You can not make a good game centered around "Realistic" or lore friendly Lightsaber combat. The swords have no weight or proper feedback, and you can't even emulate the prequel kung fu flips or Original Trilogies methodical parry centered combat especially with a most likely first-person perspective. You can probably prove me wrong, but EA and Respawn won't
Blue Milk and trade routes discussion thread
TFU with less dogshit controls is fine.
Even then they had to bend the rules of Lightsabers to just be baseball bats
Just have them behave like real swords?
Darth Vader = EA
Jedi = Gamers
Yeah, and jumping in a video game also isn't like jumping IRL
I always liked the realistic lightsaber combat cheat in the Jedi Knight games. The combat itself was a little unwieldy, though.
Literally all I want out of lightsaber combat is something akin to outcast or academy. Naturally nobody’ll do that, though.
You'll get a cinematic experience with button mashing combat and QTE finishers and you'll like it
I could never get into it. It always devolved into circle strafing while mashing the attack button.
Why can't we have real lightsaber mechanics? Battles could just be heavily block/parry based with one hit dismemberment/death. Couple it with deflecting blaster bolts with proper timing and force abilities that can help you predict enemies attacks and you've got all the mechanics for a real star wars game that still appeals to casuals
I don't trust companies stepping out of their element if EA is behind it. Unless this is going to be first person, in which case it'll probably just suck.
The problem being that standards are way higher, if the animation looked like academy the game would get universally panned.
pick one, retards
>see TFU on the Xbox Game Pass
>play for about 5 minutes
>Vader moves like a tank, enemies fade out straight away, everything is pure clunk and feels like a third rate title
Game Pass is really useful for trying out casual shit and realising I hate most of it
Sekiro style combat kinda? Fuckin diamonds right now. Pity it wont happen.
TFU2 had dismemberment, too bad it was unfinished shit.
yea like sekiro but with more cool sword duels and not just upscaled minions that just use one attack
I feel like EA isn't going to be the worst company of the year this year. This is the second thing they're releasing this year that I'm into
This, plus some speed and crowd control mechanics through the Force would be a neat gameplay design. Have the Jedi be a glass cannon that can 1v1 anything with ease but throw mobs at them and have environments that challenge that playstyle
>This is the second thing they're releasing this year that I'm into
Why? We don't know anything about it yet
I remember the hilarious marketing for that game. "It's so over-the-top crazy radical stuff, bruh! Starkiller is the strongestest ever!" I never did play it, though.
>Finally a SW single player game
>Its Jedi/Sith focused
>yeah TFU? its now canon because, well its canon now
>if you don't like it you can buy the IP from me and make everything but movies non-canon :)
The EU was never really canon in the same way the movies were.
I mean it would be difficult, but a highly mobile, parry heavy, most likely 1-hit kill combat system would actually be fun as fuck to play if executed correctly. You're absolutely correct about it being impossible in first person, though.
>dev tem, director and writer already announced
>not knowing anything about the gane
OK retard
Who? Don't say Avellone because he's just giving a hand
so deep
He's working on it but he's not the main writer. He's done some story work, story and character reviews and scripts. He's doing the kind of thing he does lately in a lot of games.
>one hit dismemberment/death
pick one and only one
The rumors I am hearing are Dark Souls inspired combat.
Do with that what you will.
Is this a new Jedi Knight?
Yeah, only the movies and the CG Clone Wars were relevant. George's EU involvement outside that is more rubber-stamping and vetoing certain things.
Were Zombie Troopers and Han Solo's daughter canon?
>Jedi Outcast exists
Realistic saber combat is a misnomer in a space fantasy world of actual magic.
>You can not make a good game centered around "Realistic" or lore friendly Lightsaber combat.
Jedi Academy was fine.
Am I the only one that doesn't give a shit about 'realism' I just want good.
I thing most people mean "coherent" when they say "realistic" when talking about this
A dream that's never going to happen.
Star Wars HAS to appeal to the wide AAA market (because yk, money). Don't expect nothing besides a shooter or a cinematic game a la Uncharted. Great kinesthetic gameplay design it's not a priority for EA.
It was unique in the sense there were varying tiers of canon, so much that they hired Leland chee who was dedicated to keeping the continuity in check and all on a single timeline. The movies came first, then TV series, and so on until you got to N canon consisting of what if comics and etc. Had it never been canon there would have been many things lacking you saw in the prequels such as Coruscant originating from the EU.
Why is it so hard to copy-paste Jedi Academy combat and add some pretty graphics?
Motherfuckers could even expand on the Jedi Academy thing and do a full looter-shooter cancerous and lucrative deal like Destiny or The Division, as long as it has Jedi Academy combat and character customization i wouldn't give a damn.