This game has been out almost a month

>this game has been out almost a month
What the fuck? Did it flop or something? I've not heard anything about it.

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what do you want? its a play trough once game

I'm just shocked it came out. I completely forgot it was a thing.

They just released a horrible patch that has pretty much everyone feeling disappointed and unsatisfied.

Almost as if it's a niche game

why does ubisoft keep making the same games over and over?

Because Ubisoft likes copy and pasting assets and making big money off of them.
>triple A game by one of the biggest studios in the world

What's wrong with it? I've been taking my time and still haven't reached max level yet.

It made Assassin's Creed and thought that's the pinnacle of design

Absolute shit game, also >muh strong womyn and minorities

Because people keep buying the same games over and over.

Been playing it and haven’t reached lvl 30 yet but it’s pretty fun

what the fuck game have you been playing? the sjws are mad that the game doesn't have any of that shit

>the cost of an asset flip with the profit of a AAA game

Ubisoft is genius.

I got it free for having a new AMD Card. I dunno I think it's very boring. The guns don't feel satisfying to shoot. I'm sure it's more fun if you got a few friends to play with, playing it solo just feels boring.

>incel always Bringing politics up
>playing looter games for the story instead of pressing Of skipping the cutscene
Based retard

it's just bullet sponge: the game. you literally spend 30 seconds killing a trash enemy in the new tier 5.

It doesn't have playable women or niggers?

Im still playing it but I miss comfy NYC and the original factions. They also kind of gloss over the crap with Aaron Keener from the original game and hardly bring it up which kind of sucks.

It is? I thought it was a multiplayer raid forever kind of game

You are now aware that the team that made this used to be massive, and made the brilliant world in conflict before being absorbed by ubi and forced to make the division.

Used to be *Massive entertainment

Is this just a programmed bot response to any topic asking
>why is game shit
I've seen it in every fucking thread anymore, like if a game always you to create a female, does that mean its pandering now?

Fans were divided on it.

They 'fixed' weapon attachments, removing the negatives but also neutering the positives.
The reworked Skill Power and Skill Mods scaling is a bit better since it's now more possible to actually make a skill build, but they also neutered skill mods.
Gear Sets are disappointing.
They keep jewing the Invasion Apparel event. Day 1 it was 1 cache key per level and has since been tanking rapidly so it's going to require real money purchases to finish the collection.
Banging your head against the WT4 cap was nice since every piece of gear was either High End at Gear Score 450+ or whatever Purple is called at 440. Now in WT5 being at S500+, you are still getting high end stuff at 490.
Enemy health scaled past our damage a bit so WT5 is more spongy than WT4 was.
And there's a slew of little glitches that seem to be taking way too long to fix. Enemies always think you're low on health and will push you a lot harder than they should (And since they're tankier you can't stop them unless you have a more dedicated control build.), Signature Weapon ammo pretty much isn't dropping at all, crafting bench is still bugged for some people, exotic weapons are trash and even stuff like upgrading a 490 to 500 can lower your damage output.

Lots of niggles.

The guns do feel like shit at first but get much better as you unlock the attachments and better guns...i think its one of the most noticeable and well done progression systems in a looter shooter

It released on some Noname store so no one bought it.

Expect everyone to start making epic ‘timed’exclusives as they realize that platform exclusivity absolutely fucks them.


maybe at least see what the sjw's are mad at before you sperg out like a faggot

Good game but it's still in the early Ubisoft "buggy yet playable" phase and will need a few more patches before it reaches its full potential.

>graphical, sound and control glitches all over
>game balance is all over the place, LMGs beat out every other gun by a wide margin and pure damage builds are the only viable option right now
>content is still limited, PvP is not popular due to a lack of good gear
>Gearscore seems to be a useless metric, 500 gear is oftentimes statistically weaker than 490 gear

It also doesn't help that gaming news is 90% negative press about games flopping, like Anthem and anything to do with the Epic launcher.


>giving those new stalinists the time of day

Unironically cancer.

I think this one actually has a general on /vg/, but for the most part, people seemed to underwhelmed. I think people who came in expecting more of the same are happy, but anyone who wanted changes to the formula just walked away disappointed.

I haven't picked it up yet, but a couple of my friends are still playing, but they're already at end game and running out of stuff to do. I just said I'd grab it later on since there's no pressing reason to get it now since I can see the content later.

ok, be wrong and retarded then you dumb closeted tranny lol


Because it's about money for them, that's it. Established franchises are easier to make profit off of because they already have an established fan base. Making original and new games isn't as profitable as making the same shit over and over. Film is the same way, that why they keep releasing endless cape shit and reboots. Essentially video games have become Hollywood as shit which has been obvious as fuck when you watch the cringe ass video games awards shows.

the devs are terrified of letting the game actually become fun because it might "break it"

>skills are useless
>specializations are boring and useless
>there is no build variety, just stack damage mods
>every resource in the game has a laughably small cap
>the new gear sets they released are useless
>most exotics are useless

congratulations, you've made a perfectly balanced game by removing anything that might have been fun or interesting from it

>the devs are terrified of letting the game actually become fun because it might "break it"

This is a problem with a lot of multiplayer focused games, shit is boring because everything has to be fair and equal between all players. Can't have an OP skill or class.

Go back to r/learnjapanese you retard


Just remember, no one likes your white guilt cult, not even other whites in your white guilt cult.

>Lots of niggles.
Weird. I don't see too many of them. Maybe they are mostly on console? I'm more annoyed about all the chinese to be honest.

Welcome to every loot shooter

If you're mad at the amount of moon crickets in a game set in DC you've clearly never been to DC

Everything feels simplified or toned down compared to the original. Gear set bonuses feel so underwhelming compared to the old ones so I dont feel as motivated to collect gear. Some skills feel very clunky or dont feel like they make much of an impact compared to the originals.
I wouldnt say The Division 1 had very interesting characters but gathering up everyone and improving this big base of operations was neat compared to a bunch of smaller detached settlements. There was something about the original factions too I liked more, the backstories and sheer absurdity of some of them were more entertaining than the bland shit we have now.

They learned from D1, where gearsets gave too much power and made all endgame content easy to solo and PvP a horrible mess. Anyone who is crying about "fun" are just children who are scared of powerful enemies in endgame and should go back to Korean MMOs where they can cover the screen in damage numbers to make their tiny E-peen feel big.

Dumbfuck consumers.

It is, meaning the game is basically dead for new players who have to play 100+ hours to reach the point where they encounter other players.

It's the top March game sold

Division either needs content people can't blow through in a week or two of casual play or solid pvp with build variety and a decent skill ceiling. Without this it is dead in the water except for hardcore fans.

At least here, there's very little discussion so far on anything that's hit the Epic store. I'm waiting to see what happens with Phoenix Point, because going off of XCOM's old discussion, it's likely that might be something this place actually would've cared about it.

reminder that just coming out of the closet will help those feelings of loneliness go away

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People had nothing to shitpost about it, thats why you did not hear about it, its been totally over powered by all the sekiro shitposting

Everyone was excited for WT5 but it was a big let down gear wise. The 3 sets they added all suck. Skill builds were nerfed even more. Gear score is useless. I'm getting weapons 480+ that are weaker than some of the exact same at 450gs.

Im getting these issues on PC. Noticing a lot more t-posing ragdolls these last few sessions. Teleporting and rubberbanding enemies aswell. Its annoying, but they are just a small independent company, its only natural they'll have small bugs here and there.
And its just released a month ago, we cant expect a complete and polished experience immediately for 60 dollarydoos plus tip. Crashing randomly once per session now aswell.

No ones really talking about this game because everyone played it back in 2016. Its just more of the same from ubisoft. Not much to really talk about.

Div1 had horrible balance throughout most of its life, even at the end, tons of stuff was just flat out worse than meta builds.

>Striker being king for pretty much forever, which meant ARs/SMGs dominating the majority of builds.
>Tacticians (somewhat rightfully) nerfed, one of the only real competitors to Striker's, partially because it hit a threshold where it could simply cheese things by firing a one shot kill mine at people.
>Firecrest status effect nerfed for a similar reason, since you could keep people burning permanently.

>All these nerfs hit the PvE department far worse, making Striker dominant there as well.
>At best, other sets have niche uses in comparison.
>Proceed to make a bullet sponge mode where not having tons of stamina or hiding in cover with a heal box is instant death.
>Force a tank meta for all but the most overgeared of groups with the D3-FNC, complete with aggro mechanics to allow other builds to melt through the bullet sponges with glass cannon DPS.

I mean, the pieces were there to have interesting encounters with crowd control gadgets and other gizmos, suppression LMGs, and still have space for a pure DPS build, but ultimately all of those other things were nerfed because the devs couldn't figure out to make them separate from PvP balance.

At least it isn't Year 2 of Destiny 2. Even hardcore fans are abandoning ship with this latest (paid) season of non-content that focuses on repetitive PVP modes.

I'd rather have too much power and blow through content in interesting ways than simply try to cram more damage onto everything.

Where's the cool shit like setting people on fire with flame bullets/turret and using the CC time to bring down targets with high damage close range weapons that were otherwise useless because approaching live targets was suicide? Or having an LMG that auto-reloaded itself on occasion when running out of ammo, or after killing four targets, letting you lay down a stream of gunfire for minutes straight and suppress the shit out of anything that stuck their head up? Or a shield that was equivalent to 400mm of rolled steel, deflecting frontal attacks with ease, so long as nothing got behind you?

Or shit like a medkit that auto-sutured your wounds and made you immune to debuffs near it? Can I at least get that set that caused massive bleed debuffs when striking a target several times, letting me hit and run and force guys to bleed out while I'm safe in cover? WHERE IS ALL THE COOL SHIT THAT MAKES ME WANT TO PLAY A GAME WITH DIFFERENT BUILDS? Why is it gone?

This. PvP needs to be separated and put in its own box so it doens't affect everything else.

Even simple shit is missing. A sniper rifle would be the perfect tool for point and click elimination, killing enemies that instantly took cover from AR or LMG fire, or things that repaired their armor against said attacks over time, requiring burst to bring down. Shotguns have a stagger mechanic built in to halt rushes against the player, except it doesn't fucking work beyond level 30. When you break even the most basic weapons, damage becomes the only consideration.