Comfy Zelda thread anyone?
>favorite game?
>least favorite game?
>thoughts on Links Awakening Remake?
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Comfy Zelda thread anyone?
>favorite game?
>least favorite game?
>thoughts on Links Awakening Remake?
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how do i get into zelda/? i tried playing oot 4 times already and gave up before finishing the elder tree area in the beggining,am i playing it wrong? i just dont get it,does it get better later or is it always like this? bunch of text and baby puzzles,almost no fighting?
I finished getting everyone's 5-star 8-slot 4+ weapons in Hyrule Warriors but I will never forget how they treated best girl.
If like it's better suited for the 3Ds, instead of the switch.
Best girl
>Favorite game
Ocarina of Time
>Least favorite game
Breath of the Wild
>Thoughts on Link's Awakening Remake
Cute, but I don't think a Gameboy game you can literally purchase for $5 on the 3DS E-Shop will do much to justify being resold as a $60 game.
There are rumors of A Link to the Past being on the Switch as well, so if the Link's Awakening Remake came bundled with that, it might better justify it.
Not related to OPs questions but I just gotta say that I unironically liked Phantom Hourglass. It's not the best Zelda by far but something about it is charming to me. Also captain Linebeck was a cool character, I liked his overall design and even though he was kinda cliche with the whole "Asshole coward has a change of heart thanks to the power of friendship" shit he still warmed up to me pretty quick.
Jesus fuck man, have some patience and push through.
Just stick to playing Fortnite little timmy, your attention span unfortunately has been eroded to the point of non-existence and I doubt you'll ever be able to stick with it.
Twilight Princess or A Link to the Past
>least favorite
Honestly can't say, but I never felt compelled to play of the original handheld Zeldas beyond the Oracle games
>thoughts on Links Awakening Remake?
Absolutely disgusted. They could have at least regulated it to the 3DS or went with an entirely different art direction
>Honestly can't say, but I never felt compelled to play of the original handheld Zeldas beyond the Oracle games
Bro try Link's Awakening, it's pretty good.
>Favorite game
Hard to really say, I've enjoyed every game, but I do certainly find myself coming back most often to the likes of OoT and WW more than any others.
>Least favorite game
Triforce Heroes. It wasn't entirely bad, but it felt like a discount Four Swords entry.
>Thoughts on the Link's Awakening remake
Looks interesting, I'm digging the toy-like aesthetic they're going for, though I can see how that will put off some people.
>favorite game?
Ocarina of Time
>least favorite game?
Breath of the wild. I like it but it should have been a new ip
>thoughts on Links Awakening Remake?
I don't hate the art style, but no way in hell that is worth 60 bucks
but does it get better later or not?
>favorite game?
ALttP, OoT
>least favorite game?
Squidward Sword
>thoughts on Links Awakening Remake?
Looks like garbage, even Cadence of Hyrule which it's an indie game looks more appealing and promising
Windwaker or Ocarina of Time
>least favorite
Skyward Sword and the Windwaker sequels
>thoughts on Links Awakening Remake?
Pleased. More Zelda is always a welcome thing. I don't particularly care for the art style but it's not bad either for a game that is literally supposed to be a dream sequence. I'll only be pissed if they use the artstyle for future 2D remakes
No nigger, clearly the series is not for you. Give it up
>i tried playing oot 4 times already and gave up before finishing the elder tree area in the beggining
Try playing the game for more than 30 minutes. Fucking hell
Oh RIP. Guess I should have meant any of the handheld Zeldas beyond the GB/C. I played the fuck outta Link's Awakening and Oracle of Seasons and Ages.
Now that I do think about it, I honestly don't care much for Skyward Sword. I was hyped at first, still slightly hyped from Twilight Princess as a dumb teen, but it quickly fell out of favor when I actually played it. Granted, I thought Girahim was fairly memorable, everything else was just beyond mediocre.
Yes, but the fact that you couldn't stick with the game for longer than 30 minutes seems to imply that it won't even matter. How old are you? I wouldn't be surprised if you're not even 18.
Favorite: BotW
Worst: TP/Spirit tracks
My boomer big brother likes it and I don't care about it since i played that game on GB already
I felt like the combat was pretty fun, especially against the likes of Ghirahim, but I can certainly agree that the game had one fault too many, such as Fi's "helpfulness". If they ever do end up porting that to Switch, they had better tone down her chattering.
can't decide on a favorite, it's either wind waker, link to the past, or oracle of ages
least favorite that I've played is skyward sword
I don't mind the new look for now, unless they make something look really weird like the zoras
>but it quickly fell out of favor when I actually played it.
It was a one and done type of game for me. I hated the story.
Even Groose?
Groose and Peatrice were the saving grace of SS and deserved to be in better games.
Combat was pretty fun and I felt that the controls overall were well done to actual make meaningful use out of the Wii's controllers.
But spot on with the storyline. Ghirahim redeemed it to a point, but the whole being the very first canonical Zelda deal was so poorly executed overall. That and I'm honestly fucking tired of the water-pastel shading at this point, Skyward Sword just hammered it into me. I feel that BotW's art direction suffers from it, it can't decide if it wanted to be a slightly more serious art direction like Twilight Princess or overtly cartoony like Wind Waker. At least the storyline is pretty well-done despite the Hylia bullshit.
>tfw no Legend of Groose game
Ghirahim was pretty fun, watching him lose his shit more and more as time went on. Might have been a very anime villain, but his creepy antics and look were still entertaining for the most part. Shame he's probably never going to return in any capacity outside of spinoffs like Hyrule Warriors.
>serious art direction like Twilight Princess
You mean uninspired art direction like TP.
Haven't played a Zelda game since Wind Waker. Any release since then worth getting an emulator up and running?
I liked the pastel look when things were at a distance, but I can get how it did feel a bit too unpolished compared to Wind Waker's style. Botw I'd say kind of found a better balance, but certainly could have used more polish all the same to make it's locations more breathtakingly beautiful.
>Ghirahim was pretty fun
Also a good character that deserved to be in a better game. I liked how he took his role as servant to Demise and was a willing tool for him.
>uninspired art direction
What was uninspired? The enemy and boss design were great, the atmosphere was on point and the environment was top notched with definite flawed areas like Death Mountain.
I didn't think the game was all that bad, just in need of some quality of life fixes, namely making Fi keep her mouth shut. You'd think Nintendo would have noticed how games like Zoe2 realized you can make the helper character not be super obnoxious in their aid with a simple button press or become more helpful with another press.
>literally one of three games that goes with a non-cartoonish art direction out of god knows how many fucking toon Zeldas
It's kinda neat to look back and see how Ghirahim and Zant are polar opposites but largely share the same concept of being a Ganon servant that loses his edge.
Pretty much how I always saw it. Zant was fun, but it was really weird and kind of out of place how he starts acting like a total sperg once you reach his boss fight, as prior hints just implied he wasn't as calm and cool as he made himself out to be. Ghirahim meanwhile was someone who was quite confident in his skills, but unraveled once he realized Link wasn't backing down and was much more of a threat to him than he had initially thought. It is a bit of a shame that we only get so much insight into Demise before he's offed and becomes the source of evil for all the other villains.
Favourites: Twilight Princess and Ocarina
Worst:Spirit tracks
>I didn't think the game was all that bad
It's not a bad game, but it was definitely held back by serious flaws that should've been fixed after TP. Also I can't stress enough how terrible the story was. The gameplay works, the dungeons work, but the story and it's effects will never go away unless someone does the right thing and decanonizes Fujibayashi's fanfic.
Skyward Sword
Twighlight Princess
Not at all interested. Aside from the art style, it seems too true to the original.
My only real gripe with the story was that the founding of Hyrule was pretty much just a last minute detail, and of course Fi's "growth" barely being a thing, yet her dialogue making it sound like she had gone through a complete journey. Beyond that, being the first story wasn't all that bad, though they missed on a few good potential moments. I honestly thought that one critter in the forest who you meet atop the huge tree was going to become the spirit that inhabits the Great Deku tree.
>favorite game?
Twilight Princess and following closely behind Minish Cap. MC's OST is amazing and had very comfy places.
>least favorite game?
WW sequels/Zelda II
>thoughts on Links Awakening Remake?
One of the two Zelda games that I haven't played so i'm looking forward to it.
My gripe was Zelda and the handling of Hylia. They make it out to be this tragic/romantic story when all I got out of it was Hylia jobbed and set Link up to be her eternal get of jail card.
so I have to ask, which zelda game had rupees be actually useful the entire game the most
Breath of the Wild, followed closely by Skyward Sword. BotW makes if that if you want get a good stockpile of arrows or get all the gear, you'll have to mine ores and sell items to get the required amount for something in specific. Skyward Sword did require some rupee grinding to get a lot of your shit upgraded, but only until about maybe the halfway point or so before you had enough saved in the bank to cover whatever costs you needed.
My boy Link deserves a girl so much better than that vapid bitch. At least TP Zelda was formal and business instead of constantly sucking up to Link.
That's why they gave him a wife in the form of Peatrice. Not a 10/10 in the looks department, but a loyal waifu who's always happy to see and will never curse your soul to fight evil for eternity.
>favorite game?
>least favorite game?
probably PH
>thoughts on Links Awakening Remake?
I wish it was a unique game instead of another remake, especially since the visuals aren't 1:1 with the original and they're homogenizing a lot of the designs (Link's shield, octoroks, the crossover characters, etc)
>favorite game?
>least favorite game?
>thoughts on Links Awakening Remake?
Good artstyle ruined by the visual rice of shadows and reflections.
>TP favourite
No, you are wrong.
>botw as least favourite
What about Skyward WAGGLAN?
>TP favourite
You are wrong.
>botw least favourite
Skyward Sword was worse.
>Favourite TP AND worst Spirit Tracks
Cmon son be more subtle.
Skywars Sword's motion controls felt good, far cry vengeance or cod 3 had awful waggle
>this game is my favorite
>Majora's, pretty easily, even if it is kinda linear
>Probably phantom hourglass, I beat the game in a day when I was a teenager
>should have been dreamlike rather than Lego LoZ, not mad about it.
>favorite track:
*dances with you and keeps you warm*
Majora's Mask
I don't like the artstyle but I'll be probably playing it and like it better than BOTW
Favorite: ocarina of time and majora's mask equally
least: spirit tracks/phantom
thoughts: absolute joke imo
I'm trying to think if the story in BOTW had any kind of theme. I'm drawing a blank
Not hating, just genuinely been wondering
>favorite game?
Wind Waker
>Least favorite game
>thoughts on Links Awakening Remake?
It looks cute, and I could use a comfy top down LoZ game
As much as I adore ALttP, hell it was literally my first game along with my mom who played it religiously while pregnant with me, it really doesn't need a remake right now, and it could potentially overshadow Link's Awakening which isn't anywhere near as universally beloved.
Favorite game is twilight princess for story and music, OoT for replayability.
Least favorite is phantom hourglass because the over world was a bit more stale then I'd like.
As for Link's Awakening, I like the art style but I'm hoping that it doesn't take away from the fact that things are a surreal dream sequence too much. I'm glad it's on switch though
Honest question. I'm interested in the Zelda saga, but I don't want to buy a shitload of Nintendo consoles just to play some.
Is there some collection for the Switch?
just emulate them