Other urls found in this thread:
Literally who
video game bloggers, please don't turn this post into a news article on your websites.
kotaku journalist that leaked fallout 4 and got blacklisted by bethesda
>I guess its possible that a P5 Switch port is coming seperately
Hes saying this so in case hes wrong he can say
>literal who says something
Who cares? Persona 5 is garbage. "Duur FUCK ADULTS" a baby game with baby writing
Flagrant fanboy thread.
Good. Keep Persona on Sony and SMT on Nintendo.
Good. Keep the best franchise on Nintendo.
Meh, at this point SMT is just another shade of Persona and I don't expect V to be any different.
This would be the fair choice
Persona 5 announced in 2011 for Playstation 3.
Persona 5 delayed to accommodate the PS4 port (PS4 is not backwards compatible with PS1, PS2, or PS3).
Persona 5 released in 2016 for PS3/PS4 in Japan.
Persona 5 released in 2017 for PS3/PS4 worldwide.
It's been nearly 10 years of portbegging for the Wii U, 3DS, Switch, whatever. A near fucking decade of this. What the fuck is wrong with people and why can't millennial stop crying that Persona 5 PS3/PS4 isn't on the glorious PC/Nintendo platform? Get the fuck over it, jesus fuckin christ. All portbegging does is destroy threads, consistently, bringing in on console wars.
I'd like to see one fucking month without the usual MY UNCLE WORKS AT NINTENDO AND PERSONA 5 IS BEING POR-No jackass it isn't for the 11th time. I have all the major platforms except the Xbox One and I think Persona 5 is highly overrated (7/10 game) and I'm excited for SMT5 than re-releasing a heavily flawed game with tons of pacing issues, Persona 5 is as shallow as a fucking puddle. I'm so glad Nier Automata kicked it's ass for best soundtrack of 2016/2017, the Persona staff are coasting while the SMT staff and their Japanese rivals do better than they. Persona 5 was a disappointment, not a bad game, but not this life changing portbegging for ~10 years it's had. Fuck.
Devs say otherwise. They're not going the Apocalypse route apparently.
>"leak" threads
why are nintenkiddies so fucking cringe?
What the fuck does that even mean. Don't be a retard. SMT and Persona have always been separate things and, if anything, Persona 5 aligned itself closer to SMT than SMT has to Persona.
>not being an idort
As much as I hate Kotaku and Jason, I'd at least believe him on something like this because he actually has sources unlike everyone else who just wants to believe P5 is coming to Switch
Also i'm biased in wanted P5 to not get ported just for the shitposting
So a nobody. Got it.
This guy has gotten a lot of leaks correct and gets a lot of insider information like the entire Bioware debacle of Mass Effect Andromeda, Dragon Age 4, and much more. Seethe and cope little portbegging faggot.
lol no
He’s a reliable leaker.
>Say you think it won't happen
>But leave yourself an out if it does
Typical shill analyst shit.
This means begging doesn't work with atlus
Why did they make a poll listing all of their IPs and possible platforms people would like to see them on?
They are obviously thinking of porting shit but who knows where
Fuck that, I want Xenosaga Trilogy HD :(
>gives you things leaker has leaked
>"hahahahaha leakers aren't reliable shut up faggot lmao cope xd *wojak*"
good, good just good
>being in smash equals port: dead
>february direct: dead
>persona 5 r reveal: dead
>best buy bullshit: dead
See you in 25/4 cucks. Enjoy your childish yoshi games until then, autists
> Implying Nintendo fans haven't already played Persona 5 on the PC
>believing RetardEra
>believing gay retail "leaks"
Or you know, make them both fucking multiplat. Literally no reason to keep either franchise imprisoned. Only serves to help corporate cocksuckers keep on sucking.
you sure are trying hard to stir a pot that nobody wants to eat from
>believing this after SMTIV
>Even MysticDistance is panicking
>literaly who's opinion from resetera.
You know what to do with this thread.
There is no reason for P5R not to come to switch, do people really think a new edition of the same P5 would somehow require more hardware, enough to only give the switch a standard version of p5?
There are two reasons
Just fucking keep both on PS4/PC why waste time on the switch. Switch is for nintendo games. I know you can emulate both but still, I would like to have them desu.
I want to see his face this moment
This guy's a retard, anyway. It's Royal not Royale.
Switch isn't even getting the standard version
i want smt not fucking shitsona i'll get a switch and buy it if i have too
>not being an idort in 2019
Couldn't be me
Nice resetera screenshot, OP.
Why don't you go back there?
>>Even MysticDistance is panicking
HHAHAHAHHAA that fucking faggot. So good seeing him assblasted, he's got mental problems. That Persona 5 The Royal announcement with the Playstation logo and he goes on to say SWITCH RELEASE without mentioning the PS4 at all, hahahaha portbegging retard should be in a mental asylum now.
Discord and resetara trannies in full force today.
>Unironically console warring for some corporation that doesn't know you exist
What's retardation like
Sony fans have always been jealous & bitter about Nintendo's constant success
all of my friends around me are becoming trans
how can I save them
>Unironically believing a guy that thinks liking large tits means pedophilia
I can't imagine someone this stupid.
Actually articulate yourself. How the fuck is IV fucking Persona
A 9mm. Or fuck them into not being mentally Ill. Your choice, fren
P5S is a stage play because the registrant is Ryusoffice and not Atlus. Ryusoffice IS the marketing firm Atlus uses for their titles and the marketing for them.
I'm really really sorry buy very thankful because of the advertisement nintendo does for a PlayStation exclusive videogame
You saw that thread too? Did you see where it was a huge lie and got btfo? you took the bait cause you're retarded aren't you?
There is only one solution that is quite final
gotten words right by just saying them
yeah no, that isn't how it works
unless you can:
show me a disk
show me footage of the game, running from the menu, to the game start screen, etc etc something you cant fake
show me something no one else can
i will never believe that you are saying something isn't coming or does exist. no fucking smash leaker ever got joker right, so NONE OF THEM ARE RIGHT OR EVER WILL BE.
Are you sure that this Kotaco game blogger thinks that the Persona 5 S is a stage play when another user at the other thread pointed out that the faggot on twitter didn't read moon and it was the same company that made the persona 5 royal domian as well? See If that's the case than please leave Yea Forums and never come back on this very website.
>Believing Jason "Big tits and a full figure are classic loli" Schreier.
Retards need to learn.
Why are 80% of the replies on that post just links to the post itself? Seems like damage control desu. Very sad.
But he was claiming it was a stageplay because the company isn't Atlus. If the company is Atlus that means there's no evidence it's a stageplay.
The truth is damage control?
If that's the truth why has literally no one replied to it except to link back to the post itself? It seems like it's just one dude scared that he's not gonna get P5 on Switch.
Why can't you faggots discuss things without acting like retarded fan boys desperately clinging to companies that couldn't give less of a fuck about you?
Honestly, nothing of value was lost for switchfags, Persona 5 is a terrible game.
Everyone has already played Persona, Give us fucking Gravity Rush so we can save it from Sony's incompotence
This was also in that thread >twitter.com
It's the source of the image and predates everything by years. Unless you are saying that some twitter retard knew 2 years from now someone would make a claim about that company that registered the P5S site.
Why do people think P5S will be name of the switch port? They aren't making P5R and then P5S as two separate versions, it's too much work for Atlus' "enhanced editions". They would have just have used the P5R title for the port in the first place.
Because they're pulling another Cathrine Classic.
I was the camera man for the next Direct and I can tell you that Persona 5 is getting announced. And the announcement will start with Reggie surrounded by half-naked Persona 5 cosplayers. He'll then slap the Futaba cosplayer really hard on the ass and she'll say "Persona 5 is coming to Switch".
That was Atlus USA though.
Hey Reggie deserves his orgy. Don't jinx it.
I don't mind not having P5 for switch but in that case why they gotta make the SMT representative to be Joker in Smash? Makes no sense use Flynn or someone else.
You cannot say that here.
I'm getting fucking sick of you Retardera tourists. Go back to your police state forum, niggers.
Nice transphobia, asshole.
Poor kid, he trusts Jason. What a mistake. Jason denying it just means he's probably right.
and you disregard leakers with pedigree
>Whether a two year old game will get ported to another console will determine whether I am ready to deal with unwanted circumstances
I think the fact that he is contemplating such a thing is all the answer he should need.
What a dumb fuck.
Are you baiting or do you seriously believe that SMT has any relevance in 2019 ?
If it ain’t king Zell it can fuck off
I am so fucking happy about this. I don't want to share my franchises with dumb autist niggers
he could just be talking about IRL shit though, he complains about it pretty often.
I've known the guy for fucking years and he really needs to stay the fuck away from """insider""" shit and stick to translating
whose panicking whats going on? I dont follow eceleb that much
Absolutely based and redpilled, fuck snoys and fuck nintendies
The king is sadly dead.
That was a poll done by Atlus USA, have no real power over what it gets ported to
Sakurai chosed Persona over Xenoblade.
Fuck him.
Of course he goes on that site.
persona 5S ? you mean persona 5 Steam
Dumb people, autists and niggers are the user base of PS3 and PS4. Sad that you are only seeing it now.
A retardera screencap?
Castlevania doesn't have any relevance in 2019 either but it got in with characters from nintendo systems.
Semen on your mouth, cunt.
PerSona equals PlayStation
Because Yea Forums IS a bunch of retarded fanboys?
Like how Switch literally has no games to play?
This is the tactic all leakers use to seem credible and trick idiots into believing them.
The fact that Yea Forums still falls for this like this is hilarious.
>Believing Jason Schreier
You mean persona 5 spyware? It is EGS exclusive
>literal who he is no one rettranny etc
He is the only leaker who is right 99/100 times. If there was ever a gamble on leaks, I would always bet on him
user, why are going on restera?
>a jew says something is not going to happen
it's going to happen
who is this incel that you blindly believe?
>all those retard trannies seething
>all these tendies here seething
I love it!
Anything that gives me SMTV quicker is better
> a literal who says he isnt sure about it
> switchfags on le suicide watch xDDDD
I'm pretty sure Nintendo bankrolled on SMTV, just like the bankrolled Octopath Traveller.
Sony didn't care about Persona however
Octopath port announcement soon.
fuck off, jason you hebrew-faced jew goblin
this faggot works at a fucking starbucks, why is ANYONE giving him attention?
Because he said the magic words "switch port"
Isn't he the guy saying if you like women with large breasts you're a pedophile? Didn't he also get btfo by a photographer?
Reminder if you haven't played at least 50 % of these games you should be banned
didnt play p5 but ,i played both 4 and 3 is the guy from p5 really that popular i would have prefered the persona 4 protagonist but knowing p5 is not going to release on switch why the fuck nintendo picked him instead of issac ,banjo,or anibody even fucking leon , why do you promote a char who is new and is exclusive to your rival , fuck it could have been issac fuck nintendo and fuck sakurai
Nintendo bois r gay confirmed
Nobody ever thought it was coming to switch.
Before anybody declares bullshit on this JUST REMEMBER!
It's 2019 user. Why are you talking about switch games from 2017? Is it because you're relaying them so switch doesn't get damaged from dust?
>check link
>nintendo shit immediately
Well I'm out, never even touched a single nintendo game or console and have no desire to at this time.
>switch has no games
>w-why are you talking about switch games!
I also have RDR2 and all the other great multiplats on my PS4 (I don't buy sony movies lol). Life is great :)
This is going to look great in the screencap
Pretty sure some random user leaked fallout 76 like a month or two before it came out. I know someone out there has the screencap.
On PC yes, but not on PS4
Both Sony and Nintendo don't think of PC as competition. That's why Sony let Quantic dream publish their games on PC
However between them it's all-out-war, they aren't giving an inch to the other
show us of that work in progress screencap over the last 10 years bro
the final product must be huge
choke on a menorah, jason
based persona team
Atlus doesn't need Nintendo money to do SMT V, the game is a Switch exclusive because the director wants the game to be playable on portable mode.
RDR2 is a movie game of the highest degree, what are you about ?
20 bucks says they'll literally announce it 2 days from now
Guys. Listen.
Joker represents SMT as a whole like Cloud does with FF. SMT has a long history with Nintendo. They wouldn't bring him into Smash without some sort of P5 port. Anyone that says otherwise knows absolutely nothing.
>RDR2 is a movie game of the highest degree
don't worry switch is getting rdr2
Joker is in Smash because of Persona Q2.
Not because of a p5 port.
So you think.
Erdrickfags BTFO
I don't even get why people want a Switch port. If you are a Persona fan you've already played everything on the Playstation/PSP.
>Let's bring this character into Smash without bringing his game onto our platform when all other characters have had their games on our platform at some point or another
Yeah, okay
Jason "If you like big breasts you are a child rapist" Shreier
This. See MGS Twin Snakes, FFVII, Sonic, Bayonetta, Ryu/Ken, I could go on.
Seething lmao
lmao it would literally burn up in peoples hands
Okay. Then I'll play the new version on my PS4 instead of my Switch. I'm playing it now so I can focus on new stuff on the second playthrough. 0% mad.
Metal Gear Solid?
what is pic related
Its amazing how you can see somebody's face and instantly tell they are a manlet
MGS4, no port.
FFVII port an entire console later and on xbox too
Please, go on
That's not on switch
>idiot who got blacklisted from the industry from fucking up his bethesda contracts over a single game leak is reliable still.
OP plz.
What's your point?
>Implying Red Boring Redemption 2 is not a open world interactive movie
Are you fucking retarded?
Persona Q2
>rdr2 online is a movie
Fuck out of here retard
He still is you fucking retard. He broke the Bioware Dragon Age 4 story popping up on Yea Forums right fucking now and the news about working conditions over at Rockstar. He's the only reliable """""video game journalist""""".
And? You really think Nintendo the master of video game trolls would include a playable character because of some 3DS spinoff?
Nintendo jews just want popular characters to sell products. There is no bushido smash code faggot
it's weird how resetera leakers are "literal whos" when they say things nintendo fans don't want to hear, but their word is gospel when they say things that nintendo fans do want to hear.
The point is that once a character is introduced into the Nintendo brandname it gets used in Smash irregardless of system or game, which you're proving to me btw.
To say P5 MUST come to the switch because joker is in is essentially going against your point because Joker is in Q2 already.
>Have to hold onto my Persona machine 2
All I'm saying is Nintendo knows better than this. They have a relationship with Atlus, they've worked something out. If they don't announce a P5 port with Joker's announcement I will eat my own dick on camera. Screenshot this.
Based as FFFFUCK
Shut up you bitch
Also irregardless isn't a word
You'll see, man
He's also an utter faggot and the epitome of why "games journalism" is garbage
who the fuck cares about working conditions at rockstar? I certainly don't, 90% of people working for triple a devs are pozzed faggots anyway
>Let's bring this character into Smash without bringing his game onto our platform
the 3ds is nintendo's platform and joker's game is on it. cope.
>All I'm saying is Nintendo knows better than this
What does Nintendo know besides rehashing Mario and Yoshi games?
>yfw it gets ported to the vita but not the ps4/ps5
Were you not here for Smash? A bunch of them just stopped posting because of how badly they were being harassed. They were just straight up told they were lying for doubting the grinch. Was fucking hilarious
Sure. I own a PS4 for KH3, ToCS 3, and P5. I also own a Switch for Smash, Mario, Zelda, Xenoblade, and more. I'm happy with both consoles. What about you, user?
They wouldn't just include these characters to sell band aids! There must be a band aid theme superhero in the works!
Yes, I would be surprised if you had good taste.
Eh, whatever. That's why you don't put your eggs in one basket, anyway.
my "source" is all the fawning nintendo fans have done over king zell while ignoring how he was totally wrong about pokemon.
>every persona gets an improved portable version
>switch is the only portable standing
>PQ2 is a minor 3ds game
>joker is in smash by nintendo request
does anyone legitimately believe P5 isn't coming to switch sooner or later? or is it just sony fanboys hoping they don't lose an exclusive?
>A word that can be vocalized
>Not a word
You ain't got no brain, boi.
There would have been better choices for SMT representation than fucking Joker if Atlus refuses to put any Persona games on Switch
Why would Nintendo even agree to that
>I used inspect element to change a resetera post so it's a legit leak
I swear to fuck nu-Yea Forums is the fucking worst
>Persona 3 Portable
>Literally the worst version of Persona 3 is playable on Switch
On a SONY portable. Nice you didn't include that detail.
For now.
Because they want popular characters idiot.
>instead of a mainline character we could very well get an advertisement for a game actually coming out that won't ever be on the Switch
Goddammit Sakurai
Ive found game journalists dont really know jack shit about what kind of development is happening in japan. Probably why schreier can report all day about EA projects yet japanese studios surprise us with announcements every year. I doubt he actually has much of a clue, especially if its early in development
Post a phone number and a pic of your face so we can hound you afterwards or you're a pussy.
why can't smashfags understand that nintendo and the industry at large don't take your party game's roster anywhere near as seriously as you guys do? you should have realized this once and for all when konami celebrated the belmonts getting into smash by releasing a ps4-exclusive castlevania collection.
the gaming world does not revolve around the smash roster. stop using it as an excuse to beg for ports, start console-war shitposting, etc.
I'm cautiously optimistic, but it kinda looks dim right now.
Sony isn't making another handheld after the Vita bombed
>the snoynigger thinks schreier
>fucking SCHREIER
> is credible in any way, shape, or form
Neck yourself with the most readibly accessible sharp object immediately.
Vita. It's better than switch.
Atlus USA has its offices in California, which is where all those journalists work because that's were most of the game companies are located
Maybe that's how he got his intel
>5 completely different games on 4 different consoles in the span of 7 years
>7 years since the last NSMBU game
Why you keep posting this pic and getting btfo us beyond me
>companies are willing to put their characters in an exclusive game to one console
>Companies aren't willing to give that console any games and are more intent for Nintendo to do all the work for them
Just like ps3 was the last sony console
>geno/isaac fag revising history
lmao now nincels wish Switch was Vita. How fucking ironic.
I can't tell if this is a shitpost or if fanboys are so deluded they believes anyone is bothering with a literally discontinued console
And PC.
>nintendo pays for a character they request.
>they get a check and royalties
The end.
That doesn't help your argument
Sony literally said they're done with handhelds, words from them
I dunno, with how bizarre this whole joker in smash situation has been, I think atlus is beinh especially weird about anything regarding the switch. If atlus usa employeed are that mouthy, they may very well not be told was P5S is until close to announcement
>There would have been better choices for SMT representation than fucking Joker
like who? i would have loved it if jack frost got in, but they're trying to sell dlc here and joker is the most marketable choice by far.
>Why would Nintendo even agree to that
it's quite simple: persona 5 has a huge fanbase of its own, especially in japan, and nintendo saw an opportunity to get that audience to buy a switch for smash. i doubt they give a shit about not getting a port. they didn't care about mgs4 not getting ported to the wii after snake got into brawl.
no they're literal whos because they're trannies posting on resetera.
Based George
>Nintendo pays them
>Still too lazy to make games for the system
>5 completely different games
Don't kid yourself. It's the same shit being endlessly rehashed. Nintendo knows kiddies and manchildren don't mind.
>companies are willing to put their characters in an exclusive game to one console
why would they pass up an opportunity to advertise their products if it's offered to them?
more like ponies wish the vita was a psp lmao
They said ps4 wouldn't be unveiled before the next xbox either
Should have been seeing how terrible this gen has been
>mfw Nintendofags pay for DLC that advertises a Playstation exclusive game
Literally Jack Frost would have been a better decision. Nobody knows who the fuck Joker is. He is not nearly as recognizable as most of the rest of the cast to the majority of the industry. And with Atlus still taking their sweet ass time with SMTV it would fit a lot better.
Why do they owe them shit you little faggot?
>Nobody knows who the fuck Joker is
>endlessly rehashed
>7 years since the last one
Guess you'll keep getting btfo.
>like Cloud
So he'll have two songs from Persona 5 and everything else will be ignored?
it was obvious from the start that P5R ain't gonna be coming to switch but retards sure love to believe in something that ain't gonna happen
what a retarded way to get your hopes up on some shit
>Nintendo advertises their own games and characters, even pays them
>Third parties sit with their thumb up their ass and don't give the system shit
>this guy isn't credible, literally who?
>now if you'll excuse me, i need to get back to reading all these totally-credible news reports from vergeben, mysticdistance, and king zell.
>rehash is no longer rehash if there is a time gap
Just how dumb are you?
For fuck sake I just want my Metroid Trilogy. I guarantee you I don’t give a flying fuck about ports.
>Playstation exclusive game
Not that I lile or read any, but mods continue to show their bias and hypocrisy
>all kotaku, resetera, polygon screencap threads allowed and promoted
>anything from oneangrygamer, quartering, or any criticism of leftist ideals or leftist websites are being deleted and banned
They are turning Yea Forums into resetera and all of you are sitting by and letting it happen
user, I think you should stop coming here.
I'm not saying you're wrong, or disagreeing, or whatever. I think people should be allowed to voice their want for a port, because literally why the fuck shouldn't they? What genuine, actual reason do you have for them not being allowed to? Because you don't like it? That's a trash reason, user. And you know it.
And that's why you should stop coming here.
This place is trash. It's full of trash.
console wars
shitposting, sometimes for (You)'s, sometimes because MERELY PRETENDING, but always shitposting
And it's not gonna change. The closest we get is when a thread brings it up, or when god-forbid something new actually happens; the stadia OC, while retarded, did actually bring in decent discussion and I guess images to post with. There's no sense in saying DON'T DUMP YOUR GARBAGE HERE when all they're doing is dumping it on top of an existing trash heap.
The portbegging will continue, and then denied or confirmed, the console wars shitposting will resume. There's no way out of it, no matter how it goes. At the very least, if a port happens, the begging will stop, the shitposting will start, and then a new flavor of the month will outdo it because nobody here plays these fucking games, they just shitpost about them to stir up the console wars some more. There's no way to fix Yea Forums except to leave it, and I sincerely encourage you to do so, otherwise you're just gonna keep getting pissed about internet retards that will always, ALWAYS outnumber you and continue doing what they're doing.
Literally why is anyone doubting the Best Buy leak? What is there to doubt? Are you actually seething so hard at P5 coming to Switch that you'll close your eyes and cover your ears to a real leak and instead believe "insiders" from retardera?
Do you even read your own posts?
>hahaha thanks for paying US to give us exposure for Persona 5 in Smash, Nintendo
>btw no the game isn't coming to Switch lol, but we're gonna go ahead and string your userbase along with the Smash hype and planted rumors in order to boost our viewer counts for our events
>oh and uh don't expect our Switch exclusive game to come out anytime soon lmao we're too busy milking this P5 cow for all its worth and then some
>lastly, by the way we're also gonna dictate the news cycle for the content for your first party game too, now you need to wait for us to finish milking P5, okie dokie byeeeee~
What the fucking christ was Nintendo thinking by putting Joker on their list (if we're to believe Sakurai's claim that Nintendo curated the list of candidates for him to narrow down, which I'm starting to not entirely believe)? This has only resulted in Nintendo absolutely clowning themselves and their fanbase. The only positive that's come of this for Nintendo was being able to take the wind out of Sony's sails at the VGAs for winning GotY, but is that still worth this trouble four months later?
>Hey, guys, it's not coming but may be coming
Wow so brave. He's definitely right.
Are all his other "leaks" this "credible"
Why do they owe them shit you little faggot?
Get your avengers tickets billy
>Nobody knows who the fuck Joker is. He is not nearly as recognizable as most of the rest of the cast to the majority of the industry.
that's a joke, right? joker is more recognizable than geno, banjo, isaac, or any of the other shit that rosterfags beg for on a daily basis.
>Nintendo pays them
It's amazing how thirsty Nin-toddlers are for Playstation games given how much they also hate Playstation.. Hell I'd be desperate too if all I had was the same piss easy bing bing wahoos and $80 cardboards.
My guess is the opposite : both P5R and P5S are open secrets for some people in the media, Schreier probably knows much more about it but he doesn't want to disclose it because it would burn his sources
Also the Joker situation is pretty simple : Sakurai liked Persona 5, he asked if Atlus wanted him in Smash and they said yes. End of story
Remember that Sakurai is not only associated with Nintendo in Japan. He writes a column in Famitsu, he meets with various devs, he is a figure of the local industry. Him being friends with folks at Atlus or Sega is not surprising
Just some guy getting buttfucked by Hulk Hogan.
Go outside and show a picture of Joker to people and see how many people recognize him
Nigga WHAT Best Buy leak? This is legit the only site I'm hearing this from.
So fucking what? They don't owe them for doing a business transaction.
Except Sakurai disclosed that Nintendo chose the DLC characters, not him
>I think people should be allowed to voice their want for a port, because literally why the fuck shouldn't they?
because port-begging is cancerous and does nothing but derail threads. if people actually cared that much about the games they're begging for, they'd own a platform that they're already on.
port-beggars don't actually want to play the games they beg for, they just want to brag online that a company they dislike lost an exclusive.
Games got listed in Best Buy's inventory system indicating that Persona 5 was coming to the Switch.
Nobody cares about your faggot weeb game character that averages less than 1m per release. Leave your online weeb clubhouses once in a while
When will fanboys realize that Nintendo is widely considered a joke by third-parties? They've lost just about every exclusive partner they had. Atlus was smart abusing Nintendo's desperation for third-party games. More should do that. It's obvious by now that Nintendo is willing to lick ass for the mere possibility of a Switch port.
Less than a week ago best buy leaked P5, the Metroid Prime Trilogy, and LTTP for Switch. Just fucking look it up.
more people would recognize him than geno, that's for sure.
>Nobody knows who the fuck joker is
D-does anyone know who the fuck Jack Frost is?
Do this with Jack fucking Frost. At best they're both niche, at worst one's a main fucking character. You're in denial and using your preference to try to mask how "Literally WHO" both of them are; at the least Jokers design lends itself (mildly) to what he DOES, Frost doesn't even have that going for him
This is an Etna vs Prinny argument; they're both iconic, but one's a character and the other's "Wow that's a weird looking penguin"
ESPECIALLY on Yea Forums or anime communities in general; more fuckers know about Etna than the fucking prinny, and with Persona continually shitslapping SMT (For better or worse) I sincerely doubt that fuckers are gonna know who "Pumpkin-faced snowman" is either
Well we wont know until a couple of weeks. I wouldnt mind a switch port (my ps4 is broken and Im waiting to see if ps5 is backwards compatible before replacing it) but I'd be way more excited for something like a new fighting game (I think Capcom would be involved). I almost hope hes right, but itd be cool for more people to play P5. Basically, being an idort is great
>Paying them won't motivate them
>Advertising for them won't motivate them
>35 million console sales and growing won't motivate them
So what will motivate them?
And Atlus' brand manager recently said that Joker is in because Sakurai invited them
So which is it ?
I'd rather try it at a gamestop. More would recognize him than your snowman
>anyone on here believing leakers on resetera
everyone on this board is a tranny.
Why are you so scared of having more people enjoy fun games?
reeee you are supposed to know these incel e celebs !!!!
A console that can actually run games.
That's the fucking point, both Joker and Jack Frost are both literal whos in the public eye. It would have been a much better choice to add him instead of Joker considering Atlus has been stubborn as fuck to make any games multiplat ever for decades and is just contempt with making exclusives for Nintendo and Sony
If you were to chose 2 literal whos, i would choose the one who has a bigger presence on Nintendo consoles.
nobody cares about your puppet from a 1996 spinoff game - or your fursuit bear from a series that hasn't had a new game in a decade, for that matter. they do care about the jrpg of the generation, though, and guess who's the protagonist of that.
fresh from my work terminal earlier this week
it's really gonna suck that I didn't bother to toss in the P5 SKU, though, isn't it?
Nothing is stopping every single switch owner from going out to purchase a PS4 and P5.
Why are nin-toddlers so scared of stepping outside their fanboy zone? If you want PS4 games THIS badly, just get a PS4 holy shit. This Persoba port begging has been absolutely ridiculous in how long it has gone on. How do you even care so much for a game to port beg this long instead of just playing it on the systems it's already on?
Smash runs at 1080p 60 FPS matey
You really dont need to prove it to this idiot considering its been confirmed a hundred times over
You are technically right, but it's actually from Jason Schreier here, not some Twitter rando
>atlus' brand manager dodges the question as politely as possible
>somehow that means a port is "confirmed" according to deranged smashfags and port-beggars
holy cringeola!
>sony censors every game with attractive females and promotes flamboyant trannies and dykes, no one bats and eye
>sony fanboys start posting resetera posts as reliable information
really makes you think about sony and it's fans
>Looks it up
>Theres images for the SKU codes for LTTP and Metroid trilogy
>No Persona 5
Lol succeeded at wasting my time
>Gamecube is stronger than PS2
>third parties still ignored it
why are you so scared of buying a sony console to enjoy fun games?
Joker's a CURRENT literal who that's actually got a game about and starring him, who has some bonus clout from all the dumbass game awards P5 got
Frost is literally a fucking summon
This argument is absolutely retarded; I like Cactuar/Chocobo, he's pretty emblematic of Final Fantasy, but I'd also have to be literally retarded to think "WHY GO WITH CLOUD STRIFE MY BASED CACTUS/BIRD HAS A BIGGER PRESENCE AND NOBODY EVEN KNOWS CLOUD ANYWAYS"
Persona 5 S(ymphony).
Nintendo censored their only 2018 game for literal toddlers and Cuckera. Defend this.
How well does it run doom compared to base PS4?
Jack Frost is the fucking mascot of SMT you dumb zoomer
He would have been a better choice considering Atlus's stubborn ass only makes mainline SMT Nintendo exclusive and Persona Sony exclusive
>nintendo censors smash because resetera told them to
>nintendo fanboys either ignore it, make excuses or try to shift the blame to cero
realy makes you think about nintendo and its fans.
Calm done bro, some people like playing games portably. Why does this bother you?
Because there's no P5 SkU code.
You fags made that shit up and propegated it only for the benefit of snoy to shit on all of us once it's debunked.
Thanks you fucking idiots.
Yes, all those smash leaks from there posted here were sony guys
>dude just drop 200 dollars for one game
>stop asking to have the game
>just buy it on my platform bro
idort here with a launch switch and the dumbass blue/copper PS4P and even I wouldn't recommend grabbing a fucking PS4 to play Persona fucking Five
PS3? Yeah, sure, I guess? But buying a system to play a singular 1 player RPG is absolutely fucking retarded
And twitter posts are somehow reliable?
>blame cero
>Sakurai himself said it was CERO's fault
shit format
Resetera leakers are always literal whos, please don't pretend like this is an abnormal response. Or do you think outside of Nintendo threads Resetera is considered the bastion of credibility?
Cero forced him to remove native American imagery?
it exists on Switch, therefore it can run it
You said "a console that can run games", not "a console that can run games well"
It is a word, it's just a pointless one.
the port begging part, you can't read faggot?
>format was to prevent piracy VS rampant piracy on PS2
>3rd parties still ignored it
Look harder retard. First page on google.
>with a launch switch
>>dude just drop 300 dollars for one game
Every time with the hypocrisy from tendies
You dropped 300 for the bing bing wahoo McDonald's tablet. Not really in a position to be demanding here.
...this is also a literal who. I've never once seen him mentioned on Yea Forums and I am on here way too fucking much. Were you perhaps browsing /vp/? Or were you thinking of Resetera itself?
There has been SMT games on Playstation (Nocturne obviously, and all those PS2 games) and there has been Persona games on Nintendo (PQ and PQ2)
It all boils down to what the devs want. Hashino is absurdly loyal to Sony, to the point of denying Catherine Fullbody to Xbox One eventhough the original did release on the 360. Meanwhile all other Atlus devs are on the Switch bandwagon (Etrian Odyssey, SMTV, etc)
nintendo had treated third-parties like dogshit for the past three generations, took forever to distribute devkits, badmouthed prominent third parties (such as rockstar) to the press, and decided to use gimmicky minidiscs that had less storage capacity than a normal disc. and even then, capcom still stepped up and made an effort to support the gamecube - and their reward for that was all of their games flopping badly until they got ported elsewhere. why would anyone support the gamecube after all that?
until nintendo stops putting stupid and arbitrary barriers in the way of third parties, the status quo is never going to change. it's nintendo's own fault. honestly, i think they're scared of having to compete with third parties on a level playing field.
Hey moron, the N64 was a more powerful console than the PS1 and Square jumped ship to PS1 with Final Fantasy 7 and Chrono Cross. Do you think they have done that for what reason? Maybe because Sony PAID them? We can only wonder.
Insiders? More like Incels!
They needed a special team to port it. You think everyone will be investing in that for something that embarrasses the real devs?
Well shit. This just confirms Sakurai has stopped giving a shit and is just picking what HE wants for DLC, and-
>Minecraft is another game Sakurai has gushed endlessly about
Stop acting like they cant release a game called "Persona 5" without "Switch" tagged on to the end you faggot
2 literal whos and a shitter who got forced into Smash threads so hard that everyone on Yea Forums has grown to hate. If your best example is vergeben, then you have no argument.
How is removing something (that was gone in later revisions of the G&W game, btw) BEFORE the game releases (In all regions) censorship?
Don't worry, I'll wait for your retarded response.
This is you. This is how stupid you sound. A company's mascot being BLANK doesn't automatically mean people know how BLANK is over [PROTAGONIST OF MOST RECENT AND POPULAR SERIES INSTALLMENT THAT WON SHITLOADS OF AWARDS, AND IS AN ACTUAL CHARACTER]
I'm well aware Jack is Atlus' mascot, but that doesn't mean people know or give a fuck about who he is. Being a mascot that features more on the company newsletter and website doesn't mean shit in comparison to being a MAIN FUCKING CHARACTER in a RECENT GAME that has MEDIA PRESENCE because it (somehow) won LARGE AMOUNTS OF AWARDS.
Am I gonna put in Alex Fucking Kidd or am I gonna put in Sonic the Fucking Hedgehog? Gee I fucking wonder
>sakurai literally talks about smash 4 in that quote
>nintendo fanboys ignore this and pretend he's talking about ultimate
holy shit, why are you even trying to lie about this? nintendo is a corporation, not your friend. they caved to sjws, it is what it is. it's not like the rest of the industry isn't doing the same thing.
And it was shit shit format they would need to overhaul their games just for nintendo you idiot.
>You fags
nigga all I did was type in a SKU while not doing jack shit because based warehouse position
I've got no clout or side in this, I'm an idort
I have one. Why did you dodge the question?
it's censorship because the feather was part of their original artistic vision for the game and resetera made them remove it.
I don't understand the mentality of leakers.
True or false, what is there to even gain? If it's wrong they get backlash and no one ever believes them again. If it's true then, people know something exists? Something that was probably going to be announced relatively soon anyway. Literally the only change is people know about something slightly earlier than they would have.
It doesn't make any sense. It's the most pointless thing.
Nigger most third parties make phone games filled with microtransactions, they have no shame
>can only name 2
I could shit in my hand and post it online and switchfags would think its persona 5 leak
>the switch isnt shit
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA end your life nigger
easily fabricated using basic dev tools on most browsers, it's a non-issue like this retardera leaker OP posted
Its called self censorship idiot.
They censored it because they were afraid of offending twitter trannies
Someone counted how many times Nintendo keks were BTFO by the same game?
The funniest thing is that no one would even laugh at them for not having Persona 5 on Nintendo console, because numbered Persona was never on Nintendo consoles. But these idiots must always hype themselves for another disappointment together with
>hahahahha sony lost Persona!!!
taunting posts that are now backfiring on them again
>overhaul their games
That was the PS2 user. The PS2 was reportedly an extreme bitch to develop for but most devs did it due to its high console sales.
>it's ok when Nintendo censors their games for the cuckera audience
It's for attention obviously. Whether they're right or wrong autists will beat them off and worship them anywhere but here, and even that has changed since reddit and retardera flooded this site with underage retards.
Stay seething poorfag
isn't etrian odyssey pretty much a dead series at this point? it requires the dual screen setup of the ds/3ds, and nintendo has moved away from that.
>original artistic vision for the game
OK, that's true, but as I said the later revisions of the game had removed it. Revisions that predate Smash Ultimate by years. If you want to complain, go back in time and boycott the revision. You're acting as if Ultimate was the first time they did this.
>Resetera made them remove it
Resetera wasn't around when the made a revision to the game.
Why do nincels pretend to care so much about censorship only to downplay it hard every time Nintendo does it?
>You dropped 300 on a game console
>b-but if I slap in some kiddy shit, that'll make it wrong to do so, somehow(???)
I bought the switch because my X220 was crapping out and I wanted to play some of the inevitable ports and originals on the go, or with friends on short notice.
I got it at launch because I wanted to hack it up with emulators and shit, like I did with my 1000's PSP. Stop making retard assumptions for like five goddamned minutes, please.
Isn't Persona 5 a PS3 game? There's no fucking way the Switch is powerful enough to run that kinda shit
Why don't you own a PC, Switch and a Ps4
Xbox one X, sucks BTW!
You're kidding right? There are multiple sources and it was the same ones that were posting MPT and LTTP. Not only that but Best Buy straight up leaked Joker's smash render like a day prior. Get out of denial.
Isn't this just keeping with the trend of Persona on Sony and SMT on Nintendo?
i'm talking about smash ultimate, not previous games. mr.g&w had the feather in smash, resetera complained, and suddenly the feather got patched out. that's sjw censorship, period.
PS2 was the lead platform. Would need an over haul for cube
your post makes no sense user
It's even weirder how you faggots constantly shit on retardera, until they say something that dabs on them "nintendies", then they should be taken at their word.
i do. i already finished p5 years ago and i'm eagerly anticipating both p5r and smtv.
Which game has BTFO Nintenkeks the most: Persona 5 or Monster Hunter World?
>"Persona 5 will be Wii U exclusive!"
>Persona 5 announced for PS3 and later PS4
>"P5R will be Switch exclusive!"
>P5R teaser starts with PS logo
>"I-It's VR!"
>Persona 5 The Royal announced as an RPG
>"I-It's coming to Switch too!"
>P5R only lists PS4 on the main site
>"P5S will be Switch exclusive!"
Oh boy, can't wait to see what'll happen next
Yeah bro just inspect element Best Buy's systems
based V poster, not understanding why people are retarded so often for such little benefit or gain
>capcom still stepped up and made an effort to support the gamecube - and their reward for that was all of their games flopping badly until they got ported elsewhere. why would anyone support the gamecube after all that?
You mean Capcom started announcing ports of their games BEFORE the game's released, sabotaging their own sales. Resident Evil 4 is the prime example here. The only game that didn't get sabotaged and didn't flop elsewhere was Resident Evil, and it sold well over a million copies.
Third parties put up their own fucking barriers on Nintendo consoles these days. They are constantly fucking up those versions in their own way. Delaying only the Switch version for no reason, Making it cost more than the other versions, making them buy shitty games to get good games, its basically all incompetency. Nintendo doesn't have to worry about competing with third parties because third parties are constantly fucking themselves over on Nintendo's systems
Look in a mirror
FF7 had a demo for the N64 you imbecile, why do you think they just moved to PS1 out of nowhere? You have to be a literal naive underage c.u.ck to think Sony didn't pay Squaresoft at the time.
ps4 is a better purchase
The next step is
>Personq sucks, we have the superior SMT!
Literally same cycle that repeats itself every gen.
Pic related obviously
>Armchair developer
opinion discarded
I'm just saying that it's stupidly easy to fake the picture you just posted, nothing about whether or not a port is coming or not.
>No one ever said that
they even believed that Persona 5 will be a 3DS exclusive because Atlus announced "Persona project for 3ds" that turned out to be Persona Q
>Disney properties are bigger than bandaids
>bandaid company pays to use Disney properties
>smash is bigger than persona
Obviously, Nintendo way paying Atlus for the absolute HONOR of being allowed to give free advertising to their literal who weaboo jrpg character, when Nintendo could have used the slot to advertise any number of their own IP. Makes sense.
>CERO forces Sakurai to censor Smash 4
>History can't repeat itself
>Nintendo MUST have done it to appease SJWs
There's more proof on my end than yours faggot
Weak bait.
That's so ironic because I recall sonyroaches trying to claim that SMTV was coming to PS4 months back. Guess time repeats itself, eh?
You're just a retarded child. Everyone was moving to CDs. FF7 would have taken 8 cartridges to fit
In what way did Cero force Sakurai to remove a feather?
Is like half a second of efame really worth being blacklisted by an entire industry and losing whatever spot you had risen up to to get that info in the first place?
That fucking filename.
I'll admit I had to cover it with my hand because I suspected it'd be some liveleak shit where it tore off his hand
the feather was there in smash, resetera complained, and then the feather was removed.
you can try to spin it as much as you want, but it's not going to change the truth of what happened.
Yup. It's gone back to SMT now with nin-toddlers.
Persona 5 ride has gone on for years now. Maybe they can finally taste the bitter defeat. Or deny it as they always do.
What about the rest of your post faggot?
If Persona 5 doesn't come to Switch, then Sakurai is the biggest fucking retard in the world for giving a Sony exclusive free advertising with Super Smash Bros, a Nintendo franchise, for nothing in return. So I'm still totally convinced it's coming sooner or later, one way or another.
Jason Schreier wrote a good article about the behind-the-scenes of Anthem, but I doubt he knows everything about the industry. Hell, I doubt he knows jack shit about what P5S is. There's a reason why he said not to repost his opinion anywhere. I seriously doubt his statement really means anything.
But whatever, this is just a shitposting thread anyway. NINTENDIES BTFO!
Falseflags to make a compilation.
t. smashfag projecting
we are getting SMT5, who cares about fagsona
>Argument has relegated to the fucking feather
>Everything else in this post no longer exists now
Nobody cares about SMT anymore grandpa.
>make retarded post
>respond to retarded post with similar incident
How many levels of seething are you on right now?
>a series no one talks about that struggles to sell 1 million lifetime
I made this image and thought it was shit. Glad to see people liked it and still repost it.
>If Persona 5 doesn't come to Switch, then Sakurai is the biggest fucking retard in the world for giving a Sony exclusive free advertising with Super Smash Bros, a Nintendo franchise, for nothing in return.
not really. they got persona q2 in return, plus the sales from every persona 5 fan who buys a switch for smash. and most importantly, sakurai (who's an idort, unlike his game's autistic fanbase) got the chance to represent a game he loves in smash.
Persona is SMT zoomer
Persona 5 was a shit game, but I hope it's coming on switch to validate the prime trilogy leak
>It's ok when Soýtendo censors games based on cuckera outcry
Nobody did this because of Resetera you moron, the feather wrongly passed through localization and was patched out. Just like the Happy Happyism cultists KKK hats from Earthbound, it was never meant to be seen overseas.
Not an argument
What Sakurai wants is to give Persona 5 and Altus more attention, not Sony
It's also an extremely good PR move on Nintendo's part because Persona 5 is pretty much the darling of the Japanese fanbase right now, people will buy the season pass like crazy
>i-it was supposed to get censored
Holy shit nin-toddlers reaching new levels of cope
>Nobody did this because of Resetera you moron
you're not fooling anyone who hasn't lived under a rock for the past decade. nintendo censored smash due to sjw outcry, just like the industry as a whole has been doing over and over again for years now.
Reminder ResetERA also complained about those black characters being represented by monkeys in Spirit Battles and Nintendo didn't do a fucking thing
Skewed heavily by your target use of it, honestly.
I get better (or no) prices on PC. I get free online play on PC.
I get better local multiplayer on switch, because I can take it to a friends house with far more ease, and no fucking with save file transfers or logging into an account or anything.
My PS4's there because I got gifted a fuckload of games from a friend who was selling his shit, and because I like Gravity Rush 2. I'd have sold it by now otherwise; in the end I'll probably just hand it off to my siblings in a month or sell it to my roommate or something.
Temper tantrum childen crying at a supermarket = portbegging. Guess how old they are now while making Photoshops of games 'perfect for the Switch' and crying about not getting said ports for years on the Switch? Underage fuckers.
Dumbfuck retard.
I think it'a a great image that summaries perfectly how Capcom fucked over both Sony and Nintendo in mere years
Switchfags, how do you feel about Nintendo advertising a PlayStation exclusive game?
if Best Buy doesnt know what is going on how did they have a render of Joker in Smash?
Not anymore gramps now SMT is a Persona spin-off.
>a post on the internet is the same as screaming and crying in a supermarket
Wouldn't, uh.
Wouldn't that make every post complaining about anything the equivalent?
Wouldn't that make YOUR post a tempter tantrum about another child having a tempter tantrum? Did you even think this post through before you clicked the 4 fire hydrants and clicked post, or...?
Nintendo probably feels happy because now Snoyfags will buy a Switch just to play as Joker and beat up Bing Bing Wahoo man
so they can advertise smash?
You said the same about Final Fantasy 7
Why? So you could feel better?
>The period when PlayStation first arrived using CDs rather than cartridges was a tough period for Nintendo with publishers. Nintendo wanted to stay with cartridges to minimize counterfeiting but publishers wanted the extra capacity available on CDs. This was especially true for games like Final Fantasy with rich graphics.
still mad is a personafaggot character instead of Space Mariner/Jack Bros/Flynn from SMTIV
Still SMT zoomer, you can't change facts
If that coincides with product skus, dont you think its possible Nintendo sent them a mass of info on things being revealed this month: Joker, Metroid Prime, new Zelda, P5 Switch?
>it took 20 years, but I got my port!
they would have been wrong, since ff7 got ported to pc a year after it first came out.
>the feather was there in smash, resetera complained, and then the feather was removed
Imagine thinking this
Well I would have like Raidou Kuzunoha but I learnt how to keep my expectation in check
or maybe, just maybe, someone at best buy goofed and made an incorrect listing by accident.
either that, or smtv is confirmed for ps4. take your pick.
kek, yeah right. Just like all witcher players bought soul caliber 6?
Does that EB games listing coincide with a verifiable render of something unannounced from the company in question like Joker's render?
No, because portbeggers are fucked up and unable to move pass a port exactly like a child getting denied a candy bar at a supermarket.
Portbegging is console wars and thread derailing, any good forum would instant ban portbegging for inviting flame wars. Don't like the supermarket? Then use weasel words to defend 8 year old toddler crying in a GameStop for getting told "no, Zelda isn't coming to the Playstation".
>Nintendo wanted to stay with cartridges to minimize counterfeiting
that's not really why they wanted to stay with cartridges, that was just the official excuse that sounded better for pr. the real reason was that they could keep charging a $19 nintendo tax on each cartridge and control the means of production on all third-party games.
why do you think that a persona fan will buy a pseudo fighting game , persona arena sold like shit and joker is not the most popular persona main protagonist i would have prefered Yu and then maybe i would have picked this thing but, persona fans like me and the majority (again look the sales of persona arena) of fans will buy just the jrpg and thats it , if nintendo gave atlus a spot its because they will get something in return , maybe a new persona spin off or some shit
Yes, exactly like that
>port-beggars don't actually want to play the games they beg for, they just want to brag online that a company they dislike lost an exclusive.
In what world do you live in where that's even a single percentage of the problem compared to exclusivity = good faggots while half of what Yea Forums loves to shitpost bombed anyway?
SC6 sold over 12 million?????
never mind a render on a website, sony got a ton of smt-related dlc costumes in the actual game. guess it's even more confirmed, then.
Persona 5 got SMT5 costumes? There should be a reading comprehension test before posting
That explains why they outright ported Chrono Trigger with anime cutscenes and literally left years of Nintendo partnership in a blink of an eye to a new platform that could fail: because of more space. Not because of money Sony obviously paid to third parties to jump to their Playstation hahahahahaha. Yes, of course.
>either that, or smtv is confirmed for ps4
>an edit you made a week ago during the P5 switch shitstorm
Nice damage control
Considering Namco has never shared the sales numbers outside launch, possibly
it's not an edit, it was an actual listing on ebgames from last november.
Only person with any amount of god damn sense in this thread.
>I didn't think
>I feel
Very authoritative definite info here.
Isn't he the guy that said Splatoon 2 doesn't exist?
CDs were the new standard available everywhere while N64 cartridges were proprietary which meant third-parties needed to pay Nintendo an extra to release their games on theit platform
This stuff still exists today with Vita cartridges that are proprietary and being more and more limited due to Sony stopping production, which is why some publishers are cancelling physical releases
This stuff is common knowledge in gaming history
So it was taken down, then? Different situation since the Persona 5 switch leak remains on they system, just hidden.
>years of Nintendo partnership
Or years of Nintendo slavery
That image and the P5 screenshots are both things that are super easy to fake.
You mean the pictures of P5's listing for switch? Its been confirmed by employees a million times and you cant edit that listing yourself from a best buy computer. Its called CoreBlue, its for checking stock. I remember seeing Titanfall 2 shit before it was announced but no one leaked it or cared
t. Use to work at Best Buy
Slavery that they launched a game on the rival platform when they wanted. They could have released their games on Sega consoles and even PC then you retard, just another proof that Sony paid more to them.
persona q
Because he posts articles in a persona fan website and re posts translated tweets from jap devs and jap websites so he gained a following by pretending he knows jap
Who cares? They're the ones losing money. It's got top notch emulation on the PC now with the last release of the PS3 emulator. They could have made a fortune by releasing it multi-plat years ago. But now everyone without a PS3/4 has already played it. Dumbfucks.
Sore loser. It's been 20 years, move on.
so you'd have me believe that everyone who works at Best Buy is too dumb to know how to change an HTML doc?
I actually buy that
3DSchads are okay in my book. fuck switchniggers
Im saying you cant edit an html doc from those computers. That HP is standard issue at Best Buy and you dont have access to the system like its a regular Windows machine
Do those computers not use chrome/firefox/any modern browser with inspect element?
It is okay cucknon, when the Switch gets a price cut it will be good too. The 3ds was also shit when it was expensive. That is how the brain of a pseudohuman works.
Its windows internet explorer on a network that wont let you access most webpages outside of the ones listed in the system. You cant inspect element in CoreBlue, no
Knowing retail, they probably use a custom built intranet browser wit bare minimum functionality.
you have autism
he's a console warrior who'll screech about "handhelds bad"
port-beggars on this board are literally all falseflaggers doing it for le epic screencap, don't kid yourself
Not him but I had a friend begging for a PC port of any Yakuza game because I was having fun with them on my playstation 3 and 4 at the time.
Now that they have access to Pc versions on the games he still doesn't own or care to play them. Too busy playing the exact same shit he has been playing for like 15 years.
sega had cartridges too ans were offering a less stable platform overall than nintendo.
sony was the first company to step up to the plate with a better and fairer deal than nintendo, and that's why all the third parties made the switch.
Mystic is a fag
>Considers himself to be an important pillar in the Persona community
>Says P5R will be a Switch exclusive
>P5R teaser happens revealing PS logo
>Mystic ignores it and says no platforms announced, still coming to switch
>Majority of people start shitting on him and he goes into hiding
>Comes back like 2 days later saying how he's actually a neet, how 2018 has been the worst year for him and that he considered suicide
>Everyone starts praising him for being so brave and that they forgive him
>Mystic says P5R still might come to Switch, if it won't then P5S will surely come to Switch
>And now this happens
You mean those fucks who are still SEETHING about Notch since he's the greatest example of their mortal enemy Yea Forums?
wow it totally confirms that ps4 will get:
- persona 1 remake
- persona 2 remake
- persona 3 remake
- persona 4 remake
- smt if remake
- smt 4 remake
- raidou remake
That perspective is a lot more counterculture in Japan where going against their boomers is unthinkable.
>isn't etrian odyssey pretty much a dead series at this point?
no, there was a teaser
there was nothing in it, just your usual atlus
it was confirmed billion times that persona 5 was actually listed in best buy's
whether it's a real leak is a completely different issue
its all so tiresome
Thanks for the free advertising Sakurai :^)
only video game bloggers? So game journalists and youtubers are in the clear?
i hope you have some ketchup with that my man
Apocalypse was highly Persona for pushing "power of friendship" trash on you the whole game. Even if you went the Massacre route, you still have to sit through all the friendship crap before that. The worst part were the Shesha battles which weren't even challenging, just multiple choice "be a good friend" to win.
>a baby game with baby writing
unlike nintendo games
>switchfags are so starved for games they are still obsessing over a port of a PS3 game
>Snake gets anounced for Brawl
>no MGS game for Wii
>Ryu gets anounced for Smash4
>no Street Fighter games on Wiiu
>Cloud gets anounced for Smash4
>no FF games on Wiiu but a Theathrythim on 3DS
>Megaman anounced for Smash4
>no Megaman game for Wiiu
>Joker gets anounced for SmashU
>Persona Q exists on 3ds and features joker
why do you think they owe you a new game?
No, they said they won't make anymore eo games on the 3ds though
Let. It. Go.
>MGS was already on gamecube, went on to be on 3DS and even have a special edition console
>Street Fighter 2 rerelease is a launch title for switch
>FFVII comes out on switch to basically nobody's surprise
>MM11 came to switch, literally no megaman games came out during the wii u era you double nigger
>other than PQ, PQ2, and almost every megaten game ever (including a crossover with a nintendo franchise that is canon to both) AND a special edition 3DS which means the companies are clearly on great terms, P5 was literally leaked by a reputable retailer for switch the day after the same retailer leaked Joker's smash render
What reason do you have to deny this, it's so fucking cut and dry
*shakes ass while placing hands on mouth to suppress a smug grin*
>Oh boy game journos please don't report my unverified and contrarian rumor, I HATE attention >:3