You do prefer fanart when it's closer to the original design rather than fan interpretations, right?
You do prefer fanart when it's closer to the original design rather than fan interpretations, right?
I like what I like, and I know it when I see it.
Why the fuck is Hex a bimbo
It doesn't work
It doesn't add up
Post more bimbofication
Yeah. Depends on how aesthetically pleasing it is.
I don't like Hex Maniac with giant udders, though. Proportion it to her build.
As long as it's not tumblr ugly face big nose blackening I'm perfectly fine with it, bonus points if jap artstyle, permanent SSS rank if it looks like JoJo
imagine being so autistic that people making her boobs bigger makes you so angry that you draw a ridiculously exaggerated bimbo strawman.
souless soul
bimbofy me
What happened to subtlety in fanart instead of giving every interpretation the same old bimbo look?
Making Hex into a milky big tiddy goth girl was the best thing that ever happened to her, chestlets and chestlet sympathizers can fuck off and go cry into their plywood dakimakuras.
Why would I and why should I? If I thought the show designs were peak appeal, aesthetically or sexually, I'd just watch the show.
If by original you mean sugimori then it depends. Sabrina's is pretty sticc here so I'm okay with fanartist adding more meat to her.
If its a loli tho, i rather they keep it similar to the original
I like tits and healthy hips. I also like tits and healthy hips in my Hex Maniac. What I don't like is artists turning her into some unappealing THICC LACTATING BIMBO like that's somehow attractive.
I just ask a cute Hex Maniac, that's all.
I see there's a lot of discerning opinions, which is also nice.
This senpai
Reminder that goth girls are for breeding.
When it comes to fansmut, As close to the original design you can get while adding some subtle sexuality, Like if a character has twig-thighs due to the original artstyle give them a little meat to make them slightly more realistically proportioned.
As someone who appreciates a variety of animu slut bodytypes, it doesn't matter as long as it's drawn well.
I like both.
off model works fine for pokemon trainers because they're not specific characters, just an archetype. it's crazy to assume every hex maniac has exactly the same body. plus busty hex is a meme based on the fact that one of the games' milk salesperson was a hex maniac.
I do prefer slender Hex though, but i think that's mostly because of how oversaturated hex fanart is with busty hex maniac.
You can only pick one.
>permanent SSS rank if it looks like JoJo
literal gay
>You do prefer fanart when it's closer to the original design rather than fan interpretations, right?
Yes. Also porn is best when it's completely on model.
If it's just fanart, yes, keep the design consistent even through artstyle changes.
If it's porn, I absolutely do not care about it unless there's fucking monstrous titties and big fat butts and thighs.
If a picture is neither of these things it's invisible to me, it doesn't even goddamn exist. Even if someone shows me a picture like, "oh this is so cute" I won't even notice the picture and just give them a default response.
We need more sticc art.
sorry tribalism simp, the whole world doesn't work like that.
i like the theory that cynthia and lusamine are sisters. makes it hotter for some reason that i can't explain.
post more fucking bimbos
Bimbofication is a shit fetish
worse than footfags
Fuck you, I'm posting Cute Maniac.
doing gods work user. Hex Maniac deserves more cute art of her, preferably interacting with ghost pokemon.
I want to hug Hex and make her feel safe and comfy.
Awh hell yes, my favorite type of thread.
user, what the hell? That's fucking adorable and you should feel proud of yourself
Reminder that goth bimbo sluts are empty, pure girls are true happiness.
Sticking to the original design is always better. I hate when people draw in that awful tumblr style. It's just as bad when people draw in that "fetish commission from Deviantart" style like in OP's pic.
Based hexmind
Gotcha back user, what kinda slack-jawed faggot doesn't enjoy big tits?
I like Hex Maniac porn because nobody makes good Watamote porn
On model is always better
How in the heck(s) did this happen?
And reminder that goth girls will become that if you give them the love they crave for.
>can't appreciate both
When it comes to Hex, if her thighs aren't big enough to be touching each other, then I don't even care.
Isn't she just adorable?
Damn, I don't have more pokebimbos
i'm fine with anything
Hex Maniac is for physical abuse
Angry kids on Xbox Live give you God of War wallpapers, but here's a Hex Maniac wallpaper!
bimbo hex is stupid incel horny faggot shit
Fuck off with that shit
lmao get the fuck out, twitterfag.
i wana be hex manaic
bimbos and bimbofication are top tier
I think sticc and cow tit hex maniacs both have their merits.
I totally get that feeling. Ghost pokemon are based as fuck and i'm jealous of anyone who gets to raise them.
as long as the art isn't terrible.
i can enjoy anything on it's own merits without it messing with my enjoyment of other things
It took me THIS long, since I played Emerald, to figure it out.
wtf hex maniac cast a spell on me and now I want to give her a big hug
pls advise
Wh*te girls can't have those thick lips.
>"netflix" and chill
Fuck that watch some unsubbed obscure hentai and chill
Bimbo is really cool I agree, but it just can't defeat true cute.
What are these kinds of girls called?
Thank god.
This is a good one.
im one of those weirdos that appreciates all the art, regardless of size and bimbocity purely because goth girls are top ten aesthetics even though the Big tit goth gf meme is still shitty and annoying
not real
She really is quite lovely.
Lewd cute > All
>sealguy is fucking dead
just shoot me
Everyone is always so happy to see her!
i want to re-read tht one
sauce me up
Of course.
Only exception is probably Nikki since I prefer her looking more human.
The best part about Netflix 'n' chill with Hex Maniac is if you ever get sleepy because it's late at night, she's got a pair of lovely soft pillows for you to rest your head on.
stalking girlfriend i think.
by yokkora
Hex is perfect.
It's called the first result on Google faggoli.
A man of culture I see
Yes I'm seething. She'd be better with actual thick dick sucking lips.
Imagine you finally get to bring your waifu into reality, But she still retained her artstyle in the real world, That would be a pretty tough thing to hide or explain from people.
no faggot
Cute little lips are better.
cowtits are ridiculous tho
Then be a man, go out there and claim what's rightfully yours.
Why do so many porn artists draw these awful-looking lips?
lots of hecks
Maybe so, but if you love each other very much what does it matter?
Case in point, Big Titty Goth Gf spamming idiots make it impossible to talk about goth tiddies without half the conversation being in all caps
Cute bimbos>>>>slutty bimbos
Where does she buy these elaborate floral bras, and how does she pay for them?
bimbo fetishists enjoy gigantic plump lips
its an extreme extension of what they find attractive, which other people find attractive
government taking your waifu for experimentation
Bah, these succubi are getting harder and harder to resist!
Fuck you they aren't.
I need more evidence before I can make my decision.
Oh god that “candy” is awful
Not likely, she'd cast a spell and poof they get turned into sheep!
Dude I’m black lol so it’s fine
but the always push it too far
Hex Maniac is FAT, and has a FAT FUTA COCK. prove me wrong.
Hex always looks really tired.
I want to carry her to bed and cuddle her to sleep.
You've missed the point guy, watch the yelling dont talk to us in that tone of voice
Big lips means better kisses
Do your fucking job mods
Uncomfortable and slightly nervous, Hex Maniacs
I consider them Fujoshi minus the stink and "BL/yaoi only" focus. Lazy fucks, neets that laze around all day, circles under their eyes, chubby, perverted but introverted/shy as fuck, maybe not clean but not the extreme overly-bad hygiene most artists go overboard depicting
When you stop being a fag
Big lips blow job is like 2 dicks wrapped around my dick.
Wrong opinions.
>Hex Maniac is FAT
Are we posting "me on the left"s now?
gotta love how shitposting threads stay up but a final fantasy thread gets autosaged and or deleted
Wring the necks of all bimbofags
I wanna pale goth gf.
I understood that reference yer cheeky blighter!
Bimboism is worse that scat and furries combined.
>traveling with a cute Hex Maniac
>rarely talks but enjoys listening you talk
>very shy so most of the time she avoids eye contact
>at one point you crack a pun out of nowhere
>she heartily laughs at being caught so off guard
>you realize she looks really pretty when she smiles
>she notices you blush as you just brush it off and continue as normal
>Hex Maniac is very happy
>Mimikyu blush from the fake head
no because I'm not autistic
Isn't Hex actually a ghost?
very cute!
Ghosts don't have that much meat on them.
Is it too much to ask for porn where the 2 of them are fucking each other?
>'SCP Foundation' would like to know your location
>you'll never go walking in the woods, get knocked over the head, and get dragged to her house
>you'll never spend the rest of your life locked in a room, tied to a bed, where she will come in once in a while and care for you
youre a goddamn blithering retard ya know that
She sells moo moo milk.
Yes they do.
Its not actually technically milk.
if I'm looking for r34 of anything, then I want it to be as similar to the original as possible.
if I'm just looking to fap to whatever, then I prefer something that is closer to my fetishes no mater what it's based on
That's why they're fun
there is a hex maniac who is an actual ghost, but not all of them
>implying I wouldn't sweet talk her into releasing me
>implying I wouldn't marry her on the spot
ah well. could be worse
Remove yourself
I want to impregnate her.
Hex dressed up as, er, Hex!
I want to motorboat big Hex tiddies
Too bad she isn't real
Is this the Gengar thread?
Is Sealguy back yet?
cutesexyrobutts has given me an unhealthy fixation on hex titties.
>Too bad she isn't real
cease and desist
Japan gets some very strange kaijus...
I love Hex.
For hex? Any form i can appreciate
He has a Twitter since the start of the year my guy
Big tiddy goth gf.
Giv pls.
underboob sweat
Get out chubby, this is Haunter territory.
This bitch is so loner that could never find someone to trade and evolve him
I don't just collect fanart. It serves a purpose.
For the purpose of an avatar or representing a game in a discussion, on-model is best. Style and flow.
For the service of my dick, off-model is best. That kind of outfit and body structure is much less practical and the curves break up the flow but it's hotter that way.
There's no overlap. Excelling in one means failing in another. is attractive but not fappable to me.
Getting a quick peek...
Can you at least dab on em?
Meme artist or no, I've yet to see anyone draw a softer, more squeezable, more breedable hex.
That's fine too.
>baby gengars
uh oh bros, wat do
I love this artist.
There'd probably be more if the manga didn't go to shit.
Hex Maniac is SMUG!
>traveling with a cute Hex Maniac
>rarely talks but enjoys listening you talk
>windowshop together
>she notices you like some girl clothes on some manequinns
>she becomes self aware that she tends to wear the same big clothes of always
>the next day she surprises you with the same outfit you were looking at the last day
>you comment that the clothes fit her and that she looks cute
>Hex Maniac is very happy
Very cute.
sadpanda radiohead, if you don't like futa you're not only gay but he's got a few doujins for ya.
Proper. This has been a personal gripe of mine for years. And this one gets me the most because Hex Maniac is a top 10 NPC Trainer Classes of all time just the way she is. She's perfect. If the original was was worth lewding, it already had it's own charm to begin with you baka.
also i dont like uber big tiddy as much as i like cute regular tiddu
You’re welcome
Fuck of Aigis she’s mine
This is what Hex is for.
>hex maniac will never feed you her moomoo milk straight from her cock
Why even live?
How many children would she bear you? I would demand at least 3.
As many as an entire weekend of continuous breeding would create.
>Get good pictures of hex and best pokemon
Win win here
This begs the eternal question. Flatchouli or Phatchouli?
customizable companion robots when?
Dinner time.
>only one weekend
lol what a fag
These gengars are too small heck off or post more English one
Quite the pleasant tale!
She needs to rest, too, user.
That means theyre different from canon so it's on-topic.
For a time, searching 'hex maniac' in google would have this appear as either the first, or second result.
Also prod.
Made for child bearing.
Hex is a WHORE.
I usually prefer on model but I judge on a case by case basis.
Some characters just don't look very good on model for porn or sometimes there will be a concept I like enough to override my qualms with the overall quality of the art.
You don't want her to die of exhaustion, right?
Would you a gengars?
I really wish there was more art of Cynthia trying to dress younger.
Gengar's not a she.
I fucking love hex maniac
oh god my dick its gonna fucing bll=low
Seeing Flandre Scarlet with her wing ornaments in the wrong order still triggers me.
You're alright user
Working out what kind of bees make milk?
That doujin is great.
Maybe. But Gengar is great for a lot of things, Gengar isn't just some shitty fapbait.
It's Sadako you yo-yo
That's completely normal user.
God fucking damn I never thought I'd want to fuck a Gourgeist.
I wish you'd stop making threads posting pictures of me.
>traveling with a cute Hex Maniac
>rarely talks but enjoys listening you talk
>already used to sleeping next to each other but separated either when camping, at a Pokemon Center or renting an inn room
>very tired from walking almost the whole day
>look at her while half asleep
>think loudly how fun is to travel with her
>think loudly how lucky you are for having such a great friend
>fall asleep
>Hex Maniac is so, so happy
And who might you be?
Mind posting a pic of yourself?
Why are you ERPing with yourself?
I'm not saying it all has to happen at once, but trying to fit all your breeding to just one weekend is far too limiting. The correct answer is as many children as she can give you over the span of a long loving married life.
This is a bad attitude because it's very easy to accidentally enjoy something if you aren't conscious of what you're enjoying.
What if you enjoy low tier pleb trash?
It's much easier to have some caution with what you enjoy, rather than having to learn to not enjoy it later.
For a good night's sleep together!
I'd be too nervous to browse Yea Forums if any of my pictures floated around here. With dozens of lonely horny anons pining to drown in my full, doughy cleavage, or worse, try to brush my long shaggy hair--no one gets to touch my hair but me.
Not even to caress it and appreciate how beautiful it is?
Train them hard
Coming soon.
You can't expect Hex to be able to confess her feelings easily. The only way that's going to happen is if you manage to wake up while she's raping you in your sleep.
More sideglance...
it's embarrassing, but worse are the pictures of me half-undressed with my chest flailing out. I wear loose-fitting clothes to obscure my bodyline, not flaunt myself.
I don't want anyone seeing my body except my beloved--though that would be no one since I can't get over my insecurities and trust-issues. I'm better off pale, isolated, and alone anyway. Better that than used and cast aside into disappointment. .
Based j*nnies being shit for once is good
No, you're gross.
You want that to happen, you want everyone drooling over you.
>why yes, they do appear to be made from putty...
Oh, go on then...
When's Tomodachi Maniac 5?
>Fujoshi minus the stink and "BL/yaoi only" focus
So, no fujoshi.
why cant she be real bros?
when that dickhead shota stops abusing her all the ungrateful!
>why can't a girl be real
Go outside idiot.
good taste user
Just going out in public is a chore, I hate the glances from strangers who turn their heads to stare at the outline of my chest (despite several layers of clothes, none of them particularly form-fitting) as I simply walk by. I'm not trying to pull the attention of random people in public, I can't stand them anyway, they probably leave the house all the time. I feel safer at home, posting on Yea Forums and playing video games.
I like slutty fanart
You ok down there?
>she (singular) applies to all females in and out of existence
ok retard
Except last time she raped him.
>tfw girls are more real than pokemans
Love and Support
Bloody deserved! Next time he should let her enjoy her soup!
Fucking hate him. She deserves someone bette but japs can't stand femneets getting happy endings, that's why the one with the hughe pale girl and the koichi size motherfucker is so memorable, she gets the HE
The important thing is that at least he's trying to do croagunk a favor, even if it is a bit misplaced.
Oh shit, the faggot is here.
Unappealing girls exist in real life. You can find someone similar.
meant to respond to
japs are weird af like that - can't just do things properly!
Yeah you are.
Left half of that pic is great.
But you do. You might not want to leave your home, but you need someone just like that to give you the relief you deny, but clearly ache for.
I want to hold hands with hex maniac
She really can't be bothered with that - other stuff to do!
Absolutely. Off-model fanart is only good for a more total reimagining of a character instead of a straight up depiction of them. You can keep those cutesexyrobutts tier bimbos. Do hit me up with that gijinka blaze the cat shit, but she better be flat or I swear to god
Sex is gross, I'm not interested.
I'm better off thinking that way.
I really don't get why every single Hexfag types like they're ERPing on Gaia Online.
Probably doesn't like ghost girls of the ballsy variety if you know what I mean.
Totally-not-Hex meets Hex.
Probably because they're here solely to jerk off, when they could easily just look up some porn of her or any other character.
But you know how retarded waifufags are.
>tons of good hex fan art
>all the doujins are complete garbage with her being taken advantage
Where the fuck is my yandere hex that ends up happy with whoever the fuck she stalks?
>Hex Maniac used Shadow Claw!
Oh wait, I forgot, I'm not retarded and don't type like that.
That's your insecurity talking.
With how you talk about your body, you clearly want it.
Denying it will only make it even worse.
Did you just stroke out for a minute there?
Power fantasy yadda yadda...
how does one accidently like something?