Is this a pretentious piece of shit or underrated gem? I am seriously thinking of pirating it if its good...

is this a pretentious piece of shit or underrated gem? I am seriously thinking of pirating it if its good. I will just skip it if its meeh

Attached: 220px-Hellblade_-_Senua's_Sacrifice.jpg (220x307, 21K)

Its shit. I git a refund for it on steam, it was barely a game

quit being so dramatic, it's meh
not the second coming of Christ, and not cause to revise the Geneva contention, either.

It's worth a play-through, but think of it more as a walking sim. Worth a pirate, certainly. Experiencing the whispers/getting used to them compared to the rare moments when they go away was nice. A few sections really capture claustrophobia and fear of the dark well.

>Ninja Theory

it's a Pretentious Piece of Shit

It's okay in VR.

the first one. it's a game utterly designed to please game journalists who don't actually enjoy playing video games and just want to be part of something 'deep' and 'meaningful'

I feel sorry for the environmental artists at Ninja Theory. They have some serious talent there, too bad they're attached to people who can't design any fun/impactful gameplay and people who can't write nearly as well as they think they do.

Not trying to front, I actually do think the environmental artists are being held back with the studio they're with and I would love to see them with a studio that can actually make a good game

It's pretentious but also has a lot of really fucking cool ideas, like having the voices in your head tell you when something is behind your back


How about you take a risk for once in your life and buy it you fucking chodemongler

Its crap.

>20 years later and Eternal Darknes is still the best horror video game

Why would he buy a shitty game? Even pirating it is a waste of electricity.

Gameplay and writing suck. Atmosphere and some cool ideas are spot on. Worth watching on youtube or pirating.

You faggot, you wouldn't know good if it slapped your ass and started sucking your dick.

It's good. You need to play it with headphones. It's not a walking sim, there is a good deal of combat and one boss in particular is very satisfying to fight.

Just played through it the other day. It's a really beautiful game, but it is basically just a walking simulator.

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>writing suck
How come? I heard that their games have Shakespearean writing!

They've got Microsoft money now so I imagine having a reliable paycheck along with being able to point to your work in a published game is good enough.

Attached: Senua2.png (1360x768, 2.53M)

It seems kind of pretentious until you watch the included documentary on psychosis- you'll understand exactly what it was they were trying to accomplish and I think they did a pretty good job. That said, the price at launch for what you get was pretty high.

The fight with Fenrir is pretty memorable though.