We can accept blizzcucks hatred of FF14

We can accept blizzcucks hatred of FF14
Or we may defy it
However we can not deny it
Discuss theories on how exactly we are going to be sent to the first shard, I really hope it's not something as lazy as walking into the crystal tower and having it be some sort of nexus point that takes us to another shard just by walking out of a different door

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Other urls found in this thread:


Of course not
We will walk through a door in Kugane
Please looking forward to it

Why was the 4.5 story split up when there was literally only 45 minutes of story, 5 of which was that awful RP battle?

What, you DIDN'T like running in a circle around Zenos for 5 minutes waiting for WoL to show up?

Would have at least been more tolerable if it wasn't smashing the 1 key and occasionally pressing the other keys when off cooldown/dot falling off.

Surprised the no dps healers didn't lose their shit at being forced to play a dps like Hien

>First boss of Heavensward was a white griffon
>Final boss of Heavensward was The White Griffon

>final boss of first SB dungeon is a siren
>final boss of final dungeon is 2 women

2 more years

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It's literally likely to be just like that. I don't see them handling it any other way, unless it's a sort of portal that we have to force open and get through before it closes, but they won't do that since we wouldn't be able to get home.

Although I guess they could, if we have two bodies and simply send our aether to the other. We could have a portal open and fight back the sin eaters to push into the first, shut the portal, and then find an alternate way back without opening the door for them again.

for some reason Yoshi is deathly afraid of giving us buttons during those missions. It was fine with Yshtola, but Hien shouldve gotten way more tools.

Hien played just like a healer though
>1 DoT
>1 attack
Healers probably felt right at home.


I feel like I should macro these lines to some of my drk abilities

Not like the moment we go to the first shard we won't be bouncing back and forth with aetherytes anyway.


Fight was absolutely fun as fuck, it wasn't even difficult, just regularly occurring mechanics that were fun to work around. And watching the train wreck that was Crush Weapon wipe people was always a treat.

That's what I mean, they didn't even lock us out of Ul'dah when we were a wanted man. It'd be cool to see them do something like that though, where we have to advance the MSQ so far to make it back.

Just imagine if that was at the beginning and everyone was locked behind Raubahn 2.0 due to everyone going Dancer/Gunbreaker.

I liked the atmosphere with the whole
>The Warrior of Light is nowhere to be seen
Showing how desperate they were and pretty much doing whatever they could just to survive and slowdown Zenos.
But yeah the fight should have been a little more complex instead of just spamming two buttons. Guess they were afraid braindead healers would fail so they had to dumb it down.

Weren't there healers on the OF bitching about not being able to clear the fight as Yshtola because it required them to do more than just heal?

I can only imagine the clusterfuck that awaits us on launch day. I was disappointed I took a couple of days off of work to play SB, when I wound up waiting in queue for two of them.

>Queuing for some fuckass dungeon as DPS to continue the main quest at 4AM
The risk I took was calculated, but man am I bad at math

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people on the OF will bitch about having to breathe if given the chance

my server is getting moved to crystal so im more worried about balmungers infesting my server trying to do shit cause they can't do anything in theirs

The bright side is that you have priority in queues if it is your first time doing the content.

That's why you level a tank on the side

Actually attacking as Hien is just a placebo. You could have literally AFK'd and the fight would finish at the same time.

it is, the crystal towers is a constant on every world

I sure love that priority.

DPS is actually the role I level up on the side, but I started to get a little bored of Tank/Healer so I decided to focus a little more on it

We've already been to the Thirteenth and there was no Crystal Tower there

I found it easier to win by doing nothing. If you're attempting to burn Zenos down and going all out, he'll almost certainly outlast you. Best just to keep your dot up and kite him around.

Personally, I think they should give you the basic NPC actions, unless you actually have the class unlocked, at that point, it just changes you to that specific class for the session with a skin as the NPC you're playing with, maybe with a couple of duty actions for their unique abilities. People who didn't have Samurai up would have a shitty time, people who did would get to do their normal thing.

That would actually probably require more effort to setup than a cutesy little fight using already existing mount mechanics

Will Eden be edgier than *touches scar*?

you tell me

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Nomura is involved so we may never know.

Oh god I realized that the way they changed your layout was by making "Roleplaying" a status effect, I never considered that the model change and input change was by making it a mount, fucking hell.

That just means that every player that has finished the story mounted Y'shtola at one point.

That bitch is so stupid I don't even know how to feel about it.

bruh look at this dude


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Jihli is fucking hot.

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I am expecting that you will need some suspension of disbelief for the MSQ and that it will largely ignore the idea of pingponging between the two Shards. A few NPCs will have quippy dialogue about "huh WoL I thought you were gone??"

>and that it will largely ignore the idea of pingponging between the two Shards
Yoshi already said they're going to explain that using the Echo. It's already been shown in the story to have the ability to break down the laws of reality itself so WoL will probably find some way to just tear open the dimensional membrane casually and lol at dumbfuck Shadowniggers that went and abandoned their flesh so they could move between worlds.

This can't actually be the case because the response times of mount actions are different (see Rival Wings mechs) and the RP NPC actions use the server timing of player weaponskills/spells. And while it would make more sense for them to be one underlying system, XIV is full of redundant spaghetti coding.

Reminder that male viera will never happen.

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Yoshida said people who make up unsourced quotes should unsub from his game, I read it in a interview.

I'm considering using my free fantasia to turn into a potato. Please stop me

Her expression in this image makes me think she hid an egg up her pussy and can't get it out and now she doesn't know what to do.

>Q: You said the main stage of the scenario will be in The First. Will you be able to go and return freely from one world to the other?
>Yoshida: Warriors of Light will be able to travel freely because of the Echo. They are able to cross the parallel worlds and the Interdimensional Rift…. The lore we thought of is really convenient, if you ask me (laugh).

Next time try keeping up to date on information yourself, faggot.

*Waddles towards Nidhogg*

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>tfw play both games

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*zoom in on potato*

>tfw playing XI during the lull

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>can never go home again
>treated with the same disdain as a mhigger refugee when playing FF14
Life must be tough for you man

It had the intended effect, thanks.

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Started to run across bards past level 50 that never use their songs.

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Goth Kairi has Massive lips

Conversely, all the NPCs in the Ivalice quest line who mention that "they expected you to be taller", when you're a max height male Roe.

>run across
That's the majority of DF bards.

Any small Free Companies on Tonberry? Looking for some people to play and chat with, but dont wanna just some mass invite FC. Looking to get back into the game.

>all those ARR quests where the camera pans from Minfilia to your character
>potatoes are blocked from view by Minfilias desk

Holy shit, how many intentionally goofy ass animations like this have I missed out on?

How are ausniggers still here, I thought you got sealed away from the internet after yet another mass shooting

We cleared o12s tonight.

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lalajews are why we can't have nice things

>post echo
You didn't really clear it

I wish I cleared o12s tonight, need more clears, give me all the oufits..

I'll clear your butthole out with cum pretty boy.

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>We can accept blizzcucks hatred of FF14
WOW players are defecting to FFXIV at higher rates than ever.

Why does FFXIV copy WoW more than it does FFXI?

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I dunno guys. This seems pretty cute.

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evil creature

Because one of those MMO's is still supported to this day.

And they're both still supported, retard.

Because xi sucked. Which is why 1.0 bombed

Dos goblinos

He needed a safe option to recover from the initial 4.0 failure

When was the last XI expansion?

I feel like that there was meant to be more but for whatever reason we didn't get it. 4.46 was a joke as a conclusion to Stormblood.

They hyped up taking down Garlemald and the whole "WoL is nowhere to be seen" made it feel like something big wad supposed to happen. Then we got 30 seconds of fighting before "lol go to Crystal Tower".

At least we went home to Ishgard in the end.

2015 last I checked

Is there really nothing else until May?

Because WoW is more popular you dumb anime slut. Do you ask why companies are all jumping into the Battle Royale bandwagon instead of making Forklift Simulators?

Post-ARR XIV does because it was Yoshida's assignment to resurrect a failed MMO and WoW is the most successful MMO ever financially. Because it worked they will continue to until it doesn't. You ever had a job more complicated than Walmart clerk?

>something big wad supposed to happen
Well, it could still be. Suppose for example Garlemald genocides Eorzea with Black Rose, they wouldn't want to do that as a cliffhanger ending with months until the expac because it leaves the players in an entirely negative tension.

with them being beast tribes, we can kill a whole bunch of lalafells whenever we want

When was WoWs last expansion?

>Suppose for example Garlemald genocides Eorzea with Black Rose, they wouldn't want to do that as a cliffhanger ending with months until the expac because it leaves the players in an entirely negative tension
Yeah, not like they've previously ended an expansion with you being on the run after being framed for regicide with all your friends missing. Or a false flag operation ending in a mass human sacrifice and the implication that you're now at war.

MAy is the next time they're doing a Live Letter. We have the Easter and FFXV ingame events to hold us over until then.

2018, dumbo.

Exactly. XI is a dead game, even with all of WoW's fuck ups it still has more players than XI had in it's peak.

2.5 is closer but not at all the same, no. And the 3.5 comparison is just stretching it.

Oh, I misread the point of that question. I didn't intend to get involved in a meaningless brand loyalty argument. My mistake.

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It'd be pretty cool to have Eorzea be wiped out by Black Rose and us being sent back to the past a day before it happens to try and rewrite history. Maybe see a scene with the emperor winning his war entirely, only to realize the Ascians fuck him over somehow and he's simply brought about another calamity, while being powerless to stop it. And the only way we can fix things is to seek him out and end this madness before he releases the poison that spreads like a miasma across all of Eorzea.

Could even have something like AM be ground zero, and we have an instanced zone or dungeon of the future where we have to traverse and look for clues how it was introduced and why it got out of control.

Rock on furfag. Rock on.

Whatever happened to inceniroar poster?

>time traveling
I'd rather not. Not that I have anything against it but it will just bring in unending eternal bitchings.

Yeah basically.

>those feet

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I want to believe there's something complex and interesting going on with Varis but based on stuff like Tataru's weird behavior in 2.5 or Thordan's "what ARE you" or all the other hints at things that never went anywhere despite being given obvious and intentional gravitas, I'm betting it's nothing, just some writers make him more cartoonishly evil because they don't want you forgetting Empire bad.

But Eorzea can't be Black Rose'd.

With how the game is set up with having multiple jobs and quests available at anytime, Eorzea itself has huge plot armor. They can't destroy or kill a bunch of people because maybe you haven't done the level 5 CUL quest yet and that has to remain available to you.

If any place gets gassed, it's going to be either off screen or some place we can't get to or haven't been to. It takes away a lot of the tension and drama they're trying to build up.

Time travel should stay in Alexander.

On the other hand, Final Fantasy 1 is literally a 'stop the evil with time travel' plot and XIV is nothing but fanservice and callbacks.

It doesn't look like time travel more like alternate worlds.

I personally don't like it either, but having Groundhog Doomsday is about the only acceptable form, and they've already teased the whole time shenanigans with the "eon become instant" thing. At least it doesn't require a massive handwave or causality break like sending someone back a decade or so.

>Discuss theories on how exactly we are going to be sent to the first shard
We used the Crystal Tower to travel to the Thirteenth shard back in ARR. We're just going to do that to the First shard.

Its really not that complicated. The hard part is getting back into the Crystal Tower, which is probably what that device Not-Graha'Tia left for us is.

FF1's time travel is also done through a crystal of darkness. Ascians use crystals of darkness and Nabriales was shown invoking the power of Zodiark in order to warp time.

You time travelled back to A11 in A12.

>I really hope it's not something as lazy as walking into the crystal tower and having it be some sort of nexus point that takes us to another shard just by walking out of a different door

And yeah, it'll be just that most likely. I figure thats exactly why there's a Crystal Tower on the First shard. Travel from tower to tower.

What, it's just a modded miqo'te mOH MY GOODNESS


>They can't destroy or kill a bunch of people because maybe you haven't done the level 5 CUL quest yet and that has to remain available to you.
The CUL quest says and does things that are literal nonsense if you're far enough in the MSQ. You're basically time travelling anyway. There is absolutely fucking nothing stopping them from loading new maps with new quest chains and the like tied to them and allowing you to swap back to the old maps via some kind of glowy "rememberance point."

Yeah you right. I completely forgot that happens during the add phase. But even so I highly doubt any future story elements will have time travel to a huge degree.

Because WoW proved there's a bigger audience for MMOs that aren't MMOs vs MMOs that are MMOs.

>If any place gets gassed, it's going to be either off screen or some place we can't get to or haven't been to. It takes away a lot of the tension and drama they're trying to build up.
i can see Varis gassing the other nations surrounding garlemald. they're a lot closser and thus a bigger immediate threat. compared to eorzea and doma. I just hope Zenos wont kill Elidibus and Varis and he'll be crowned the new emperor

Viera are made for hrothgar dick

>that device G'raha Tia left for us
inb4 it's a ladder, to climb in through a second story window

Well did say that Garlemald was in uproar. At this point I would doubt him going as far as gassing his own people.

IIRC they confirmed that depending on your prog in the 5.0 story areas will look different. You will progress through areas that are being taken by Light and only ever have a daycycle and you go in and fuck up everything and it resumes it's day/night cycle.

why aren't you an au ra

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everyone looking forward to everyone dying and coming back again after you rewrite history?

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There aren't any "other nations" surrounding Garlemald. Garlemald has conquered all of Ilsabard well before even the events of 1.0.

>japanese MMO
>almost all of the porn is ((western)) trash

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I don't think they have the balls to kill anyone off even temporarily.

Literally the entire reason he's okay with using the gas is so that he can avoid sending his own people to war to be slaughtered. He's trying to save lives on his side. He's not going to gas his own people unless he's possessed by an Ascian.

I was assuming during the Zenos fight that he would actually kill you and that you would Echo-resurrect and that would be the tie-in to the idea of you changing over to WoD. Silly me!

Those aren't even feet, those are hooves. Hooves with heels.

Because I like fem highlander much more.


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They stated they only did shit like that because they had recently watched Game of Thrones and wanted to emulate it. I feel like that has since worn off after so many years.

>everyone asking why didn't we save him

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who else here is gonna play wow classic AND shadowbringers

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they're not his people if they rebel

Too soon.

Which server on Primal shouldi join?

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Isn't WoW clazzic supposed to be very time-consuming?

I'm a bit worried. The biggest feature announced or the expansion is fucking new game+.

Literally the only reason was that Squeenix wanted to reveal Shadowbringers being about going to the First Shard at the fanfest rather than have everyone and their mother figure it out after playing the last few main story quests. (Some people did anyway.)

No no no NO! You can only like one thing at a time! Cut that out!


I already play "wow classic", it's private servers.

I'm perfectly fine and looking forward to New Game+, because of all those fun solo duty fights that aren't repeatable in the Unending Journey.

>Too soon.


To be honest, most solo duty fights aren't even that fun.
The most enjoyable one for me was the one where Tataru JUST'd herself during the four lords quest.

sure you could poopsock it like any game, but most people who played wow did so casually. maybe your hour or two of play time would be running a dungeon, or making it from auberdine to ironforge, or maybe just doing your class quest.

I can think of a few that were entertaining. Which are you looking forward to? But I don't mind new game plus by itself, it's just worrisome that it's the advertised feature of shadowbringers.

Or just something like PvP abilities. Simple shit thats easy to do, and consolidated to a few buttons.

>male bunnies get snubbed by gay lions
the barafags win this expansion

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good job user. Now farm your favorite glam and weapon.

>Running a dungeon only took an hour or two.
Sure, if you already had a group waiting for you like a bunch of friends. Trying to get a public group together was a time consuming event, consisting of at least an hour sitting in LFG or Trade and hoping you'd find four other people. And after summoning stone functionality was added, debating who would run out to use it. Or if you were a warlock, being forced to make the run so two of your laziest group members could sit their ass in Stormwind while everyone else trekked to Scarlet Monestary or Desolace.

Then, you'd actually get into the dungeon and most people would barely know how to play their class, let alone function in a dungeon. I met at least a couple dozen warriors that didn't know of or understand the concept of aggro, healers who never casted heals, and damage dealers who couldn't use or avoid breaking CC. Finishing the dungeon wasn't a certainty after 30 minutes of play, finishing the dungeon at all was a coin toss because not only were a lot of people new to WoW, they were new to MMOs in general.

This completely changes with people you know though, since none of the recruitment time, bickering, or usually poor skill comes into question.


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Because the original FFXIV did and was a complete clusterfuck and nearly killed the company.

when they make blu into a real job

I'm going to marry Y'shtola!

>sent to the first shard
Are you saying they're sharding the servers? Well, rest in peace FF14. Sharding is the gayest shit and part of what killed WoW.

I gotta commend you on that bait.

I fucking WISH we got actual female Ronso instead of female roe headswap we'll get in 6.0.

That looks fucking horrible and I hope Male Viera never exist.

Fuck faggots.

Old hag

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She's going to die in ShadowBringers

isn't she?

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In a just world, these would be the male Viera we need.

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when we can chose our horns on au ra

I love her! I want to make her my wife!

>fuck faggots
and yet we are getting the Hrothgar instead, the gays will be getting what they want

Maybe, I finally got around to doing her 100% kino quests.

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But the more obnoxious gays and trannies won't

>hair highlight abomination
Why do they keep using those in NPCs? Fordola and that cat from the Ananta quest would've looked much better without the autistic color combination

>there are "people" who don't clear out sidequests from an area as they pass through it in the MSQ

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How long did it take you to find out the wooden bridge was a fallen tree
Not telling you mine, too embarrassing.

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Yeah, that's right. No need to waste the exp on your first class through msq as it's a free boost to 70.

In XIV? What?

her body will die by her soul will live on temporary controlling Y'shtolas body since G'raha messed up somehow

Ala Mhigo is still prime material for getting the gas given that we've never actually stepped foot in the city proper outside of an instanced dungeon and some story scenes, and like with the other regions of Eorzea the 4.0 zones only account for part of the state's territory. But when it comes to the idea of the four other city-states having plot armor, I'm kind of worried by the upcoming NG+ system and the real reasons for its implementation. We still don't know jack about it besides what the concept of New Game+ usually implies (replaying story content, even though you could already catch up on story events through Unending Journey and even though most solo duties aren't particularly interesting to warrant revisiting). It's probably not good to imagine something so lofty from the FF14 dev team, but what if changes *were* actually coming to old areas as well, and NG+ would just be a way to revert things back to the way they were prior to 5.0, so you could still do everything the game has to offer?

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Not more than this padded out shit, no, the game was actually very casual when it came out, compared to its competitors

But Matoya's quests were added in post-HW patches. You outed yourself, WoWfugee.

No they weren't, you fucking retard. They were there on launch. I did them.

Broom quests? No, they were in on launch.

There were available the moment you finished Matoya's section in MSQ.


Always nice to see the retards out themselves.


i dont like how they move like dainty little flowers despite everyone saying they're super tough warriors

gap moe

>firing up the vpns just to damage control this hard

>playing a female character
>claims to care about being a believable badass

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not everyone likes dressing in erp gear and bending over in dark alley's user


So we went from facing literal cartoon villains to now we'll face off against Christians, because being virtuous and purging evil people is bbbbbaaaaaadddddddd.

only trope now is killing the "good" god thats tell ordering us to spread light to all creation

Heavensward was 4 years ago mhigger

aye, fair enough

No it's more akin to light elemental demons in smt or persona

We fought the Catholic Church in Heavensward you idiot. Now we're just fighting aliens that look like angels.

It wasn't even that evil, considering it was attempting to drive out the Ascian threat and end the dragonsong war. It was just the fact that becoming a primal fucks up the world by draining aether from it, just like voidsent, and the fact he'd probably turn his attention to the rest of the world after unifying Ishgard.

I never played SMT or Person so I wouldn't know.

But angels are the good guys even when they're quote un quote bad because the ones who fight against angels want to continue to be degenerates and chose human "love" over God's love.

Do you think that means Hydeyalan is really the bad guy?

Well excuse me it's been awhile since I played Heavensward and I remember that the church stuff wasn't important. It was more about Nighog being emo about his sister.

Thordan got tempered the moment he summoned the old dude.

Yes, that was his plan. His law for the world was going to be "worship me or be executed for heresy"

Of course, I never said Thordan or the church were evil or wrong. But we did fight the Pope.

Just by using this website you are committing probably at least three different sins.

Thordan would have been a great leader and not be tempered. Iceheart was fine despite summoning a primal into her.

This liberal brainwashing of dictator automatically means bad needs to go.

I'm a Christian White Male. I don't commit sin.

Iceheart was fine because she had the echo. Thordan did not.

>forgetting The Vault and Ser Charibert
>forgetting the kino Knights of the Round animation

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Enjoy having your game overrun by furfags, you fuck.

Can't blame me since it was pretty forgettable. The only thing I remember was the black elf shouting sickness must be purge, because he's right even though he is black.

the normal mode is such a bad fight though. even though the extreme came later and made the fight good, it will forever be a horrible memory for me. Maybe because of the wait for 3.1 added to it.

It already fucking is overrun by all sorts of clowns, do you think this will be any different?

Charibert isn't black, he's gyaru.

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im sure you aren't aware of this but there are a lot of miqo'te and au ra players that are furries,they've been here since the beginning user

he's in my triple triad main deck! pretty useful card.

Femroes also have a gigantic furry population.

How's that boot taste

The art for Hatchingtide is certainly better this year

Remember that one year where it looks like they drew vore fetish art or something but then tweaked it to be SFW

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>Christian is thin skinned
Who would have thought


I wish you fags would stop using "gyaru" as another word for tanned/black.

most furries are male roes or catboys

I don't know. How is that taste of gibsmedat from the government working out for you while you been the knee to jews who only see you as goy?


If the guy isn't light he is dark.

>Do you think that means Hydeyalan is really the bad guy?
>she wants you to spread light
>tell you not to listen to the Asciens
>1st shard is flooded with light despite minfilias "effort"
>shes so weak that its better for a world to become a Void as long as asciens can't use it

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>bringing real world politics into a fantasy world

about two weeks or so ago a user looked up the names of people who posted on the of and a lot of catboys were furries with some really disgusting fetishes

*summons chess knights, 2 chains, and flame aoes all at once right after using a tank buster*
heh, nothin personnel, rats...

You brought it up first by going against dictatorship, because the opposite of dictatorship is "democracy" and we can see the shitholes that democracy has done.

>triggered libtards in xiv threads
every time, never gets old

And she did all this knowingly because she couldn't stop womansplaning to Zodiark.

that world becoming a light void would also hurt hydaelyn as well, which is why we're going to stop it. unfortunately her power has faded over time so that she can't even match our God's power of appearing on toast.

whose triggered?

>been the knee
>doesn't know evangelicals are the strongest supporters of israel because a strong Israel is one of the conditons to starting the rapture in which they literally believe they will all physically rise into the air and ascend to heaven for being christian
>manage to be absolutely horrible christians in the mean time
Christcuck is so cucked he spins in circles screaming meaningless phrases while going against everything he claims to believe in

To be fair, the people who play FFXIV are discord trannies, neets, welfarefags, lazyfags, commies, leftist, and degenerates.

lol minfilia's lopsided legs

Hydaelyn's chosen indeed

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So you've moved out of a country governed through democracy then right, which dictatorship do you reside in now

I am. The fact that it is 2019 and there is still no option to split Aymeric's cheeks triggers me.

I have an idea

hear me out

just do this


Fake Christians support jews. Actually Christians would be against them since in the bible Jesus told people that jews are not God's people.

I mean, we all know the artist is just a lesser Akihiko Yoshida, he lacks a lot of the fundamentals that Yoshida has.

America doesn't live in a dictatorship(sadly). It is an oligarchy.

>xiv thread turns into /pol/ posting
How do these threads keep getting worse?

imagine getting triggered by fighting an evil church in a JRPG

nuke this thread, holy shit

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gee i dunno

>Come show me moooore

Attached: 1538692847970.png (872x632, 207K)

>Ishgardian church

Attached: 1542313179726.png (997x1080, 798K)

>old Christians call Jews God-killers
>modern Christians believe taxes to support israel's military campaign is good

Attached: comfy leylines.gif (128x119, 17K)

I'm going to stop anyway since I said my piece about how the Innocence are "bad guys" because they don't tolerate evil and some how that is a bad thing.

Also Thordan did nothing wrong.

And I'm going to eat now.



Oh, so you don't have any conviction and make excuses for your weakness and unwillingness to actually follow through with what you say
Unsuprising, fuck off

i'm aware that they aren't actually evil but during heavensward the people in charge was corrupt.

>someone makes a Jews reference that's on-tpic
>libtard is triggered and starts spouting "/pol/" and derails the thread while blaming "/pol/" for it

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Thordan wasn't even corrupt. Maintaining the lie was necessary to keep Ishgard alive as long as they were under siege. You saw the civil war almost happen when the truth did come out.

No need to keep defending yourself

Imagine being so cucked you actually think a dictatorship is a good thing lmao

don't mind me bro just being one of the good guys

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Well shit I guess the Scions are evil now because of Ilberd, Yuyuhase, and Laurentius.

>Christcuck is a cutscene skipping wowfag with shit taste in games

That was all the crystal braves though, which were alphinauds personal army.

They weren't scions, they were crystal braves, and yes, they crystal braves were corrupted from the start, and alphinaud played like a damn fiddle

>Scions are evil
they are working for hydaelyn

Yes, a subdivision of the Scions which Alphinaud took responsibility for. One of the major themes in XIV's world is that EVERY organization has corrupt faggots in it.

Goddamn fuck this game man, it's the only MMO I've ever played that makes me want to play it based off of expansion hype but at the same time have nothing for me to fucking play.

I just want gunbreaker already jesus.

I like xiv's pvp system.

That's the only one I don't really like
The gods will not be watching

Someone please tell me what are you supposed to do on the tether for TG Cid

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It's literally stated that the Archbishop was lost to the primal Thordan as soon as he summoned him. At that point, he was a complete slave to Thordan's mission, despite him mostly wanting a similar thing, the primal was going to take it to its obvious conclusion.

XIV does have a dislike for centralized rulership though.

One person takes a hit, pass it to another person, repeat.

The Crush Armor Tether?
You're supposed to have it swap between other party members with each hit
If you mean the one during the add phase, you face it away from the rest of the group so it doesn't hit them

Share it with 4 different people, except the tank, after every hit. How retarded are you?

So for EUfriends who have taken advantage of the free transfers, a question: regularly I know you have to jump through a bunch of hoops in order to do a transfer (relinquish your plot, leave FC, ect), is all of that still in place during the data center split? How do you claim your housing compensation money? Is literally everything lost (including stuff in storage)?

>get hyped for ShadNigs expansion
>still able to stave off resubbing because I know the playerbase is garbage and is not worth the grind with and time wasted trying to do easy raid stuff

you will be losing your house as well as housing storage, that's why they compensate you with gil and no gil limit.

He's as retarded as everyone else that plays this game and doesn't have working eyes
I've tried taking the tether and passing it around myself between the hits but people are retards and will just run away from the group if they get it, or the tank will run up and take it from them then run off to die

I figured, so will I just go to the thing and just set up the transfer or is there more of a process involved?

I think Hydeyalan is simply a deity following it's cosmic sense of right and wrong. To Hyd, having a world fill with light is just hitting the reset button, returning the world to its primal state of being. As time passes, these worlds of light slowly break down and life starts to form, first with plants, animals, and then the various sentient races. Obviously, this is a huge dealbreaker for anyone still alive, since they want to continue their lives and history.

It's not really "evil," but it's bad from the perspective of the still-living, which is why she must be stopped. Void's just the other side of the coin, what with the aether of the world being gathered into a handful of beings and crystals of darkness (anti-crystals?) starting to form. Just look how the world of darkness turned out, where nothing is really alive or can die. Hyd's methods essentially prevent that by forcing things back as far away from a voidworld as possible, but such a world is just as anathema to life as a void world.

It's all explained on the transfer page. You also can't be selling stuff through your retainers and a whole lot of other stuff.

A country built on a lie is not a country that should be built.


We should always aim to be better, we should not set mediocrity and deceit as the base values we teach our children. There should be just as much idealism as there should be pragmatism if not more. Just because people like stalin corrupted lenin's teachings does not make what the man sought for inherently bad or foolish.


I dunno bro. How retarded am I? I feel like not very since I got most of the mechanics down after only fighting it twice.

>A country built on a lie is not a country that should be built
But it was, a thousand years beforehand. People inheriting that country have an obligation to push forward. Sons shouldn't suffer for the sins of their fathers.

No, they shouldn't. And with Nidhogg out of the way, nobody is being punished at all. At the same time, you can't just ignore it either. It has been acknowledged, and the gap between dragon and ishgard is being mended.

Egg Hunt

That's a lotta speculation.

give it a few centuries

>And with Nidhogg out of the way, nobody is being punished at all
Yeah, but that's NOW. After the story already happened. Thordan's goal was to preserve the safety of Ishgard first.

That does not change the inherent wrongness in it's foundation, and it's for that exact reason that it fell in the end.

A son should know just as much of his fathers sins as he should his virtues, it is on that very core belief that we can become adults you stupid nigger.

We outgrow that which nurtured us in all it's beauty and falsehood and seek better and those that we nurture will do the same. That is what makes man what man is.

Nidhogg was already dead by the time Thordan wanted to rule the world, his ambitions were beyond that, and he was thinking of global domination. It was no longer about mere protection at that point in time. He also beleived Nidhogg to be completely gone.

>A son should know just as much of his fathers sins as he should his virtues
It's really easy to say that, but Ishgard was already struggling under the weight of a thousand year long siege against immortal alien lizards. The truth coming out and causing a civil war as long as that was going on would have been the end.

He wanted to clean up the Ascians and Nidhogg's horde first, and then got tempered by the primal Thordan. His idea of the primal was turned evil because he knew the original King Thordan was a powerhungry dictator.

Somebody from Light queue for totorak as tank thanks

You can tell SB is shit because none of the writing in SB has enough depth to constantly spark debates about anything like this shit

play a tank yourself

Ok so the way I'm reading it, they're likely going to be treating all of the transfers during the free period as though they are transfers from congested to preferred since they're offering compensation for them, so I shouldn't have to relinquish my.house ahead of time.

lice is a very good character bro

Attached: ffxiv_03082019_141318_122.png (1920x1080, 2.62M)

Correct. You will be getting bonus gil based on the status of your house. Do not relinquish it.


thordan who had both eyes, an ascien a fuel, 1000 years of prayer and some of the triads aether was weaker than shinryuu some how

christ, why the fuck didn't she just stay in Ala Mhigo? she had no reason to come with us to the Far East other than being the designated poster girl of the expansion

Except he chose to continue to consolidate his power in a never ending war, all of ishgards problems were caused by the powers that be perpetuating the lie and refusing to reach out to other nations.

Not to mention he literally tried using the ascians to become a primal.

Ishgard like many nations was ruined by it's leaders refusal to do everything possible for his country. Even if it meant that country existing without him.

He only used one of the eyes. Shinryu used both plus dozens of human sacrifices. Just one living sacrifice boosts a primal to EX level because of the intense emotions released at the moment of death.

It makes sense in a way, assuming Hydaelyn isn't actually against the whole devouring light thing, which would make sense because she never once warned us about it and barely even acknowledges it as a thing when Minfilia is confronted by the dark warriors. Still, there's no concrete proof of any of that beyond it mostly fitting into place.

It's also somewhat a paradox that light is filling various worlds and we're becoming too strong on the source, yet Hydaelyn is still too weak to aid us or even speak to us. Almost as if she doesn't care what's going on since everything is proceeding to plan. And perhaps it is. Maybe when the source is devoured by light, her cosmic war against Zodiark will come to an end and she can start again, the only issue is that everyone has to die and return to the lifestream to get to that point.

He was lvl 60 while shinryu was lvl 70 silly

Thordan only had one eye of Nidhogg, the other on the body of his ancestor, I assume was Ratotoskr's and drained of power.

We're also supposed to buy that some L'orreal faggot with a spinning weeb golf bag was somehow strong enough to casually flick aside the demigod that solo'd all of that.

The power scaling in Stormblood is really fucked.

So who's the final boss of 5.0 going to be?
Are we going to get a Cloud of Dorkness rematch?

Attached: Cloud_of_darkness.png (636x836, 525K)

>echo buff
You didn't clear fucking anything, noob.
Seriously pathetic.

The one on Haldrath was Nidhogg's, but WoL had the second eye and used it to nuke Igeyorhm.

Also interesting to this is Midgarsomlr's test of depriving us of the gift of light, to see if we can stand on our own. Almost like he was making sure we could still get shit done without Hydaelyn's aid, just in case, you know, we had to actually stand up to her.

I'd be pretty stocked to fight Cloud of Light in a dungeon or something

The warrior of light is only a demigod when facing a primal. Notice outside of primal fights you fucking suck dick.

I seriously hope that fighting nostalgia bait FF bosses won't happen ever again. Thordan is to this day the best final boss in all of FFXIV.

Are you perhaps aware Thordan is a 100% nostalgia bait boss

I say we force them to take hrt

Thordan is not KotR copypasted from FF7. He's a unique entity woven into the world of FF14 that they spent an entire expansion building up. There's a huge difference.

He's Knights of the Round nostalgia bait, m8

That would be quite weird of him, considering his immortality is derived of her power.
Again, way too much speculation based on what has been shown. The only reason I'm looking forward to this expansion is to put to bed this silly debate one way or another.

I don't remember Thordan crawling out of literally nowhere and being controlled by somebody else to fight the WoL. He was his own character before he was a nostalgia bait

Thordan was literally Knights of the Round you fucking retard

That's the majority of throwbacks though with the only exception of Deltascape and Sigmascape.

That's because the warrior of light is a primal, powered by the beliefs of everyone around him. Every level you gain is caused by more people in Eorzea and eventually the world believing your larger than life tales, which grants you even more strength. When people believe you can kill primals, you can kill primals.

It's also why you can master so many jobs so quickly, because the people who see you practicing it overestimate your ability and cause you to grow stronger, faster. The only difference is we're a Hydaelyn sponsored primal.

Learn to read before you leave seething replies autist

The Scions committed the sin of sloth. They knew something was wrong with Illberd, Yuyuhahse, and Laurentius, but did nothing until it was too late.

It is like the scorpion and the frog. No one blames the scorpion since it is his nature, but the frog is completely at fault for taking in a predator.

I thought it was because we just could attune really easily to soul crystals?

>event ruined the moment I take an airship into Gridania

>WoW is the most successful MMO ever financially
That's dungeon fighters online.

>the warrior of light is a primal
Easiest way to spot a retard

Could be, that was just baseless shitposting. I highly doubt we're actually a primal.

Not too weird, wouldn't be that out of the ordinary for an entity to bite the hand that feeds to serve a greater purpose. It certainly won't result in a good end for him though.

We're not a primal but we're most likely tempered, not the type of tempered that hydalen is.

>Mhiggers died and in their last breath they prayed to summon the primal of Rhalgr
>Instead comes a far eastern dragon that had nothing to do with what they wanted to summon
Can anyone explain this?

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It would be weird considering she allows him to do this challenge.

It wasn't a Far Eastern dragon. Ilberd was trying to summon a primal of Midgardsormr and his will was so strong that it overpowered the others. He just never said the name of it and so the Domans called it Shinryu because it looked like one of their myths. But Midgardsormr was probably also the origin of those myths anyway.

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The fuel used to summon were the eyes. Most likely since rhalgar is a true god and not a primal, they summoned shinryu, who is an incarnation of wrath.

Remember primals are essentially false gods, bahamut was only summoned because he was just some dumbfuck dragon.

Most likely true gods like hydalen, the 12 and zodiark cannot be summoned as primals. Which is probably why the ascians don't just summon zodiark as a primal.

yeah, Papalymo did. read, dumb 2huposter.

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What is your honest opinion about Lalafell players on your server/datacenter?

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>Most likely true gods like hydalen, the 12 and zodiark cannot be summoned as primals
They can. Louisoix partially summoned them at Carteneau, and Lahabrea was trying to provoke a summoning of Rhalgr. Ramuh is also just a Sylphic version of Rhalgr.

>it didn't count because I said so

Uh huh

Illbred just wanted to summon a force of destruction, and I think he got mixed up between Bahaumut (Because he hoped to bring about a calamity on the Empire and generally anyone else because fuck the world at this point) and other dragons. The end result was Shinryu, who actually doesn't look anything like the real Shinryu since no one quite knows his true form, instead taking a shape similar to a compilation of dragons.

I think the little guys wanted Rhalgar, but Illbred was the one holding the orbs at the end. In reality, primals are just pale reflections of the real thing, made up more of the beliefs of their summoners than the actual true entities, so whatever came out would've been bad.

Ilberds influence, he wanted another calamity and got a dragon like Bahamut
The "eastern" is just the Domans calling it Shinryu and others going along with it cause fuck it

I hate that there are bunch of pointless side quests bundled with good side quests.

>The end result was Shinryu, who actually doesn't look anything like the real Shinryu since no one quite knows his true form, instead taking a shape similar to a compilation of dragons.
Midgardsormr is Shinryu. That's who he was trying to summon. See the pic in Reminder that Midgardsormr's corpse was visible from Mor Dhona every day. That's what inspired him.

Is this one of those pictures where the guy offers a lady some shekels and in the next panel he's impregnating her in a mating press?

>we saw the entirety of the thirteenth from the top of that tower where we fight Cloud of Darkness

Primals are just reflections of the real deal, conjured mostly by the ideas and will of their summoner. Summoning the actual deities is a whole other can of worms.

The origins and true nature of the Warrior of Light are never going to be explained because the whole idea is that he's just an avatar of the player. His backstory is whatever you want it to be. They deliberately leave it vague so you can roleplay.

they're annoying and so are you

We don't know if that was a primal proper though, Ramuh being another form of rhalgar leads credence to this since he is still not the rhalgar of eorzean belief but a corrupted interpretation of beastmen.

We've never seen the 12 summoned as primals, and if they could be summoned as primals it makes no sense why zodiark or hydalen couldn't be summoned as such.

Eikons are a blight upon hydalen itself user.

I'll be honest: Shinryu was probably the best part of Stormblood. I got so FUCKING tired of samurai bullshit and mhiggers and a bunch of dumb weeb garbage and war and Lyse being a dyke bitch. Stormblood was 50% politics and war, 40% Lyse being a dyke and 10% actual cool stuff.

Feels good.

Ilberd wanted to revisit a second calamity on Eorzea because MUH ALA MHIGO. So what we got was some fucked up bahamut dragon thing.

Was Shinryu even a part of Stormblood? He was just parked there like sup bitches I'm the final boss now

Couldn't remember the exact line, but that seems mostly right. There was another tidbit when doing O10 that explained why Omega knew exactly what to do when revived, because the primal looked so similar to his ancient foe, he mistook him for it. At any rate, Illbred wanted the biggest, most destructive thing he could think of, and I guess that was it.

Oh alright then I bet you can tell me a lot about Shinryu's personality and motives... what did you say, you can't? Is it maybe because he fucking had none you complete and utter waste of oxygen

It's obvious we're somehow tempered by hydalen, otherwise we wouldn't be immune to being tempered ourselves just like all others with the echo. Those tempered by one primal cannot be tempered by Another.
I mean obviously it's not the same exact type of tempering as the beastmen get but I doubt it's that much different.

We don't know that considering CT was "warped" into the first it might only exists there and source. If it's Graha from the future it wouldn't be hard to explain why or how it was warped.

He was released, had his fight with Omega, it ends in double KO (maybe omega just won since he's captured), and then Zenos merges with him. Shinryu was just a boss fight.

In 1.0, Ifrit even suspects another primal got to you first when he fails to temper you. But in ARR that was retconned to him recognizing you as 'the godless blessed'.

>Thread actually comfy lore time.
>Tranny and hrothgar posters are gone.

Why does this shit only happen when I'm about to go to sleep, fuck you niggers.

Because that's the way they've always done it I guess. It would have been better to just have it all in one go. That way the crystal tower shit and going to the first might have actually been a surprise worth mentioning instead of revealing literally everything in the patch at fanfest before the patch came out.

Such bad planning by SE.

Just because Thordan was a fleshed out character doesn't mean he wasn't nostalgia bait as a boss.

I like the little bit of lore that no one can seem to remember who or what exactly the light warrior actually was in history. I know it's written to explain how it can be of any race or gender, but the idea of several warriors manifesting throughout history and being somewhat obfuscated to scholars and historians despite everyone's best efforts to remember them is both interesting and chilling. It's a great explanation for something that's literally an avatar of the light.

Threads and this board is at the very best when Americans go to sleep.

All of those changes will be on the First.
The Source isn't getting flooded by the Light in 5.0.

The explanation given in-game for Shinryu is that he takes the form of a dragon because Ilberd wanted to invoke a calamitous power inspired by Bahamut/Midgardsormr. Nothing to do with the eyes. Rather than the beliefs of the faithful, the summoner themselves has a large influence on the nature of the summoned primal. This is also why Titan is so deranged when he's summoned by Ga Bu.

That is retarded. Hydaelyn is not a primal. The echo is fundamentally different to tempering as has been demonstrated countless times.

Those are just the ones at Carteneau. Previous WoLs are actually pretty well documented in the lore. One of them during the floods, named Aldhbhar, is said to have joined forces with 'black-robed sorcerers'.

It was pretty sudden and anticlimatic too, the boss fight was great, but it's just bam, here's where Shinryu went off to, have fun killing him. I'd have liked it more had he shown up at various points to just fuck shit up to remind you despite fighting a war with the Empire, you still have a dangerous fucking dragon you need to kill.

But it might be getting flooded by Black Rose

I know she's not a primal but saying that the echo and tempering are completely separate mechanics with no relation to each other is too dismissive.

Where does CT take power now that Dalamud is gone to transfer solar energy to it?
Is it going to be related to aether thinning sub plot?

I'm one of the Americans posting a shit ton of lore shit, but that's mainly because my FC either doesn't care about lore at all or hasn't finished the game yet. It's absolutely frustrating because I can't even talk about shit no one cares about, at risk of spoilering several people that are just slow.

CT was built to collect solar energy on its own. Dalamud was just a later enhancement.

CT still takes power from the sun I believe, Dalamud was just meant to enhance its ability.

it has always taken energy from the sun. dalamud was later

That's just the 1.0 player characters/Warriors of Light. People have hazy memories about the time surrounding the Battle of Carteneau, so that people returning with their old characters to 2.0 could still roleplay as the same character despite nobody remembering them anymore. I think the mass memory loss was later explained as the influence of Phoenix or something.

I only have one guy in FC who cares about lore apart from me.

>anyone more obnoxious than barafags and furries

>I think the mass memory loss was later explained as the influence of Phoenix or something.
It was just explained as intense aether sickness. Normally high doses of aether will make people dizzy or knock them unconscious, but the sheer amount that was there that day fucked everyone's short term memory.

But everyone remembers your 1.0 character.

Cope tranny, you aren't getting your

Smol boys u w u

Male viera. Kys.

oh yeah forgot about that... ;_;

Attached: file.png (668x391, 292K)

Well, still cool, but doesn't quite have the same implications. There would've been all sorts of wild speculation on why such a thing happened/happens.

We literally have our FC divided into Watchers and Skippers. It's about a 50-50 split between people who meticulously watch every cutscene and people who skip every cutscene. I think I'm the only one to actually speculate though, everyone else is content to simply wait until more story comes out.

The Echo grants one the power to bind Eikons to THEIR will instead of vice versa as demonstrated by Zenos at the end of 4.0. The implications of this have yet to be fully explored.

Right, that's a pretty sensible copout too.
Really? Well, I wouldn't know... do NPCs from 1.0 have a lot of unique dialogue for already knowing you?

I always thought that with the griffon motif and Ilberd's character arc, his primal should have been Griever. Zenos effectively junctioning himself to Shinryu made me wish it was Griever even more.

The important ones do. Lots of unique cutscenes and you even get a special cutscene at the end of the 2.0 series.

Begone thot

might've worked if they had a lion for ala mhigo's lore and not a griffon. I kinda see where you're coming from.

Easter is this week and the XV crossover is next week.

Then there's nothing until may.

Lions are also all over Ala Mhigo's heraldry.

Tempering is effectively mind control, it makes you a near-mindless servant of the tempering god and compels you to do nothing but worship them and work towards their summoning.

Echo is fundamentally the ability to commune with the spirit of the planet and confers various other powers such as being able to naturally understand other languages, see visions of other people's memories, and have a soul that can persist outside your own body. It in no way compels you to blindly serve Hydaelyn and work towards her "summoning" (which isn't a thing anyway, Hydaelyn IS the planet, she's already "summoned" all the time, everywhere). Ysayle had the echo and repeatedly summoned Shiva, something that's obviously against the interests of Hydaelyn, and who in no way could really be considered a servant of the Light. Fucking Zenos, a guy who is effectively an Ascian agent, gave himself the echo.

The echo is mostly a plot device, it manifests in different formats based on what's needed. The only common threads are that it prevents tempering and allows the person to comprehend any languages, sort of by understanding the soul. The Ascians also use it to reconstitute themselves and travel between the shards. Fordola uses it to predict the immediate future.

Or, it's possible all echos are the same and the users simply have varying degrees of control over it.

>dislikes FF8
It really is the best retard filter of the series

Ascians don't have the echo, they can travel between shards because they don't have corporeal forms to begin with, they are aetherial beings.

Ah, so we're in the "making up entire swaths of horseshit" phase of lore discussion.

Did stormblood even have any fun ones like this?

Attached: 8652398234.webm (960x540, 2.91M)

The lorebooks are mostly full of useless filler. There, I said it. They're not all that great.

>Or, it's possible all echos are the same and the users simply have varying degrees of control over it.
It's implied that way with how many powers WoL gets from it and Zenos teaching himself to reverse-temper Shinryu. But, for example, Minfilia never managed to learn how to use hers to understand languages. All she could ever do was read memories. And Krile just has the mind reading.

Ascians do have the Echo. It's explicitly stated by Lahabrea. They don't have corporeal forms because they've shed their flesh, the same way Arbert and his party did.

This, and the Blessing of Light the Warrior of Light has is entirely separate from the Echo, as the Echo is present in characters without the Blessing.
It seems people who think the WoL is tempered by Hydaelyn conflate the two.

not as in depth as the scholasticate no. but I found the fisherman of isari who could only fish up monsters to be pretty cute.

The whole tempering thing is another one of my wild speculation times.

I assume that someone becomes tempered when they have most or all of the aether sucked out of them (Because that's what primals do and what makes them bad, just like voidsent they suck up aether and fail to return it naturally because they never die) which simply leaves them as a compliant husk to whatever did it. Echo users can't be tempered because they can't have their aether sucked out of them in the same way, they've got too strong of control (explained as a strong will) over it. Echo users with strong enough control can actually overmaster primals due to their nature as imperfect reflections of actual beings, but only after a strong clash of wills.

Zenos was able to subsume Shinryu because Shinryu was already greatly weakened from Omega's fight, possibly to the point where someone of strong but relatively middling power in the grand scheme of things could accomplish it. Otherwise, that would place Zenos' mastery over the echo somewhere beyond most Ascians.

cute elf


They flesh out the world. I'm not sure what you would want out of them, to spoil the whole story up to the end?

The primal-weapons created by Eureka actually do function like that, but them going over that as a unique method for their "tempering" makes me think it's not something other primals do. Eureka even fails to temper Ejika because it simply doesn't have enough aether to usurp all of Ejika's, and he reverses the technique to instead overwhelm and banish Eureka by overpowering it with his own.

I'm unsure he has that high of level of mastery over his echo power. He unknowingly came back to life.

i want to FUCK urianger



So how many of the First's race names are references to older FF games?
I got Humes from Ivalice stuff and XI and Dwarves have been in a few games, same with elves. Ronso's obvious.
Are the rest just original?

Attached: file.png (859x483, 553K)

Get in line bro.

Attached: ffxiv_09292016_224121.png (1920x1080, 2.1M)

But only if he's voiced by Balthier

What's worth fleshing out could be distilled in less than 25 pages of text and that's being generous. The rest is a lot of fluff about aetheric enhancing stitching and laughable defenses of reused monster models. While I enjoy the story recap and finding out how many summers NPCs are, a lot of it is entirely unentertaining. The few tidbits that get posted here are about the most interesting things in them.

Elves are FF1. I don't recognize any of the others.

I don't recognize Mystel, Galdjent (Actually, that one sounds familiar, but I don't know from where), or Drahn, and I've played the first 10 numbered FFs, the SaGa spinoffs, Tactics, and MQ.

FF1, FF4

no sure on others

There's actually a shitload of lore that still isn't included in either book. A lot of stuff from 1.0, from the fishing log, from things like relic weapons, etc.

Galdjent doesn't have any exact prior use, but is probably based on Galka from XI.

Mystel is also probably from Mithra.

Can anyone tell me if the SE store takes your money away the moment you place the order for Shadowbringers?

Would lend some credence that XI is either an ancient astral era in XIV or another shard, and all shards are populated by similar races because they diverged from a single point. With some shards seeing entire races wiped out.

No, it will charge when it's about to ship, but you can force charge it immediately if you want to.

Out of 600 pages of 'lore', you're looking at 25 pages tops. Not even the fucking artwork is unique. They're just reused PR art or simply in-game models painted in.

are you sure?

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That wouldn't have any credence either. Is FFXIV also FFVI due to Doma? No

It takes the money when it ships. I remember there were conversations about getting the preorder bonuses and then cancelling, which you can't do because it locks you into purchasing the moment you use the code.

Ascians have the Echo. Thats how they're aetherial beings in the first place. They're all formerly living people with the Echo, and having the Echo allowed them to shed their bodies, and become spooky boys.

Kind of like whats going on with Zenos right now.

What else do we know about the other shards in XIV? The 1st is flooded with light, the 14th? became the void and is where World of Darkness takes place, but do we have any knowledge of other worlds?

>Implying that passing down your onahole to your bro isn't the most brotier thing imaginable

Nah, XI's metaphysics are entirely different, and there only being five races of the mothercrystals is actually of huge importance in the lore. But there are some similarities, like the Zilart being gifted with the ability to read memories and understand each other without even speaking which sounds suspiciously like the Echo.

So they'll charge me on June 28th then since that is the early access?

Oh so if I put in the code for the earrings I get charged immediately?

I think a lot of shards are flooded with darkness or completely gone, like at least 7 are fucked. Don't quote me on that though

The 13th is the Void. 7 of the other worlds are already gone and rejoined into the Source's lifestream. That's all we know though.

It could explain why Doma exists both in XIV's world and shows up as a kingdom in Omega's recreation, if he gathered such a tale not from fiction, but from another shard. The name Doma simply could've been carried throughout history and eventually formed two kingdoms on two separate worlds. Or it's just fanservice we're not suppose to think too hard on.

You don't get charged immediately but you won't be able to cancel the preorder

Every time a calamity happens on the Source, one of the reflection worlds is destroyed and its aether is rejoined with the Source. Since there's been 7 calamities, 7 reflections have been destroyed. With the 13th being lost to darkness and becoming the void, there's only 5 reflection worlds that are still inhabited by normal life, including the First.

>bringing back catboi from the CT as plot relevant MSQ NPC
Do you think Unukalhai will be made relevant again? I mean you'd think the survivor of a Shard consumed by the void might be relevant to saving another from being consumed by light.

Oh ok that's fine then, because I won't get paid for a while due to me having to buy a new gpu since Shadowbringers got rid of dx9.

You can cancel it up until you receive the pre-order code which gives the exp earrings. If you never retrieve the code you may cancel.

They did finally update his dialogue for the first time in years.

it should be illegal to be that hot
jesus christ

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Doubtful, but his dialogue actually got an update with the last patch.

god I forgot how ugly he is

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you talking about the moenbryda minion or urianger?

The Shards should be rejoined. The Original should be made whole again.

7 shards have been absorbed into Hydaelyn because of the Calamities. The Thirteenth is a Post-Darkness Void hell. The First is almost completely flooded with Light. And the others should be fine for the most part.

So what effect has that had on the Source's lifestream? Is the Source more aetherically active because of it, or more flourishing with life because there's more available to draw from? Is that the Source's cosmic method of recovering from a calamity, to pull souls from elsewhere to repopulate itself?

Nah, the lighting in that room just doesn't do him any favors. There's a lot of areas with shit lighting like that.

i wonder who could be behind this post

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Then he ruins it going back to his old ass low level hooded robe and goggles because of his autism.

I always forget to check some of the npcs dialogue, I love how it advances and has their own stories sometimes, like that slut who wants to fuck both Boulder bros.

>So what effect has that had on the Source's lifestream?
Well it's worth noting that mandragoras did not exist on the Source until after the latest Calamity. It's possible they originated from the world absorbed at that time.
>Is the Source more aetherically active because of it, or more flourishing with life because there's more available to draw from?
Eorzea, the place most dense with aether, has actually been steadily losing aether since the Battle of Silvertear Skies for some reason. It's unrelated to Calamities, but the world doesn't seem to be getting healthier at least.
>Is that the Source's cosmic method of recovering from a calamity, to pull souls from elsewhere to repopulate itself?
It's more that causing 'chaos', whatever that means in metaphysical terms, weakens the walls of reality. This is the reason primals became so easy to summon after Silvertear Skies, because the destruction that happened there weakened the laws of the world. So the Ascians push all this shit into place to cause a horrible catastrophy that effectively blows out the dimensional walls and slam the world back into place. It doesn't seem that Hydaelyn is cannibalizing anything because she actually grows weaker every time it happens.

There'd be more aether to go around if we joined. The. Shards.

Doesn't seem like speculation when that's essentially what happens. When tempered, a person's aether is transfomed and tainted by the primal's aether, corrupting their mind and making them subservient. Even if the primal's current physical manifestation is destroyed and its aether returned to the land, pockets of like-aspected aether can still remain behind such that the act of tempering cannot be reversed (without killing the person, defeating the purpose), or that the beast tribes can temper people without having their primal summoned by simply having some means of access to their aether, like the Amal'jaa beacons that burn with Ifrit's fire.

So when does the game usually ship? In July?

>It doesn't seem that Hydaelyn is cannibalizing anything because she actually grows weaker every time it happens.
My guess is that Hydaelyn is getting weaker because she has to use more power to keep Zodiark imprisoned each time a shard gets absorbed. Since the shards form the prison and less shards mean the prison is weaker.

Rejoinings require a Calamity on the Source and kills everyone living on the shard, nice try Ascian.

June 28th is early access.

If that's the case, the condition of tempering might be reversable by introduce an aetheric infusion into tempered beings to restore their wills. I don't think we possess a method to do it precisely enough yet beyond focusing aether for destructive purposes, but the theory would be sound.

It will ship for you to get it by the second. If you ordered digital, you will get it on 6/28, the day early access is live. I ordered SB collector's edition. It shipped on 6/15, and arrived on the day of release 6/20.

So... I could order the game right even though I don't have enough money and still get the earring?

My personal batshit theory is that

The 'Hydaelyn' we've been talking to is not actually her. It's a Sin Eater who latched onto the mothercrystal like a parasite and believes that it's Hydaelyn, much the same way Ultima was filled with worship to the point she gained a personality where she believed she was the creator of Ivalice. There are recurring motifs between Ultima and Hydaelyn, including holy powers, the use of crystals of light to grant power and control, and body shape like the winged head and arms across their chests. I don't think Hydaelyn is evil or that she's a primal or something, I just don't think we're talking to the real Hydaelyn.

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Dumb question about early access. Do I get an extra week of tomestones if I finish the MSQ before the official launch on Tuesday?

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Ultima for comparison with Hydaelyn and Zodiark.

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Is that JP time when they'll ship the game if I order digital?

Yeah, definitely batshit is the key word here.

Or maybe Hydaelyn and her hubby Zodiark should stop feuding at the cost of their children. Ever consider this whole shard thing is a big mess that shouldn't have ever been? Time to make all whole again so that balance can return.

Is that art from the same guy who did the angel designs for SMTIV, because it's giving me the same vibe

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Ultima also resembles Jenova, a parasite that crash-landed from space. In XIV, the event that created the reflections and tore Zodiark away also resulted in the creation of the Moon (Zodiark's corpse). In the real world and in many fantasy worlds, the Moon is believed to have been created when a meteor crashed into the planet and displaced a shitload of material.

Yeah, he was the guest monster designer for the Ivalice raids.

I agree fellow anonymous poster. We must commence with a Rejoining immediately! For Lord Zod--I mean, for the purposes of a well balanced universe.

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I really doubt SE will go that route, but I like that twist. Plus, it tickles me that Minfillia gets fucked, being a meat puppet for a cosmic horror.

I thought it looked familiar.

I doubt it's the case, I just assume Hydaelyn and Zodiark are two aspects of a now split deity. Hydaelyn and Zodiark are actually one in the same, and the beings are at war with themselves. The ultimate end goal of XIV will be to rejoin the two without either gaining dominance over the other.

So how does the entire Ascian hiearachy work? Because through out the game it is shown they're an organization, but we only seen Elibidus, Lahabrea, and Solus.

Why aren't they sending all their lackies after us?

Well, there seems to be lesser ascians, and powerful ascians with red masks. and also elidibus with his white robes. They seem to have some sort of council room in their dark hangout room with the zodiark altar. Each seem to act on their own schemes, as seen with Lahabrea and Nabriales, but both seem to adhere to Elidibus in certain scenes.

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There are 14 Overlords, the ones wearing red masks. We've seen all of the others, but they didn't really get speaking lines and now several of them have died off-screen. Each Overlord has a whole cabal of low-tier lackies.
>Why aren't they sending all their lackies after us?
They were, in the beginning. You deal with nameless lackies pretty frequently until level 30-ish when you start chasing Lahabrea. You also deal with them in the SMN questline. Lackies are the ones with black masks.

You fight a ton of lesser ascians during the SMN quests.

is benchmark this month or next


Do you think the lesser ones know what is going with their leaders and their goal?

there probably won't be a weekly cap tomestone at the start

Lahabrea's at least were in on his summoning projects. Travanchet was pretty fucking competent too, and I'm assuming he was in Lahabrea's crew because he was involved in several primal summonings and because Lahabrea was supposed to be the one overseeing activities on the Source.

3 tiers of hierarchy
Lowest are the crappy fodder Ascians, who aren't much of a threat. Next are the 14 Overlords, who command the fodder. And within the 14, there are the Source Ascians (Lahabrea, Elidibus, Emet-Sech) who originate from the Source world.

Considering we fucked up a bunch of Ascians and killed one of the Source Ascians, it makes sense they aren't wasting fodder on us.

Tomestones available at launch aren't capped.

Elibidus is at the top, possibly working as Zodiark's voice, like Minfilia is for Hydaelyn.

There's Ascians a step below him, the ones wearing red masks, are all assigned a world to attempt to accomplish whatever goal they have. Lahabrea was ours, when he got himself "killed", we got a replacement sent. Later on, Elibidus starts to get really worried after Nabriales gets actually killed, followed by Lahabrea, since the only time that's actually happened was on the First, and we know what went on there.

Below them, there's the black masks, lesser agents with varying capabilities. They can reconstitute themselves as well, but require a corpse to do so, not a living being as shown in the summoner level 60 quest line. I believe there's mortal agents recruited as well, usually foolish pawns, like the guy in the end of the summoner level 50 quest line, who wind up doing the Ascians' bidding by being promised various things, which are invariably never granted in full.

Most of the Ascians seem to have their own, smaller agendas for whatever reason and appear to only serve Elidibus in a somewhat incomplete fashion, seemingly being difficult to fully control or command.

>Considering we fucked up a bunch of Ascians and killed one of the Source Ascians, it makes sense they aren't wasting fodder on us.
Ascians are fucked lately.
>We killed Igeyorhm
>Thordan killed Lahabrea
>Galuf killed Emerollolth
>Gaius killed two other Overlords

That reminds me, we still haven't figured out how to make that blade of pure aether again have we?

>second egg-hunt solution
I hate being a brainlet.

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We know how to do it, but we don't have the fuel for it on our own. We need things like Moenbryda's siphon, or Tupsamati, or Nidhogg's eye to provide the aether.

I doubt gaius permanently killed anyone though.

Well he got their masks but I guess we'll have to wait to see for sure.
>we'll have to wait two more fucking years for the Garlean expansion to see more of him and get answers

>tfw Minfilia will come back and we will have to deal with her once again.

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>Considering we fucked up a bunch of Ascians and killed one of the Source Ascians, it makes sense they aren't wasting fodder on us.

You're telling me the big bad's can't send some fodder to shank us while we're sleeping?

>tfw cannot play as a fat, aristocratic cat
yoshi is such a coward

>implying even Ascians want to wade through the filth of the Limsa aetheryte plaza to find your AFK body

What exactly happened on the first with the Ascian that died?

last time an ascian came to our place we fucking gutted him bro.

So, did Hydaelyn give us the power for the first one then?

Yeah but she'll be a loli now so it's okay

I'm not looking forward to helping a bunch of 1st shard light-ggers with their petty, little daily problems.

>Ascian comes to your house while you're having erp sex

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You know what would be neat but pointless from a gameplay standpoint? If you logged off in a free company or private estate of your own, your character functioned as an NPC until you logged on again.

Imagine going to someone's free company house when they're all offline and you see everyone chilling around various places, maybe they all have some lines they say when you click on them, or otherwise just make the estate feel like it has more life to it. I'd probably actually visit other houses just to see the little details like that.

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The only Ascians that can actually come into places protected by your blessing are ones born on the Source. So only Elidibus and Emet-Selch now.

The Flood of Light.

Yeah, that was also the only reason you could even damage the Ultima Weapon. Plus we dove into the aetherial realm to use that blade of light and it still didn't even kill Lahabrea, just ejected him.

You don't need a dimension-hopping space vampire to kill the WoL, all you need is a maid with some poisoned coffee.

It would be cool, but I can see bunch of problems if you don't limit NPC players in FC House. It would probably work better in personal house.

It's clear where the problems lie, we have to take the Gods down and claim our own fate

Esuna exists, friend.

Probably wouldn't be so bad to just have the house limited to displaying 20-30 players at a time based on size. More can be logged out in there, but it randomly phases some in and out based on time.

>implying i'm gonna fall for that shit again

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and people say elezen can't be cute

Do we always need to have tens of shit ffxiv threads until we get a good one?

of course they can be. you just have to mix them with hyur body parts like in heavensward

>tfw Minfilia will come back

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get the fuck out of here

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You just have to make them at night when /vg/ fags have fallen asleep
A halfway decent OP also helps, no player character posting, and at least suggesting a specific game related topic that isn't trash like talking about waifus or shit like that

I'm just saying, no one's asking what reuniting the shards looks like.

hell, we could all end up in a blender and killed.

Can jet fuel melt shards

A dream world.

reuniting the shards will launch FFXVI

What if the true end of XIV is reuniting every shard to create a new world which would be used in the next ff mmo.

*will be

Maybe the real Final Fantasy was the friends we made along the way.