Why are Japanese games so focused on being movies, rather than being an engaging game?
Why are Japanese games so focused on being movies, rather than being an engaging game?
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I know you're trying to bait, but I think good non-linear level design is uncommon in both Japanese and Western games.
If you actually put in the first areas of MGS and not a strawman it would actually be more complex than the thief one.
Feel free to pretend it wouldnt.
Metal Gear Solid 1 on PS1 sold literally 10x the amount that Thief: The Dark Project did.
The Metal Gear franchise is still in demand despite the controversy surrounding the last few games in the series.
No one remembers or cares about the Thief franchise.
Man, I remember when that was Marathon and Doom 3, everything old is new again
Isn't the map on the left a map from Doom?
>no one remembers or cares about the Thief franchise
ok kiddo, time for bed the adults are talking now
I'm an idiot, it was Doom and... I think Reach
He's right, not even Yea Forums itself gives a fuck about Thief, which is why Thief 1 barely made the Top 100 of the newest list
Man it must be tough that grade school makes kids so stupid these days. Oh well, you'll have your fellow redditors to keep you company when you hit puberty.
Fucking based.
Bruh look at this dude ahahahahahha OH NONONONONONONONONO
>makes a claim that no one remembers what is hailed to this day as one of the best stealth games
>gets called a child because he's clearly too young to understand
>responds with gay shit
Go ask your mom to tuck you in faggot
Nigga no one cares about Thief. No one remembers Thief. Thief gets no threads. MGS gets threads daily. Give it up.
Only if you're talking about the tutorial area in Thief.
Nobody even gives a shit about thief laugh out loud.
I was just going to continue mocking your abundant homosexuality but I actually think you're too much of a brainless infant to understand the world is laughing at you. Maybe, with hard work and practice, you'll reach a point where you look back and think "yeah, I was a faggot."
Then again, you're probably a console kike raised on gay platformers so you should prolly just neck yourself
I'm not even the guy who first responded to you. I'm laughing at you for using the word "redditor" at someone who disagrees with you.
You've got some real balls trying to imply The Chasm is any sort of good level design.
Posting Wojaks should be a permaban
> MGS1 (95) > Thief (92)
> MGS2 (97) > Thief 2 (87)
> MGS3 (94) > Thief 3 (85)
> MGS4 (94) > Thief 4 (68)
> MGS5 (95) > N/A
Nobody gives a fuck about Thief
I know it's a challenge to understand wit, but if you take your boyfriend's dick out of your eyeball long enough you'll get there. I believe in you!
stop posting anime
Thief was OK but MGS went on to make like 5 more games so people still know about it
I don't know what the thief devs are doing
>redditor is annoyed by anime
Seems about right
Why are thiefags trying to start shit with other games? They went after Metroid Prime for a while.
Most of them went on to make Half-Life 2 and Skyrim
Leeches trying to live off of more popular game franchises
Metroid is only on gay consoles so I don't give a shit about it. I'm not even OP, I just love harvesting salt from children who grew up without loving parents.
Look I like thief, but there should be no reason for you to act like a complete asshole to games that aren't even trying to achieve the same design goals as it.
Just because something is first person doesn't mean it's a first person shooter. If that were the case, Skyrim would be the most popular fps ever made.
Metroid Prime is one of the 15 most acclaimed games ever made & Thief is a dead piece of shit game that nobody outside of IGN remembers. So what point are you trying to prove here?
>i can lean and crouch that means game is good
Some games that use 2 or 3 buttons have more depth than thief (battle garegga for one)
Nips have shit taste in general. But to be fair, a lot of their taste is niche Indy games. So in that sense it can be good.
Their Desperate
Reminder that Half Started the cinematic gaming meme, not Metal Gear
That's a Doom map you fucker.
based western devs
Why won't you stay in Reddit, WRPG-kun?
>Half Life
...Hell, good linear level design is rare enough.
Chasm's okay. People hating it is a big meme. Now Nirvana, that's a bad map.
>replying to WRPGkun
I see this thrown around a lot.
How did half life start the cinematic gaming trend and not The Last of Us?
non-linear maps are frustrating. they mostly just boil down to a series of linear paths where you have to backtrack after each one to start the next one. what's so great about not knowing if a path will lead to a locked door or the key to that door? you'll have to go down both anyway.
Sorry, bud, but Thief is more acclaimed.
Metal Gear and Final Fantasy started cinematic gaming.
half life popularized scripted sequences in gaming
TLOU technically started it but Half Life got the ball rolling for it
>have 2 god-tier games with a thriving fan community
>industry doesn’t give a fuck about it
>most people don’t even know about the series because they're old PC games, despite TDP unironically being one of the greatest games ever made
>will probably never receive another sequel, let alone one that comes anywhere near the first two in quality
>take frustration out on more popular, semi-similar games that have gotten more love from fans and developers
I don’t agree with their attacks on other games but I understand their plight
Scripted sequences. At least in Half Life you're able to go pass them, iirc.
2019: still mad
triple the number of ratings, wow you got em
>TLOU technically started it
Fanfiction, meet fact.
MGS4 was hated after the paid reviews worse off, TLOU is still universally beloved
"It" started the moment the West started attempting to make "video games".
>dozens of people ITT can't defeat a single guy with a few infographics
And TLoU borrowed a lot of tropes from previous cinematic games, like RE4.
By snoyboys and Journos. Both get a lot of flak these days
>Action game vs Horror game
Japan has always had the best looking games visually though. The west can into artstyle
Max Payne 1 is good up until the end chapters. In fact both games are shit at the end. Cope
>music should be based on the instruments in a studio instead of the core melodies
>film should be based on what special effects you have on hand instead of the content you're shooting
>women should based their personalities on the clothes they buy rather than their biological imperative for motherhood and nurturing
What's funny is that nobody has ever given a shit about Doom, Max Payne or Thief. Whereas RE4 is considered a masterpiece
>RE4 is 3x longer than MP
>has an hour less cutscenes
oh nononono
>Western games have always tried to be movies
>uses a Naughty Dog console game as their only example
>makes up a bunch of generalizing bullshit
Not a great screencap, bud.
on par with the west at least
>What's funny is that nobody has ever given a shit about Doom, Max Payne or Thief.
Time to go to bed. You have school tomorrow.
Yea Forums has "it's payne!" And Doom wad threads all the time tho. Its theif that only fags like razorfist care about
>nobody has ever given a shit about Doom
>the game that made Microsoft have the idea to have a gaming division because it was being installed more than windows, jumpstarted Gaben's career proper and is always discussed when the topic of FPS games come up
>this is apparently not giving a shit
>nobody has ever given a shit about Doom
You formulated that sequence of words in your mind.
You typed them onto a computer.
You made the decision to submit them to an online public message forum.
I just wanted to make that clear.
The evidence is overwhelmingly against your favor, sorry.
> Literally was so irrelevant that GAMERS & not JOURNALISTS didn't even vote it as a top 100 game any year from 2003-2008 when games like Shadow Hearts & Madden made it
Influence is irrelevant & nobody cares about it, the game stopped being popular when GoldenEye came out
>Focusing on game mechanics
Also not to mention skyrocketed id software into stardom proper, gave Carmack the exposure he deserves as a coding wizard and was the test for Quake's multiplayer.
In essence, that poster is the biggest fag.
Discussing western video """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""games"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" on Yea Forums should be a permaban.
Prime isn't even a semi-similar game though.
Every 3D game uses one of two camera perspectives, 1st person and 3rd person, so you can rephrase the commonality of Thief and Metroid by saying "They're both not third-person", which says practically nothing about either game.
Influence Means nothing unless your a Developer, actual gamers don't give a fuck about Doom & this has always been the case
>implying I should give a FUCK about what “IGN readers” think are the best games of all time.
The real reason those games are always represented is because they’re popular console games, which is what most of those people probably played when they were a kid and were less jaded.
>What's funny is that nobody has ever given a shit about Doom, Max Payne or Thief. Whereas RE4 is considered a masterpiece
Ah, that explains it. You’re just underage.
That's because you fucking chose IGN and fucking GAMEFAQS as your sources you absolute faggot.
True except it's weebshit instead of western games
Why is this image constantly spammed on seemingly every smash thread
>the game that is literally the reason the PC is considered a gaming platform by the piublic in current year
>the game whose sequel was one of the highest selling titles on 2016
Is that why the two most commercially successful game developers in the world have been using 20th century idTech well into the 2010s?
They have always been the biggest gaming forums on the internet, you are just seething that they weren't relevant enough to be recognized
>Guy is a rosterfag who seethes at the mention of Doom
This explains literally everything.
Games like Thief are few and far between nowadays. Arkane is the only one carrying that torch.
Because after being botched slapped in WW2 the Japanese forgot what it was like to have any sense of agency now that the USA was calling the shots
On an American copy of 2chan which itself has various non-animu boards and the non-weeb boards OUTNUMBER the weeb ones. Also
>caring what moot wanted when he was 15, especially after he fucked off to his other failed projects
D... do you even know WHY those other boards were made?
That's still more mechanical than what the West's "interactive fiction" model provides.
>nothing wrong with turning the United States into Brazil and the United Kingdom into Somalia, goy!
IRRELEVANT, Even the biggest database of user reviews that's been around since 1995 doesn't give a fuck about your piece of shit game
Dark Messiah dumpsters anything and everything Platinum has ever done.
>Calling Doom a piece of shit
I was kinda angry before and just hope you were just ignorant but now you just confirmed yourself to be one of the biggest retards ever. Congrats.
I see the WGIDF has increased with the switch to 4channel.
Quick, post anime to drive away the Redditors.
>Persona 4 as the 4th best game of all time
You need to go back.
>a specific example from a single person at a single CONSOLE GAME company about pitches that were probably never turned into real games
Woah... Ok, your overwhelming evidence has completely changed my viewpoint
I guess because even weebs get tired of wanking over which 2D girl is their waifu and have to talk about something not related to their mental illness instead
>USA under indians was better than USA under whites
Weebs and weeb products are objectively inferior to western ones.
Does that mean we can't post videogames either because of r/gaming existing?
> Review Scores for all classic FPS games
> Metroid Prime (97/100)
> Perfect Dark (97/100)
> Halo: Combat Evolved (97/100)
> Portal (97/100)
> GoldenEye 007 (96/100)
> Bioshock (96/100)
> Half-Life 2 (96/100)
> Half-Life (96/100)
> Portal 2 (95/100)
> Halo 2 (95/100)
> COD4 (94/100)
> Bioshock Infinite (94/100)
> COD MW2 (94/100)
> Halo 3 (94/100)
> Quake (94/100)
> Unreal Tournament (93/100)
> Quake III DC (93/100)
> Metroid Prime 2 (92/100)
> Medal of Honor (92/100)
> Team Fortress 2 (92/100)
> Unreal Tournament 1 (92/100)
> Metroid Prime 3 (91/100)
> No One Lives Forever (91/100)
> Jedi Knight DF2 (91/100)
> No One Lives Forever 2 (91/100)
> Killzone 2 (91/100)
> Fallout 3 (91/100)
> Halo: Reach (91/100)
> Crisis (91/100)
> Battlefield 2 (91/100)
> Return: Castle Woflenstein (90/100)
> TimeSplitters 2 (90/100)
> Deus Ex (90/100)
> Duke Nukem 3D (89/100)
> Decent 3 (89/100)
> Battlefield 1942 (89/100)
> F.E.A.R (89/100)
> Bad Company 2 (88/100)
> Bioshock 2 (88/100)
> COD: Black Ops (88/100)
> Counter Strike (88/100)
> Doom 1993 (83/100)
>a game from fucking 2006 dumpstERS games from the present
The fact that you constantly have to dig into the archive of long dead and forgotten titles to prop up your sorry state in the wake of FromSoft alone stomping all over you just collapses all your favors.
>Cinematic games
"USA under Indians" literally wasn't the USA you fucking dolt. Every aspect of American civilization as we have known it for two centuries was built and founded by Europeans applying European civilization, just as every aspect of Yea Forums that defined it as an online imageboard was build and founded by weeaboos applying Japanese coding, formatting and technology.
Westacucks and Redditors are the Yea Forums equivalent of niggers and spics, not "Indians".
Ah yes, who could forget Earth Defense Force, made by Platinum Games
>all these retards thinking that's a map from Thief and not Doom
You are the indians, weeb. An inferior civilization sitting on resources white man could use. Moot copied a succesful concept and it's the concept that was succesful, not the topic.
The point still stands: Thief has demonstratively more complex level design than Movie Gear Solid.
Why do you post metacritic scores as if they mean anything on this board?
Why do you suck game journos' cocks just because they validate your opinion?
You... do realize 2chan has and continues to exist completely separately from Yea Forums, right? The two aren't even remotely fucking comparable. 2chan is Europe, only in this case without copying America's mistake of allowing "persecuted" shitskins (in this case, Redditors) in.
It's one thing to not know world history, but to be this ignorant of your own little pop culture Internet sphere is fucking sad as shit.
Yes, literally everyone on this board uses Critic Scores, influence, Sales or GOTY awards to validate their arguments
As someone who browses GameFAQs and YouTube's Alt-Right clickbait channels looking for Anti-SJW/Alt-Right audiences to debate with, I know about them all too well. These people have always been in our society but seek solace in gaming. Gaming is a fantasy lands that, in their eyes, should be a reflection of everything they've always wanted but can't get out of life. It was made with white men in mind, and now that it's starting to change to better reflect its audience, they feel like they're being attacked. Western gaming is taking steps to diversify their protagonists, diversify their developers, and create female characters that aren't grossly sexualized, and they hate it. So they move on to Eastern gaming while condemning Western gaming for its themes of progress.
What's interesting that I noticed about GameFAQs topics and stuff on Yea Forums, and how they align with the Alt-Right, is that you see this pro-Japan agenda theme frequently. It first takes the form of "Japan makes better games" or "JRPGs are superior." But then, it starts evolving into the fetishization of Eastern women, which is a common theme with the Alt-Right, due to fantasizing the submissive stereotypes of Japanese women. They then start talking about how Japanese gamers hate progressives in America due to censorship, and how their culture is really traditional is what makes it superior. Slowly, but surely, it evolves into a "this is why homogenous societies are better" argument, because the themes fill every checkbox in what interests them. Women, traditionalism, homogeny, white, etc..
I'm not sure what can be done about these people, honestly. To me, they're in the same category as the Alt-Right It's really hard to get into an honest conversation with some of them. Some of them have no intention of ever changing their views, even if they acknowledge they're in the wrong.
A better Native American parallel would be Something Awful, whose success and cultural space Yea Forums pretty successfully conquered with flying colors.
There is only one type of videogame.
When are you going to get banned again, WRPG-kun?
How is this in any way disproving that the imageboard concept was more popular than the weeb shit you peddle?
>Making up boogeymen
>Yes, literally everyone on this board who can't articulate their own opinion uses Critic Scores, influence, Sales or GOTY awards to validate their arguments*
>irrelevant West vs. "East" shitposting
Everyone with a iota of brain knows that it's the slavs who make games far superior to cuckolded west developers forced to cater to every loud minority represented by the game "press" and the gooks who can't come with anything that won't run on a controller, thus severely limiting the genres and mechanics
>European technology and infrastructure is more popular than Europeans
>nothing wrong with leaving it to outsiders, it does make it more popular after all!
Japanese games good.
Western games bad.
You can't convince me believing otherwise.
Also western developers are FPS one trick pony.
>he thinks he can master pic related with a mouse and keyboard
>using metacritic scores as an argument
Found the westacuck.
Slavs have made some pretty good games but not close to enough to compete with the East or West. What do they even have besides Stalker, Space Rangers and Pathologic?
>You can't convince me believing otherwise.
Why would anyone want to bother trying to? You're clearly a close-minded tard with preconceived biases.
lol u got baited by some shit tier nigger baite
I don't understand slide thread.
>European technology and infrastructure is more popular than Europeans
That's literally the case, faggot.
>nothing wrong with leaving it to outsiders
Exactly. If you wanted your little weeb corner to remain pure, maybe you shouldn't have included non-weeb topics. Except than your corner would die the slow death of every niche forum.
>button mashing
>with ugly box art to boot
But I bet I could master it with keyboard alone. That's what controller is in essence
Factorio, Mafia I and II in part, Vietcong, Original War, Kingdom Come Deliverance, Witcher, King's Bounty
nigger thats e1m6
It amazes me how many posts on Yea Forums can be utterly wrong and still receive more attention than any oft them have contributed
How come most slav games are either fps or medieval rpgs?
>I don't understand the importance of ergonomics when it comes to fine and complex motor control
There's a reason fighting game enthusiasts swap their controllers for arcade-style stick boards, something which by the way has no similar history of being made for PC by any major manufacturer, coincidentally enough.
But good job showing us what people who game on spreadsheet machines actually believe.
>he also thinks Yea Forums culture didn't thrive in the mid-late 2000s before Reddit came about and caused it to suffer a slow cancerous death the following decade
Because you have yet to prove them wrong.
Welcome to Yea Forums, where argumentative substance takes precedence over ad populum Reddit upvoting.
That chart gets dumber and dumber each time someone edits it.
Same reason western media is the same shit.
>a parry is a cinematic
Sage hasn't worked for a decade.
You forgot about RTS. But the answer I guess is that for slavs, the most important thing is the setting and doing it justice. Your character and the story are not THAT important.
>I don't understand the importance of precision and quick access to variety of options
It's not hard to make a game hard by limiting the inputs. Which is exactly what fighting games are.
>Reddit came about
And the date Reddit was founded is...June 23, 2005
its basically a movie lmao
That's map E1M6 from Ultimate Doom, why lie about something like that?
>Yea Forums, where argumentative substance takes precedence over literally anything
This but unironically.
>ACFag back at it again
Holy shit, you're one of those people who want to turn special moves into hotkeys, aren't you?
And you wonder why your kind is laughed about outside your "MUH GRAPHIX" mustardcuck circles.
>all of Reddit showed up on Yea Forums the day it launched, that's how community takeovers work
Pretending to be retarded is still being retarded.
Post 2018 level design.
ACfag would be far more verbose and sesqupidalian about it, this is just some dumb shitposter inspired by his legacy.
if it's a thread you don't like it's a slide thread
The Pit is among the worst.
Or Suburbs.
>he took the bait
>Holy shit, you're one of those people who want to turn special moves into hotkeys, aren't you?
No. I don't care about fighting games. But doing it would show how shallow the gameplay is without complex input controls.
I also forgot about motherfucking ArmA
>that pic
Too bad the design is always going to be limited by the same story and gameplay
You need to add a circle to the modern FPS.
NOW I get it. Thanks user!
6 years ago. How would the 2019 FPS map design look? The same?
Now post the metacritic scores
>I don't understand this genre that I don't care about
Figured as much.
But you're right, we should bind circle strafing and rocket jumping to button presses as well. Oh wait, you already do that unironically because you walking sim players are that casual.
>No. I don't care about fighting games. But doing it would show how shallow the gameplay is without complex input controls.
Divekick disagrees
>I don't understand this genre that I don't care about
Said the weeb about anything he can't handle with his aim-deficient controller
>some worthless game I've never heard about
just admit you have no argument
You just said that Tubmlr, 9g'ag, reddit and many others are better than Yea Forums.
because they are bigger than Yea Forums.
The box needs to be bigger but everything inside needs to stay the same.
It's a fighting game with 2 inputs. Jump and Kick.
The opening section of Autonoma is kino.
>game directed by westaboo wannabe movie director as an example of Japanese games
>eurojank fag cant into high skill high octane vidya
Figured most games over there are story over gameplay after all
>thinks he can handle Dante Must Die with WASD
I really like Thief but I didn't know that the fanbase was so stupid and cancer until now. Surprising for a game that old.
>high skill
High muscle memory
>story over gameplay
Setting over gameplay. And only to a degree that gameplay fits the setting it's set in.
>be gook developer
>Make demon-girl fighting game character #56523
>have her fly
>why? Pffft, who cares, she needs it against Bushuragoshiros ultimate
>be slav developer
>make a flying character
>give it wings and make it look like it could fly
>put it in surroundings that fit the character
What gameplay element in it is so alien to keyboard?
>What gameplay element in it is so alien to keyboard?
Analog movement, moving in more than eight directions.
>MGS2 > T2
Oh, you're just fucking retarded.
>What gameplay element in it is so alien to keyboard?
The one that's not limited by 8-way digital control. Undertale confirmed more hardcore than Crash Bandicoot by your twisted logic.
>turn using the mouse
>go forward, backward, whateverward
It's insane how mentally deficient the controller mind is
>I've literally never played a 3D platformer or 3D character action game and haven't the slightest idea how they work
Let me guess, the camera is fucked up so you can't make accurate jumps, right?
Thief is obviously a better structured game but there's nothing wrong with a game trying to be a more linear experience with an engaging story. It's just a shame that it's considered a stealth game instead of a movie game just because the only gameplay it has is stealth.
>Listing Borderlands 2
>Not including Thief 2
Russia is fucking retarded.
I play touhou very fine on keyboard has does a lot of people. And let me tell you, it's at least a bit harder than undertale.
>Why doesn't Super Mario 64 play like Mirror's Edge?! It must be those fuckin' bugged mechanics! Woooooooooooowwwwwwwww!!!!!!!
I know it's hard for your military sim-addled mind to comprehend, but those "cucked" consoles actually have action games with different and varying gameplay styles from the usual Gears of Duty archetype. Who knew!
Yet it has better boss fights than anything the West has ever conceived. Ever.
>different and varying gameplay styles
Which they steal from another and are ultimately limited by the lack of designated aiming device. Also funny how you completely ignore RTSs which your paltform can't do at all. And even the turn based ones are better on PC because the mouse is just faster.
>Boss fights
Shitty concept that should've been abandoned long ago but eastern devs still cling to it because they can't adapt for shit
What's wrong with having a buffed up enemy that tests mechanics you have learned during the gameplay?
>what's wrong with stopping the narrative to have some toxic macho pissing contest
>Caring about the narrative in a video game
Even in that case boss fights are usually (Not all the time, but a majority) key points in the protagonist's journey.
It's such a tired cliché. "Kill this big dude and everything is going to be alright, all the enemies will stop fighting." Why does it have to be a single monster? Why do you have to be locked in the fight? I am by no means against the end of the game being hard and requiring pretty much your whole arsenal but the whole single most powerful enemy ending the game just irks me. STALKER did it well. The CNPP sequence is pretty hardcore (or not if you have prepared for it) but the "big boss" is disposed of in a cutscene because it's not some giant monster.
the latest slav games have all suffered from controllitis. Elex for example
you better delete this fucking image this second or else
>Elex for example
I haven't mentioned Gothic even though it could be argued that it's slav by appropriation. Anyway, Elex was made by krauts.
It just works in the context of the game. If it is a high fantasy game or a sci-fi opera, what's wrong with fighting against the big monster or a 1v1 fight against an enemy of a similar skillset to you?
At this point you are arguing if boss fights should be in ALL games which I completely agree with you that they should not be in every game. I'm arguing boss fights in general are not a bad thing and are a great way to serve to test the player on the game's mechanics expected at that point.
One was clearly satire, user.
>all bosses are the same
In some games bosses are more interesting then everything else said game offers
That’s not the map design though. That’s the in-game map drawn by Garrett. It is done to show that the mansion’s interior is mysterious and unknown, as well as not to give away the crazy and complex architecture inside.
>what's wrong with fighting against the big monster or a 1v1 fight against an enemy of a similar skillset to you?
As I said, it's been done way too many times. There could be a myriad other win conditions for the end of the game but in the end, it always boils down to "kill da big dudeL because it's simple to do and do somewhat right.
That's exactly the problem.
Your mom was clearly satire.
There is literally nothing wrong with this , if anything your discussing rival battles more so then most bosses
>Which they steal from another
You described western PC action games and it's copy-pasted FPS template. Are you confused or just brain damaged? How are Super Mario Odyssey, Devil May Cry 5, REmake 2 and Monster Hunter Generations anywhere near as similar as what comprises the left column?
Not action.
>turn based
See above. Your spreadsheet machines literally have to slow everything to an on-command crawl to do anything more intensive and demanding than your dead arena shooters.
I bet you're glad guitar solos are gone too, Kurt.
This is how you know you're speaking to a westacuck Redditor, who only knows QTEs, puzzle gimmicks and big Borederlands bullet sponge mooks.
Most based posts on Yea Forums right now
>cherrypicked examples from a cherrypicked year
>still posts 3 third person RPGs (if you can even call it that)
>ignores the differences in weapons and settings
>still ignores RTS because musclespasm brainlets can't into it
You mean like those combos you keep spewing about? No, thanks
Never played it
Why are you posting bait images unironically
black panther had more ticket buyers than shawshank redemption
so it's better, right?
Probably because there hasn't been a good RTS in years as it's a dead genre WRPGkun.
Outside of oldfags like me, no one even remember Thief anymore beyond the reboot meme
Retarded redditor
I'm not taking sides on this bullshit, but that wasn't his argument
They dont get games anymore so they have to find way to supplement their sad existence
>dead genre
Except you know MODS. And if we expand, basebuilders, 4X games, GSG etc. Which Japan can't do either.
>the differences in weapons and settings
I didn't. One has a bunch of crosshair-pointing pew pew guns, the other has melee and ranged weapons of all shapes, sizes and attack patterns. You're free to stop supporting my argument any time you want.
>QTEs = something that does not have a contextual prompt for starters
This is one of those times when the statement "you haven't played x genre or done any research regarding it at all" is no longer exaggeration but a statement of literal fact.
Ask me how I know you didn't play Prey 2017.
>One has a bunch of crosshair-pointing pew pew guns
Because they are guns
>the other has melee and ranged weapons of all shapes, sizes and attack patterns
Because the author has no idea how guns work and creates it for people who don't know either. I gues if you are the kind of person to go ZOMG triplebladed katana so kewl, you'd find it better
>muh contextual prompt
negligible difference
>Comparing Metroid Prime to Thief
???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? That's not even apples and oranges, that's like apples and ballistic gel
>Because the author has no idea how guns work and creates it for people who don't know either.
Japanese games have guns, though.
>taking instructions is negligibly different from freely and innovatively applying mastery
You should know what to do at this point, you trolling fuck.
>Japanese games have guns
Now where do I have that webm of the two characters running around each other in a cutscene trying to shoot one another and missing due to gun kata...
Not to mention your example of bright beams and ludicrous enemy sizes
>freely and innovatively
Thanks, I needed the laugh
FFS the map on the left is from Deus Ex
It's almost if the Japanese have, *gasp*, imagination and don't beholden themselves to the West's obsession with "realistic" everyday /k/ autist limitations.
>I have no argument
Well of course you wouldn't if you didn't know what something was or how it worked.
>It's almost if the Japanese have, *gasp*, imagination
You mean absolutely retarded need of escapism unbound by any rules OR explanations? Faciliated through the same tropes no less. I have a suspicion that the audience of weebshit must be braindead to consume this constant stream of overblown cartoony graphics without something in their mind going "wait a minute, how the fuck does it work"
>Because the author has no idea how guns work and creates it for people who don't know either
>One has a bunch of crosshair-pointing pew pew guns, the other has melee and ranged weapons of all shapes, sizes and attack patterns
>It's almost if the Japanese have, *gasp*, imagination and don't beholden themselves to the West's obsession with "realistic" everyday /k/ autist limitations
You both are being very retarded
Thank you for the opinion, here is your complimentary keychain
No seriously, you two sound like you are being as extremist as possible just to piss off and BTFO the other
>Metal Gear Solid 1 on PS1 sold literally 10x
it sold like shit compared to call of duty so by that argument its still shit lmfao, retard wapanese
mgs 3 sold less than splinter cell and was a vastly shittier stealth game liked by only the most numale of numales
Not him but what's with europoors seemingly seething hatred of anything over the top? Its like everything needs to be more grounded and it sounds like the cringy "games are art " crowd
Tenchu was a better stealth game than Thief ever was. You're smoking SUPER HARD crack if you want to even begin to put it against MGS, the undisputed king.
>caring about meta scores inflated by obese american 'game journos' going berserk over anything made by bug like japs
i swear the only reason mgs is popular is because yankfat amerisharts obsess over them
Mark of the Ninja > Both = Splinter Cell >>>>>>>>>>>> Thief
Cope Razorfist
is it yuroos? i thought americans were the ones obssesed with realism and europeans were more of a weeb crowd
Again, no arguments.
I wonder why.
If you expect video games to work like reality does, you have already lost. Go play your walking sim.
>ad populum
Guess I'm gonna go play Fortnite now.
Might just be either a specific group of them but burgers are more into Cowadoody le tacticool type of "realism" instead
I vastly prefer nip games to westcuck trash but this image is cringe
Japanese games and consoles have traditionally been more successful in North America, along with arcades. They've occupied a middle ground in design ethic between the core mechanic and action-oriented Japan and the cinematically inclined resource-focused computer gaming Europe, and it shows in games like pic related.
>in before the region that gaves David Cage goes "but muh nu-Naughty Dog!"
>no arguments
I love the way you people make ridiculous baseless declarations and then when people rightly laugh in your face in response you go HURR DURR NOT AN ARGUMENT. Where's your argument?
It's a Yea Forums consolewar in disguise.
That over the top form betrays extreme insecurity
>video games
I expect a setting of videogames to make sense. Not always but usually.
he's right, theif is shit. Turns out mounting a fuck ton of mechanics on top of each other doesn't make for a good game when the baseline attributes like AI are shit. Meanwhile the AI in MGS was revolutionary at the time
>so I heard you like mazes
>Where's your argument?
Where is yours? Lying about how video games are designed isn't an argument any more than saying bird shit is purple is.
Nu Doom is just serious sam in disguise tho
>m-muh ad populum
>meanwhile your only argument as to why mgs 1 was better was that "more people bought it"
die in a fire asap
americans are literally the only ones buying this shit up
I was replying to , dunno how that happened.
If by "this shit" you mean weebshit then you'd be absolutely correct.
I think that we can all agree that Thief really was something else, and that it deserved a better fate than the one it got. It's a fucking shame that it's not as famous and that it didn't sell as well as MGS.