You may as well disable encryption right now on your drives and phone(s), Yea Forums
You may as well disable encryption right now on your drives and phone(s), Yea Forums
We stopped having rights the second we let the government fuck over Al Capone for tax fraud. That's when everyone knew that the government could do exactly what it wants and no one would lift a finger.
there is no such thing as "rights", i dont think there ever was
human society will always be a totalitarian state, you should know this by now, just watch Lord of the Flies
good movie
He was thrown in jail for disobeying a court order. If he had just unlocked his phone, he could have appealed it later as being "against his rights" and any conviction he had based on what was on his phone easily would have been overturned.
video games
Being held in contempt of court isn't a violation of his rights.
So I hear getting evidence illegally means it basivally can never be used in vourt against you, so I have a hypothetical question here, what if I know I have illegal evidence of something and I trick someone into doing something illegal to obtain it, could I get away with that, lile leave my fro t door and safe unlocked and announce really loudly that I won't be somewhere at some place and time, would it work?
>get court ordered to unlock my phone
>forgot the password because I haven't entered it in months after they took it
>"lol fuck you we throw you in jail now"
americans everyone
Better then being in the EU right now
That's called Fruit of the Poison Tree, but there are exceptions to it.
Basically if the justice system wants something it is almost certainly going to get it.
I'm sick of this shithole of a country where only the rich have rights. Where can I move to that doesn't suck? Does there exist any country on earth that isn't shit or corrupt in one way or another?
Yes. People literally do this and good lawyers will look for any illegally obtained evidence first.
There are also people who hide super magnets in their home in case police raid and take their computer. Guess who's fault it is if the police carry your computer past a super magnet that wipes out the hard drive? Not yours.
Take this shit to /g/ you'd fucking bitch.
>Muh feedumbs
Throw away that phone and get a flip phone
>Muh botnet
Go install Linux
Nothing to hide? Nothing to fear. Just unlock the phone and be done with it.
its not but whatever you think mutt
>lord of the flies
>good movie
This isn't video games.
Fuck off
How the hell does someone forget their phone password?
Nice """"country"""" Americucks.
just fucking sink it into the ocean already, along with california
americans everyone
yes they are all this retarded
why doesn't he just unlock the phone so he can go free?
>Guess who's fault it is if the police carry your computer past a super magnet that wipes out the hard drive? Not yours.
This sounds like one of those things that would work on paper but blow up in your face in reality. They'd find a way to tack on additional charges like evidence tampering or some shit.
Imagine if it's been a year when the cops took your phone away as evidence. You forget the motion of entering it because you've already gotten a new phone with a different password. Pretty easy to not get it right 3 times.
This. It's disturbing how little the average person understands about the legal system.
Man thrown in jail for doing nothing wrong simply because the judge said so.
>defending this
How do you live with yourself?
Not gonna read the article but how did him getting pulled over for not yielding lead to them wanting to unlock his phone?
Probably drugs in the car, that's how this shit usually escalates
>obstructing the administration of justice
>nothing wrong
Oh fuck off.
Your LARP isn’t impressive, faggot.
>prove you're innocent
>okay lemme get my phone lolz
>oh shit i forgot the password haha
>fuck you die
Or maybe just don't do illegal things next time
Pulled over for not yeilding
How is his phone relevant to this exactly?
Stay cucked to the state retard.
Hm that makes sense, or probably had a warrant
99% of the population does illegal things and the vast majority never get caught
it's really not a big deal
Post your shithole and I'll find something to meme you about with in 10 seconds, only reason no one posts about it now is because it's irrelevant
>forgetting your password is illegal
[citiation required]
Not larping, buddy. Just a law grad who is sick of how ignorant everyday people are when it comes to the legal system. Contempt of court is a thing and it exists for a good reason to ensure trials run properly.
1) Every country with a modern taxation system has always prosecuted tax evaders. Capone's case was distinct only in that the only evidence at the time he was charged was he was living lavishly despite never filing tax returns.
2) Capone's tax evasion was admitted on his behalf by his lawyer during failed negotiations.
3) Surely prohibition would be a better candidate for the point when "everyone knew that the government could do exactly what it wants and no one would lift a finger."
isnt it illegal to force a defendant to give evidence against himself?
>be american
>go to jail
You know, an actual country
this is one judge at the lowest courtroom level in bumfuck florida
this will NEVER fly at a state or even federal level
if that guy has even a half decent attorney that shit will get overturned within a week, it's a stupidly blatant violation of one's rights against self-incrimination
Holy shit you dumb niggers, read once in a fucking while.
The Fifth amendment of the constitution protects against self incrimination. Guess what unlocking your fucking phone for the police is?
Jesus christ.
american education everyone
If it's done in good faith, it's still valid evidence.
Shut the fuck up OP and go back to Yea Forums.
>Unlock your phone or go to jail
>lol we have to respect the privacy of the San Bernadino terrorists. Can't unlock their data
>mfw 56%ers call it """LAND OF THE FREE"""
Yes, which is why this will probably be overturned on appeal.
americans everyone
Haha I love /pol/
I wish every board on Yea Forums was all /pol/ all the time!!!!
Fuck video games!!! I only use the internet to find things to be angry about!!
The legal system is different in every state, constantly changing and the lawyers intentionally write the laws to be as convoluted as possible so that they're needed in the future to translate it. Like a programmer that refuses to comment his code.
>Defendant, spread your butt cheeks and take my huge dick inside of you
>I refuse to do it, your honour!
>You're disobeying a court order so you're going to jail lol
Something something land of free
why the fuck is this thread still up?
american mods are so fucking stupid
christ, why are americans so fucking stupid?
Jesus, of course it's in Tampa. I hate this place man.
The legal ground for what the judge did is tenuous at best.
I change mine every so often so I end up punching old codes every once in a while.
american courts everyone
And not a single will be done about it
This guy slaps your iphone and intrudes on your privacy
What do?
Politicians write the laws. Courts interpret the laws and apply them to the facts of the case in front of them. In common law jurisdictions, the courts' decisions and reasoning becomes an unwritten law itself that passes on to other courts to ensure consistency. Lawyers don't write laws at all. They just represent their clients' interests and ensure that proper legal arguments are made and processes followed. Otherwise it'd be a shitshow (like most cases with an unrepresented party).
You didn't do anything, you just happen to have a magent in your house. Like if they were getting your harddrives and accidentally placed it on a magnet while doing so, you didn't tamper with evidence.
It's not evidence tampering if it was meant to stop ANYONE from removing your computer rather than the police specifically.
I only keep phone locked to make sure people don't know I listen to pic related
How do contempt of court and court orders work over there? In Australia, that would probably be contempt of court. But if it was a court order made because the prosecution proved that access was needed to gather material evidence, it's definitely a criminal offence to disobey it.
>if this person had just sucked my Jewish cock he would be free
Die, scum.
Another mutt bites the dust
>3) Surely prohibition would be a better candidate for the point when "everyone knew that the government could do exactly what it wants and no one would lift a finger."
They actually got a constitutional amendment for that. I'd argue it's the one time they did it the correct way.
le upvote xdddd
Ha, funny joke user.
Lawyers will be chomping at the bit to see if they can get some money off the state for fucking up both self-incrimination and improper submission of evidence.
Literally 3 different people. Absolutely seething with no response
Not based
it's called contempt of court. there is no due process for that. guy was probably being difficult and continually not following instructions.
Yeah I mean it makes perfect logical sense. I'm not arguing that. In a court of law based on logic and reason, you would be totally right. But this is the American justice system we're talking about. They can and will find any way possible to fuck you.
It's a bot, you retarded newshit.
Nice bait.
we did it reddit
Holy shit what a joke
probably was nervous along with being overly trained by his attorney to the point where he can't navigate around the questions and just ends up obviously wasting everyone's time.
This happend in 2018 and he was only jailed for 60 days.
Still a failure of justice but at least he's not still locked up.
Based, video game playing incels BTFO
I got a traffic violation on black friday once because I was peeling a price tag off of a video game case with my thumb while driving. The cop thought it was a tablet until he pulled me over, but fuck it, good enough. The judge then accused me of playing mobile phone games while driving and started insulting me when I tried to explain what happened.
Under the 4th amendment you cannot force a defendant to incriminate themselves. The court cannot make him unlock his phone because if there were evidence of whatever crimes he's charged with on it then the court would have made him incriminate himself, and thus violated his rights (not to mention the evidence inside would have been illegally obtained and would be rendered null and void anyway). Now they could probably seize the phones and have an expert unlock them or something if they had enough reason to believe there was evidence, but forcing the defendant to do it himself is a big breach of the law.
Basically the judge is an idiot who either doesn't know the law or hopes he can get away with ignoring it.
only 60 days.
yeah this dude ONLY lost SIXTY DAYS of his life
Sixty (60) days that he will never get back
no big deal
Just meme about pisslamic caliphates, Europe has fallen to those barbarians.
Motherfucker did you even read the second half?
land of the free lmfao
obsessed euronigger
I prefer the acoustic version, called Hope, personally
>The judge then accused me of playing mobile phone games while driving and started insulting me when I tried to explain what happened.
Why does this feel so common.
Like I remember all of certain news coverage bitching about how much of a child one of the Manafort judges was acting to the poor prosecution, and I'm sitting here like "bitch where were you when I got accused of a fucking DUI just for drinking out of a flask? Despite the fact it was just juice?"
Ohhhh, so it wouldn't fucking matter since they could just claim this then.
fuck the police
What if you have something REALLY illegal on your phone/computer? CP I guess. Wouldn't you rather take the time from not unlocking your device, than go to prison for CP, and then having to register as a sex offender, etc?
Rough prison sex until your anus falls out and you need a colostomy bag
>posts that only say "Based" and "Cope"
>most are exactly 15 seconds apart
You could make that bot less obvious you know.
Based, video games are for manchildren
>July 5th 2018
So do you fuckers just scour the net looking for shitposting material?
>Why does this feel so common.
Because they're frustrated that they have to waste time on you and your explanation won't change the penalty you're dealing with, you're just further wasting their time. Their empathy for their fellow man often erodes early on, so they're left just being pissed you're sitting there trying to explain why you did something fucking stupid that's still technically illegal.
what the fuck is that blobulous monstrosity reigning him in
>I got a traffic violation on black friday once because I was peeling a price tag off of a video game case with my thumb while driving. The cop thought it was a tablet until he pulled me over, but fuck it, good enough. The judge then accused me of playing mobile phone games while driving and started insulting me when I tried to explain what happened.
The fact the cop could see you were doing something shows you were driving without due care and attention.
"good movie" makes it too obvious. Would have been perfect without that.