Uuuuhh... guys?


>nintendo in charge of not leaking themselves

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>op in charge of not acting retarded

i thought sonic was already in smacsh

>people didn't see Stage Builder

Holy kek lmao

the average nintentoddler is a 12 year old


>Stage Builder confirmed

Attached: hundo.png (321x294, 11K)

>"can i join"

Attached: faces.png (1712x839, 899K)

>It's real
Jesus fuck Nintendo
But hey at least we know it's there

Wait a minute. That menu...

>It's my Nintendo Switch, I play to win
>picks Inkling

>people excited for stage builder in smash

Wow I can't wait to move three boxes around in 10,000 different ways. Wooo... fun.

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New direct immanent?

First thing I'm doing is making a box.

>He hasn't experienced all those wacky, unique game modes from the Brawl days enabled by the Stage Builder
Literally soulless, dude.

how are you supposed to ask?
i usually go with the "whats up guys can you fit one more?" line

Maybe this is someone's little way of rebelling against Atlus for holding a first party game's news cycle hostage. Like, "sorry we can't say anything official after 4 months, oopsy I'll accidentally confirm Stage Builder".

its going to be "final destination but in..." for every single map

Stage Builder was already datamined though to be fair, along with Home Run Contest to be back. This is just making it more official.

doesn't this pretty much confirm direct on thursday

That's very true, but do keep in mind, not everyone is in on the datamining gossip.

Nintendo fans get excited over the smallest things they get huh?

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He's in.
At least they're talking about videogames, and not wojak/pepe, politics, sjws, trannies,ecelebs, etc.

Nigger, this is the most solid shit we've had for Smash DLC since we saw Joker's ass for a couple seconds in February.


time to make slam dunk stages

>imminent resurgence of shitty "who can make it over the thing" videos

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Are you kidding me?

>have literally every Smash Bros stage ever except 15
>Battlefield and FD versions for all of them
>option to turn hazards off

But yeah, no, go ahead and spend development time putting in the Stage Builder. Because CLEARLY we need more stages.

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It's because they saw a massive drought in quality and are happy to get anything that isn't just pure shit. Consolefags are basically beaten housewives.

>3 threads about this
stop this

are you retarded or something

>I play to win

That toxic little shit. Who is he to dictate how other people enjoy games? Did he ask if anyone else was okay with his toxic capitalism fueled interpretation of how games should be played? This is why we need to fix the medium.

God forbid Yea Forums actually excitedly talk about video games instead of posting more wojak/pepe threads

fuck off retard, there doesn't need to be more than 1 thread

Don't you have to get back to your egs complaining thread

>15 gay twitter threads daily about some faggots nudes or whatever
>3 smash threads because something new just got confirmed
Oh the ironing.

Are you? The time they wasted putting together a Stage builder could have been spent on much better stuff like more characters or something.

where the fuck is pokefloats

>tfw wanted to make those unique arenas found in the Great Maze duels in the Subspace Emissary

It was my autism goal for Smash 4, but the builder was balls. Hopefully we get a good one this time.

Yeah that's true but it happened anyway so what's the point in being a faggot about it? Just download the new mode if you want to or not.

What is it with Nintendo and leaking Smash shit in their trailers?

In overrated land

>he didn't make all kinds of gimmick stages for his bros to fuck around with
Fucking newfags, I swear

can't fucking wait


You could basically draw stuff on the Wii U's builder, although it lost most interactive props from Brawl's builder.

I hope they keep the Wii U's structure, add more items and just let we use any existing background rather than the limited selection of original "neutral" backgrounds from Brawl and Wii U.

Attached: Smashwiiubuilder.jpg (1280x720, 105K)

That's not how it works. They are big enough that they aren't wasting the good devs on stage builder instead of DLC fighters. This is clearly being made by the B-team.

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Does this confirm any leaks?

So this is the state of nu/v/

Nope, because Stage Builder was datamined months ago
Now we just have official confirmation that it exists

Nope, just the datamine.

WIll they go with the 4 builder, the brawl one, or something new? I want smashketball back, at least.

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That Ver. 3.0.0 is coming soon, the only leak it helps ia maybe the "Direct on the 11th" leak

No because every single leak contained stage builder after it was data mined.

>he thinks everyone is working on one thing

>shitpost about content missing
>content actually returns
>shitpost about content

I'd love it if we could do a mix of both. Brawl had a few nice little things (like the spikes) that it'd be nice to see return.

They probably will use the Wii U one as a base, but I hope they add more interactive objects like Brawl had and expand the background selection. There's no reason it ever had to be as limited as it was in both games.

t. literal retard (you)

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So if this is the single player menu, does this de-confirm home run contest?

Cringe, Brawl's stage builder was great and a modern version can only be better. Especially since Wii U traded off most hazards and obstacles for drawing.

Brawl was shit for competitive but a blast for bullshit
I remember going over to my friend’s apartment when brawl came out. We cleared SSE, made gimmick stages and training stages (stages designed to practice one mechanic) and fuck around with stickers a ton

It may also be possible they’ll roll it out with each successive character update

>I don't understand how teams work

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Super fucking based

>TFW Smash Ultimate is following the Halo 5 blueprint to a tee on community engagement, feature roll out, returning to the roots of the cherished entry in the franchise, etc

>TFW nobody played Halo 5 anyway

>make a stage that is a big box that has one small hole in it at the top
>only way to get kills is to get lucky and send people flying at 999

Sheesh, Smashfags are such cancer.

Maybe for a future update.

Stage Builder would only support the "Ultimate" tag line broheim.

Hopefully they let us use 1st party assets this time (probably won't let us touch the Pokemon stuff though due to TPC being money grubbing).

>It's shown outright in the commercial
I guess you called the first footage of Mario Odyssey in the Switch reveal trailer a "leak" as well, fucking retard.

Only Nintendo could get away with using a majority white cast in their commercials still

>Palutena gets to sniff Wii Fit Trainer's arm pits after a long workout and stretch

take a shower

I mean technically speaking user, you could call it a leak if it was an accident, its information getting out early unintentionally

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>hook noses


why do people say this for everything in smash bros

You niggers were shitposting about it being missing last year
I guarantee it

It could be under Mob Smash, since that's basically what was left of the old Stadium mode.

The Japanese name is also just "kumite", which basically means "exhibition" (like a karate kata) rather than anything about a "mob".

>Stage Builder with Joker
>Break the Targets with Fighter Pack (FP) 2
>Home Run Contest with FP 3
>Boss Battles with FP 4
>Board the Platofrms with FP 5
The most optimal content updates. Prove me wrong. And no, I didn't put All-Star because they put it in as Multi-Man.

>totally fucking straight noses
>fucking potato niggers

Stage Builder was obvious when they showed the 3.0 shit

the menu size changes, it isn't like this currently

the way how it's presented shows like they have no intention of revealing it until a direct or so though

cry more banjoker

>I didn't put All-Star because they put it in as Multi-Man.
i'm still mad

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All Star was a fucking chore even in Smash 4. I totally understand turning it into Multi-Man with all the fucking characters they have in the game now.

they do this shit on purpose

>No home run content


Pretty much confirming a direct this week

We don’t know how stage builder will be this time around

I personally just want better stages for specific music
It’s a fucking crime that other series are locked out of stages if it’s also not in the other category

it will be boring with boring blocks and boring platforms and boring springs and boring backgrounds