Borderlands thread

Where is my wife

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Something really terrible probably happened to her, know the gearbox writing retards. She'll probably have transitioned to a man.

Dead because she speced into anarchy but can't hold stacks

What's the appeal of Borderlands? I've allways been curious, is it just a wacky shooter?

>Something really terrible probably happened to her
You have no idea

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Having sex with Axton.



To be fair, he's also banging Deathtrap.

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went back home to daddy

Wrong, Axton is canonically gay.

Gaige is choking on big Sal sausage.

Captured and ravaged by either one of Pandora's many monsters or by the male Calypso Twin.

bi, he was married

There is no such thing as bi for men, you're either hetero or gay.

>he was married
That's called a beard, darling.


Krieg fucked Maya

we can only hope

started straight but a glitch in the revive lines made a line that was supposed to be just for maya, and be a flirt, come out for other characters and gearbox rolled with it

She turned herself into a robot waifu and is now dating Clap-Trap.

My question is; Where is MY WIFE Aurelia?

did you watch the trailer

Athena and Janey are cute CUTE

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Aside from the Mask of Mayhem one, she wasn't anywhere to be found in anything else.
I hope she's okay in her Turbo Mansion(s) and/or Hunting down exotic creatures on Eden 6.

They're awful. No chemistry. Just a feeling of forced lesbianism. Roland and Lilith were a better couple, and they were an AWFUL couple.
Mordecai x Moxxi real OTP.


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U wot
Athena is dating scooter, what the hell is going on

Is this from presequel or tales?

For some reason I feel Scooter was killed off just so Janey would be your mechanic in BL3.

Hm, for some reason I thought this was part of the MoM trailer. My bad. God 5 years haven't been forgiving to her. Time to upgrade to a younger wife.

Thank GOd for Borderlands 3. Now you memeing retards have a containment thread. Imagine thinking Claptrap was funny.

Jesus christ

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delete this thread right now!
my waifu is pure as snow!!!!!!
she is safe and nothing bad has happened

sounds like you've been mandela'd recently

Is tales from borderlands worth playing ?

it's the only one i haven't played yet

Not really a game in the sense of playing a game like you would borderlands. More like a interactive story in my opinion.

His voice actor had a stroke user

>athena dating scooter
Thats retarded where did this meme come from

If you are even remotely invested in the world, yes. It's one of Telltale's only good games and it's by far the best take on Borderlands' setting and characters. If you're only in it for the gameplay you can safely skip it.

Canon dyke and fucking Janey.
Not only that, but Janey is now the voice you will hear on the catch-a-rides!
And athena and janey are going to be dyking it up on screen. Holy shit is it going to be uncomfortable for everyone watching.

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>Start the General Knoxx Expansion
>Kill one of the first enemies in the game (Assassins sent to kill you)
>One of them drops a Legendary Corrosive Revolver

Easiest DLC of my entire fucking life.

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Who is that guy on the right?

that Uncle no one really talks about for reasons

>that sfm video where she gets raped

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It has been a long time since I played borderlands but the secret armory was my favorite thing and I'm pretty sure Athena claims the Scooter man as her bf right away.

>sal and gaige
>sal and fucking anyone
only thing that bandit deserves to be with is a bullet in his head. honestly the only vault hunter that is irredeemable.

Anybody got some smug borderlands pepes?

>"anybody got stale and cringy memes?"

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Jumping up and down on my bingus peenus wheenus

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Redpill me on Sal, why do people hate him so much? Seriously I've seen fans of every vault hunter in every game except Salvador

post it

She's going to build some kind of fighter jet thing.
She'll have some dude helping her, and he clearly totally has a crush on her.
You'll eventually get a bunch of quests where you hook them up.
Then she'll die when the fighter jet thing crashes.
Then the dude will become a very important ally all the way through the rest of the game.

I'm sorry that I spoiled Gearbox's incredibly predictable writing for you.

I would have love to have Axton to be straight


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>Start my Psycho character playthrough on Friday on BL2
>Textures don't look like that much of an improvement but whatever.
>my one friend I play the game exclusively with has a level 7 Zero so we could do the early stuff together
>Log in
>he can't connect to my game, incompatible versions
Apparently T2 didn't bother rolling this thing out to Macs and Linux, my friend only has Macbook. Pretty frustrating. I guess I can turn off the texture update?

People with Macbooks are too good for Borderlands.

She'll become a robot, or lesbian with Tina

They only said he was bi because they are stupid.

Straight guy who had a one night stand with a really convincing trap/non-convincing reverse trap/twink gay dude who was just oh so charming or knew his number would have been like catnip to the queers.

They love the 100% straight guy turning for them then fucking their brains out fantasy.

Based and Redpilled

Not with her love for daddy

wheres it at chief

>Where is Krieg

Kriegs love for Maya is the purest thing on the planet.

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I would 100% love if you could stop blabbering about your oddly specific views on male sexuality that nobody asked for

Sweet thank you very much I'm a huge fan of the lore I'll check it out then

I am starting Borderlands 2 for the first time soon and wondering what class to choose. I played exclusively Roland in 1 and Wilhelm/Jack in the Pre-Sequel. I'm really not into gimmicky characters and will likely be doing mostly solo play. Is Axton my best bet?

I like Maya for self healing and cloud kill

I would 100% love if you actually read what I wrote and understood it and responded, rather then randomly post something that has nothing to do with what I posted because you think you need to defend yourself.

But he's shit in the UVHM, like holy shit get used to losing.

I'm not super fond of the sirens. I prefer to play male characters.

>begin playing BL2 recently
>trying out different characters to see which one I like
>start playing Gaige because of everything I've heard
>one point in Anarchy and you become death incarnate
I like her lines, looks, and overall skill trees (shock one was the most interesting to me) but Anarchy kind of ruins her. You don't even need points in the ricochet skill, you still slaughter everything you see. Especially with a decent Torgue weapon.

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>Can't play chicks
I've only seen three other posters with this problem. Can you explain why

What if Gaige is out of her punk phase in BL3

Axton is boring as hell, I'm doing a zer0 run with a sniper build and I'm having fun doing crits to every bandit I come across

I'm sorry, what ? I'm not defending anything you're just rambling about gay sex in the middle of a borderland thread, you're off topic.

Oh no

i kek'd

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Yes. Male characters help me with immersion because I am a male. If the character is female I have a hard time not paying attention to unrelated things like her voice and hands. It attracts unwanted attention from pubs, too. I know Athena and Nisha are constantly hit on in the Pre-Sequel and I really don't want that experience in my game.

the most cordial stomp i've seen

Honestly? Yeah. However, TPS needs to be retconned or something so it's not Athena awkwardly shrugging off Janey's advances and then suddenly getting with her at the end out of nowhere.

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They were talking about LGBQTA sex almost as soon as the thread started.
It seems that you only had a problem with my post.

It also seems like I hit the nail on the head.

user, I don't know about you. But I'm a straight guy...except for the time i went on that fuck anythign with a snatch bender for a while. reverse traps and butch lezbos included.
I know that if I so much as mention that I'm horny and any hole will do in certain company I'll get accosted with stares, flirting, and attempts at catching muh dick.
That you don't understand this or worse understand it but don't like it and outright attacked me over it says a lot about you in particular.

Liberalism is moral syphilis

They are going full on uncomfortable lesbian creepery with it and there is nothing you can do about it.
Sit on it and spin.

Somebody should tell the bluehairs that not everybody went "college lesbian" as soon as the got to art school.

I see. I really don't see how you can immerse yourself in a game where you're playing as someone else anyway i main zero and have never once seen myself as a haiku speaking assassin.
Also the pubs thing has never happened as no one would ever hit on you because we all know girls don't play vidya

The last one is fair but you'd have to really be gay for that to bother you.

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>girls don't play vidya
False, girls do play vidyah. But they're the ones who want male attention without having to give them sex.

I'm scared that MY wife is dead.

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"I'm straight, except when I'm not" got to be the most bigbrained take of the fucking year and again your sex life doesn't concern me or anyone else, so for the sake of my mental health I'm going to classify your post as pure shitposting
please leave me alone and go cry about muh western civilisation elsewhere

on an unrelated note, fuck Dahl and fuck Hyperion their snipers are trash

>the ones who want male attention without having to give them sex.
Not sex from you, you mean.
But they play games to catch the dick.

Am I supposed to pretend snipers don't exists as gaige?

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>P..please leave
Sounds like a liberal to me
>Not sex from you, you mean.
>But they play games to catch the dick.
Maybe I should rephrase that, women who play games want attention without having to work for it.

>I see
You didn't

I don't play zero precisely because I can't identify with him. I can identify better with Wilhelm because I'm an angry looking man with a beard like he is. That's all it comes down to. You don't have to be real woman to be accosted ingame for your female avatar either. My sexual orientation has nothing to do with it really, I just don't care for being flirted with in my shooter game. If I wanted that I would play a VN.


That would give me a reason to boycott the game.

>try to snipe fuse box to progress or get some treasure
>end up using a grenade so I can actually hit
Yeah. It only took me two or three tries to hit with a grenade, sniper was impossible.

I'm sure that my daughter is fine

nah she fine. she's too busy fucking axton to be in any real danger

she's scissoring with tina

I meant i can see where you're coming from but i can't agree with you. i don't immerse myself at all and seeing someone be unable to play a character because of a pussy and a few lines in game kills my brain.
They're literally pixels on a screen man

We get it sonicfox you’re gay. Go somewhere else to talk about your many mental illnesses.

in bl1 i hit lvl 69 on new game plus.

Will the enemies level scale with me once i hit new game plus plus or am I forever Overpowered? One shotting bosses aint much of a challenge ya know. (I still haven't done the dlc

Think of it as flavors of ice cream. I just don't prefer for a certain flavor.

>Gaige will never call you an unparalleled stud
>she'd rather fuck a faggot man than you

The robo hobo has the scraps from Axton's jacket on his cloak.

He also wields the same melee weapon as Axton. It will be interesting to see their connection.

>Food analogy
>Used incorrectly as well
What you don't get is that the other flavors are just as good and you refuse to try them because they're colored pink.

Uh huh...
Anyway, I stand by my post.
Axton should have just been straight and had a whole "this LGBTQA" person charmed me/caught me at the right time and was fucked mercilessly.

They love that straight hetero male goes temp gay/pan and fucks their brains out or fucks/attempts to "corectively rape"/hatefuck a lesbian friend/enemy till they she can't brain good.
It's like...shit. The plot of 90% of all porn written by the queers on the net.

Siren Sexyness ratings:
Tannis > Lilith > Commandant Steele > Maya > Amara > Angel

I think I get everything there is to get about my own preferences. If I enjoyed playing the sirens I would. I've tried them and I don't. The whole space ghost power concept doesn't sit well with me either.

I would say go fuck yourself because all of the powers are wacky shit. but i guess wilhelm's action skill is the closest to reality as it gets.

>extremely violent
>solves everything with violence
>feels like he lacks a shred of humanity
>boring action skill
but he was the only vault hunter I refused to beat the game with so maybe he has a sweeter side

>They also wield the same melee weapon as Axton
Randy'd that for ya.

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Fl4k is Loaderbot

Dude play tps at 4 am nothing but spanish speaking chicks it sounds really funny

small penis
actual bandit
spic and (therefore, probably) a commie

>gaige calls axton a stud and sort of flirts with him saying his wife messed up by divorcing him

god I wish that were me

is Borderlands 2 worth modding?

>die as gaige after getting 400 anarchy stacks

Build ricochet and keep a semi-auto sniper in one slot. Even you get in close, UNLOAD that shit! Accuracy means nothing to you!

No one likes short guys no memes(expect weirdly if their there stereotypical dwarves and even than there usually picked less than elves in that kind of setting)
and tough guy is usually the least popular character. Woman are picked a lot cause trannies in denial, and muh snipers are always over-picked. Leader sort of guys are semi popular so that leaves out the dumb brute.

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God if only

Will the Lance return?

I like Salvador, I'd even say he's my second favorite vault hunter in terms of personality.

They're back, Rhys has them under his control.

You can see some kind of Deathtrap like robot in one of the Instagram ads

No TK no buy

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Randy's been pretty stressed out lately. Do you pass him the boof?

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