MGS is an overrated shitty series

I am dead fucking serious, this series fucking sucks. I started playing MGS3, I'm about two hours in and I've played maybe 30 minutes of actual ingame 'action'. You don't fucking play these games, you sit down and watch a pretentious shitstain movie every 10 minutes. You guys really like this fucking garbage?

I'm glad this series died with Metal Gear Revive or whatever the fuck that shit is called, fuck gooks this series is ASS

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Attached: Hideo-Kojima.jpg (489x501, 51K)

>Play MGS
>can't go 10 minutes without Kojima telling you about how nukes are bad, lol.
It was the beginning of movie game garbage.

At least the "movie" and the gameplay are separate unlike modern "movie games" and even parts of MGSV, like the stupid ass cripple intro you have to play through.

Nukes are bad but they're the only reason why we haven't had a world war

THIS is the STUNNING intellect required to enjoy the MetalGearSolid Series :*)

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Yeah, because theres actual gameplay outside of the cutscenes.

>Series has overarching story
>Starts it at the third

Why do people do this? Also, beyond some bosses MGS3 made me quit MGS entirely. Haven't played 4 or 5 yet because this one was pretty bad.

>"I've played two hours of one game and can make an informed opinion about the whole series."

Sucks that you're a zoomer with a mental illness. Just go back to your bing bing wahoos jumping around like a spastic for hours, but even that probably couldn't hold your attention for that long so you just bing bing wahoo for like 10 minutes and then go back to smoking weed and eating froot loops or some shit. Just fuck off and fuck you.