You will never play The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time with your Dad for the first time again

>you will never play The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time with your Dad for the first time again

Attached: e8ktevrqvrm21.jpg (634x447, 88K)

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calm thine tits

That tweet made me so fucking angry you have no idea. How does someone have so little tact? Disgusting.

She won't be playing anything for the first time with her Dad ever again LOL!

jesus christ this takes me back

Dude, it's Dobson. Were you really expecting anything better?

Attached: Screenshot_20170309-103901.png (1440x2560, 644K)

>First time

Attached: 1511691655785.gif (429x369, 665K)

>oh no im rich gotta suicide
what a joke

I know he's retarded but couple that with all of the virtue signaling he always does it just rubs me in the worst way possible.

my dad would never play something this fucking gay

>tfw no zelda gf

he did it because he was getting dementia you twit
all the money in the world isn't going to fix that

>Robin Williams died 5 years ago


Attached: 91f.jpg (550x366, 28K)

Lol, faggot killed himself. Imagine naming your kid after a fucking game made for babies.

>Imagine naming your kid after a fucking game made for babies.
He sold her name for ad revenues

At least it's a normal name.

Dad left before I was before. But at least he will never commit suicide because he isnt a faggot. I wonder if he likes Nintendo

I would kill myself too

no, you wouldn´t

>naming your kiddo after some Nintendo™ character
Sooner or later, you would realize how stupid it was

You have even an iota of respect for your dad even though he was absent? I figured black kids hated their dads wtf kind of mentality is this?

WAH WAH nice excuse. Fucking pussies in the world Jesus fucking Christ. Rich as fuck still acting like he’s got poor people problems.

You sound mad that he kys'd, what's it to you, loser?

I could just need to get him to play with me

I wonder if she feels happy or sad when she looks at this picture. :(

i wish i killed you

Is your name Zelda?

Yeah, imagine all the Marios and Luigis of Italy in a few yeas
It's gonna be so embarrassing

my dad always told me im a faggot for playing video games and should go outside and play sports

he wasn't wrong

Im white. He was absent but I met him and he is a motherfucker, the ones that make you respect them

>5 years ago

0/10 bait

>Implying those are real names people actually use
Yeah, like Italy´s First Minister Waluigi Conte

Your dad is a faggot for having such a faggoty son

>Inb4 first worlders seething

So he saved the beatings you should have gotten as a kid later on.
A shame, if he stuck around you'd be less pathetic and have a measure of self respect.

The need of daddy to man up in your case is even more pathetic, son

My dad loved the fishing hole from Twilight Princess and would always ask me to take him there.

>thread about Robin Williams suicide
>people talking about their own dads
>in a video games image board

My dad was present "white" man, and I don't need to dicksuck him just for showing up late.
But you do do, I just call it as I see it.

I love your dad´s fishing hole too

Great, you just dick sucked him your entire childhood


Too soon

Dude, thats an Ocarina of Time commercial, 12 years ago

>she will never play The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time with her Dad ever again
Cherish your time with your family, Yea Forums. They won't be here forever.