>turns pirates into legit buyers thanks to steam sales and launcher features
>legit attempt to innovate with games like Half life 2 and the steam controller
>is pushing hard to make Linux a viable alternative for gaming so we can finally step away from windows thanks to Steam Proton
>is about to launch a new VR headset that could arguably improve the VR market on PC
>actually pushed the steam client back in the 90s through excellent first party software instead of shady deals with software publishers
>gets shit on for taking a 30% cut (which is about the same M$, Sony and Nintendo charges for their storefronts) in exchange of all steam features, benefits and massive install base
>Yea Forums thinks that a bigger cut for the publisher will give more money to actual devs
how do you excuse yourselves? is china really spamming this board with shills?
Turns pirates into legit buyers thanks to steam sales and launcher features
>legit attempt to innovate with games like Half life 2 and the steam controller
2 things, 16 years apart, and the controller sucks
>its old so it doesn't matter
zoomer detected
I don't mind steam dying. It's been a good run
Whatever ppl say, doesn't matter. This has one outcome. The flourishing of epic, and the restructuring of valve.
Where was steam all these years when PC gaming was stagnating? Doing nothing. Same shit they've always been doing because they're safe.
Whatever happens to steam is something they've been deserving, and no Chinese shill has the power to deliver it
Can we stop getting shit titles? I'm tired of shit releases because game companies have a melty.
This. This so much. Why do I need to rally for steam when they didn't so shit for us other than keep their ends clean.
1984 Tienenmen Square Massacre
You know, you probably felt something similar with your parents, yeah they have been slow. But they haven't blown their entire fanbase like most do. Give them some leeway. If they dont do something they will lose income, and gabe needs his donuts.
Yes you dumb nigger, a long period of time with only 2 notable things to point at is laughable when trying to argue how much valve has "innovated"
>is china really spamming this board with shills?
its either that or obsidian pasta poster found something new to spam 24/7
>controller sux xD
>trackpads give almost mouse like movemoent
>can be configured to behave like a stick if you like inferior things
>infinite customisability
>can just use trackpads with clicking them to forgo the face buttons
>never lose camera control so you never have to claw
>can be used on games that don't even support controllers with its infinite customisability
>short and long presses can be customised to do different things
>grip buttons
>trackpads live longer than sticks
>uses AA batteries
>can be used wired or wireless
>costs 35$ on steam sales 45$ on gamestop
>how do you excuse yourselves?
Gabe's a fat fuck and deserves everything that's coming to his fat ass
you forgot gyro aiming and community made control configs easy to access from the big picture mode
Shills are impossible to make back the fuck off without some sort of deterrent. Why do you think mlp and pol got along so well? One kept shills away while the other tolerated them.
>restructuring of valve
People who honestly believe Epic operating at unsustainable levels will kill actually threaten Steam is absolutely delirious and has never opened a book about economics. Valve has not done one single thing about the EGS ever since the whole debate started and they'll continue to do nothing.
>reddit space
0.1 dumplings have been deposited in your government monitored account
Valve doesn't have to, quality makes itself apparent in the market and shitty indie devs crying about valve won't change a damn thing.
Suck my cock NT dev you got BTFO'd by Steakmund and Enter the Gungeon, update your stupid game or I'm going back to Sword of the Stars for another replay.
>0.1 dumplings have been deposited in your government monitored account
Ok I keked.
This honestly
I don't give a shit about steam, they lost my respect when they went full keys and cosmetics
Pool pot did nothing wrong, free tibet, Chinese massacre Nanjing square
He forced me to start pirating by getting rid of physical copies and giving digital distribution a monopoly on PC.
Clients are not a good thing, Steam was the consolization of PC. Valve has done more damage to gaming than any other company, that fat kike popularized most of the cancers plaguing gaming today.
We used to pay $50 max for a physical copy, now we are expected to pay for a download license, fuck that I pirate now. EGS and streaming games wouldn't even be taken into consideration if PC gamers didn't cuck out to digital only first.
stay poor faggot
>everyone has forgotten all the times steam tried to shit on consumers
>in the future everyone will forget about how epic was terrible
reddit outrage is wacky
Valve used even worse tactics when they were pushing Steam. HL2 is a good example, it was the first Steam code in a box, people bought it expecting a physical copy but they got a Steam code in a box. Doesn't matter if it comes with a disc, if it requires Steam then it is a Steam code in a box.
Piracy digitally distributes games for $0.
>everyone has forgotten all the times steam tried to shit on consumers
literally name 5
Tienanmen Square. Winnie the Pooh. Taiwan is China. Free Tibet and the Uighurs
we don't, epic epic games shils are receiving epic payments to meme their epic spyware to get good(epic) chinese points
gaben's slaves slip up sometimes (paid mods) but we usually rise up and put them back in their place
Their engine is shit, and once Epic realizes that any small/single indie companies have to opt between the broken unity and their, they'll start making exclusivity forced to anyone that uses Unreal.
>Where was Epic all these years when PC gaming was stagnating? Doing nothing. Same shit they've always been doing because they're safe.
>but g-gaben forced me to be poor!!
holy shit this is pathetic
And now, more than a decade later, Epic's shitty business model is turning legit buyers back into pirates. It's come full circle.
Did anyone actually give a fuck about Valve's sales cut before Epic showed up?
physical media has always been dead on PC due to many PCs not having disc drives and the popularization of the internet, that's why we're still stuck on DVDs in some releases while consoles have moved to blurays since 2006, nobody nowadays have disc drivers on their PCs, digital copy offers as much flexibility as physical where you can refund games, and lend them to friends with the family share thing but anyway, you cant blame valve for physical media being total shit in PC
Of course not
And they won't care after Epic kills itself either
Yeah, but Half Life 3 when?
no one ever did because all the 3 sony, M$ and nintendo charged around 30% for their digital store front and a whopping 56% cut for physical releases
I don't get what all the fuss is about. Epic has exclusive distribution rights for a certain period fo time, big deal. Just pirate the game before it release, wait for the time limit to run out, and pick up the game on Steam once it goes on sale.
He still killed physical retail for PC, unforgivable sin.
dumb frog poster, they cant do that with console games like kingdom heart 3 and yoshy crafted world
maybe on PC only but then what dev in their right mind would want their game to remain locked to 1 storefront on PC forever
Wow, you're right, I sure miss EA and Activation buying out every last independent studio that couldn't afford the premiums for shelf space at Target and shitting on their IP years later, those were the glory days.
>valve is responsable for the whole gaming industry not choosing to put their games on PC at alll or when they do to actually release a physical copy
started providing refunds only after EU legally forced them to
refunds used to only provide steam funds
steam forced in with HL2 download
paid mods
lack of ownership, forced DRM
steam tracks data
there was also some EULA drama that i forgot about
they also take out a huge chunk of money from workshop items, but that doesn't count as a consumer thing.
>refunds used to only provide steam funds
not true
>steam forced in with HL2 download
literally nothing wrong with that
>paid mods
blizzard's idea
>lack of ownership, forced DRM
that's on the publishers/developers
>steam forced in with HL2 download
>lack of ownership, forced DRM
its literally OK when epic does it
idk if id agree on lack of ownership being on publishers, that's kind of how steam works really.
Everything Valve is given blame for are textbook inevitabilities, that we are BLESSED to have been Valve who actually was the one to do it. They have spearheaded and been the one to prove the viability of many things that went on to become general industry blights, eg. loot crates and software-as-a-service, but they have also almost always been the paragon example of how to do them in costumer-friendly/ethical ways.
Paid mods is a useful counter-example, of something they undeniably and totally fucked. It's distressing to think of what might have been lost entirely because of their detachment from reality on that one issue of the upside-down pay cut (mod maker getting 25%).
>paid mods
Bethesda was pushing hard for this one to capitalize on skyrim mods
>steam tracks data
your ISP and Epic does as well but anyway, show me proof on how steam spies on you
and what's that supposed to mean?
because if you're talking about DRM then no, it is entirely on the pubs/devs. there are lists out there of games on steam with exactly zero drm - valve doesn't force anyone to put even the basic steamworks stuff in their games
right, i had forgotten which shithead company whose name started with a B it was that did it, sorry about that
he probably doesn't even have a PC to game on, user
Anyone that doesn't want to use a broken piece of shit like Unity.
should have killed you too
>in the future everyone will forget about how epic was terrible
I don't like steam, but I like it more than paid exclusivity on PC
we had a good thing going before this consolewar bullshit was introduced
i don't think epic can force PC ports to be on their store front just because theyre using UE4, thats the reason the dev is paying for the engine license to begin with, unless epic offers a deal to give free license of UE4 in exchange of exclusivity to their store front which is STILL a terrible deal for any dev because again, theyre limiting themselves to 1 storefront
>thats the reason the dev is paying for the engine license to begin with
Which is extremely cheap if you're a small company, what if they increase the fees to anyone who doesn't want to use their store? They can do that.
>Implying Steam sales have been good in at least 6 years
>Implying the Steam controller was innovative and that Valve has been trying to innovate with games
>Implying Linux will ever be a viable alternative for gaming when they still argue over which audio subsystem they should use
>Implying VR isn't a meme
>Implying Steam existed in the 90s and implying that requiring Steam for Half-Life 2 wasn't shady as fuck in 2004
>Implying the vast majority of Steam's features aren't useless fucking bloat
only indies would do such a thing to save on licenses fees but even then why use UE4 to begin with when their projects have small scopes completely doable on unity or anything else, they'd stupid to let epic takes basically ownership of their game
>forcing your marketplace on a game purchase
>it's ok because it was someone else's idea
>lack of ownership is ok because ???
So, say Epic goes on and really becomes an equivalent competitor to Steam
What's the next step? Someone legitimate comes out with a universal launcher? How does "platform" exclusivity play out in the long run?
VR is a meme gimmick fad that is already over, stop wasting your time and effort, fatass!
i wonder how cross platform play is gonna work. borderlands 3, for example, is gonna be on both steam and epic. what's gonna happen with that. i imagine bad blood is gonna complicate things somewhat
bait post
>steam literally the only large company that actively pushes against all the shit anti consumer shit we have these days.
>Attempts to set up completely optional market where creators can sell their creations
>People see the words "paid mods" and lose their fucking minds
Gaben did NOTHING wrong
What's epic's refund policy
epic will never catch up on steam's decades old game library, they simply cant, they will run out of money to purchase timed exclusives, they're just expecting that by then EGS is big enough which wont happen, so games will start to show up on steam again, fornite BR bubble will pop and EGS will slip into irrelevancy again, they might go back to console pandering again
Flash drives exist and don't require a disc drive, they could always release the games on flash drives instead of discs, it's been done before. I'd prefer blu-ray but flash drive is still better than being charged for a download.
You can blame Valve, they sabotaged the """""physical""""" releases of their own games to get people to switch to digital. And case manufacturers for the minimalist in appearance and functionality cases that don't even have 1 5.25 bay. Your refund time is severely limited and you can't sell the physical copy after that time is up because you don't get a physical copy. Digital distribution comes with many negatives as shown by the state of the industry. Piracy is more convenient than giving money to rent seekers like Valve, the only time it isnt is when the developer sabotages their game with anti piracy tactics like releasing a game unfinished without a patch, updates, online requiring server authentication through Steam servers, etc. If you only cared about convenience then you would be exclusively pirating and not financially reward methods that artificially lower the convenience of piracy.
Knowing how stupid Tim is Epic won't allow it because they already know Steam is cool with it.
>>Implying Steam sales have been good in at least 6 years
>>Implying the Steam controller was innovative and that Valve has been trying to innovate with games
>>Implying Linux will ever be a viable alternative for gaming when they still argue over which audio subsystem they should use
>>Implying VR isn't a meme
it might be but i dont see epic developing a new visor
>>Implying Steam existed in the 90s and implying that requiring Steam for Half-Life 2 wasn't shady as fuck in 2004
its literally OK when EGS does it
>>Implying the vast majority of Steam's features aren't useless fucking bloat
making their pay cut 20% is a big wrong
First, tell us your anal circumference.
Second, no.
>why use UE4 to begin with when their projects have small scopes completely doable on unity or anything else
Again, because UE has a gigantic library of resources that unity doesn't, plus it's much, much easier to work with due to their "coding made easy". And let's not forget how it can actually be optimized without a full team backing you.
>forcing your marketplace on a game purchase
if the costumers had a problem with it it wouldn't have gotten as far as it did
>it's ok because it was someone else's idea
i never said it was ok, but it WAS someone else's idea
>lack of ownership is ok because ???
i never said it was ok, but it IS on the publishers/devs of the game and not on valve
again, there are lists of drm-less games on steam. if your favorite steam game has drm then it's because the publishers or the developers put it in there, not valve
>Flash drives exist and don't require a disc drive, they could always release the games on flash drives instead of discs
stopped reading there, flash drive prices for massive production are a fucking SIN, no publisher in its right mind would ever attempt such a thing, flash based memory is fucking expensive this is why switch physical releases struggles so much with "additional downloadable content", some games not even getting a physical release at all or some packs like bayo 1+ 2 getting the second games as a download code, this is because flashcards are fucking expensive even nowadays and the ones nintendo switch have aren't even re writable like the 3DS ones
cringe and bluepilled
>steam forced in with HL2 download
That's not true either
>You can blame Valve, they sabotaged the """""physical""""" releases of their own games to get people to switch to digital.
Yes because they made SO MANY games that gamers had no choice, right?
this plus NO cloud saves
i really don't get how there are so many EGS shills on Yea Forums
they're probably just mad console shitters taking the chance to shit on PC
Doesn't matter what we think. Epic is stealing as many games and developers as they can and Gabe is just sitting by as his platform and legacy dies a slow death.
lack of ownership doesn't mean DRM my dude. lack of ownership is entirely valve's decision.
56% percent physical cut isn't comparable, they have to deal with physical objects and all the logistics, stores have limited space which is a form of advertising, and retail stores outright buy those physical copies. 30% is ridiculous for digital distribution, piracy can digitally distribute games for $0, what is Valve and Epic's excuse? Not that I give a shit about the devs, they deserve to die for charging for a download license, and the only way I'm willing to give them money which is from buying a physical copy, gives them less profit than the glorified donations they receive from digital cuck pay pigs like you.
Digital distribution has made games more expensive than ever when you take into consideration you don't get a physical copy or manual, dlc and micro transactions exist, games are intentionally released unfinished or unplayable without a patch, etc. Valve has done more damage to gaming than any other company.
yeah, epic third party releases like borderlands 3 and david cage movies
meanwhile steam is getting RE2R, DMCV, Sekiro and DOOM ethernal
You do know that Microsoft Sony and nintendo do not distribute non first-party physical games but still charge 56%, right?
>piracy can digitally distribute games for $0
based retard
>>Yea Forums thinks that a bigger cut
>Yea Forums thinks
Dude, wake up. It's not "Yea Forums" who is in support of epic. It's developers and other industry retards. They do use this board too, you know.
they mostly use resetera and twitter, what we actually get are mad console babies taking the chance to ride the "pc now has exclusivity wars" narrative
They use other forums where they can be recognized and named but they also post here every single day, same as you.
>steam greenlight has allowed indie titles that normally wouldn't be published to rake in millions for valve (most notably undertale)
>epic has exclusivity for a year(?)
i wonder who wins in the end?!?
I like it. Each their own, I guess