>this is one of the enemy types in Rage 2
>Doom guys helped work on the shooting mechanics
>no more constant loading screens and bad driving that ruined Rage 1
Based bethesda making good fps games
This is one of the enemy types in Rage 2
>post-apocalyptic wasteland
>society is long-gone
>bandits roam the area
>they dress themselves with LGBT badges
heh..... Rage 2 sure is looking good........
Seems like a realistic future.
Pretty based, but I miss the hooligan enemies of the first game.
Can I force myself on cute punk bitches?
>gay badge
I would
this game looks goat.
>mad max was what rage should have been
>rage 2 is what mad max should have been
The strengths of both games in one but refined to perfection.
>implying it's not fun to kill faggots
I just hope the vehicle combat is more fun in this.
Guns look great so far.
So we can kill faggots now? Huh.
>The Non-Binary Bandits
Real bandits would rape all the females, this is just disgusting sjw shilling
based and preordered
Rage 1 sucked for more reasons than driving and loading screens. Fuck off.
Faggots and roasties appearing as enemies in vidya is actually based as fuck, that's the kind of "diversity" I can support
Name one
it did but this is rage 2
it looks fun
>white male main character
>can kill libtards
It may shock you to hear this but sometimes when people make shit up they don't also make it autistically realistic
Not spending a single cent on a Bethesda game ever.
>White Male Rage
>I can finally kill crazy bitches in video games
thats white man to you boy
why do mods let obvious paid shills still keep threads like this going.
why do anime posters leave their shitty containment board
>I like having garbage games shilled here
ok homo
Who are you quoting?
go back to your visual novels
>Mad Max (the game) is like 70% spent in the car
>It controls like complete fucking ass
looks better than BORINGlands
fuck off the driving is great in that game
but muh loot
I'd literally, not figuratively or hyperbolically, rather eat human shit straight from the tap than get another Bethesda game. It's all been fuck-ups since Oblivion, they have made absolutely not one single thing which would convince me that this will be anything but trash just like Rage was.
Wanna know how I know you never played the game?
Rage really wasn't particularly memorable but the guy you're replying to forgot about Doom 2016 which was great.
Rage was a good shooter with too little shooting though.
the doom team helping out with rage 2 gives me a lot of hope, the guns and combat look great.
God how the standards have fucking fallen.
fags don't own the rainbow, fuck you.
>how post apoc bandit degenretaes look like is not what you thought it is
>and it is beautiful
>Get to kill fags and women
Is Todd Howard /ourguy/?
It will be as empty/devoid of fun and sanitized as FarCry 5.
You'd have to be the most basic of dudebros to get enjoyment out of this.