It all makes sense now.
It all makes sense now
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dave rubin is a fucking imbecile
t. libtard
Oh man this shit is rich. PLEASE tell me this is a real quote. I've been wondering when all the Rise Up stuff was gonna pay off.
How so?
I agree with that
He's a former TYT employee.
How is it rich?
Who the fuck is this faggot and why should I care?
> /pol/ will believe this
Western gaming is such a shitshow. The fans are all alt-right neckbeards who live off of Doritos and the devs are pink-haired SJWs lunatics who spend more time ranting on Twitter than making games.
Japan wins again.
the catalog of moronic things he says
you have to go back
lmao go back to /r/sargon you dumb faggot
a koch funded useful idiot for the alt right
Fuck off Resetera
/r/the_donald is based
Epic gamers rise up
>tfw im an epic gamer
both cancer
>koch funded
>useful for the alt right
in 2016 maybe
The "left" is not the enemy.
The gay agenda and feminist power brokers are raping the entier gaming industry to
1.Brainwash young children and men and women and the gays who were already here into following their narrative so they become pansexual slaves.
2.To act as something to bitch about and turn the entire gaming industry against itself to prevent them from seeing how the giant money laundering scheme that AAA gaiming is getting more greedy and stupid.
I fucking enlightened you.
You think women "minorities" and "queers" are NEW to gaming?
They've been here since the fucking beginning and had their own places and contributions to gaming.
It's a way to infiltrate the potentially powerful way to teach and spread ideas that gaming is, polarize gamers, turn them against each other and manipulate them and make them into easily manipulated pansexual debtslaves.
For fucks sake the women are all ersatzmen, everyone is some level of faggot or trannie, and the men are all evil, and everyone is one of two stereotypes. Good stereotype bad stereotype.
>dave rubin