1500x1574, 1.41M)

Post more cute goth gf.

Attached: tumblr_nvka75NP871uzx2jzo1_1280.gif (800x731, 918K)

People shill for indie games all the time, and they do it for FREE

>Red plastic cups
So American

>"i dont have any argument for that"
Good to know.

>It's canon, the writers made them both dykes in the last episode out of nowhere so that they could deflect criticism of that shit sequel as homophobia.
You are blind if you think it only happened at the last episode.

Aren't they fellow Jew brethren?

Indivisible is going to be a hit, but not the kind of hit that you're hoping for.

Attached: CUTIE OF THE YEAR 2019.png (246x296, 104K)

Best couple.

Attached: KorraSami.jpg (1371x1080, 173K)

Not even Yea Forums likes that trash so you must some special form of woke tumblr faggot

>Seething this hard that the game was successfully funded

Tripfag, it really doesn’t matter that they got an extension. The game was funded, so clearly enough people want it to come out for the game to be made.
How long have you been at this, huh? You been doing this for the entire 4 years it’s been in development? Not only has the game been funded, not only is it going to release this year, but it’s going to do well, and there’s no amount of vitriol you can throw at the game to change that. In spite of all the things you hate about the game, people will still play and enjoy it; some will buy the game because they want to support Lab Zero by virtue of them taking the time to animate everything in 2D.

I’m not even sure what you’ve got against Lab Zero in the first place. But all signs point to this game being in no danger of failing, and you pulling every excuse you can out your ass to drag it through the mud is kind of pathetic.

Pleaaase don’t stop, I’m almost there

Attached: D131E02F-3EA9-4D95-8922-6F2511B1F4D3.jpg (580x600, 47K)

basically viday equivalent of Korra, but actually cute.

You're both retarded, okay?


i'm waiting for it to come out so Lab Zero can start on another Skullgirls update

I only care about this game because of this cool motherfucker.

Attached: Naga Rider art.jpg (600x926, 306K)

Why do you care so much about 1 sperg's project you need to bring him up every time even without him being mentioned?

Good stuff but don't post that here, take it to /aco/ or something.


Attached: AB932107-01AF-4E05-AA6D-8F1404CEF178.jpg (680x383, 75K)

It's fun thinking about YandereDev and his huge, autistic grudge against one of the Indivisible devs.
You just know this clip of him raging was partly due to Indivisible successfully getting funded.

Attached: YD vs Cuphead.jpg (1234x569, 267K)

I'm not sure how to say this but you have a very unhealthy obsession with this guy.


Attached: file.png (199x226, 47K)

How many times did they extend to get funded again?

I wanna talk about KR but wanna keep it vidya related.

What are some games that let you play as a cyborgnetically enhanced superhero who may or may not ride a motorcycle?

Attached: Naga Rider.jpg (695x399, 322K)

He flexin.

Most of the people interested in Indivisible are long lost VP fans, and LabZero fans that hope this game will fund Skullgirls 2. Anyone that could buy this game already backed the kickstarter. The game won't fail spectacularly, but it won't bring money.

If they make another game, they'll try to beg for money AGAIN. Considering the retarded head dev and his obsession with using niche titles to copy they are doomed.

>not having your rack backwards so you're forced to do an extra lift every time

unhealthy obsessions dictate much of these threads.

He only comes to mind during these threads and when I see Cuphead

indiegogo only allows one extension, for a maximum 60 days
you can actually have a campaign run for the full 60 days from the start, in which case you get no extension.
indivisible's campaign started at 40 days, and extended to the remaining 20 once they reached 60% funding.

Attached: file.png (236x355, 117K)

Fucking stupid

Indivisible, for one, and it’s glorious. He’s a snake man who kicks, which is quite absurd

How is it that Indivisible is one of the only games to do this? Only Viewtiful Joe and Wonderful 101 I think have also done this

Attached: 75D51971-D9C7-48B2-A486-F8344CA368B5.gif (600x415, 143K)

>buying an sjw game
Zones a flop. All he does now is spend all day playing splatoon, having some thot who voices zone talk to the audience so he get donations and plays VR chat to twerk as fat ass robot in a strip club.

I'm not forgetting.

I'm just not getting it.

I will pirate for what they did to him. And I will seed it for others to pirate.

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 480K)

>SJW game
>has ZONE and anime studio TRIGGER working on it
It's a normie game at worse

Attached: zone KLK.png (599x526, 279K)

sorry for it being the shit meme
the right is the original
people were so pissed about the change they brought the right side back
as an npc who probably does nothing

Attached: DJeeZA4WAAA3ADN.jpg (1000x948, 108K)

>Ahad’s cutest female design is the one with the most clothes.
How does he do it?

He's confirmed as a playable character and his ugly redesign is confirmed as a separate character.

the team putting together the game is full sjw and the game will reflect their values

no he isnt
he's confirmed an npc

Didn't it only get funded because they added indie cameos at the last minute? I legit saw someone say that they weren't interested until they saw Red from Transistor was in the game.

>female protagonist

I've nutted to her feet in that image so many times and I'm not even a footfag

No, indie characters were there from the start
I’d rather more of Ahad’s designs but whatever

>wanting a male protagonist

If it's fun, I'll buy it. If it's not fun, I won't buy it.

Fuck you, they blatantly only did it to deflect criticism.

>do you think AAA companies announce a game at E3 and then crunch it out in 2 years time?
Feels that way sometimes, like Anthem

>bad art
nice bait


If you want a game with a male protagonist, go play Tales of Berseria.

they definitely used other indies to push interest, but by the time they announced them, they were already on their way to hitting the 60% extension goal. when they announced red and shantae towards the end, they had already raised over $1M

>not liking female protagonists
Imagine being this much of a raging homo

Attached: 1489893606335.jpg (800x900, 84K)

Brown tomboys in spats are a miracle of the universe (other miracles include: , fluffy hair, lonely Christmas cakes, underboob, thick eyebrows and shark teeth)

Attached: 1493268462653.gif (510x810, 931K)

>Female protagonist
So pic unrelated?

I want to squeeze 2B's buttcheeks until fart and poo come out of her anus.

Are there *any* white male characters? Just curious.

There was one but he was made into a black guy and his original self is now a villain

Sakura Hibiki is a good example of a brown tomboy.

Attached: sakura.jpg (465x1080, 63K)

I hope someone makes a mod to swap the palettes between the two lmao

that's a slightly tan white person

Attached: Mister_Negative.png (360x450, 103K)

Oh wow another faggot shilling thread from SheckleZ. Fix your fucking animations first fag.

are white males your fetish?

Wait she's lesbian? Dropped. Had my dick at brown girl in spats, now it's flacid. Guess I shouldn't have expected anything good from sjw afterall.

Attached: puke.png (432x415, 177K)

Will the Indivisible protagonist be of legal age?

>modded palette swaps
won't be needed. He's already going to have a white skinned palette as a reference to a white character

Attached: Parasoul's_Color_Palettes.png (821x1023, 950K)

>pony shit

bro, you really think they're gonna bleach a black dude? in current year?

No matter how hard you shill your shit, Kike Z. I'm not gonna buy your crap.

Attached: 1554577134464.png (1080x1654, 776K)

>5-8 years
sorry that you only play shitty games which were in development hell, but that is not normal at all.

again, Mike Z doesn't work on the mobile game, and currently makes no money from it.

It's her little sister's colors you silly.

Attached: 1a514f84aa7e1fc2ea724d2eca5e4855.png (426x479, 122K)

>Pink and Yellow = My Little Pony

Attached: Umbrella.png (588x1403, 451K)


>they blatantly only did it to deflect criticism.

prove it

YandereDev pays me in lulz to stay in my head

Attached: WORTHLESS EMAILS.jpg (1024x414, 48K)

Shark teeth is patrician

Attached: New Doc 2019-01-16 12.45.17_1.jpg (2008x2160, 151K)

>Vasco is a villain

Source; your ass

Very moe

Attached: suchacutesmile.jpg (520x763, 181K)

>combo enemies to death with no reaction for 99% of the game?
How the fuck do you reach such a huge conclusion just by watching the last few seconds of a boss fight?

Attached: 1553835385234.png (421x246, 139K)

posting best boy

Attached: stand.gif (600x818, 728K)

not him. I agree 5-6 might be pushing it as an average, but it's not totally uncommon.
even still, Indivisible's development is at 3 and that's definitely normal, epsecially for games passed the 10-hour content mark.

i don't buy sjw shit, faggot

>do you think AAA companies announce a game at E3 and then crunch it out in 2 years time? Fucking really?
Yes, yes I do. When the dust settles, there's a lot of AAA developers that have to scrap almost everything and start from scratch in just two years, some even less time.

Latigo is supposed to be a money obsessed asshole himself.

Attached: 1512422235014.png (800x800, 626K)

He looks like he fucks white boys

I miss the old design with the sword hair shit

God, boys in heels are so fucking hot.

>this year

Attached: smug man.png (544x535, 491K)

Are you telling me that Latigo is Vasco’s Virgil


Attached: BLEACH PRANK.png (583x495, 177K)

>the game is bad because the dev team is-
Every goddamn time. Fuck off back to your twitter thread, faggot.

Attached: 1550032410583.png (215x248, 83K)

It's set in asia you literal retard.

SJW-made games suck because the characters in them are ugly.

retarded faggot

Attached: blocked.gif (800x501, 922K)

where do you think you are?

Attached: 1554341151795.gif (200x255, 1.4M)

So? It doesn't stop white males from dominating Asian females, idiot.


Attached: 7DCA8D12-032A-4E28-B2AF-9F7BB6E7FA0A.jpg (500x500, 24K)

It means you need to respect Asian culture, shitlord.

Didn't Genghis and Attila have harems of white girls?

>he's a retard and AND a /pol/ock

Attached: ribitta.jpg (320x320, 15K)

Sorry I don’t find this attractive.

Attached: 08F18613-4BB6-4BFC-A4A9-54AA4871F233.jpg (1200x655, 123K)


Attached: 1524802760185.png (625x1000, 516K)

Then maybe you'll find some of the men attractive? Why should we care what you find attractive when you have shite taste?

I don’t know, probably? Dudes raped so much that like 10% of people in China can trace their lineage back to them, so it wouldn’t surprise me.

To the complainers, you actually need to get the game in your hands to feel how combo heavy this actually is. There are up, down, and neutral combos for each character and each one has 3 attacks per turn. Using certain up or down attacks combined with other character attacks changes the combos. It's not just pure button mash and damage happens. But I get that it does look that way. Watching the game itself is visually boring but the play itself is complex. It's weird but it works.

I have shit taste for not liking something that looks like it was designed by Rebecca Sugar?
Look at her. Women shouldn’t be that big.

ok fag

Attached: SILK DRESS.gif (600x644, 584K)

nice brap shit you faggot

See? This is why SJWs need to back off.

Attached: squirrel girl 2.jpg (284x468, 18K)

Attached: 1528121083758.jpg (640x640, 188K)

Sure thing Woolie.

thanks bitch

Attached: jacks and braps you.gif (1098x581, 1.48M)

You mean Chewie?


Attached: Kala.jpg (1280x1788, 657K)

Zarha is best girl
Razmifags need not apply

Attached: F88005E1-4811-4855-BA8D-D29A07AF0704.gif (600x673, 495K)

Anyone have a compilation picture of all the characters?

I won't buy this game unless there are lots of pantyshots in it.

thing is, when you look at game development the way people are looking at the development of crowdfunded games, which starts typically from the beginning or early phases, those previous years before a team scraps everything they had are still being added up.

like imagine if a game like metal gear rising had been crowdfunded at day0 and we'd been following it closely since their original prototype phases. we'd have called it in deep development hell by the time they had their first public builds out, fortunately, most people didn't know that side of the story until after platinum was involved, and so people quickly looked on those additional years of development time as being a perfectly good thing for the game, rather than signs of inevitable doom and gloom, and/or drastically changing the game that would have been originally promised to backers.

Why would you do that? If I wanted to watch porn, I'd watch porn. Maybe save your money and buy the next Senran instead you weirdo.

Not enough characters wear panties for that to happen
You’ll get plenty of tiddy physics though, so there’s that

still holding out hope that there’s gonna be a mating press animation for all the characters

>caring about SJWestern indie """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""games"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
>on Yea Forums
Sage this filth.

Attached: 1505902011540.jpg (1200x900, 183K)

There's just something that bugs me with Anja's axe attacks, not only are they boring visually but they also seem to completely kill any momentum the combo would have had in a way that just looks wrong. Like this shouldn't be a combo but it somehow is.

Suck my dick you big dork.

Attached: 1550978039100.png (956x1200, 182K)

>One character does literally 90% of the damage
Why even bother having those other losers?

they build the meter

Yeah i think it would flow better if she twirled around with it while attacking.

That's enough to tell you it's going to be a pozfest.

Attached: gone-home-title.png (1680x900, 1.72M)

Jackass with the shitty bait porn argument doesnt know

Senran kagura 7 won't be as sexual do to Sony of California crusade against sexyness

Or moved her body in a more dynamic way, I don't know. She's very stiff outside of her launcher.

Why would a buy a sjw valkyrie profile clone when I could just play VP?

The average age of the indie-fellating westacuck, everyone.

Attached: 1514972261184.png (400x566, 106K)

Then go play Senran 6?

If you hate western indie trash then why are you here? To suffer? Go back to your japanese circlejerk then, faggot.

Attached: 060f7e6fe56c78f790f385b3d62dc8cf.gif (360x359, 367K)

just choose her other weapons then

Attached: spear bounce.webm (1280x720, 2.5M)

>tweened garbage

Yeah but I hated Korra.

the game looks really boring and uninteresting to watch, I only care about it because I like kinuko's art

Attached: 1547641535312.png (491x309, 183K)

Why are you posting western trash on a Japanese culture board, Redditor?

Attached: 1464978167426.png (652x480, 52K)

Attached: Alex_Mahan-YandereDev.jpg (190x265, 7K)

Ya Shitlocks.

>uninteresting to watch
instead of watching, have you ever thought about *playing* games?
I don't know for the life of me how so many people found Starcraft interesting to watch but it sure as hell was fun to play.

Attached: 1536346343463.jpg (833x430, 57K)

Ajna is not a lesbian

Weird I forgot i actually funded the Kickstarter, no fucking idea about updated...

Attached: 1440614061_yado_full15.jpg (158x159, 14K)

I fucknig want my face to be crushed between her pits

The low lying branch of SJW kudos is too tempting for an indie company. Even one that made Titgirls (Featuring peacock)

Same reason you're posting in english, faggot. Because no one cares what you think.

skullgirls has lesbians too

No it seems boring, generic and another try to rip off old japanese games by a miserable hack who thinks he is a game designer with unique vision and deep knowledge. Its the same shit as skullgirls that was hyped up blindly by normies despite the fact that it was just copypasta of MvC game
Even if you are a just indie-shit, try to create something unique.

>Getting mad at a hypothetical situation

Oh the ironing

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yeah, I think I'll commission an egg-laying comic with this spider and the brown tomboy