But they're underaged characters!

>But they're underaged characters!
>It's ok they're low poly.

Attached: Capture.jpg (629x702, 66K)

>anime girls are real girls
>killing people in games is murder

Attached: 1554594310279.png (332x378, 190K)

>not even video games

Attached: 1436390695549.jpg (660x629, 53K)

Hostess Clubs are such dumb japanese scam. Now it will become even dumber.

>anime girls aren't real girls
>traps aren't gay because they aren't real

This, OP its time to off yourselves

Attached: outpost liberated.gif (250x200, 736K)

Hostess clubs sound like shittier strip clubs.

>Pay money to have a fake girl talk to you and serve you fake alcohol.

Why not any model and setting?

Most girls nowadays already all fake under tons of makeup and plastic surgery.

By the way, remember how yakuza did that shit prior as a minigame multiple times with fancier graphics?

Attached: yakuza.jpg (1920x1080, 105K)

When the evidence shows the crime it doesn't matter how it was obtained.

Japanese men are so overworked and exhausted that they have trouble achieving an erection. They can only get one when coming into contact with images that trigger memories of their youth when they were able to get hard whenever they wanted.

la monstrua

This is it. You now can't convince me that Japan isn't better than the west. This is the future. Fuck women and fuck niggers.

Attached: 1533164403420.jpg (900x1200, 172K)


Hello NPC

If you can connect from overseas, they are going to make bank. Mostly from me


Attached: yes and.png (201x201, 26K)

just skip to the loli hostess clubs already
I want to help cute girls with the math homework


The women in Yakuza have always looked terrible. Their face modelling is fine for making guys but for women it's just awful. And I say that having fapped to plenty of the JAV stars those hostesses are based on.

Watch as feminist try to ban this.

Attached: 3D won't love me.jpg (1012x1500, 368K)

Traps are nothing like 3D femboys/trannies. The fun part about 2D and fiction in general is that there are no limits, only your imagination.

Surprised this wasn't done sooner. There's tons of money in host clubs.

the low poly makes it better
1 poly=1 problem

That attitude is shit. Settling for 2D because you can't attain 3D is unhealthy and will never make you happy, preferring 2D however is the true path to enlightenment. Nothing in reality can compare to the fantastic things the human mind is capable of when it's freed.

If you don't consider anime girls real, you're not a true anime fan.

This is the future Anno warned about

And it beautiful.