Me and my boyfriend both play PC. I want to spoil him and get him a game for us both to play together. Any suggestions? Wanted to do WOW but god damn its fucking expensive. Wondering if any of you have good ideas. Games on steam would be preferable. He literally has every fucking game and it's hard as fuck to find one he doesn't already have.
Fucking help me
Have sex
No like actually I'm sure you and your boyfriend would both appreciate it
>Me and my boyfriend
Stopped reading right there kill yourself homofaggot nigger
Preorder him Halo.
Let him play with your boipussy.
My boyfriend doesnt like halo but thanks for that
Googled it. sounds like a good choice. Ill watch a few videos and decide
We already have sex. this is for when we are done fucktard. I know a guy likes his dick sucked but a girl has to do more for her boyfriend than that.
fuck of faggot and kill yourself
risk of rain 2 is fun
also two cute boys is truly the optimal relationship, i hope you wear lots of skirts together
sneed feed seed
Monster hunter world maybe?
have you told your father you're gay? might help to clear the air
I hope you're a girl (male), otherwise you know what to do.
He hasn't liked Halo because he's a PC gamer and Halo is a historically console game. He'll love it.
Monster Hunter Worlds is pretty fun to play together, lot of cool designs/etc so it's cool to play with your sigfig
portal 2? If he's a pc gamer I assume he has it, though
>Me and my boyfriend
My boyfriend and I
English motherfucker, do you speak it?
Risk of Rain 2. Should've gotten it at launch, BOGO deal you missed, but it's still cheap and fun to play together. Any borderlands is fun for a bit.
Action RPGs can be a good co-op option.
Torchlight II
Titan Quest
Grim Dawn
Learn to cook fucking whore and suck some more dick and it will be fine.
This is Yea Forums. we called each other fags. I don't give a shit about english if this threads gonna disappear in a day.
>pc gamer
>wow expensive
Kek poorfag cucks with their budget pc are lame af
kys faggot
You see... being a good girlfriend is making food for your boyfriend, sucking dick, and ALSO buying him games for both of you. not like you'd know virgin fag.
Fuck co op femanon. Get him some single player ludo like Silent Hill 2.
Play the Stardew Valley coop together. It's very cute.
Just give your man money stupid cunt he will buy what he wants
Risk of Rain 2, obviously.
Thank you everyone that's giving serious answers. He's gonna be really happy when I buy one for us. It'll be a nice surprise :)
Also thanks for the faggot comments. they always make me laugh.
Stardew is a game we actually play together but it got old after awhile. we had a lot of fun with it for a long time :)
I usually do that buuuut he mentioned wanting to play together again so.
He already has that shit. He literally has like every game. Why you think I came here.
What about Tekken, you can play against each other, and the loser has to suck dick
Get The Simpsons Hit and Run on PC. With mods you can add multiplayer, and more stuff will be added eventually. Also a great single player game.