And I need you to recover
And I need you to recover
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i miss Mass Effect 1 and Mass Effect 2 threads
I recently got into the series and i'm enjoying it a lot, i played through most of 1 and currently playing 2 (Got 4 party members so far)
How good is 3? All i heard for years about ME is just how much the story sucks
it's all right for the first like 80%, there are some good moments
the ending is significantly less bad with the extended cut dlc, but it's still pretty bad
It's good till the end.
>god-tier assault on the citadel followed by god-tier boss fight against saren and skelly saren with the 100% brotastic team of garrus and wrex
>faunts plays while I bask in the credits and reminisce about one hell of a space adventure
Mass Effect 1 & 2 are kino scifi games
2 ruined everything
3 is good with the extended cut. I played 3 with the extended cut from the beginning and I never had to deal with the outrage that came with the original release.
That being said, it still could have been better. Don't play Andromeda though.
I just want to fuck Nihlus, bros.
3 is honestly pretty good until you go back to Earth, the ending is just so bad it retroactively ruins the rest of the game.
>no krogan romance
i just want you to fuck off
Earth was a mistake in general
Do any Krogan ever fall in love with something that isn't a Krogan?
Yes. Liara has quarter Krogan in her because her "Dad"s father was Krogan.
I generally hate it when people create a SPACE game with a ton of different species and make it human centered. I don't mean human centered in the sense that the MC is a human and we learn a bit about his Earth family or something, but more like that shit in which some godlike or ancient universal beings who threaten the whole galaxy are fixating on humans, and humans save the day because there are so special and smart despite being younger than the other species, and the showdown happens on Earth too and then we get some spiritual tier shit like starkid or whatever that looks human as well and so on.
It could only get worse by some openly religious bullshit getting thrown into that which confirms that humans are the chosen species or something because of some bible bullshit.
I think I just hate how much the games shat onto the other species and loved to make them look retarded or nerf them in favor of some sappy human bullshit like that damn PTSD shit with the kid.
Maybe there are Krogan women that fell for Garrus.
The problem is that no one is crazy enough to fuck a Krogan on the one hand and on the other hand Krogans are too focused on reproduction after the cure so they prefer their own people for now.
Asari reproduction doesn't work that way
Liara got told that straight from her parents.
She even told her that she had kids with Hanar.
No genetic material from sire partners is incorporated. Read the codex.
The whole Asari stuff they have told us is retarded anyway. It makes no sense that there are so many non-purebloods that makes it the norm and Pures an shunned minority, unless there are way less Asari than members of other species OR members of other species get kids with Asari all the time while also reproducing within their own species.
Otherwise the others were already about to die out and these games hinted at far too many Asari/Xeno romances in that regard. It also means that being pureblooded must be still kinda common now and must have been the only/normal way of reproduction before they met other species through Prothean magic which makes the hate against it even more retarded.
The asari do not inherit anything from other species. They like to BELIEVE that they do but there is no actual evidence for it. This is right there in the codex.
Yes but that makes the pureblood bashing even more retarded.
I genuinely feel like a lot of stuff in the games was created on the go while the game was already in its production phase and a lot of things don't seem to fit or feel contradictory to other shit that happens or gets mentioned later.
ME3 is pretty kino up until the very end, refined the gameplay from 2 so if you didnt get assmad at 2's gameplay change then there you go. Pirate it with all the DLC if you can, Citadel and Omega are both really great and Javik is one of the best squad mates in the series. Leviathan is dumb if you like having Reapers remain unexplained so feel free to skip that one.
Javik would have been a better romance option than Thane, fight me.
Get the Extended Cut and all the multiplayer dlc. Don't expect the ending to be a fantastic fractal of meaningful decisions, and you'll be okay.
Never played Leviathan, Omega, or Citadel dlcs, so I can't vouch for them
To be fair, societies often have retarded social customs.
>Yes but that makes the pureblood bashing even more retarded.
The asari mating habits and culture of out-breeding are political and sociological strategy. It maintains asari birthrates but lowers the birthrate of other species and asari spouses of aliens also gives the asari influence with those alien cultures. Remember: asari live a thousand years or more. It's a very long-term game of building and maintaining influence over the shorter-lived races.
Everyone saying 3 was "good until the end" has incredibly shit taste.
3 was the worst in the series from the word go, with the biggest offense being the neutering of Renegade dialogue. You go from a cocky space badass in 1 and 2 to an angry, uninteresting douchebag in 3.
Careful user
"...alongside Mass Effect, which was put on ice in 2017 following the disappointing Mass Effect: Andromeda but has since been warmed back up..."
3 sucks from the start.
2 is undoubtedly best.
Prove me wrong. The blacks.
I just want my C-SEC Private Eye Game set 10 years prior to ME1 where the Citadel is this giant world hub where you can go around solving random crimes, doing future sci-fi fun activities, and some sort of main conspiracy story