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Other urls found in this thread:


You forgot one

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When will it end?

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Pretty hilarious

The cinematography is as uninspired as their notions of "interesting character traits"

I want a lesbian gf, any tips?

chop off your dong.

seethe more

Hopefully never
No fags though

>try to appeal to people who don't play video games and never will
>piss off your biggest customers
Brilliant marketing. Taking a page from the NFL and the Boy Scouts

I'm not seething

Attached: 1554262307812m.jpg (1024x864, 41K)

This. Gamers hate lesbians as much as they hate showering.

her nose






Don't even bother man, they don't really know what they want. I know it's a meme that "women just always change their minds" but with lesbians it's pretty much a guarantee. I don't even mean "oh, they don't know if they like dick or carpet" but rather they will straight up tell you one thing, and immediately turn around to tell you the opposite.

It honestly isn't worth it, more often than not they just become bitchy to be around, and half the time you have to hold yourself back from arguing with them on some of the shit they say, if only cause you now they're just going to change their minds again in a few seconds.

>gamers hate lesbians
Are you gay user?

Attached: 1554427658421.jpg (960x917, 43K)

Clem is a fucking dyke too?
Tell me you have a fucking choice in this holy shit.

Lesbian sex is great. Lesbian relationships are garbage in both fiction and real life.


No just no.

>Tell me you have a fucking choice in this holy shit.
Why would you suddenly expect being able to have a choice after four games where that isn't the case?

Why bother asking? You know the answer. The SJWs are ruining video games with cultural marxism, also the answer is yes it is the player's choice.


Go to a dyke bar or act like an naive straight girl who is interested in sex and is horny around "helpful lesbians".

You'll get that lesbian gf in no time lezbro.


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Yeah, it's a choice. At least half of the ones in are player choice.

male on male > female on female relationships. Lesbians never seem real or genuine enough to look like they're actually together. Men on the other hand are capable of love and have better connections and more true relationships.

>Lesbian sex is great
two women can't have sex

Good. Faggotry in a population-decimating apocalypse always bothers me. They're literal wastes of space and I don't want to focus on them.

Braindead. You can find similar stories regarding straight couples. Has nothing to do with sexuality, they were just nuts


he's right, homosex is not real sex for it to count a benis has to go in bagina, is what defines virginity so yeah the poophole is indeed a loophole

In fiction they can be as great or awful as you want just like anything else, and in real life they are irrelevant. Who gives a fuck about 3dpd while we are talking about vidya?

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SJWs are a canard user.

The real enemy are the people in power behind those forced changes.
They want to control the narrative in every aspect of media and are turning the very people who made gaming what it is on each other.

Gaming was always all inclusive. Those power hungry evil animals see the potential in using gaming as a way to manipulate young minds and change the thinking of ignorant people into something they want.
So they lie about the type of people who are into gaming so they can push their narrative as the one true way to have a multicultural/multisocial/multireligious way of connecting between people.

Because, if we don't follow their narratives, they lose money and control.

>Obvious lesbian
>Calling what might be a man gay for not liking lesbian sex
>Telling a man that lesbians are only useful as sex toys and if he doesn't want to ravage them like cheap whores or at least watch and beat off like a good limpdick faggot cuck then he's not a real man.

Your opinion has never and will never mean anything to any het man who has or ever will live.
Now go back to eating the gross fisted to useless cunt of your equally assugly girlfriend you scumbag.

None of those games are worth playing anyway.

They can't have sex in the missionary position for the sake of procreation?

>The real enemy are the people in power behind those forced changes.

Name one fictional lesbian relationship from the last 5 years that wasn't garbage.

why turn clementine into a raging lesbian if she was a fine hetero

Gay agenda, please go and stay go.

Clem and Violet

YAS western goyim let your daughters be violent slutty feminist dyke mutts. Its brave and progressive that executive producers are forcing this political gay propaganda into every western AAA qte movie instead of gameplay. Dont have families!

Attached: SONY JEWS.jpg (205x269, 23K)

Why aren't any of them attractive?

nice strawman


Trick question, all video game relationships are garbage.

I have news for you. You may want to sit down.

how does a jew know that their brainwashing and propaganda is even working? why put all this effort into it?

No, you.

Attached: that's super funny.jpg (234x224, 30K)

I don't think that word means what you think it means

Because if they were they'd be able to attract men.
Women have one sexual preference: attention. If men don't give them attention then they'll go for what will.

In a zombie apocalypse every hetero couple would be breeding like rabbits so I don't think the tiny % that are gay are going to cause ruin for civilization rebuilding efforts. Besides it's not like all lesbians are against being moms or wouldn't turkey baster for a kid.

>Trick question, all video game relationships are garbage.


Clearly you don't know what it means

It's the only realistic part of their relationships.
That and women in western games and media have to be ugly or very unattractive now.

>Trick question, all video game relationships are garbage.

If they're willing to shove a turkey baster in them they might as well just take a dick instead.

This. Dated a bi once and she was so fucking negative all the time and I ended up being miserable for nine months. It ended with her trying to #metoo me.

Looking back on it, I realize that a lot of bi girls act like she did. Stay away from them and also any girls that are into clubbing/bars all the time and openly talk about kinks out in public to random people.

Omfg at least make them cute and not tumblr tier.
Every single one has fucking manface

if a homosex is legit sex then gays can apparently lose virginity via masturbation

sodomy is not legitamate sex

Don't post when you're horny, it makes you look like a dumbass.

>replying to the wrong post

No. They are unattractive because they are gay or subconsciously eat and live in a way that causes epigenetic changes to makes themselves less attractive to men because of trauma or brainwashing from media academia or "helpful lesbians".

Lesbians won't live long at all in a zombie apocalypse.
And gay men would self destruct almost immediately if they don't go full militarized. And I don't see an army of rando gay dudes doing that ever.
That's not even mentioning them being not really kept or tolerated in post zombie apocalypse societies.

When you consider what zombie apocalypse means metaphorically then you begin to see what is being said.

This is honestly a hardcore attempt at brainwashing like that thing from the TLoU that was released a while back.
Pushing homosex as viable and good while making heterosex seem like this overly dramatic wrong that fucks up everything.
It's been to demonized in media aimed at the "incels" and "undesirables" and children lately for this to be a coincidence.

Lesbians are my fetish

You niggas seething about a kiss when you never got a kiss in real life kek

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>No. They are unattractive because they are gay or subconsciously eat and live in a way that causes epigenetic changes to makes themselves less attractive to men because of trauma or brainwashing from media academia or "helpful lesbians".

Agreed that's a number of them. Some are just born ugly.

They're shoving a hard object that deposits jizz. Kills the whole argument for dykeism in general if they feel the need to inseminate themselves.


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>Pushing homosex as viable and good while making heterosex seem like this overly dramatic wrong
here's where you spin and develop this weird victim complex. Both TLOU and TWD have positive hetero characters w/ kids. In what possible way have you analyzed these games and concluded that they're making straightness bad? Because it seems more like you're projecting a little bit when you see gays represented at all and feel like it's some kind of attack on you.


user, you are stating that the only real worth women have is as fuckmeat.
This is stating that lesbians are worth less to men in general then 5 dollar crack.

>Why aren't any of them attractive?
Let's test something user, what's the first thing that comes to mind looking at pic related?

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god I wanna fuck him so bad

But that IS the only real worth women have. And if you can't even make a women fuck you then yes, you really are trash.

If one can't have sex they start developing a complex about it which contributes toward negative attitudes about relationships and women which forms a negative feedback loop and makes them unlikeable. No one is calling you trash for being a virgin, they're calling you trash for dwelling in this hate soup that places like /r9k/ stir.

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Brokeback mountain

user, I'm talking about the entire thing.
But okay.
Show me one toxic LGBTQA couple or person in TWD or TLoU.

Look I find it annoying but you have to be full incel to say all women only want attention.

A man in love with a horrible woman and still heartbroken over the woman he previously loved.


unironically posting that.

The fatass hermit in TLOU who boards up an entire city is a prick and reluctant to give aid to people, even to Joel and Ellie.
I can't remember if Jane was actually a lesbian but she's a hothead and kills based boatman if you let her as well as tricking him into thinking she killed a baby.

Yeah I can get women to fuck me. I even have to keep women away from me who want the dick.

But you are stating that women's opinion means nothing so I should just ignore them and treat them like filth if the pussy is not on the table.
Like gay bitches, espescially gay bitches who hate men.

The biggest problem with not having sex is the idea that something is wrong with you for not wanting it and that not having it means that you are inferior as a person.
This really is a mindset held by people who know that they only thing they have to offer is sex and people who only want sex out of life.
And if sex is the last thin on one's mind then having people like that in your life or even putting any stock in what they say or do as people is a bad thing and harmful for your psyche.

I wish you were right.

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It's not the jews fault women are repulsed by you m8

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>Look I find it annoying but you have to be full incel to say all women only want attention.

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note, when niggas talk about the white man they in fact mean jews. Only jews think they arent white, so shabot shalam you fucking kike.

That is in fact a lesbian who is playing the "men are at fault for turning girls gay" thing so they can be treated like normal women who'll one day turn straight if they meet the right guy or gets meat from the right guy.

It's a tactic that gay bitches who need men and to not get their shit slapped for being evil cunts depend on to stay the pimphand of het men/be seem as viable fuckmeat when they are ovulating and need a dicking or want to go full closet and they have fucked/been fucked by every dyke and easy gross whore around and be seen as victims by het women who are already leery of them.

They're still making TWD games with Clem? How does the last one end, don't tell me it basically mirrors the only good season

Yes we are agreeing on that. Go on.

>its not the jew's fault
>there is no narrative
>ur just ugly xD






this shit has been going on for 10 fucking years.

>Implying Max, Chloe, Cassandra arent attractive

Found homo faggot

so when blacks talk about smart, successful whites they mean Jews? I guess whites aren't as smart or successful

thanks for the heads up black user

>note, when niggas talk about the white man they in fact mean jews.
Robert E. Lee and J. Edgar Hoover were not jewish.

>teenage scene kids are attractive
found the underageb&

I have lumbago

I agree. If it wasn't for a giant jewish conspiracy pic related would be swimming in pussy

Attached: jew hunter.jpg (1928x2325, 1.24M)

Having families and getting married is goyim as fuck tho

>found the underageb&
Oh god he got taken by the jews

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If you're gonna make a movie, make it right!

Or creepy middle aged vagina monologues tier dyke.

>Countless Life is Strange, Overwatch, and Ellie porn
>Somehow they aren't attractive

>J. Edgar Hoover
Yeah because the black panthers are the good guys

Whatever I don't give a fuck about girls kissing girls, but I do care about just stealing a scene entirely down to the facial animations and timing. That's pathetic.

Games are just doing what capeshit has been doing for a while now. They are trying to look progressive but all they really manage to do is fetishize lesbianism. A lot of guys like lesbian shit and even if all these girls are ugly they will enjoy it even if they never admit it excites them sexually.

To be fair though, it's not like lesbians arent enjoying the content anyways. These are all the kinds of normie nongame cinematic BS that my normie lesbo cousin plays constantly. Pretty sure she told me TLOU was her fave.

>(((Carnegie institute)))

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is there anything you incels don't think is a jewish conspiracy? I'm genuinely curious.

Life is strange porn is rare as fuck and basically none of it is lesbian, Tracer porn dried up to nothing after she was made lesbian(even the lesbian porn with her and futa shit isn't being made anymore), and there is no Ellie porn.

And most of the above was created as PR for the games and commissioned with a chunk of it being made because the 3D models are out there and the games are well known.

Carnegie institute along with the Rockefeller Foundation are the reason we're in the middle east right now user.

I mean... 6 million is a bit of high number isn't it?

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you forgot one

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Actually, it's not. Stalin and Mao had higher death counts

Is there anything you have sexers don't call everyone else an incel over? I'm genuinely curious.

bad teeth and HOWDY MISTER

Who's worse, Hitler or the jews?

You should take a break from /pol/ for one month. It'll help clear your mind

>i used to like shipping female characters together because cute lesbians
>suddenly my advocacy is actually affecting the media that gets produced

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Who allowed Ice Poseidon into DMC5?

The ones who funded Hitler. The United States and the United Kingdom.


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>The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the
theguardian.com/world/2004/sep/25/usa.secondworldwar financial architects of Nazism.

nothing wrong with two girls kissing

Attached: kiss.png (1117x1080, 1.33M)

never disgust me or my long nosed twink boyfriend like that ever again

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speaking of brain dead, try learning about something called probability, hiv homo

>choosing to make chloe les out with max
>making her les out with rachel
ab so lute peasant tier. They were good friends or nothing

Reminder if you liked Clementine you would vote for her in this poll

Where the hair physics at

Wow, it took you an hour to come up with that

Is twink something faggots made up so they wont be called pedophiles?

If you confuse twinks with children, you are mentally deficient, sir.

I'm sorry, user, but no can do.

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But isn't the "best" twink one that looks like a prepubescent boy?

Why Ellie kiss a ugly girl? I mean, she is infected with the cordyceps virus.

Ellie try to kill a ugly lesbian?.

when all the fags die because they didn't reproduce

Maybe he went to jerk off and came back?

Not even close. The best twink has a youthful but not illegal body, with a big butt and a pretty face.

>gays are a very small minority
>prominent in every piece of media

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>>prominent in every piece of media

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Be asian

But all those things are describing underaged boys

you didn't answer the question

what? I just asked a question and you start screaming about a number or something? why deflect?

>jews are less than 1% of the population
>make up over half of all hollywood film castings

Did they actually steal the animation frame by frame? That looks way too similar to be a (((coincidence))).


Not same user but its understood that lgbt people are only roughly 2% of the population.
And are overtly prominent in all media. Self evident

stop being such an incel then




Google search: Gay rights. Click on: News tab.


so hitler

Attached: gaydolf.png (1352x1071, 745K)

Lesbians are easy baby mode
How about make two MEN kiss
You pussies


Little boys don't have big butts last time I checked--and I don't check because I don't look at kids' assets you weirdo. This is a twink.

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>yelling in caps

I agree with you man. If it wasn't for this big conspiracy you'd be absolutely killing it with the ladies. Calm down.

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Why does he hold his gun like a nog?

Every Nazi movie is about gays, as most nazi's were transexual

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awful taste

the girl who's face they modeled her after is italian but the character is such a jew they added that bracelet with the hand on it

>nazis liked gay and crossdressing men
That's Jews, user.

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user, the entire thing with Ellie has been fucking stupid from day one.
She's an abnormality and is completely incapable of having children or passing on her immunity because there is no garauntee that the child will be immune.

They'd rather she make herself sterile by going full scrawny, barely eating, hyper athletic chick and then going full gay then even trying.

That's how it is.
No future for anyone user.
The world is over and even talking about bringing back humanity is evil and wrong but it's unstated yet screamed in every piece of media with this exact subject.

>promote gay rights and the concept that gays are equal to heterosexuals as human beings
>attempt to de-legitimize hitler (like you really need to) by pointing out that he's gay like it's a bad thing
I just don't understand the left.

Shut up faggot. Female homosexuality is normal among all women to some degree male homosexuality is a mental disorder.
And I don't mean that women have long lasting relations with other women, except where me are unavailable. They are more likely to find other women sexually appealing.

How long until we figure out Hitler was actually a proud woman of color?

Most of that 2% is "bi".
Which means everything from doesn't think someone of the same sex is entirely ugly or says they are bi because it is cool like in their media or they were brainwashed into playing for both teams.

At least some of them are cute

maybe it's not a leftist conspiracy. Maybe he was just a fag

Attached: gaydolf2.jpg (727x604, 253K)

>what is nuance

most nazi's were trans though. Did "the jews" force them to do this?

Attached: gay nazis3.jpg (411x555, 40K)

don't have sex

You mean like a hongkong gangster?
Or an old timey gunslinger?

>most nazi's were trans though

I'm not saying I don't believe he was gay, I'm just wondering why they use it to de-legitimize him while also trying to convince everyone that being gay is okay.

Who are you quoting?

Thousands of pics related. it's a little bit suspicious.

Also Hitler was gay as was the nazi co-founder Ernst Rohm. It can't be a coincidence.

Attached: gay nazis4.jpg (636x382, 47K)

>Be bisexual, possibly gay
>See the media force homosexuality into products to make more money without care or tact

Yeah, it’s fucking annoying as shit. Thanks for taking a delicate social issue and making a few bucks on it, then calling me a virgin when I find it disrespectful. That’s not gaslighting. Stop the token gays and token blacks, you’re not winning social points by stereotyping what makes my penis big.

My quotations book

I'm not trying to delegitimize him. I'm not even a leftist.

I'm simply pointing out that he's a fairy. If you find that triggering that's your problem.

>lgbt people are only roughly 2% of the population.
Polls across the US indicate around 5%, with online polls going even higher since people can be anonymous. That's around the number of people who are Asian in the US. I get that it's not a minority, but it's many many millions of people, and that figure is only going to get higher.

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>Zombie apocalypse
>decide to be a faggot
why is this starting to become common with this genre

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>not a minority
meant to say not a majority, fuck

I'm not saying you specifically were. I don't really care if he's gay or not. I just, for the third time, don't understand why it's so important to point out that Hitler was gay like it's a bad thing while trying to say being gay is okay.

Because being gay was bad but now being gay is good and we have to make sure everyone knows it. It’s the entertainment equivalent of a gay pride parade.

The whole zombie apocalypse thing is played out as fuck so really it makes sense that the braindead tools still writing games like this all have the same ideas or are copying off each other.

>Female homosexuality is normal among all women to some degree male homosexuality is a mental disorder.

Actually this is the common gaslighting brainwashing tactic of lesbian rapists and manipulators.

Women are turned on by anything sexual. Anything.
That's just how it is.
What they are sexually attracted to and their preferred sexual outlet for that sexuality is usually thier natural sexality.

However women are very mental and can be lead into thinking stupid bullshit like what that other user posted is correct.

LYING that their natural physical reaction to anything even slightly sexual means that they are bi or trans or any number of stupid ass things that media and academic and manipulative scumbags tell them they are.

Women aren't men.
Men's sexuality is mostly rock solid unless there was some SERIOUS shit done to fuck us up as children and chemical imbalances brought on by social and environmental toxins. Like really really powerful shit.

Why do you think not even subtle gay bullshit, enforced lesbianism under the guise of female empowerment and being HOT TO DAY BOYS is pushed girls in every facet of media, academia, and by shills on social media?

But didn't I just post that the "Trans" movement was started in germany after world war 1 by jews?

Well, didn't they grow up in the weimar republic?

>like it's a bad thing
can you give me some citations of articles written by leftists where it gay shames adolf hitler? note that this is separate from acknowledging hitler did bad stuff, which these articles can do without gaybashing

whoa there, this isn't a zombie game, it's a faggot game with zombie elements

>token blacks
Blacks and women have been in gaming longer then gays user.
You're the token.
And you were once a normal part of the gaming landscape.

Remember when everyone was parroting the "Hitler only had one nut" story a few years ago? It's just sex-obsessed faggots being sex-obsessed faggots.

>online polls

What the fuck is wrong with Yea Forums? Their taste is all over the place
> 1. Samus Aran (Metroid) (Female)
> 2. Solid Snake (MGS) (Male)
> 3. Sherry Birkin (RE2) (Female)
> 4. Albert Wesker (RE:CV) (Male)
> 5. Captain Falcon (SSB) (Male)
> 6. A.I.G.I.S (Persona 3) (Female)
> 7. Link (Zelda: OOT) (Male)
> 8. Noel Vermillion (Blazblue) (Female)
> 9. Alucard (Castlevania) (Male)
> 10. Cecil Harvey (FFIV) (Male)
> 11. Vergil (DMC3) (Male)
> 12. Hatsune Miku (Female)
> 13. Raiden (MGS2) (Male)
> 14. Sera (SMT: DDS2) (Female)
> 15. Solidus (MGS2) (Male)
> 16. Banjo (Banjo-Kazooie) (M/F)
> 17. Kirby (Dreamland) (Male)
> 18. Kreia (KOTOR 2) (Female)
> 19. Ocelot (MGS3) (Male)
> 20. Alice (American Mcgee) (Female)

Why do they allow little girls kissing but don’t want anime girls in their games? Wtf Sony?

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Damn. Triggered and retarded.

>Blacks and women have been in gaming longer then gays user.

What? Aren’t most token characters born from lack of creativity?

So, Hitler was gay.

So what?

There's are not gays in that list.

>More than 20+ years of gaming history
>There are like 7 ames with LGBT main characters kissing. One of them isn't even in game

Really gets the nogging jogging.

maybe you're just a bitter virgin

That's just some dumb rumor. Trans movement was started by Nazi's, which is why they dominated it

Attached: gay nazis5.jpg (780x585, 75K)

don't have sex

Why do you have a folder of gay nazis on your computer? Have something you want to talk about?