BFA thread, what mounts you farmin bois?
classicfags on suicide watch
BFA thread, what mounts you farmin bois?
classicfags on suicide watch
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No one likes BfA, neck yourself
BfA fucking sucks but I'm leveling a Mag'har orc while I wait for either 8.2 or classic.
I quit when my guild got AotC and since then I've been playing Factorio, Grim Dawn and Cataclysm: DDA
>what mounts you farmin bois?
farming mounts is the only fucking thing to do in this piece of shit expac
Can you imagine playing BfA?
Gotta suck to have mental disabilities.
literally can't
XIV is the one with trannies.
Imagine still wanting to give Blizzard money.
>You gotta be a tranny to have mental problems
This is your brain on BfA
i know this is a bait thread, but i just want to contribute that i am a long time blizzdrone and quit retail for an entire expansion for the first time ever with bfa
sick bait
Based WoWbros we did gods work by getting he XIV tranny threads thrown back onto /vg/
You stuck with WoD but quit BfA?
As someone who doesn't play WoW, the elitism from the classic wow crowd against live WoW is staggering.
Imagine a WoW player hating a WoW player for liking WoW.
yes, wod was better as it had cms and i made a fuckton of gold with garrisons
BFA managed to be worse than WoD. Which is no small feat.
Blizzfags are all kinds of retarded.
What a load of contrarian horseshit.
BFA thread, what mounts you farmin bois?
classicfags on suicide watch
Just wait until classic fags quit the game because one again Blizzard fucked everything up. Only absolute retards will pay for a sub to a game that was 14 years ago.
Christ, I'd forgotten how fucking retarded WoW lore was
mag'har have been around since BC.
>playing bfa
Fuckin zoomers
There is literally nothing wrong with BfA and anyone who says otherwise is blinded by nostalgia. Prove me wrong.
If these autistic fits didn't happen with every expansion i'd believe they were genuine.
>But for real this time!
WoD may be the 2nd worst expansion, but that line between 1st and 2nd worst is pretty thick.
WoD at least had gladiator stance going for it.
You're wrong
Sup Ion
Gladiator stance to use with what? Sitting in your Garrison?
>Feel like playing WoW
>Remember the disgusting timegating
>Remember world quests
>Remember artifact/azerite
Objectively wrong
So where's Legion keeping this image in-mind. You know Legion, the last good expansion according to retards.
Its better than WoD. That's literally the only good thing about it.
come home weeb man
You at least knew what you were getting on WoD gear. BFA gear you have to constantly hope and pray that its not only forged, but has the right stats/skills on it.
absolute state of this dogshit expansion
maybe buy more store mounts and it will get better
get saged on
gear randomizing was in WoD you retard.
I doubt Classic will be able to recapture the magic and even then it won't be the same. At least he may bring back the social aspect of the game but maybe not.
Seriously, hardly anyone really "does" anything anymore or interact. Plus Group Finder and Raid Finder basically ruined server community
>>Remember artifact/azerite
>add amazing looking, lore-significant weapons with cool intro quests and special appearance unlocks based on discovering secrets/actual class-based challenges
>attach THE most mind-numbing, soul-crushing, pointless grind to them the game has ever fucking seen
seriously, what the fuck
Not nearly as bad as BFA.
Yes it was.
What the fuck? Are you retarded dude? Wod was bad but at least it had things for me to personally do. BFA has literally nothing, islands are WORSE than having no content. Neck/azerite is WORSE than having no content.
>Things for me personally to do
WoD was fucking awesome if you mained Gladiator Warrior. Easily the funnest spec Ive played in 15 years of that fucking game.
Not really, in BFA you not only need your Azerite talents to be correct, but you're timegated on the Azerite gain itself so you can't even use some skills right away if you get a good roll and are behind on the neck piece.
>literally nothing wrong with BfA
ahahahha. No you didnt blizzard!
Allow me to show you, how shit of a expansion you've made:
- Only 1 major 'patch'
- New races locked behind a rep wall
- Stupid fucking azerite armor
- Splitting the factions
- Splitting the story
- Weird transition from legion to BfA (We combined arms for an entire expansion, and now since the legion are gone, we all suddenly hate each other now)
Need I go on?
It clearly doesn't have to be good for you retards to buy and play it.
Its really just Sylvanas throwing a bitch fit. Pretty much all the relatively sane Horde don't know why the fuck this all started and are just kind of riding the wave
I don't get the animosity amongst WoW players. It's all the same game.
I just can't bring myself to care about WoW anymore.
Nothing is compelling. It's all fake. It's all temporary. None of it feels rewarding.
It used to be that getting a green drop while questing would feel incredible.
Now I do the worldquest for the 300th time and my necklace gets 0.15% stronger and I get free purples from droll mindless theme park rides and It makes me want to shoot myself.
Terrible game.
- Weird transition from legion to BfA (We combined arms for an entire expansion, and now since the legion are gone, we all suddenly hate each other now)
This is every expansion though. Normally, the alliance and horde are kicking the shit out of each other, then last patch they come together to fight the big bad, then its back to fighting.
>Playing any form of WoW in current year
>not playing pic related
How you bfa fags enjoying the "lore"?
Here's the future, screencap it
>sylvanas will have a garrosh 2.0 story
>scurried away, she'll escape to northrend and take over the lich king throne
>the next expansion will be literally Wrath of the Lich Queen
>except she'll get some sort of redemption rather than getting shanked because plot armor + one of the main writers has her as his waifu and the soys on wow forum love her
>even if she somehow dies, it'll be martyr death and she'll become immortalized as a benevolent GOD sylvanas or some shit
>cue the new allied race for horde, GHOST ELVES
Sylvanas will just end up becoming Kerrigan 2.0
legion was an expansion of great ideas that were hamstrung by completely fucking retarded balance decisions. i think its defenders get caught up on what legion tried to do and forget about just how badly it failed at actually doing them. also it was blatantly the PLEASE COME BACK expansion.
>class halls so that classes have cool quests and unique identities again!
>oh here's that timegated garrison bullshit that everyone hated back from WoD
>cool artifact weapons with lore-relevance and neat appearances!
>oh but the most tedious grind the game has ever seen is attached to them
>an actually interesting story questline in a beautiful zone in suramar!
>oh but it's timegated and you can only do a handful of the quests per patch until we release the raid
>oh and even after we remove timegating when the raid tier is no longer relevant it's still rep gated
>world quests offer an alternative to daily quests that get you out in different parts of the world instead of dealing with the same 1-2 daily hubs!
>oh but literally every single world quest is just a rehashed leveling quest that you've already done
>no flying mounts so you actually have to think about traversing the land again!
>oh but we deliberately made the new zones as annoying to traverse as possible just to make you take longer traveling everywhere
>also we added flying back in later anyway :^)
>demon hunters as a playable class! finally!
>oh but they only have 2 specs instead of the normal 3 because we're just so busy working vewwy hawd on this expansion that we didn't have time to make a 3rd one
>everybody gets legendaries, and they're impactful and can drastically change the way certain specs are played!
>when and what legendary you get is complete RNG that you have ZERO control over
>also some legendaries are 100% required in order for certain specs to be viable while other legendaries are completely useless garbage
i'd still say it's better than WoD and BfA though.
>stop playing WoW and play tranny WoW
Let my sub lapse. I'll come back for 8.2 to for dat Gnome content.
I've played for like 13 years and quit 6 months ago, BfA is just too fucking shit, and reeks of Activision interference.
I thought WoD was the worst it could get. I was wrong.
class balance is always swaying back and forth but legion as a whole was a great xpac. unfortunately BFA got ugly really fast.
Ark of the Covenant?
>as someone who doesn't know ir care here's my cursory take
Good post
>races consist of various humans with different ears glued on, and children.
current WoW may be a grindy boring mess but it has way, WAY better races than this chink shit
I thought all classes became shit with BfA but Survival Hunter is actually kinda fun. The boomers who want ranged Surv back can suck my peepee.
>tfw the game itself is so boring you start writing short stories about your characters just so they have something to do.
>legion was an expansion of good ideas
>the crux of which is based on a dead character being alive again for some reason, that said character being a good guy now, and all because of the actions of an alternative universe version of another dead character
Warcraft lore is absolute shit show. Don't ever defend it.
gimme a big tiddy gnome gf RIGHT NOW
Don't pretend they didn't do Illidan dirty in BC, with the naaru sending you to kill him even though they knew and hid that he was on your side against the Burning Legion.
Retail isn't WoW.
As a retail player I don't care. You really have to be insecure to get butthurt about people not liking what you like.
Fuck off, Lore.
illidan was always a "good" guy. what the players did in TBC had zero justification and made zero fucking sense from a lore perspective. warcraft lore has been utterly fucked since then. legion's story was a poor attempt at retconning the garbage that was TBC's story.
>As a retail player I don't care. Purple is my favorite crayon flavor. Mommy I MADE PLEASE WIPEY MY DIAPY.
>they knew he was on your side
The Illidari were neutral evil. And yeah, the faction should have been expanded upon more so than it was, but if kill a character off, they are dead.
Undead/ghosts are slightly different, because they aren't their normal selves. The whole "demon souls go to the nether and are never truly dead shtick can actually go fuck itself. Whatever brain dead moron at Blizzard came up with that idea needs a dose of shotgun mouthwash.
WOD at least had a comfy base for you to upgrade and some waifu followers. BOA is just shit
I wanna lovefuck a femgnomie.
>WoD was at least a mobile game with a garrison that segregated me from the whole rest of the other players
He was an escaped criminal
Based BFA and legion for being such pieces of irredeemable garbage that activision had to give us classic to save their subscriber numbers.
We're going home
that's just the thing. I really want to play it again because I miss my worgen fury warrior was so cool with legion gladiator gear the one with all the fucking spikes on it (you know which one) but the game is so god damn shit and boring now with all the timegating and grinding.
my entire guild fucking quit
Not that BC wasn't an absolute butchering of the lore, Illidan was a crack addict who sold out to Azshara to get his fix, this was established in WC3 manual
Not to mention the nigga was literally running errands for Kil'jaeden in Frozen Throne, the cause was good (destroying the Lich King) but the motivations don't really make him a "good guy" by any means
>put down blingtron outside garrison
>tell on general chat i just did it
>watch as hundreds of people phase in and quickly go back to their sheds
Based blizz, it's not like the Massive on MMO matters at all
Can't wait to play a heavily phased starting zone+barrens on classic
Plus you have to consider Illidan and his armies, solely from the perpesctive of the player character, are villains. Whether or not you think he is an anti hero, or god forbid a good guy, is besides the point.
The Alliance don't like Illidan, the Naga and the Blood Elves. The Horde don't like Fel Orcs. Unless the Illidari was established as a third playable faction, they were always going to be displayed as villains.
I don't understand how you can think garrison customization with minigames during que downtime is less fun than sitting at the bank in a capital city waching some randome fucktaards run around.
I don't actually remember why the players went over to the Outland in the first place, it's not like it was a problem Illidan and his gang were hanging out there lording it over a bunch of dead rocks floating in space (another thing BC ruined)
People threw shitfits over garrisons, just like they're throwing shitfits over BfA today.
I just played on a private vanilla server, holy shit i knew it was going to be bad but holy fuck this game aged.
I'm going back to retail, at least PvP is still fun even if the rest of the game is shit.
BFA is the culmination of devs listening to player shitfits over the course of wow.
Because of the new races and the Dark Portal opening up again. Kael'thas went to Outland to gather energy and the remaining Blood Elves who stayed behind to rebuild Quel'thalas, wanted to rejoin him.
And the "Draenei" had literally had an uprising, crashed into Azeroth, and are now warning the Alliance "yeah Illidan is a nutcase and now the Legion are back opening up more portals"
Ikr, where are all the mounts? Where are all the cheevos? WHERE THE HELL ARE ALL THE TRANSMOGS?! WTF
So was every other fucking expansion.
You miss your warrior because of pvp gear?
Nigga, i had pic related on mine and i can't play anymore because they rapefucked this game so much i can't even look at it anymore.
some of them at least has some new ideas they experimented with. Is there anything new in BFA?
Oh yeah, "draenei" came crashing down in their spaceship
Warfronts, Islands, and Allied Races. Doesn't mean it's good but it's that experimentation shit you're talking about.
allied races isn't new. it's just recolored or slightly modified old races.
Is islands new or just modified scenarios?
Are warfronts new or just modified wintergrasp?
Completely different racials is more than just slightly modified.
Islands have NPC's that play like players do, which is new and unique.
Warfronts aren't PVP.
I started playing wow in WoD and even I quit bfa 5 months ago
But im sad cause i just wish the game was fun still
Or that my stupid ass addicted friends would play any other video game
>Completely different racials is more than just slightly modified.
>some random % modifier shit
>orc colored brown
>it totally new!
Are you really this dumb?
Hellfire Citadel mecha, shit won't drop
You didn't play frost did you? Frost is so bad right now.
Both Island expeditions and warfronts are effectively modified scenarios. Islands are 3 man gathering dailies, which provide a steady increase of azerite and vanity items, namely unused mounts, pets and armor set appearances which have been in the files for years but never added. They are more or less pointless unless you like collecting vanity items.
Warfronts are a neat idea, but pretty poor in execution. You have a 20 man epic scenario where you fight for control of a zone. Once you control it, you are presented with an updated version of that zone, and its another azerite/vanity item farm, only this time there is a world boss who drops gear. The gear you get is effectively catch up gear for casuals who don't do mythics or raids. I like the updated zones, but its literally just another "add to your collection" excuse.
>Any of the real races being new
>Blood Elves
>Small orc
>Fat furries
>Blood Elves
Totally more appealing than brown orcs.
Thats some random picture i took from google.
My DK is a tauren.
In the subject, tho yeah, i played frost, fuck have they done to it? i never liked unholy, so i guess i would be pretty mad.
For warrior doesn't matter, i played the dps spec that had the most fluid rotation, so i played my fair amount of both over the years.
Pic related is my warrior.
Didn't even finish leveling him to 120 cause bfa is horseshit
>make a retail thread
>people instantly start discussing about either Classic or how the game fucking blows
I unironically feel sorry for you retailbros. I stopped playing long ago but I still care somehow, I hope it gets better like it did with Legion.
They're adding class spells in 8.2 which is promising.
1 minute of Factorio is worth 1 year of WoW (BfA that is).
I love the Mag'har but fuck I wish they just used the ones from our actual fucking timeline.
Dude, the problem is that Legion was never good, in fact, legion is what started all this garbage that turned WoW into utter SHIT.
The only way to fix this garbage would be to remove all the timegating, make world questing pretty much irrelevant, remove that stupid necklace, add a pvp vendor, bring back the old honor system, pretty much rollback the core gameplay to how it was before legion.
Most specs have been gutted by GCD and simplified rotations. Rune regen in DKs, especially frost, is so abysmally slow its not even funny. Now normally, a class with slow resource growth like WW monk has high damage output. Frost DK doesn't even have that.
Warrior is sort of okay. Arms took a bit of a nerf with bladestorm getting its damaged hit, but its mostly the same as it was at the start of BFA.
>in fact, legion is what started all this garbage that turned WoW into utter SHIT.
>thinking WoWs problems started with Legion
Oof son.
What was all that positive hype about then? People all over the place seemed really satisfied.
I don't think they're going to remove the necklace now (watch it be a ring or bracer of timegating next), and seem dead set on removing PvP gear for some fucking reason.
Regardless of timeliness, their existence is fucking dumb
All of the orcs were the horde, bulk of the horde crossed into Azeroth in the first war, bulk of those that didn't in Beyond the Dark Portal, the handful that were left were easy pickings for Magtheridon who turned those remnants into his fel orc troops
And then TBC: aw nah, there's like pure good orcs still around lol, right over there, they live in peace with nature n shiet
>GCD bullshit
Yeah, i absolutely hated that gay shit.
And i can see how frost is absolute trash now, it was pretty good with both BIS legendaries and Antorus 4set, but it absolutely relied on that to be good.
With that gone i can see the trainwreck it must be now.
>I'm a WoW player, not because I play the game, but because I shit on other people for playing WoW
The funny thing is that WoW is the MMO version of onions: the game. It was created to be accessible, unlike previous MMO titles which were a lot more punishing and demanding. That was blizzards hook. The entire Darkfall debacle happened because real MMO fans hated what WoW did to the MMO scene and desperately wanted to go back to the roots, meaning full PvP, full loot, no recourse but to git gud.
Not really on any side here myself, people should play whatever they enjoy, but it's pretty funny to see these people think of themselves as principled tough guys when really they're part of the game that effectively killed an entire genre. Sure it was a big, spectacular boom, but that's essentially what WoW did.
Yes but Mag'har means uncorrupted, which includes the ones that came through the portal. All the ones in the horde shouldn't be green to begin with
I doubt it would be easy to find every last member of a race in outland, I haven't read that one though so I'll leave it at that. Blizz is shit at writing but I haven't heard much better about Christe Golden.
is there a shortcut to farming Nightborne rep, like how you can kill the worm boss for Hightmountain rep?
>like how you can kill the worm boss for Hightmountain rep?
Thats a thing? I'm fairly certain doing all the quests + the extra campaign you need to for the allied race meta gets you revered. And since BFA Legion world quests give double the rep.
>since BFA Legion world quests give double the rep.
whoa really? I wasted my time grinding Light Forged and Void elves with little intention of playing one, guess that's the price of autism
I meant the WC2 expansion, I haven't read the book either
But the point is that Draenor was torn to shreds and most orcs were gone anyway and those that were stranded there when everything went to shit would have been mostly dead or rounded up by the Burning Legion
TBC of course retcon'd basically everything about Draenor and Outland though
What are you talking about? The biggest MMO at the time was EQ, and at release WOW was more elitist and harder to get to the top tier raiding .