Yea Forums plays Ocarina of Time Multiplayer Beta

Too much of a zoomer casual faggot baby to play through Ocarina of Time? Goods news, now you can play it online cooperatively with 2-15 other people who may or may not be bucktoothed ghouls overdosing on estrogen, just like Mario 64. All you need is:

1. Ocarina of Time 1.0 rom: of Time 1.0.rar

2. The current version GUI (157 mb):

3. Put the 1.0 rom into the rom folder. Run "OoTModLoader-GUI.exe", make sure private and public network boxes are checked if the windows box appears.

4. Make a lobby or join a lobby. That's all there is to it. Be sure to set your controls and shit as well. Make a new save whenever you join a new game.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I wanna do this with randomizer

that's a pretty cursed image you got there user

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You gonna make a lobby then, OP?

You can. You can do most hacks/mods co-op.

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NEVER make a thread with a more interesting image than your topic.
Source this shit

You lost me at this reddit meme word. Fuck off

Lobby: Bad Zelda

How do I know if it worked?

By seeing another Link after the intro cutscene.

There's a grey boi

How do I host? I'll set up a randomizer lobby and we'll see if we can beat it together. That should be more fun than just messing around in vanilla, and there's no cutscenes. What do you say?

Literally all you do is write in the lobby name and start the game. Just be sure to load the hack along with it and make sure whoever joins does the same.

Alright, lemme get a rom set up. Do you guys want to communicate through just the thread, or you want a discord or something? I figure it works fine if it's drop in drop out, but we might have to turn keys off if the multiplayer mod still doesn;t share the key count

All item triggers are shared. The multiplayer is drop-in drop-out. So really doesn't matter, go wild.

Speedruns of this shit take at least like 5 hours. Yea Forums can barely play videogames, this is gonna take us days.


what emulator should i use for this

Here we go, put this in your ROM folder instead of the vanilla OoT:

Lobby: Zeld
Pass: rage

It'll be a little different than the OoT you remember. I'll wait around in Link's house until I see somebody. After that, it's a free-for-all race to Ganon. Good Luck!

Attached: ruto_2.png (602x770, 88K)

The links provided in the OP post are literally all you need. Seriously.

Important items are shared, the only thing that are not synced are the enemies. Once a boss dies, he's dead for everyone, but regular enemies you still have to fight yourself.

Why bother if you can't work together to fight enemies?
The only things shared are player positions and puzzle triggers.

Where is everyone at?

>The links provided in the OP post are literally all you need. Seriously.
all it does it stop after the line
>Switching to TCP mode
are you sure i dont need any kind of n64 emulator or am i just impatient

What's the comic the OP is from?

you mean other players dont see your enemies? gay

Can there be more than one epona?

They can see their own enemies but can't see or interact with enemies that you see and vice versa.

Lurk more, newfag. This shit used to be posted here all the time.

I did the joining, im in game but I don't get it

This doujin but drawn by : Asanagi, Butcha U, Meme 50, Mizuryuu Kei, Kiasa, Hisasi , Royal Koyanagi

huh, guess I'll skip this one

>that whole fucking comic
god tier stuff, the french are just too good when it comes to porn

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The game is randomized. Everything is in a different location. Entrances are different too. Skulltulas also have items. Just do your best to find what we need to finish the game. We don't need to clear every dungeon, just find all the medallions and kill Ganon.
I found sticks

Attached: OoT 53BA2 ImminentFailure-comp.2019-04-09 20.47.01.png (320x240, 147K)

sorry dde, I was the black one. This shits gay. I'm out.

sorry man its giving me a headache. I'm just not the right person for it

So what happens if someone pauses?

Your world freezes, then the second you unpause you resync with everyone.

Never played OoT
What am I in for?

holy fuck that sounds fun, I wish I could spend my time on this right now

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It’s too dated to enjoy, just play fortnite

This game has always been extremely overrated, and I'm not a zoomer (bought the gold Special Edition at launch). Not only did the 2D games preceding it outdo it by a large margin, but even Zelda-like games such as the first Mystical Ninja 64 did it better. Nevertheless, I've played through it 6-7 times and think it's a good game, but it has never deserved the degree of praise it's gotten. On the other hand, Majora's Mask deserves 90% of its praise (the "praise for being grimdark" is dumb and unnecessary, I agree, though) and is still always fun to play.

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I'ma go get the adult link checks

Attached: OoT 53BA2 ImminentFailure-comp.2019-04-09 20.57.04.png (320x240, 118K)

Just be warned, you can get soft locked and unable to continue the game.

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Leave this thread and do yourself a service and fucking play it, then.
You can play the rom with an emulator or play the remastered 3DS version if you like but you're doing yourself a disservice by not playing it.

I literally just finished a run with this and keysanity recently. Jesus christ was that a mistake.

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sucks to be you

Found the ocarina already.
I turned off keys except bosskeys, so that should hopefully avoid soft-locks.

Attached: OoT 53BA2 ImminentFailure-comp.2019-04-09 20.59.28.png (320x240, 89K)

This. Oot is fucking garbage. I hate that you old faggots can’t let go of your childhood and how shitty it was. I’m sorry the only good thing was your n64 but stop your obsession on here. This is a young mans board and you old fucks need to just have your hearts attacks or kill yourselves.

You look like a zora from behind.

One of the greatest games of all time.

where is the source

why don't you give it a try? it's a really cool game

Attached: tloz.jpg (236x214, 9K)

It has grimdark tones, but I think people look into that more than they need to. It's not as "everything is so dark and fucked up" as people think it is.

comic source?

The replayability of OOT is admittedly rather low, Master Quest notwithstanding, but you're fooling yourself if you think that the first time through is a bad one. It hits all the right notes and is a wonderful adventure game.

Will there be a release where enemies are shared? Seems pointless otherwise

She defeats Link and retains her purity, right?

>Skulltulas also have items
That sounds potentially tedious as fuck.

Can you hear eachother's ocarinas? Can you form a band in this game?
If no then imma hard pass on this.

>The replayability of OOT is admittedly rather low
I love that you say that and I played it around 20 times without using glitches or anything. I just feel at home playing it I guess

Look at all these newfags. Holy shit.
The source was even already posted. Fuck off you little shits.

Darker Blue Link, if you don;t know how to do the void out then you can hard reset

Attached: OoT 53BA2 ImminentFailure-comp.2019-04-09 21.07.23.png (320x240, 139K)

Who ever was racing Dampe with me, Im an idiot and locked myself in the room after.

you only need to find the medallions and light arrows. and if you don't have them ganondorf will mention where they are so you don't spend hours bumbling around looking for them in every single place an item can spawn. Unless you reeeeally want to.

I love the game too but when a game is 20% travelling, 70% puzzles, and 10% combat, it loses a bit of its charm when you know what to expect.

is this like the super mario 64 online thing?

Is it too late to jump in on this? Everybody's probably gonna be way ahead of me if I try to jump in blindly now.

oh nice

Cant you just play a teleport song and free yourself?

yoink thanks for the IP address fags

>taking obvious bait

>Back when Aerisdies was a major site to get you wank

Its one of the only rooms in the game that you cant warp out of

Everything is randomized, so there's stuff to find everywhere. You'll get all the items and progress automatically when you join, so just jump in and explore

you're on a team, user. no one is more ahead than anyone else.

this seems interesting, how does this work?, a shitton of green niggers screaming HYA?

So what the fuck happened to Passage anyways? I was hoping he’d do something with Breath of the Wild or KH3.

Man, I used to fap to that comic a lot.

Now only gay shota gets me off

How are you supposed to coordinate?
How do you know which places anons have already explored and which still need to be checked?

Ah neat. how do I set up my controls?

Exactly. If it had none of its story or themes, it would still be just a really fun game. The multiple characters, mask powers, replay value (some of it obviously forced, admittedly), and music make it great.

using the thread

Emulator needed?

>He doesnt play his Randomizers with all possible options randomized, Quad Damage, and increased ice traps

Step it up

Attached: Arent you a little short for a Stormtrooper.png (640x480, 322K)

>right notes
Yeah all 5 of them lmao.

I think I enjoy way too much the journey on itself and the accompanying music, it just never gets old

Also the lack of an equip menu as compared to OoT. Man, that was annoying aspect of that game, even on OoT3D.

I got the second Dampe race item, which is a lot harder to do on PC for me for some reason. It wasn't worth it.

I have all the files but BizHawk is just showing a blank screen when I start it. What am I doing wrong?

You'll have all their key items, user.

Yes, but it's a recent beta.

No, you can change your color. First you join a server. You work together as a team to progress through the dungeons/find key items. It's co-op, so you can go at it at your own pace, with your own negros. Once one nigger clears a room, that room is clear for everyone. Once a nigger finds an important item, everyone has that item.

That is, unless you wanna do a randomizer run where all the items are randomized. Or you're dealing with speedrunners who break the game.

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Big gay. It only detracts from the adventure of spending 7 hours doing EVERYTHING in game.

Are heart containers/pieces shared too or do you start off as adult link with 3 hearts?

I'm not sure how heart containers are shared in this version. I think they should be as well though.

Also, I want two wallet upgrades right now. Make it happen.

Attached: OoT 53BA2 ImminentFailure-comp.2019-04-09 21.18.06.png (320x240, 120K)

sounds cool, might join

Let's see some more screenshots from the game in session. I can't play now but I'd love to watch

Well, you don't touch BizHawk. You just use OotModLoader-GUI, unless you're saying the BizHawk window that comes up after you start/join a game is blank?

Then I'd ask you to make sure you've put the rom in the rom folder/extracted the rom file?

Jesus I haven't thought about this doujin in like a decade

the multiplayer mod is released? I thought it was in closed beta or something

Have a video.

So how the fuck do I join? I put in the lobby name and password, but Connect to Server is grayed out and unclickable.

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>Emulator needed?

It comes with one already. Everything you need is in the OP post.

Did you set the network access to both private and public whenever it prompted? Make sure - Master Server IP:
Master Server Port: 8082 - are the server settings.

Attached: 12.png (563x378, 20K)

Beat ya to it

Attached: OoT 53BA2 ImminentFailure-comp.2019-04-09 21.26.37.png (320x240, 135K)

Yeah I figured it out., just joined. Where is everybody?

I didn't mind that because we were still able to change some stuff, and we get to be a goron and zora. I'm not gonna say we "get to" be a deku, I'm putting that in the "have to" category.

I did and guess I just needed to close and restart it or something. Oh well, guess I'll just jump in and hope I wasn't supposed to set my controls before this because I still don't know how.

Is everything synched, or are enemies instanced?

Attached: what_the_fuck.webm (640x480, 676K)

Sync from what I can tell

Nope, that was Skyrim mzltiplayer mod.

Looks like people are split all over the place. You're better off starting a new server and posting the name/password here unless you wanna join the randomized server here Just remember to do what this post says in case you do want to join the randomized instead of vanilla. The two take different roms.

If you just wanna play vanilla, make a lobby name and password. Unless somebody else wants to make another lobby here for vanilla?

Is there like a date for the skyrim one to be finished?

source to that picture?

Config -> Controller

You see it the moment you join/start a game. It's right on top of the game window.

They've been accused of stealing code from SKSE and also have been saying "we're in university finals and cant work really" even though they were making 30k monthly at their peak. So, no.

Fuck yeah this seems great.

Nope, devs are not saying shit
Morrowind has multiplayer mod that looks similar to this OoT mod though. But there players see and fight the same enemies.

im gonna be the hero of all the autistic newfags here and give source

literally just search up bad zelda comic

OpenMW is great

You're the reason Yea Forums has gone to shit

Image name.

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Dude, I'm pretty sure the source has already been given in this thread like three times already.
Hell, I even fucking named Passage.

that's really stupid. Skyrim could be fun playing with some bros.

Vanilla Server

Name: Outer Haven

PW: Liquid

Would you faggots stop HYAAHing around Saria in a circle? This isn't Brazers: Hylian'd.

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I got two heart containers so far. Did anyone else get them?

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*puts on mask

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I was a dipshit that donated a buck to play with my brother and 90% of our time was loading saves and dealing with 190ms ping as their servers were ass. Not only that but many "compatible" mods simply didn't work and wouldn't appear to the other player.

Be right there, user.

Cool, still on the opening cutscene anyway

Sounds like they just stopped giving a shit about it even when people genuinely wanted there to be co-op skyrim.


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I wanted other anons to see me nut on twinrova

No. The reason Yea Forums has gone to shit is new faggots like you trying too hard to fit in. Let me guess, you came in during one of these epic era's didn't you

Fuck off cancer.

Aw shit this looks fun, who playan?

You're exactly right. One if the admins even bitched to people on patreon about being ungrateful when they were making more than 250k a year solely from donations.

Yeah, that's exactly how I feel, too. Sorry for the unclarity, user. Glad to know someone else sees this game the way I do.

Vanilla server here, user!

When I start the rom the emulator just shows a blackscreen with audio.
Did I fuck something up?

Is there a chatroom in the Emulator/GUI whatever?

Though I liked Deku mode. Skipping water and then the sensation of swimming normally right after is still kino

Not sure actually

that's completely fucked. That's more than enough money to get this shit going, it's not like they have to make a game from the ground up. I think co-op skyrim would be cool but I'm glad that I never got too invested in wanting. I'd feel completely let down.


Do I need an emulator too or no

holy shit we got the slingshot
get in the randomized server boys

how does Multiplayer mode keep track of progression and item acquisition?

No. You have to use some other method to communicate, like this thread.

Here's to hoping they suddenly come out of the dark with a much better execution and prove me wrong. While the closed beta was a shit show it did have promise. But you're smart to not get too invested like I did.

There's no need to be this upset.
I came in much earlier than any of those. Not that you'll believe me. No one ever believes anyone who says they're an old fag. If there's one constant on this site, it's that.
And really, you're calling me cancer when you're the one spoonfeeding? Gosh, I'm pretty sure that's backwards!

Put the Server name and password, the fuck do I do now? Just start File 1?

I'm pretty sure that's all that needs to be done, yeah

I just got the light arrows a second time. Seems like multiplayer doesn't update the salesmen scrub flags for rando

How does this work. I put in the rom and started it but..

Alright. Where we meeting bois.

I love Majora's Mask. It's one of the games that I still like playing the original over the remake. They kinda messed up a few things in the remake, They were small but they were still important enough to make it the lesser version, despite the visuals being really nice. That Zora swimming though...that was a huge bummer. and it sucks cause I liked the addition of the fishing holes.

Sitting out front, waiting

shit. I loved this guy's RE comics. used to have a direct link to his site but the fucker shut it down some years ago. all that's left is a message

Can you take the mask off midair? I can't remember now or maybe I just never tried it. Also it's okay being the deku in the beginning but later on, it's not too great being a deku. Majora's Mask gives a lot of nostalgia vibes and I try not to let that paint my love for it too heavily.

There's a randomized setting?
Holy FUCK this looks so fucking fun.

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We go mode, boys

Attached: OoT 53BA2 ImminentFailure-comp.2019-04-09 22.06.17.png (320x240, 103K)

I'll just be waiting like you and I'll probably give it a go if it ever amounts to something, and I might make it the main version I play if it ends up being good. For now heavily modded skyrim is my go to for it.

So can you save progress like normal or do you have to do a new game everytime you start?

I wish I could play with you lads but I'm too busy tonight

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In front where.
I am finally outside.

No, and that's another good point. I just brought it up to contrast it with OoT.

Sorry, just had to reset, will be there in a second

randomized fags, did we kill gohma already or not?

Joined. Where are you lad?

I liked MM3D about as much as the original, and never saw anything bad about it, really (except for the Giant's Mask "no sword" thing which got old pretty quickly), until I got on here. The "save anywhere" thing was nice, considering. That said, I suppose there are some issues with it. What's the Zora swimming issue?

Coming outside from the house!

We haven't even found the Deku Tree yet

This shit still works.
How do I make it not look like shit.

Attached: Finally.jpg (1232x824, 467K)

yeah I just found out it was actually the water temple

And of course just as I do that my game crashes, be right back in

Absolutely no idea, never used Mupen64 before unfortunately

I've been standing outside Link's house on the Outer Heaven server for like 5 minutes and I haven't seen a single person. No idea if I'm actually connected or not.

I feel like a fucking retard.

A lot of people have an issue with Zora swimming because of the switch to two different swim speeds, with go-fast requiring magic, whereas in the original, you went fast without needing magic.

Mess with resolution and graphic settings. They're right there in the window.

Just got the Fairy Ocarina.
I assume you got it as well?

This should have been your very first vidya related fap back in middle school newshit

Sure did

LEt's set a point for the vanilla server. We all meet at the gate of the Hyrule town in five minutes.

I'm at Hyrule Field my dude:

close, but not quite

Attached: 1553684220312.jpg (800x500, 125K)

Gate of Hyrule Town is the meetup point for Outer Haven!

you need magic to swim fast, it was just something they didn't need to nerf when the swimming offered no real benefit other than it was fast. It just didn't sit well with me. It also helped making swimming in areas where you didn't need the swimming barrier attack go a little faster than just swimming really slowly.

How did you get up there?
It's night time.

Attached: NewCanvas1.png (1173x918, 105K)

Can you guys see me? I haven't seen anyone yet

Almost Everything is black except the logo? Anyone know how to fix this?

I love how badly this guy got btfo. No one gives a shit about the porn, they all want multiplayer zelda.

You can ride the gate as it closes, user.

They dumbed down and restricted a lot of things. You can only shoot ice arrows at designated shiny spots in the water, for example, whereas in the original you could freeze water anywhere.

that's funny

Waiting here on Outer Haven.

Attached: Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time (USA).2019-04-09 22.21.34.png (320x240, 149K)

We're inside the town square, or atleast I am.

Black Screen Glitch: Can hear the game but screen is black. This is because the current graphic plugin does not work on you pc for what ever reason, to fix this click the N64 tab and mess around with the other plug ins to find one that works. :Note other plugins might have small graphical glitches but it's better than a black screen

Still not seeing any other Links there

>tfw only ever got to death mountain when I played this game

anyone else wanna do a blind run?

I have the same problem. Trying to reinstall the emulator and see if that fixes it. Tell me what fixed it for you if you get it working.

It's lonely here :(

Attached: Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time (USA).2019-04-09 22.24.48.png (320x240, 190K)

you're about 20 years too late user

We at the castle my dude.
You should wait for us on Kakariko we about to get Zelda's Lullaby

Ill wait outside then

is there a way to skip all the cutscenes

ya'll need a rendezvous point like temple of time or lon lon

You could use BetterOoT rom instead


Sorry blue dude. Got caught twice I'll just wait in Kakariko too.

Okay Outer Haven, can we meet at the bridge across the river to Kakariko in five minutes?

got it. talking to zelda now

mom please come get me i dont know how to do skips

Attached: oh no.png (1278x945, 257K)


Rendevous here for Outer Haven please!

Attached: Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time (USA).2019-04-09 22.31.04.png (320x240, 135K)


I am here.

get a stick and google navi dive escape

I can't see anybody else, not sure why? Can anyone see me?

White and I are there, I don't see you.

>failed to punch a hole
>switching to TCP mode
Help please

Take a group photo for us, Outer Haven

Come to the bridge before the town with the cemetery. You know, the long staircase.

I can see and get all the items you guys have but can't see the players.

Wearing black here, I only see whitey

What is happeninggggg. I see Blue and White.

I rejoined Outer Haven, going to the bridge now

Timeless reunion.

Attached: NewCanvas3.jpg (1239x894, 1.06M)

I hated that too. I think just a flat upgrade to graphics might be the best way to bring it more into modern times. maybe some changed animations if it looks a tad too janky, and definitely keep the fishing holes from the 3ds version, just drop a lot of the other changes. Giant's mask, ice arrows and zora swimming are some big changes that didn't need to happen.

Apparently you guys can see me, still can't see anyone else. Don't get this at all.

"I can't see my friends in game": This can be caused for a few reasons, here is a check list to help identify and/or fix the problem;
1-Allow the game through firewall and antivirus
2-Make sure you put in exactly the same lobby name and password
3-Make sure the IP and port are set to the master server as seen above
4-Open OotModLoader-config.json with notepad and make sure "isMaster" is set to false

Make sure you faggots put in the right name. Haven, not Heaven.

yo is that OoT on Ps1

Okay Outer Haven, stay at the bridge for me, going to try these tips

>Lobby Browser Coming Soon

What do

Green joined.

Attached: 1.png (1228x912, 1.61M)

>Have to watch the opening cutscene for the 50,000th time

>Haven, not Heaven.

if you see a purple nigga in the game in 10 or so minutes, call me a retard, i deserve it

I can only see white blue and green. I'm in black.

I'm looking for the videos on YouTube of the Multiplayer Beta of this Ocarina of Time Multiplayer Beta

I wanna see multiple Links fighting or cooperating

Got bored, gonna get the sun song.

blue link here, Ill join you.

No clue why I can't see you guys, everything is allowed thru firewall, master server is set properly, even checked the json file :(

Attached: Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time (USA).2019-04-09 22.43.44.png (320x240, 162K)

There's one right here in this thread.

Hurry, Zombies are spoopy

>Linking any download links on Yea Forums

Enjoy your malware.

No gays allowed

>gets offended by a buzzword
found the zoomer

Are you new to technology kek

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you just blow in from stupid town

Got the Hylian Shield, going back to the bridge.

If you're just starting now on Outer Heaven, do us a favor and go get Saria's Song ASAP

Ill get the bottle then.

White Link here, gonna go get Saria's song.

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So did you all fuck the virgins of Hyrule or wat

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Ah shit. What do then. Should I just go to Death Mountain?
Wish there was a chat log on the software or something.

fuck, seeing this, i wonder if there's any way to get a multiplayer story mode working for the Battalion Wars games. I always wanted to play with a buddy, figuring out who's gonna command what units, coming up with an attack plan and enjoying the unfolding chaos. Never played BW2 or its co-op mode, but I know it wasn't part of the actual story mode.

Where are you all at wtf

Waiting on you broski.

Attached: NewCanvas4.jpg (1182x858, 979K)

Let's all meet up at the death mountain dungeon.

You should at least know the dungeon names holy shit

well fuck me for spending most of my time browsing /k/ and /tg/ and not knowing Yea Forums's inside me-me's, right nigger?

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Wonder if I can play this without my pc screeching and shitting itself

Dodongo's cavern.
Oh shit did I crash? I was Pink.

what items yall got I know some weird grotto spots ands hit

>some gaf left and crashed the server

You're a special kind of retarded

Not seeing anyone in Dodongo's Cavern, but a map spawned earlier.

Looks like it. Just turn off everything and rejoin.

Wait, that can happen? He doesn't just disconnect?

who's bright green link in front of the castle?

Great. Back in Kokiri Forest. FUCK

Im in the server but I dont have any items i thought they were shared

What the fuck who got Lens of Truth.
Didn't know you could get them this early.

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Just so you know, "Zeld" is case sensitive.

If there's no important items in your inventory (weapons, songs, etc) and you see nobody, you joined the wrong server or made a booboo.

How well do tricks like HESSing work since its online?

Well you guys have fun, still can't find anybody after trying everything.


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should work the same as if you were playing solo


It wasnt a Yea Forums inside meme you fucking moron and anyone with a shred of intellect would know that.

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Where are we meeting and what are we doing?

We have the megaton hammer but not saria song

i'm just gonna chill in front of the big skeleton mouth thing because I CAN'T WAIT TO BOMB SOME DODONGOS

I found a guy in hyrule field right after leaving the forest. Which lobby are you in? there's multiple.

Macfag here, which one do I click?

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I started the Outer Haven lobby, apparently everyone else could see each other but I couldn't for some reason.

actually fuck it im gonna try WINE

im dark purp link I just got here I can get some weird spots if someone hasnt yet if we get bombs that opens up a ton

If you're playing vanilla, i imagine you're going to get left behind by people using speedrun strats

Everyone is in Zeld with a capital Z with the randomizer right?

I got bombs but I think my game softlocked when pressing that one switch right after getting them.

download the GUI NOT the CLI version

I'm stuck too, fuck

What happens if one guy does Door of Time skip and goes to adult right away? Does everyone go adult?

holy fuck do i have to add an /s so you can understand sarcasm you fucking brainlet? my bad i'm not a fucking connoisseur of fine hand drawn porn done by a 15 year old and aged two decades like the dick cheese under your foreskin.

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I hard resetted, respawned back in dodogos and the event triggered normally.

Unfortunately true, Ocarina of Time does attract trannies, after all.

Well gg everyone. Gotta go to sleep.
Just saw Black run past me.

>Yea Forums's inside memes

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??? I have wine but that doesnt stop me from being computer illiterate.

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Trannies only do it for streaming. Plenty of normal people learn tricks and routes for fun


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rando boys guy on top of house had gold skulltula

>me from being computer illiterate.
You have a Mac, that should be enough to tell you that.

Thanks to whoever got zelda lullaby, heading to darunia now

I'd rather you just kill yourself newfag

Normal people git gud. Trannies break the game with skips.

I got hookshot of fountai with lullaby

kill me yourself you lazy salmon nigger.

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Approaching bump limit, consider making a new thread

No Man's Sky sure is looking weird.

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would you fags stop trying to derail the thread
holy shit
imagine being this mad over some old porn

>deku tree is water temple

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if you're just joining us, head to Zora's Domain since we are about to kill king dodongo

Go back and get the fox mask. Now

Just killed him. Heading there now.

There's like 200 posts left dude

You just joined the same fags youre complaining about instead of simply ignoring it, congratulations nigger you played yourself.

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I got gauntlets now

is this for vanilla or random?


Is it time, bros?

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Bottle a fish, pls

Attached: Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time (USA).2019-04-09 23.29.07.png (320x240, 134K)

Am I doing this right?

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How do I open OotRandoCoop_1.0.3_macos64

You guys stole my fox mask, so fish waifu is mine

Attached: Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time (USA).2019-04-09 23.30.35.png (320x240, 131K)


>mfw you're too young to know what was quite possibly the only Zelda porn comic for the longest time.

wew lad.

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i stole her back haha

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Not that guy but I knew this comic a few years ago, before that there was this one strip of Zelda saying how hard her nipples were and they were visible through her top. Fuck did I blow some loads on that shit and I could never find it again.


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ok im officially retarded. Could a fellow macfag give me a how to on this shit?

>all these retards playing with the lowest settings

my thoughts exactly

It just won't stop this cutscene

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Why don't you join the developer discord and ask them. We're just going to laugh at you here on Yea Forums.

dodongos is the bottom of well

No, mine

Attached: Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time (USA).2019-04-09 23.44.32.png (320x240, 111K)

So how do you set up a randomizer. I'd love to try one.

Ill wait at the Temple of Time, Havenbros.


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Who bomb hovered into Spirit?

A new development has occured, send regards to my waifu

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cries in 240p

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They grow up so fast...

goddamnit i'm stuck in place as adult link no

false alarm crisis adverted

Can you all stop playing and wait for the weekend, pls?
Some of us are wagecucks.

ok turns out you cant use bizhawk on mac.

Anybody got a new lobby to join in on?

>After all these years it's still the only decent Saria doujin out there
>my tastes have evolved to the point where I can't even get a boner from it anyone
>One top of that there's barely any decent Saria lewds in general
It's not fucking fair dammit

Attached: 1520291988635.gif (540x540, 2.22M)

>tfw broke
I don't have the money to race for epona, lads.
Forgot you needed 50 rupees

>that french comic
I miss HentaiPalm and AerisDies

I gotcha.

Cool thanks for off topic personal blog post

I was just about to sell that fish.
I hope you didn't just dump it on the ground.

not that user, but thanks. my dumbass just lost to him.

What do you even need rupees for?

Attached: Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time (USA).2019-04-10 00.06.01.png (320x240, 133K)

you can farm rupees from the autistic guy buying things on c by bottling a fish in the grotto behind the potion shop

Quit your whining user, it's not that off topic

When Yea Forums played multiplayer mario 64 on that emulator I hadn't played it yet but I joined to align my QPUs and I still had some fun without much difficulty. I haven't played OoT yet either, should I join or will I just get lost in the midst of the runs? I don't want to be that guy holding an important key item and make everyone wait while I'm still at the beginning.

its all shared u can literally do nothing and the game will beat itself u just gotta fight your own enemys

I think spoonfeding is cancer, but comeon

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Magic beans, for one.

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Thanks, user.

got iron boots

I hope they find a way for this to work on more than just bizhawk.

who the fuck keeps wasting the blue fires

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Where the heck is everyone at in the randomizer lobby. Need to see if this is even working.

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I'm having trouble making him fight me, user. You may have to do it again.

Ill get on it then. just gotta get money.

I can grab the zora tunic real quick if someone bottles another icy hot.

You could always make a new lobby and post the lobby name here. All you do is put in the lobby name then make it, there's no bells and whistles.

welp, time to larp.

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>Everyone either sticks together as a group or splits off to get items/do puzzles that'll benefit the other

Wasn't aware Yea Forums was so keen on teamwork, I'm impressed.

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Wow, that sure is missing a lot

Player limit in a lobby?

>he wasn't here for Yea Forums vs reddit in Tribes

It's a strange phenomenon. When talking about video games here we're always at eachother's throats, but once we all get together and actually play a video game?
I mean, there'll always been the couple of assholes who just troll everyone but for the most part everyone sticks together.

Some are just lost to time.

It's around 15-16, I believe.

Attached: ARRGGH.jpg (1427x1353, 854K)

about to join, do i need a randomizer ROM or is there just a randomizer lobby I can join with 1.0 rom

You need to take the 1.0 rom outside the rom folder and place the file in that post there instead. This one.

where the fuck is everybody? I joined and turned to adult link but I haven't seen a single one of you bastards

where is everyone in outer haven?

adult at lon lon, stuck trying to get epona but im not getting the dialogue to trigger the race.

Water Temple. Having a bad time

i just drank a ghost in hyrule field

playing the randomizer first was a mistake I'm going back to outer haven

You need to jump some fences first I think to impress ingo. Dunno the exact trigger.

don't do that it's bad for you

This mod really needs synced enemies/bosses

islam temple

Anything to inch closer to the grave.

What happens if kid link plants a magic bean while a different link is standing on the dirt 7 years later at the same time?

Finally, Outer Haven has its horse now.

got zora tunic

I joined for 20 minutes got a few items in really off spots which ended up being hookshot and some other decent shit and left.

The plant spawns.

There is also multiworld which is harder to set up, but everyone has their own worlds but they are linked meaning you can find other players items in your world, basically you would need like upwards to 2-255 other anons to help you beat the game

Almost done with Water Temple, so don't really need it

How's the run going guys

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im in randomizer server i don't see that shit

Mate, Passage existed BEFORE Yea Forums

Done. Got held up on Morpha since Z-target was set to switch, so I couldn't crouch stab him to death in one cycle.

Attached: Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time (USA).2019-04-10 01.19.54.png (320x240, 100K)

>autistically grind rupees for 20minutes
>sending the Zori Scala your way
>it freezes me
>bought items are randomized
Gonna grind all these meme items

Attached: Zori Scala and bomb bag.png (1645x919, 229K)

If the names are misspelled, it means they're actually an ice trap. It's a lot more fun in multiworld since it'll actually send an ice trap to another player.

I hope you've learned your lesson.

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Is there a challenge mode for the chads who have beaten the original game 10 times over to play through?

That's randomizer. Shuffles the game around to various degrees, and also lets you increase the damage suffered. There's also BetterOoT if you just want to change cosmetic stuff or increase the damage, and also play with skipped cutscenes and equipment on d-pad.

the randomizer

yeah randomizer

Yes. Many. But you have to download them.
One such mode for experienced chads is the randomizer mode, which you can find right here.

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Wasn't this a thing years ago?

>only 10 times

You're thinking of the Four Swords mod. In that, one player controlled the camera for everyone. It was pretty terrible. This is legit multiplayer.

Minus synchronized combat.

Half of the chest I open are either gold skulls or ice traps.
Guess what it is.

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Skips takes skills you noob

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Takes dilation too, xir.

You're just mad that trannies are better than you at video games lmao

It's okay, it's a problem that will fix itself when they hit 30, lmfao.

can you guys maybe not do this in this thread please

I don't think that's feasible with the current methods. The server would have to update the status of all actors in every scene, and then there's the question of how to handle the scene setup for a player that just loaded in to an already active scene.
PVP will be possible and is probably not too far off, but making all the enemies synch up is probably too far to achieve.

He started it. Tranny obsessed fuck

This is my first time doing a randomizer. I'm so scared right now.

Where do people need me?

Oh fuck I forgot to save how do I skip this fucking intro on vanilla

This is the kind of thing we'd make joke threads about but it's actually real.

The future sure is bright.

not entirely
they have setups for a reason

what rooms are still going?

Save after intro.
Alternatively, play a version of the game that doesn't have the cutscenes.


Currently still Trying to remember where to find chests seems to be the hardest part.

Finshed the Treasure Box minigame blind on rando. Nice reward!

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I knew turning ice trap mayhem on was a good idea

imagine if it froze everyone at once

i dont have a sword wat do? i also dont know if im actually connected to anyone else. apparently i can speed up time with r2, does that affect other people, or only me, or it only works if im not connected?

welcome to the grind

If y'all are curious how a randomized run goes, here's a streamer faggot doing the same thing with four people.

Attached: Bombchu lady.png (822x824, 267K)

any in-game chat?

Check your inventory. If you have nothing, you just made your own room and joined nobody.

i have 6 hearts, 20 sticks and nothing else

I saved after the intro and I just reloaded the save file and I'm still forced through it, what the fuck do I do?

also 30 nuts. does that count as nothing? assuming i didnt join anybody despite puttin gin the info, the lobby is full i imagine?

Screencap your inventory and your outfit equipment

Exit the tree, then save after doing one or two things.

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Y'all mother fuckers wanna play some Nimpize?

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Attached: temp.jpg (3280x1440, 630K)

Im assuming every Havenbro is at Ganon's now?

yup, that's us

You're playing the randomizer, looks like you'll have to catch up to the people ahead of you. The grayed out items are only usable when you're Adult Link.

where yall negros at? do none of youy hvae swords?

The Door of Time is open, go to adult link

and does my liberal use of speed-up on r2 not affect your gameplay?

Wait are there actually people here that haven't played OoT?

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Controller settings are grayed out. I can't even click on the option from the menu. What do?

his sites down?

do you need a controller to play this?

it worked for me after i entered a game

Alright, it looks like Dodongo's Cavern leads to the Bottom of the Well.

Play nimpize adventure
its almost like a kaizo version of OoT

you should be abvle to map everything to keyboard

Never played the original how hard is it to get into a lobby and help out you anons?

No. But it will make you prone to crashing.

Ocarina of Time is older than half the current users on Yea Forums.

I did most of what's possible there, need bombs, boomerang and Prelude of Light to get the remaining chest. Thank goodness for sticks.

never done randomizer before, can random NPC dialogues give you stuff or can you ignore them? can you get stuff from the great fairy fountains?


This has like 30 zelda 64 romhacks

It's been a long time, user. It's logical that the site would go down.

>Ocarina of Time is older than half the current users on Yea Forums.
That's no excuse with a reputation like OoT's and the remake

Vanilla room is already at the final portion of the game, you're honestly better off starting a brand new room and posting the room name here.

Someone make a discord ill play with you guys soon

Toying around in death crater now.

I have a question for those playing. Are both the Young and Adult Link groups able to see each other, or are they in two separate instances?

Can you meet up with people in game, or is it just the inventory and shit updating when someone else grabs an item?
If you can, im waiting to meet up with someone in Kakariko

I haven't seen anyone.

Oh shit

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someone start a game with this, im down. i cant find anyone in the current rom hack lobby anyway

>Can you meet up with people in game

Yes. You can play alongside 14 other people at once. But everyone is scattered, late joiners are finding objects/puzzles and the early joiners are banded together, completing the game.

Rooms need 5-10 minute rendezvous points every so often.

I'm seen a couple of anons here and there. I just try to find ways to open more chests since it's hard to progress if you don't have the right item.

They're separate because there's a flag in place for whether you're adult Link or not that changes the loading zones of any place you enter in simple terms
We'll get the next one

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ALRIGHT, so the fire temple entrance leads into the forest temple. Who else is in the forest temple?

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On my way.

Got the boss key for the water temple!

No, and it's actually because the other players are copies of the player's Link actor, so the game can't load both adult and young Link at the same time. They're still there, the client just hides them from you so you don't see levitating child Link or adult Link halfway in the ground.


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I need 155 rupees to buy a Bomb bag in Lon Lon Ranch.

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which one bros?

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How do you know if you successfully joined a game? Does your link spawn in a typical save zone? Or do you have to start the game from the very beginning? I'm so confused by all this.

If you have windows, GUI win64

zoom zoom

I made my own server, because I have no fucking clue what I'm doing. It's called "thejerkstore"
Someone join so I can test this out, and maybe we can do the first dungeon.

Reread the OP post, in particular the megabyte size.

You put in the lobby name, and password if there is one. After you make a fresh save, you'll go through the intro, then when you're able to control your character, every item and trigger the previous players in that room have found will activate. If they found the ocarina, you will have the ocarina in your inventory. If they beat the Deku Tree boss, that boss will be defeated for you. Typically, you spawn inside Link's home.

The only thing the other players cannot do for you is fight your enemies.


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Man, the Forest Temple is such a sword temple. That's the Korkiri sword, and I am going to bed. Would it be too much to ask for a sticky?

Who finally found the kokiri sword?

You failed to specify if your server is vanilla or randomized. What's more, you didn't make a fresh save, so whoever joins will have every item from your save.

I found it in the FT, in the Boss Key chest

oh, I see... So I just noticed that my tunic isn't the color I selected from the menu. That must mean I fucked up somehow, right? I'm pretty sure I followed the instructions right.

The lua console is open. Is there another step I'm missing?

I keep seeing idle links, is this because that person is afk or is it a network issue?

As for the save, I just got the kokiri sword. The save is fresh. I'm not sure if I'm actually connected or not though.

Restart from scratch and double check if it's not the same color you choose. This is the only place you'll be able to choose your Link's colors.

Attached: 2425.png (319x339, 12K)

Did no one else get to the forest temple? I'm going to bed now. I died after the first poe fight. If anyone wants to continue where I left off, take the first left in the main chamber, don't shoot the eye switch, and keep going until you hit the stalfos knight fight.

Attached: calvin sleeping.gif (500x390, 278K)

lets hope this works

>lobby: nigger
>password: nigger

set up temp discord?

sjit, i thought it started, but it was just a black screen. idk what im supposed to do differently

where u at?

Okay, I'm at the Great Deku Tree, come here.

>kill a skulltulla
>it drops a biggoron sword model

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what lobby is everyone in?

Dealing with mods always makes me feel like a big dumb-dumb. Please help.

I'm in Link's house.

Go ahead and touch it, what's the worst that can happen?

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Forgot pic. Also, that's exactly where I chose the colors.

Attached: Me dumb.jpg (1745x951, 979K)

Come to Deku Tree. Here with pink link.

I'm catching up. Need shield.

After 20 minutes of burning alive I finally made it. The two Stalfos are kicking my ass though.

new thread when?

Please do

Okay, there's a pink and blue link now. Who's who?

I'll join you guys since you just did a fresh start, it'll be my first playthrough with Yea Forums. I'll be grey.

i'm purple bro

i should check this out shouldn't i