

Attached: cndetika.jpg (1200x675, 168K)

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Why is there so much gay porn that starts with dude playing video games?

love playing vidya with my bros

Can someone make a vocaro saying "Good morning batman" in a British accent?

Hanging oit and playing some vidya is a thing men do with other men, things just kind of eventually spiral from there.
Come on user, you've been to a slumber party before right?

What happened to the Switch kid?

No, because I'm not currently and have never been a tween girl.

You missed out man, in between the homosex there was a lot of fun to be had just hanging out with your bros.

Guy on the right went to my high school for a year we played pokemon together

What if they fucked haha

why do you know that

Attached: ada.png (342x357, 136K)

wait what happened?

Browsing for cool vids of dudes hanging out, constantly suprised when the dick sucking starts.

they fucked haha

>black guy overreacting to shit on youtube #91823714173

why is he popular


his reactions are funny to some people

>not Joey Mills
OP you done fucked up!

Attached: 5181638d828cf373be8b20aa2f063f0d.jpg (683x1024, 79K)

Holy SHIT!!!! YOUR POST ENDED IN A 5 !!! *SStarts doing the poopy dance* Poopy 5 dance!!! hahahaha!!!! FUCK YES!!! 5!!!!!!

what does le screaming black man have to do with video games
easy to self insert into i guess. if i want to break the ice with someone i usually suggest video games

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>goes from Nintendo shilling to dude weed
Is it fair to blame etika?

black man react to thing xD

You would know, fag. I've only seen one webm with guys starting to bang after video games, that doesn't mean it's the premise of every gay porn vid, because I'm not a fucking faggot. Faggot.

>Guy on the right went to my high school for a year we played pokemon together

He's a drug addict now.

bet you'd change your tune pretty fast if you had my fat cock in your mouth

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Poor CND has a depression :

I don't get it.

Did Etika ever finish his Xenoblade 2 series?

if it was a futa cock or a cute girl(male) cock then sure

Yep, IIRC he cried during the ending


>Move to New York
>Hang out with colored folk and lesbians every day
>Decide suicide doesn't sound so bad

Makes sense.

Global rule 6 user

you're an actual filter feeder

Attached: 1531148041668.jpg (377x449, 91K)

I don't understand what the fuck you're talking about
what the fuck is a filter feeder and what the fuck is a femnigger

Attached: 154568210117999083.jpg (570x946, 162K)

>what the fuck is a filter feeder

Attached: 1541960588644.png (425x633, 256K)

Well that sucks he was pretty cool we were im marching band together

Filter feeders are a sub-group of suspension feeding animals that feed by straining suspended matter and food particles from water, typically by passing the water over a specialized filtering structure.

Attached: filterfeeder.gif (170x253, 338K)

Attached: 1527901175623.png (500x500, 41K)

>lots of consoles in the photo
>not video games

fuck off bitch

based as fuck

>using based

fuck off summer fag

Wait is based now out of the Yea Forums meta? Have normies started using it?