Adachi actually has a point. The world fucking sucks.
Adachi actually has a point. The world fucking sucks
honk honk
Yeah, that's the whole point of him as a character. He's not wrong, but his way of responding to the world is problematic. He's the topical straight white male school shooter type.
>Hates the world
>Still cares about Nanako regardless
This is a not so subtle bitch about life thread isn't it?
>straight white male school shooter
Why do americans talk like this
>wHy Do AmErIcAnS tAlK lIkE tHiS
We don't think about you at all europoors
rent free
Yeah, but he was a Chaosfag instead of a based Lawbro.
Praise YHVH.
Wasn't he just an incel? He was jealous of the MC getting pussy as well. I kinda get why some of you people relate to him.
Adachi was an incel who needed to have sex. Rise Kujikawa was in town but still he didn't take advantage.
>how many times do i have to teach you this lesson old man
Adachi needs more porn.
t. Discord tranny
>this world sucks
>because I'm not rich and powerful
Ok man.
Anime villains are so poorly written and the fact that real world people try to emulate them to justify being bitter and jaded is a barrel of laughs
That's not what he said. Adachi was upset because life took a big fat dump on his despite the hard work he put in.
I feel the same way, I hate this world and people in general, but children are innocent and anything stupid they do can be traced back to bad parenting, teenagers and adults have no excuse.
Fiend never even fights him user.
you try to come on to a stuck up bitch
she rejects you
you kill her in a rage
It's because he never bothered to appreciate what he has and sought after some imaginary life that he "ought to have". Could've had a comfy life in Inaba like Yu did if he wasn't a fuck off.
>not raping her senseless before murdering her
what an idiot
I wonder what would have happened if she didn't magically fall in the TV.
Would Adachi have raped her?
Do it, kid.
he may be but killing random bitches will not make it better, i respect him for trying tho.
>not raping her after killing her
He was truly a retard
Doubt it.
The full point of him as a character is that Persona 4 is rushed, he was never the main villain until 3 months before the game was released, they had a full build of the game with a different villain. It's why he is such a bad villian with no point, him being the killer was written in retroactively, people who think he is great are plebs.
Teddie would have made a better villain.
This. He was always supposed to be just a bumbling detective, it's why the twist feels like it comes out of nowhere, they only changed a few of his scenes and his character portrait un til the last battle he's just his original innocent idiot character with a few scenes changed to make him more OR less suspicious (he was originally the games red herring so some 'hints' had to be removed when he was made the actual killer because it was TOO obvious now, same for his character portrait which had the creepy mitsuo eyes pic related)
>living in a society
I shiggy diggy
Cringe and chadpilled
Time to rise up
do you have a single source to back that up?
Use google, it's common knowledge, it's discussed in countless translated interviews articles and artbooks.
He did say he wanted her for himself
I think the way the game presents the characters is why people consider him "great", or more likely, better than the protagonist and his harem. If given the choice between agreeing with Adachi or the IT, I'm not betting on the people who can't even retort the murderer's, rather easily, flaw in logic.
Everyone knows this, in Japan everyone is convinced the original killer was Yukiko and in the West people were more likely to think it was Dojima
How was he supposed to rape her after killing her if she was deep in the TV realm?
He was probably a metaphor for a lot of things such as wasted potential/astray from the path and so forth
I think i remember someone mentioning that he was also basically a wildcard but because he was so closed off his persona became dark and twisted
what happened to daisy
did he become a sjw?
He can go in. He has a Persona himself.
The world is literally average because there's the same amount of good and bad in it.
But he can't get out.
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
He is a detective he can figure it out.
The world sucks. But you're not special for realizing that.
Everyone fucking knows the world sucks.
Murdering people because "I'm bored XD" is just as shallow a motivation as a cartoon villain that wants to conquer the world for no real reason.
Combination of that and wanting to focus on personal work instead of getting pidgeonholed as “that person who draws persona stuff”
Which ironically got them pidgeonholed as “that person who drew the persona stuff” since they haven’t made anything of value since.
What's the meaning of life Yea Forums?
Would I be missing out on much by playing the PS2 version?
It's only logical, given the creatures that do the good and the evil.
Nothing meaningful.
I hate pretentious faggots who think they're too good or deserving of credit from avenues other than the one thing they are good at.
Having a decent life, because there is the distinct possibility this life is the only one you got, not as in "as soon you die its over", worse, as soon you die, you're reborn exactly as who you were and live the same exact life, over and over and over.
What's white day?
I thought he became a tranny.
Whatever you want it to be
Day when girls give gifts to the boys who gave them gifts on valentines day.
Or the other way around, don't remember. My rune factory knowledge is failing me.
Considering the whole universe and how things work, why would we be living in a loop?
he was always right
He’s an incel, of course he thinks the world sucks and lashes out.
Your "point of view" could be made of a certain specific combination of atoms that by random chance happen over and over, but everytime this combination happen, is pretty much a planet identical to this.
>Yukiko is the killer
As someone who thought the killer was Nanako, this is stupid
Humanity is trash and you stop giving a fuck about life because no you matter what we do we are always in the wrong in societies eyes. could always end it all but too self aware about your own existence. so until we finally get the sweet release we post in Yea Forums to pass the time.
I think they mentioned her being the killer at a point in some interview. They threw around the who dun it a lot during development, apparently.
To live.
People shit on nihilists for being edgelords, but they have the right idea, go with the flow and enjoy life for what it is, don't care about what anyone tells you, there's no right or wrong way to live.
Just because the world sucks doesn't give him the right to make it shittier. That's just going to cause someone else to react the same way.
Pretty much.
They think the crime being at the Amagi Inn gave her the perfect opportunity or something like that.
I'm sure her shadow being boring and her lack of character plays a big role too.
He's right life is suffering. Clean your room.
Who was it originally the one guy that's on the TV way ealry on? The one who kidnaps Nanako or was it Mitsuo?
I read a theory once that Dojima was to have Namatame's role in the story, and it's much more convincing to me than him being the killer.
He was my role model
yeah that guy, driving the delivery truck around. He was way more believable as the serial killer and adache made literally no sense, other than to be "fooled ya, turns out it was this guy you'd never suspect" but I get the feeling that some people think it was genius writing.
his role as in a guy that thinks he was called upon for a higher calling and tries to save everyone by doing stupid shit when he has no clue?
Sorta, I mean the fake out killer that kidnaps Nanako and was tricked by Adachi.
Heaven feels like an extremely important part of the game, and it ends with you finding a guy you never even met being possibly being the killer.
Heaven makes more sense as Dojima's dungeon than Namatame's, and even it's lyrics apply to him, also him being desperate enough to go into the TV world to save Nanako would make sense.
There's also the fact that Dojima is suddenly written out of the story and placed in the hospital around this exact moment, as he would have been if he had Namatame's role.
And finally, Yu defending him from being thrown in the TV by Yosuke would make way more sense than some guy he never met.
Hes a salty bitch because he got transferred. Instead of taking ownership of his poor performance and stop being a slacker he became a serial killer because lyfe iznt fair!!!
Adachi sympathizers are faggots.
This is true. So do you mean just that moment then? When Namatame goes in, just swap it with Dojima? thing is though for the whole game up to that point, Dojima has no idea that world exists and still doesn't, and even if he went in, he's not the one that threw her in, so why would they want to throw him into the TV? namatame makes a little sense since Yu isn't doing it out of the kindness of his heart, but because he sees a bigger picture. Adachi though is just an out of nowhere twist for the sake of an out of nowhere twist.
I don't know how much of the game would remain the same, I just saw that theory once and it made a lot of sense to me, certainly more than him being the killer because he didn't want a bad influence on Nanako or whatever.
it'd probably be a bit different. I'd like to see what kind of shadow comes out of Dojima though.
kILl yOurSelF and go back to twitter, retarded normalfag.
Maybe they actually changed it for a good reason, that being Dojima or Yukiko being the killer is fucking stupid, and you're not cool for being contrarian for jerking off half thought out concept art and ideas that actually have nothing to do with the games final product.