Should the magic meter be green or blue?

Should the magic meter be green or blue?

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Magic is blue.

Magic is green.

stamina is green

I like it green because it doesn't blend with the background.

Yellow, unless there is a stamina bar. Then it should be purple.

Alternatively, have it be an action slot with a cooldown.

Blue. Red and Green are colors that naturally appear in the body, this denoting physical gauges.

Blue obviously

Magic is blue this is not up for debate.
Green/yellow are more inclined towards stamina.

Anyone who says green is just being contrarian, its obviously blue



aria of sorrow is the better game though


Health is red
Mana/Magicka is blue
Stamina/Energy is green
Hunger is yellow
Poisoned health is Purple

If magic is green, then it is energy.
Ex: Grim Dawn

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HP: Red > Green > Everything else
MP: Blue > Green > Everything else
SP/AP: Yellow > Green > Everything else
Blue is good as an armor bar.
Yellow is good as an ammo bar/counter.
White is good as a cum meter

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Health is Blue->Green->Yellow->Red

>Blue is good as an armor bar
Grey is armor.

Health and magic should use a single meter.

Depends on the lore and how magic works in universe anyone who says magic must be blue because that's what they are used to are stupid.

>Anyone who says water must be wet because that's what they are used to are stupid

The hard gay

Grey is fine too.