I used a wall-hack cheat in Combat Arms that I download from MGPH when I was a teenager.
I don't hate niggers
I haven't touched a video game in about 2 years.
I hack in GTA online
I cried when Shadow got deconfirmed for Smash
I don't actually hate videogames.
I spent 100 on the pre-order for Black Desert Online and 60 on Let It Die. I fucking hate both those games.
i bet my friend 100 dollars that artifact would have a 100k playerbase a year after its launch
I accepted Piranha Plant's place in Smash
I can't get over her
Fat girls only
I stopped playing games last year & simply watch the movie versions of games i'm interested in on Youtube
I told my wife I would choose her over video games this time. It's a lie and it's going to ruin our marriage.
I motherfucking despise DMCV thanks to the people here, dmc3 is still cool though.
Forgive me father, I collect bad video games and its addictive.
I jack off to ryona contents.
Most of the games I considered my favorite I still haven't finished. I just get sidetracked and never go back to finish them, or I'm too bad at them and am unable to finish them.
I built a $1600 pc a few weeks ago and the most resource heavy game I've played so far is XCOM 2
I met two cute sissy boys on here during April 1st and they've both accepted that they're my property and constantly send me nudes and erp requests, but I'm not actually gay
Made it
>that webm
i can't get into paradox games or rpgs, but i can spend hours on a platformer or old school runescape
I dislike Final Fantasy despite trying my hardest to be convinced otherwise by those who felt some sort of attachment to the franchise.
I fucking despise smash and think it's an awful game but I force myself to play it competively because all my friends are smash players
How does it feel to be this deep in the closet?
I save scum when I can and I partipate in janny meme threads
I'm playing BOTW and I'm constantly referring to walkthroughs and videos to get all the best weapons and armor
I cheat all the time in multiplayer games. I used LMAOBox in TF2 for years. I find it absolutely hilarious.
The Last of Us, Half Life 2 and Ocarina of Time are my favorite games
I consider myself a die hard Zelda fan even though I've never played a 2D game for more than an hour
I paid a cute girl 15 dollars to take a picture with me to convince my mom and friends I have a girlfriend
I may occasionally oblige their erp requests and sometimes fap to their nudes, but I swear I'm not gay
The first time I killed Manus in Dark Souls I killed him using a bow from outside the arena.
>millions of those in the world
Oh no a 100 of them died
Who actually cares
I pooped on my friend N64 when I was a kid as a joke
I like bad games because they have cute girls on them
This made my dick rock hard. Time to go fap.
A grill gave me her number last night but I'm not going to text it. Fapped immediately after waking up and no longer care about anything.
Things that never happened
I buy Pokémon games so I can jack off to the females characters.
I cheesed Nameless King with a bow glass cannon build and I felt good about it.
I couldn't stand the grind in xenoblade so I just looked up the rest of the game on YouTube
When I see a cute girl my peepee feels funny
I can't stand japanese games at all and might murder some random weeb in an ironic fashion for I consider then subhuman degenerates.
>Bow Glass Cannon
What the fuck? Bows are ass in DS3, if anything that sounds like a challenge
Real cheese is bleed builds
What are u a shitter
Digimon is actually to confusing for me
Homosexuality of this level of faggotry is more common than you think in this community bro, dont doubt it.
I went on a date with a girl who likes games
The only Zelda game I've ever played was Twilight Princess
I shitpost on Yea Forums about games I never played to incite argument, usually trying to angle on personal attacks and delibrate misunderstandings until some user starts getting upset and won't stop feeding me (You)s
But why is there a choice in the first place? Why does she care you play?
I thought Xenoblade 2 was going to be an action RPG when I bought it
Instead I got loud Europeans screaming at me and anime titties
I cheesed gale by getting 69 vit and wearing full smoughs.
Felt good to spam r1 with a war pick, not giving a fuck about his attacks.
My penis hurts all the time (burning sensation) and doctors can't figure out what's wrong
Also I don't like mass effect
and most of this cesspit of a board
Yea Forums was never good, zoomer
Here they are playing together while I was asleep
Hmmm so you get erect at the idea of putting your peepee in their butts and mouths and fap to it? Is there something you'd like to talk about,user?
Based and Boompilled
not denying it just saying those things didnt happen
hes probably some lonely fat neck beard jerking off to the idea of it no one would want to interact with him
you three should kill yourselves.
Open wide
Me and my friend send nudes to each other and he and I knows that if his other friend finds out, that friend will get really butt hurt. Also we play Smash a lot
The only legend of zelda game I like is Minish Cap.
Far Cry 5 is a lot of fun and I'm enjoying it despite regularly shitting on Ubisoft games
Disable enemy tracking though that shit is lame.
>frogposter saying stupid shit
like clockwork
Why is there a choice in the first place?
Welp he posted proof.
Turns out I was right.... I really wish I wasnt.
Half-Life 1 is an excellent game that is still highly playable, and if you're a graphicsfag there's always Black Mesa as a good option, but I enjoy Half-Life 2 and the episodes more.
One of those lads are underage mate. Just a warning.
I ate an orange cream popsi-wait, this is the wrong board
I hate niggers.
I believe everything you said except this one word
I love Far cry 5, I dont get the hate. Me and my roommate blast the king of the hill theme as we play it.
Its normal to not enjoy a checkbox simulator
unless its stellaris
I think Jet Set Radio is shit and people only like it for the music or if they played it as a kid with no other games to play.
I think its pretty bad too.
Who the fuck gets turned on at reading MMM HGOOG NOM NOM YOU LIKE THAT *SLAP SLAP*
I seriously don't get it
When you're desperate, it'll suffice. source: I use to do that shit all the time before cleaning up and getting out of the house more. Put an end to that in a hurry. These lads are in a bad way.
I wish there was a way to ban anyone whose IP has visited resetera. I don’t care why they did it. If they so much as loaded a thread, ban. Ban their whole provider.
I found it to be good but I do enjoy the music and artstyle a lot and playing tony hawk games
The way the game controls is a bit weird and because of the genre of the game i can see why that can be a deal breaker
Swedes and/or turbo bottom bunking gaybois
I wish Yea Forums would stop yelling at me about Epic vs Steam and how I should wait a year to play something I'm interested in because of that.
Fuck you, It's my wallet, my money I earn from my job, and I do what I wish with it. If there are regrets made, then I OWN those regrets, I don't excuse myself.
Also I've had the Epic launcher for months and have played Fortnite with my sister, I've never had anything happen to my computer at all.
So fuck off and lemme enjoy the vidya I enjoy in peace.
also p.s., spamming Anti-Chinese stuff isn't witty or funny, it's just annoying and autistic.
I don't think this is fat, this is morbid obesity.
i am actively avoiding using my usual username to avoid certain people who have such a low chance of finding me because of online relationships in an mmo. shits embarrassing
you should be using that for kawakami you degenerate
I think manufactured outrage is genuinely annoying and has no place in video games. I really wish Yea Forums would stop falling for it and just talk about video games.
>t. Jealous fags
They send me nudes all the time, and I can confirm that they are both cute boys. keep crying, incels
the only single player games i play are either rhythm games or tetris, i cant get myself to play anything story based for more than like three hours
Show pics then.
You can censor them but still
I don't know user you would have to show their butts as evidence...
I have trouble getting hard and today I watched some Sue lightning porn and it made me diamonds.
So you personally find them cute? Are you sure you're not gay?
I play Elder Scrolls Blades
ur screenshot of ur shitty discord of u roleplaying with urself is deleted u can leave now
also it isnt hard to find pics on the internet and use them as ur own catfishing is a thing u know retard
they are probably overweight neckbeards erping as sissies + catfishing and u give them ur monies or whatever
have fun giving monies to some neckbeard catfish faggot
What happen to all of them
I don't play it anymore, but I don't regret the hundreds of hours I spent playing League of Legends.
Me too, i recently never touch PC and only play mobile games
I will never understand you rampant homosexuals.
hey guys this girl totally texts me all the time and we erp on discord!
i took the picture, btw I'm 7'2" ;)
ur gay
She reminds me to mark from peep show
I play games more to socialize and (in overwatch's case) catfish lonely women than because I actually enjoy playing games anymore
You're gay, user. There's nothing wrong with that. Just set yourself free and you'll feel better.
show butt
I save scummed to hell in CK2 in order to build my empire.
Anyway someone help me out here, am I the only one that feels Yea Forums wants to "force an idea" onto me every time I hop on here? Like just seeing how aggressive every "fuck epic" thread is. Like if I even decide to show interest in games like Outer World or Borderlands 3, then IM apparently some fucking loser for doing so.
I'm usually better by just hiding those threads, I don't usually need validation these days, I know what I like what what and why I'm interested in certain games, and sometimes Yea Forums doesn't agree with me, either on factual reasons or legit concerns, OR, just calling me a beta cuck, throwing up a twitter screen cap and just forcing me out of the conversation before declaring victory.
BUT, right now I want some validation, I want to ask who else here is just tired of all this negative shitposting that just takes the fun outta browsing Yea Forums?
>that small ass kitchen
huge kitchens are for wasps
everything is a competition
everyone has to be mad
this board is just /pol/ lite with some video games on the side
I just hate how I feel "forced on".
More or less all boards are /pol/ lite. The more traffic a board gets, the more like /pol/ it becomes.
I unironically love /pol/ and I browse it as one of my main boards alongside Yea Forums and /tg/
Wasps have no use for kitchens retard, we eat all our food raw
I don't see a point to this website anymore. If you actually want to discuss a video games you're better off on its specific forums, or reddit, or the /vg/ general in the first month or so. Ideally you just make some real fucking friends and talk to them about it, far away from any sort of mixing with the unwashed public.
The appeal of this website was that almost all internet humor originated here and gestated for months or even years before finding itself elsewhere, and that the mods let any activity or discussion slide so long as it was legal. The former hasn't been the case since 2012 at least, what with the site become a gigantic pepe dump and nothing more, and the latter has just whittled down the userbase into people who somehow find satisfaction in calling everyone a cuck nigger tranny all fucking day, so people who'd rather talk about something else just *go* somewhere else.
Another issue I have is that Yea Forums is casual as holy hell. Any thread on fighting games, RTS, competitive fps, etc makes this immediately apparent and I don't even have to explain it further than that. Yea Forumsirgins only want comfy escapism with the occasional dip into fromsoft "difficulty". So not only are the users both boring and irritating, they're also very weak gamers skill-wise and patience-wise. What a combo.
this whole site isnt about video games retard just this board and /vg/
>actually having to log on a forum and moderate urself because ur linked to an account
no thanks fag
what are u even on about
shut up faggot
and im not reading all of that
I didn't like Spec Ops: The Line. I thought they were trying to hard to be edgy.
I didn't like Okami and thought it was just a Gamecube Zelda game but worse.
I think Psychonauts sucked.
I don't think Red Dead 2 was trying to push an agenda.
I'm sick of Super Smash Bros and never want to play it again.
I think Yea Forums has this contradicting double standard where they'll probably shit on someone for being a casual normalfaggots for games, and then also shit on people who are obsessively autistic for games, despite those two being opposites.
>But they're not the same people!
No. There are definitely people who shit on both despite it not making sense. I think people are just going to find any reason to shit on someone they don't agree with.
I like the Steve memes
I'm convinced anyone on Yea Forums who goes on about how much they absolutely hate women in reality or fiction are severely fucked up people who have never spoken to a woman in years.
Like sure Stacy can be a bitch sometimes, but you don't need to demand Government mandated sex slavery because of it.
I'm sick of this board and hardly come here anymore.
I gave Doom a 4/10, which is lower then what i gave Final Fantasy XV. I don't regret it at all, Doomfags are the most insufferable group of faggots behind Soulsfags, Sonyfags & Smash fags. I can't stand how they use Influence as the only argument to defending their piece of shit PC games & immediately cry using buzzwords at whoever disagrees
I consider western games completely un-salvageable. It's not even an "old good new bad" thing. It feels like maybe 92-96% of all western games (of all time) have been cringe garbage whereas this number is more like 40% for Japanese games
I'm the neighborhood tutor and I teach kids or flat out sell them my old high school/community college notes and teach kids SAT prep and other shit that I know. During a session a 15 year old girl grabbed my dick and wouldn't let go until their Mom walked in. I am legit stunned and horrified that I didn't ask her to stop or even react.
Also, I think Peace Walker is the best Metal Gear game
I consume cocaine since last year
Literally everyone with a brain would agrre with all of these. Indisputable truths.
I played every fallout games (except 1 & 2 of course) and Skyrim too with godMode on
JSRF is good, but the original is horrid. The controls, camera, and graffiti technique are all shit. It just feels like a frustration to play.
>this board is just /pol/ lite
Every non-porn board is /pol/-lite, and Yea Forums isn't even that bad relatively. Try spending a day on /his/.
I used to but I haven't been able to enjoy it except during happenings since le cheeto's inauguration. /pol/ becoming the new entry board destroyed it, though we did get some of the greatest irl shitposts of all time out of it.
>Ideally you just make some real fucking friends and talk to them about it, far away from any sort of mixing with the unwashed public.
This board is shit but literally the only real reason why I'm here is because finding people who actually play the games I'm into is harder than you'd think and on here, I can start a thread about almost any game and get a discussion going, whereas most people IRL I run into who play vidya are massive casuals who only play CoD, Fallout, Overwatch, PUBG, Fortnite, etc.
>Another issue I have is that Yea Forums is casual as holy hell. Any thread on fighting games, RTS, competitive fps, etc makes this immediately apparent and I don't even have to explain it further than that. Yea Forumsirgins only want comfy escapism with the occasional dip into fromsoft "difficulty". So not only are the users both boring and irritating, they're also very weak gamers skill-wise and patience-wise. What a combo.
This is somewhat true but there ARE the occasional people here who do know what they're talking about.
Although it is pretty hilarious to see posts talking about how black people suck at video games when your average Yea Forumsirgin is complete trash and doesn't know a fucking thing about vidya.
Eh, people here are legitimately insane, with how they demand that EVERY fictional female character in all of existence needs to satisfy their dick or else they're "objectively bad characters," but there is a kernel of truth in that it is becoming increasingly hard for some people to find sex or relationships for a variety of different reasons.
Also, the racism here sucks too. Like motherfuckers on here act like they're being sent to concentration camps just because a dev included a non-white person in their game. Or god forbid, an African-American person of the female variety.
About 80% of all /pol/ posts on Yea Forums are falseflaged by me
I also argue with idiots despite clearly knowing that my words cannot change them or their worldview yet i still do it
I savescum in SRPGs that feature permadeath. I can't stand the thought of losing one of my comrades.
I found out I was gay when I first realized I wanted to fuck medic
i bought DLC for a fucking sword art online game
omg i have the same gif
it wont even let me post it haha
I use guides quite often to point me in the right direction during a game. Knowing where to go helps avoid running around aimlessly at times, and I feel better knowing I will get to experience all content without missing anything.
Recent example, I was looking at how to get the different endings in sekiro.
i find zero shame in using guides because i have a much busier life now, and dont have time to sink in vidya like i used to. id rather just get to experience the whole game in a timely manner