What in the everliving fuck happened to him?
What in the everliving fuck happened to him?
Other urls found in this thread:
Adderall and red bull.
>just saw him streaming sekiro
>everytime I ever see this guy he is literally drinking 24/7
lmao hes done
Have you idiots been living under a rock?
some 8 year old swore at him
he's been trying to find his address for about 15 days now
how long until he says the n word
literally who?
Caught his wife with the bbc while he was off playing video games.
literally who?
Shiposting? He realized how much time he's wasted playing a shit game instead of pursuing a real job
Nonshitpost version? His wife divorced him recently. She's going to try and take the house and half his shit.
Who gives a fuck about streamers?
Unless op can prove this is videogames it is offtopic and belongs on Yea Forums
>pursuing a real job
He's paid millions to stream a game just once.
>>His wife divorced him recently
>woman enters your life
>it goes to shit
every time
>marrying a "man" who plays children's games for a career
he's doing it rn lol
... Holy yikes. Didn't even know that second bit.
Last time I ever heard of him, he apparently was paid $1m to play Apex Legends..
did he get a divorce?
>wife leaves you and takes all your money as soon as you start being successful
Pretty funny seeing even huge streamers aren't immune to the apparently inevitable destruction of what they had by their women.
Should've gotten a prenup. Fucking dumbass.
>His wife divorced him recently. She's going to try and take the house and half his shit.
Do you think money like that lasts?
Most of these people are fucking IDIOTS with their money. That isn't gonna last the rest of your life.
his wife didn't divorce him you gullible idiots
and even if she did, what happens to us is none of your business
Poor fella. This is the price for riding corpies gravy-train.
Someone post pics of his wife. Also when did he get married?
Oh dear, no. No no no. Nein nein nein. Then again, it was bound to happen.
>his wife didn't divorce him you gullible idiots
>and even if she did, what happens to us is none of your business
>This. Entertainers who make it big like this typically aren't good at handling money because they never had to learn to save and manage as their career progressed.
Who is this? Looks like common sad everyone has occasionally. Crying isn't all that big thing either.
t. has no fucking clue how a prenup works
I don't know who this person is.
Sorry I greentagged my thought how embarassing
> gold digger-nigger wife divorcing
> bullied by Sekiro
Life's a bitch or is it karma?
This is absolute seething. Only dipshits and businessmen will lose literal millions in their lifetimes. He's set, get over it.
Jessica Goch is Ninja'swife
Married 2017-2019
Those don't look like the eyes of normal crying bud.
hopefully he saved his fucking millions of dollars instead of blowing on an overpriced mansion with extremely high maintenance costs and diminishing valu-
You don't realize how many dipshits there are in show business then. Most are quick to start living a life of luxury and when their popularity wanes they realize they need to keep a consistent flow of income to keep living that life of luxury, and end up getting desperate or just continue blowing it all on dumb shit. There are tons of them that just end up losing their homes and start asking for donations because they are so irresponsible.
Any half-decent lawyer can get a judge to overturn a pre-nup by arguing that "it was signed under duress" , duress in this case being "a man I'm psychologically dependent on wouldn't marry me unless I signed it".
1 million can last you ten years at 100k a year. Hes net worth is around 10 million. You fucks earn around 50k A fucking year, working your butts off. This guy is set for life.
Niggers are so fucking ugly.
He looks like it just hit him that his exists for no reason other than to have children watch him play fortnite.
Why are so many people so bad with money?
cringe nigger
> His wife divorced him recently. She's going to try and take the house and half his shit.
I don't believe this. I understand there's an argument to be made when you're married for 25 years and the woman gave up her career to be a houswife. Obviously then she needs to be supported. However, this guy is like 20ish? No way his ex-wife had to sacrifice a lot during their marriage. There's no way she should be able to get half.
Did he actually buy a mansion? If so, nevermind, he's one of the dipshits.
The level of uncanny valley here is unfathomable.
Why do people even buy mansions and shit? Is it just for the status? If I had millions nothing much would change just so I could NEET it up until I finally succumb to DVT
Would you?
Because a lot of people (especially poor people) can't comprehend financial management because they live paycheck to paycheck.
What was his name again? Samurai?
you dont realize how much men get fucked in divorces.
Yeah he has to act like a cracked up ultra hyper faggot on stream, but I'd sell my soul for $500k a month.
Literally who?
he could do better
I can't have sex with photoshop.
I could see it with how she was acting out when he got to play with Drake, no memes, she kept trying to talk to his ass for a bit.
your mistake is thinking "how it should work" is the same as "how it does work
Depends on whether the judge is female.
>yikes he could do better
Poor shinobi.
What's with all the fags coming into our threads and making fun of streamers and Lets Plays? Streamers are are a great way to unwind when you don't want to play a game yourself and hanging out in chat and donating is the equivalent of going out with friends. I'm still in the company of people I like and instead of wasting money on stupid alcohol, I can donate to my favorite streamer and feel good knowing I'm furthering the career of someone that brings me great joy and a lot of entertainment. I mean, what's the difference between a small donation of $30-$50 and spending that at the bar? I don't feel like shit in the morning if I donate unlike the hangover I'll eventually have...
Making fun of someone for liking a streamer is just ignorant and shows how out of touch you really are. Seriously, my dad makes fun of me for being 20 while still being into video games, watching people play video games and still being a virgin. He routinely asks me if I've finally lost my virginity or found a girlfriend each time I come home. He emasculates me in front of my friends by saying stupid shit like "At least you guys get pussy, right?" and "Maybe you guys can set him up with some girls!" He blames democrats and "nerds" like me for the sissification of America and the West in general. I can't even blame him for raising me incorrectly because my older brother plays football at a D1 school while majoring in mechanical engineering.
He used to play baseball while he finished his degree so I tried to show him how competitive e-sports were while I was watching Smash evo and he just asks "Aren't you a little too old for Nintendo?" This shit gets so fucking annoying and it's actually having an impact on my mental health. He actually started calling me "Virgy" in public and around other people instead of referring to me by my real name. Fuck him.
I'd take a homely potato farmer over a burnt up pornstar.
Why would you get pierced there?
He could. I mean just look at him. He's rich too.
he's saying that someone else could do better though, not that he, the poster, could do better, so what the poster looks like is irrelevant
Only if they didn't prenups, at which point, it's just nature taking its course.
He's a ninja not a shinobi. Learn the difference.
prenups don't even save you in court
the only way to win is not getting married
prenups are irrelevant when the matter is taken to court
She's gonna age like shit, mark my words.
How is marriage still a thing after this
t. triggered fat nerds who look like the pic I posted
>navel piercing
>hip piercing
double dropped
He actually meant that the digital artist behind the Photoshop work on that image could have done better.
Have sex(o)
Dey tooker
Courts throw out prenups all the time if the wife's lawyer can convince the judge it was signed under duress.
prenups only apply to what you owned BEFORE the marriage anyways, meaning even with a prenup half of whatever he earned during the years they were married is hers
Probably worth mentioning too that the bald dude in the picture isn't the one losing half his shit to a golddigger in a divorce.
So just asking. If I ever get a girlfriend and she wants to get married I tell her no and we stay bfgf and she never ever can take my shit?
Absolute bullshit. I can guarantee you that if such a thing had happened, it happened with actual evidence provided that it was signed under duress and not because 'because I said so'.
Or if you make a shit ton more
>In early April, Jeff and MacKenzie Bezos announced, via Twitter, a divorce settlement in which MacKenzie will receive 25% of Jeff Bezos' stake in Amazon. She's expected to be worth about $35 billion and will become one of Amazon's four biggest shareholders.
imagine being a woman and claiming you're oppressed when you can take 35bi of a man's fortune just by being married to him
Bullshit. Prenups can protect your future assets after you signed up assuming you had it written in, to which any competent lawyer would had.
Shouldn't have married a whore. If I knew I was getting rich as hell I'd divorce asap.
Based, you'll totally get ninja's sloppy seconds after this epic ownage.
In Canada, if you co-habitate for a certain amount of time (2 years I think), they count you as being married.
He got payed $1 million to play apex for a few hours
He's rich, owns a house, low capital investment business, and has a huge savings account
Look up common law and see if it applies where you live. Also if she ever has a kid (even by another man), the court may decide that you're daddy and have to pay child support.
I don't understand.
Unless you're both religious virgins there's absolutely no logical reason to get married. If she asks to get married ask her if she's a virgin and religious, if she says no, ask her why she wants to practice other people's religious customs that she doesn't believe in. If she just wants to feel like a princess for a day and "express your love in front of friends and family" or some gay shit then tell her you guys can have a fake "wedding" where you do all the stuff and have the ceremony but don't sign any papers during it.
Have to look at local laws some places can consider you married if you live together long enough and they can prove it
he's an organic billboard, he's not a person anymore
New Year's Eve broke him
depends how the judge sees it
if you're bf/gf for a long time and live together the judge will likely see it as a marriage so she'll take your stuff
if you have kids the judge will likely see it as marriage
only way to be safe (ish) is by living in separate houses and having people witness your relationship is casual
>2 years marriage
get married they say
>laughing at virgins means you're a white knight
I'm not even that guy but what?
It's really crazy. How can you be smart enough to become the richest man in the world, but also stupid enough to get married.
If he's smart enough he could end up in a similar situation like Notch.
not after the divorce.
>sign contract
>d-didn't count!
>this now holds up court
Who the fuck said that western society is biased against women again?
So now I'm a whiteknight?
>almost nothing
Not asain not interested
Why are energy drinks so ingrained in "pro gamer" culture?
They're essentially poison.
>His wife divorced him recently.
Source or gtfo
I don’t see anywhere where it says they got divorced. Calling big time fake news.
>how can you guys be so le straight???? Xd
You're considered common law at some point if you live together as well. Sometimes as short as 6 months.
Then they can take half your shit, or more depending
So no, you're just fucked. Women are the god damn worst
T. Normalfag who lost his FUCKING house to a cheating whore
This, he has some money but its still dehumanizing and shouldn't have been his path in life considering the lack of marketable personality.
Notch dodged a pretty big bullet, didn't he?
Athletes are pretty bad too. Many will blow everything they have going out to the club and dropping thousands in a night on magnum bottles of champagne, women, clothing, jewelry and other dumb shit. You also have the other end of the spectrum of the athlete just immediately buying houses and cars for his mom and silly stuff like that.
It's similar to some people who win the lottery. I think there's some site that collects horror stories of idiots that win millions and blow it all away like nothing. Don't buy boats, don't buy mansions, don't buy shit that's way over your head. One quick story of one of those lottery winners was a dude that bought an entire marina and it ended up being the only thing he was even left with because it cost him so much. Now he has to upkeep it; it's not easy selling something like that if people know you want to get rid of it.
You mean banned on Twitter lmao
If the leaked texts are to be believed, he's just a horny bastard on top of being a sociopath businessman (read the stories about him, he's not a normal dude.)
Now you know why gamer culture is toxic, sweatie.
They're paid to drink them by advertisers.
Not hard to work out. Kids see someone drink something, then they want to emulate and drink it too.
>essentially poison
Not any more poisonous than regular cola.
Literally no one? whoever did I would laugh at them until they left the room
>Normalfag who lost his FUCKING house to a cheating whore
Christ, how the hell did that happen user?
I can't blame her DESU? Could you actually imagine having this soiboi meanwhile as your spouse? Not even knocking his job, but his whole look and attitude is an absolute embarrassment.
no, I just play video games
Then there's dudes like Dr. Dre that spent money on family and still kept his wealth. Some people actually are money-savvy.
>wife btfo some fortnite fag
And this is bad because...?
Real answer
He didn't like dropping in sub count as hard as he did. I think it went from like 130k to 30k? It was a massive drop but it was also way too high.
In any case he made like a million dollars in a month just from twitch alone at his height, and twitch took a fatass slice as well. He is set.
But I just saw what his wife looks like. Jesus. She looks like a British gutter whore. He really is kind of dumb if that is what he settled with.
That said he is not dumb with his money at all but it's the loss of fame he is salty over. Ninja liked being chummy with Drake and football athletes. He liked being paid several hundreds of thousands just to floss in commercials. And now its pretty much radio silence.
What kind of stories.
>Why are energy drinks so ingrained in "pro gamer" culture?
because it's a tryhard "performance enhancing" drink
same reason why gaming chairs, glasses, whatever are a thing: people who take this gay shit too seriously
what an ugly woman
>T. Normalfag who lost his FUCKING house to a cheating whore
id legit just kill myself
Why would kids be drinking energy drinks? Isn't that really bad for them? I'm pretty sure kids shouldn't be taking in that much caffeine.
Why I can't find any articles on this?
>pay dumb gorilla millions of dollars to throw ball
>dumb gorilla spends their money poorly because the only skill or knowledge they've ever needed to get through life is how to throw a ball
Can anyone be surprised.
>Looks like you made $10 Million dollars last year sonny
>lets just round that up to $12 Million
>Ok, you now owe your ex $1 million per month for the rest of her life (or until she finds a hotter dude to fuck)
It is.
I've never seen a more disgusting sticc body in my life. Stick makes me sick.
I don't know why people pretend caffeine is such a boogie man. There's barely in caffeine in soda for example, it's the mountains of sugar that make it bad. Likewise with energy drinks its the taurine that kills you not caffeine
well damn.
I never liked the guy's content, but nobody deserves that kind of fate.
>parents got divorced a couple years ago
>My mom takes the fucking house and sub
>My dad left with nothing
>I leave my mom and go to live with my dad
>Small apartment
>Uses Uber to get around to his job
God damnit I'm never getting married.
>shilling a guy who isn't even funny
dude just builds shit and shoots people in fortnite literally kys
he has been with her forever and when he was making jack shit they got married
Why would your mom do that to a human being?
Genuine question, how long ago did he meet and marry this chick
Yeah I know. I just never saw her pics. She's fugly.
They're memeing I believe, don't take the bait.
You didnt get the joke,
Women are large children that take what they want and feel no empathy for other creatures.
women don't actually have empathy.
The only reason they take care of kids is as extensions of their own ego. 90% are just in it to brag about their kids to others.
This is getting worse with social media. Suicide rates have spiked and women are more unhappy than the 50s.
Women have none of the good virtues of males. Just approximations.
help......... the wife is taking half the money..... the house..... everything............. my viewships is declining, drake won't respond to my texts, and fortnite is going to die after the world cup..... please....... if you have a twitch prime sub....
Is that his wife?
the temptation of being able to buy and own something you spent your whole life thinking was impossible for you to is to tempting for some people to resist.
>50k a year
You think people in this board earn this? LOL don't make me laugh.
Oof smells like incel up in here
not anymore
>people falling for this bait
>absolutely zero proof his wife is divorcing him
Why has Yea Forums gotten so retarded?
Yes (was)
He's not getting divorced you silly cunts.
yeah I know right? Yea Forums makes at LEAST 100k on average
>handholdless virgin
>never have to worry about some vicious harpy taking my sub
I'm just saying. Men's downsides are more outright actions. Violence, wanting to fuck everything, etc.
Women's downsides are the insidious and covert style that they can't even self-admit.
It's much worse to deal with a creature that makes every action covert while trying it's best to maintain a veneer.
I don't want to say the i-word but let's just say some disgruntled young men love backpatting here
Getting all your news from shitposts and bait images rots your brain.
Tell me anons. Is there any benefit to getting married these days?
i wanna fuck that boi
He's not getting divorced hes just assblasted about not being peak fame
>bitch ate my sub
The entire thread is shitposting. Truth has no value here, you faggot cuck.
>implying Yea Forums wasn't always retarded
Found the zoomer.
Musty ass incel boy. Gitcho gone. Fo I snatch yo weave.
who is this
I have a worse story
>Friend's sister is married to a guy
>said guy gets into a motorcycle accident and becomes a vegetal
>She never divorces him because they have a shared bank account and she gets all his settlement/disability money
>she uses it to get a boobjob and now moved out and lives with her new boyfriend half her age
>she hasn't seen or visited her husband who she's still legally married to in the last 5 years but still shares the bank account to spend his disability money
>he has no idea and can't do anything about it because vegetal
>friends family completely disowned her and take care of the man (whom they have no relation too) out of empathy because they can't believe what a monster their own family member is
>she doesn't care that she's been disowned or that her family has to take care of her husband because she has free money and thats all that matters to these vapid whores
You dumb fucks know she helped start the company and actually WORKS there right? She isn't some gold digging hoe that never leaves the fucking house. Of all the shitty divorce settlements and alimonies out there, this is the hill you choose.
>happened to him
Literally nothing, he continues streaming, now more what he wants rather than what he is paid for and he's already a millionaire.
What ever the fuck happened to you user?
Tell that to all the people in here posting their incel greentext propaganda.
Well, I married a rich girl. So far got a car, house, and a fat wedding anniversary check. They also have multiple beach houses.
>a closeted homo who got married really young and plays video games professionally
Maybe the stress of being an instant celebrity is getting to him.
ah. makes sense.
Truly, he was our guy.
>Fornite streamer
>gets a wife
What a dumbass.
>e-celeb thread
>mods keep it up
Fuck this shit place and fuck all of you
actually, it is
>oh no don't say the truth about women
women are tolerated as fuckobjects
once that goes away they have no purpose
is that filthy frank?
That actually got worse and worse as I read until the part where the family stepped in
Jesus Christ I don't ever want to have the misfortune of letting such parasites in my life
Hilarious you claim they're "fuckobjects" when the only way you can get them to touch you is through paying them you pathetic virgin.
Marriage is to provide a stable environment to raise children in, full stop no exceptions. If you have no plans on raising children then yes marriage is an absolute meme and your risking your literal life's fortune for absolutely no return
what a cuck,
kill the ex, then run out of the country
Why would you kill yourself when you can just kill her?
>goes to watch hilarious female comedy
top kek
Even if this particular story isn't true, it's definitely the case somewhere. Kudos to the family for stepping in and semi-adopting the guy (who should honestly be unplugged if he's really a vegetal.)
>Yea Forums pass
Reply to this if all applies to you.
What a bro-tier family. The father and mother's genetic material was wasted on creating a slime like that.
i wonder who'd be the prime suspect in the investigation if she were to die
We need another Vinesauce thread after this one guys! Mods really don't give a fuck about Yea Forums
NEVER ride a motorcycle.
Just because you work at the office doesn't mean you're any less of a gold digging hoe when you profit off the wealth of the husbie.
extremely low IQ.
your reading comprehension is nigger tier.
kill yourself
Shut the fuck up Boomer and go to your Twitter threads.
Women are shit.
i just don't live in NY
neck yourself underage zoomer shit
you are the cancer that killed this shit board
Incels are never happy despite never having gotten burned by women
Fuck you, whore.
>true stories
You can always tell you're on to something is fishy when discussing real events is referred to as propaganda
Seriously imagine if sexuality was removed from society. Women are already facing more unhappiness and higher suicide rates simply because of tindr
imagine when the waifu age starts
>yeah let me stop fucking my loli anime cumbuckets in VR to deal with a roastie
looks like fortnight withdrawal with that hair.
Have sex
>not as lonely anymore
>lifestyle bends to their whims
>potential of losing everything if you so much as argue with her
>you're always at fault no matter what, it's never her fault
>you either do what makes her happy or risk losing everything
>children are annoying little shits and have a scarily high chance of either getting addicted to harmful drugs or offing themselves before they reach adulthood these days, making all of the effort pointless
Dont fall for it, it's not worth throwing away your life to be at the whims of another.
We're discussing about videogame related shit. You're just complaining.
Start acting your own age old man. Stupid boomer.
Who cares? Your life is already ruined, make her life worse by removing it completely.
Now yuo see the funny side!
Tell your dad to find a nice asian girl like a rational human being. White women are NOT fit for marrying unless you want to get divorce raped nowadays.
even if she did take half the dude still has MORE than enough to live like a king.
if you are worth like 5 million and half that gets taken thats still 2.5 million tou get to live comfortably with.
honestly isnt that big of a deal when you put it into perspective.
like I dont think Jeff Bezo's gives a shit about how much his wife is taking. dudes are still gonna live better than 99% of the other people in Murrica
I like how everytime this discussion happens people make it sound like you need to make 100m to live
>that guy made 1 mi in 1 month? That's nothing he'll be on the streets in no time
fuck off, we got motherfuckers on Yea Forums living off neetbucks
Marrying above your social class as a man is mad props as long as you keep up the jig,
I cannot even begin to describe how good it feels to flex on single people that are my age
You don't even have to say anything, just wear your ring. Their faces are priceless. Because real life isn't Yea Forums they don't have an incel thread to fall back on.
Play games yourself or watch longplays, stop worshipping idols.
Nobody cares if it’s a little bit or you watched episodes of game grumps or your buddy, but constantly watching streams for any reason other than like depression or because it’s in a series you like but can’t play means you’re too hedonistic to even engage in your own entertainment.
You've given yourself away by trying to fit in
Why is he crying in this picture?
>streamer e-celeb drama
>videogame related shit
Again, do the world a favor and kill yourself, you pathetic trash of a creature
Try actually living out your life and playing games
Richest woman on earth becomes so by divorce
The working class is composed of 80% of dipshits with small wits.
They envy the rich and always whine with how they probably never deserved their money that they make all their wealth exploiting them.
The few that happen to win a fortune start to get lazy and live the "big life" spending and wasting without counting, thinking the income will keep flowing.
So not only they whine about how the riches exploit them, how the landlord has no heart for kicking out whoever doesn't pay, or how banks are so miserable for not lending even the smallest amount of money.
Never to realize that's the reason these guys are still holding onto their wealth and will probably be doing so for their whole life, they don't sleep all day thinking of the day they won't have to work, get fat and start having fun 24/7.
These shitheads start spending all their shit live of lust, then save whatever they have left.
The rich saves all his money no matter how much he got, before starting to spend it.
The best exemples are athletes getting all these millions of cash they really don't deserve, what happens to most of them when they are out of business?
Its all gone, back to reality you and your party bitches.
Sex is overrated.
Why did she divorce him?
>There's no way she should be able to get half.
Welcome to America.
Fuck you motherfucker. I'll slit your throat. Get the fuck off my board.
Take your own advice fucking idiot. Go play videogames and get the fuck out of this thread.
As if you can tell, incel
Why is the Woman white when filipinos are brown
If the judge doesn't just laugh at you while they rip it up.
How do I save money user? I work min wage and have no idea how to spend it.
Don’t do drugs kids. This is what happens when you get strung out. You look fucking insane
Lolno, first i'm gonna stay here and call you out and laugh what a lil pathetic zoomer shit bitch you are
i bet your parents can't stand you, and that every girl you ever came into contact with acted as if you had a bubonic plague lol
fucking loser zoomer shits
>Literally no one?
the law does.
contracts are not the end all to legal argument. they just make it extremely difficult to get out of. that article does like a bogus ruling though.
>His wife divorced him recently. She's going to try and take the house and half his shit.
love this americans created a shitty "bubble" system to protect women to the point it literaly is destroying mens finances and wellbeing there, between the influx of mexicans, the sjw climate and this i love not living in burgerland at least here i can fuck a whoever chick i want and not pay a single dime on child support or losing my own house because a hore cheated or want a divorce , ejoy these years because looking at the climate of your country your cuckerism and pro sjw laws are going to get very , very tight in the next few years
Couldn't think of a better outcome tbqh
Maybe being banned permanently from Yea Forums(nel)
Recently divorced, getting filtered by Sekiro.
Society conditions women to feel entitled to some bullshit but saying they have no conscience is such hyperbole
How do you live with yourself
He blew up because he was at the right place at the right time, Kids loved his explosive behaviour, but his personality and humor are too shit to maintain his audience.
Kek priceless lonely tears
>thinks he's flexing on anyone when he's married
laughing my lmao ass off
Kys, nigger.
Damn you are over the deep end my fellow pede
Man, he needs a hug. Not donations.
Lots of filipinas and asians in general are quite pale. My wife is filipina and she has paler skin then me despite being a blonde haired blue eyed anglo.
Jeff Bezos is a subhuman insect. He could live in a literal cave on straw in between his time at work and be fine with it.
is this because she was bitching at him for drinking her beer can early in the morning?
Enjoy your 9th wank of the day, order yourself something nice from ubereats. My wife has food waiting for me at home :)
goddamn that shit is cursed
they were being ironic :^)
Like I said, have sex
That is so not true man. Filipinos arent the Mexicans of Asia for no reason.
Truly women can achieve the same as men.
I agree but his wife is still a hoe.
Mmmmmm. Can I get Parmesan on my Pasta next time?
the stars really aligned for this shit fiesta didn't they
Been burned many times, user.
Now that's progress.
A vast majority of football players who make up to ten times what he does a year end up homeless due to not managing money well and going into crippling debt
Dunno, I didn't build my money, parents paid for college until I got my CE degree and today I can still sit on more money than I need to close every month.
I eventually worked in small wage jobs even though I didn't need it, my father warned me of presenting resumes with no work experience.
Only a few wagecucks I met don't fit in what I described, especially migrants who wish the country could be turned into some sort of socialist shithole like their countries of origin.
Half gets taken in taxes right off the bat. Lots of people make 2 million over their lifetime. That's equivalent to 60k for 30 years, which is only slightly higher than the median income. He would need to limit himself to the lifestyle of the average person and he'd still run out before time for retirement. You fuckers really can't do math.
With a few million dollars you would still need a steady job to even live an average life. If you tried to "live like a king" you would run out of money in a couple of years at most, and you would not be able to afford to keep paying for whatever you bought. Just because there are "rich person" associations with having a million dollars on hand or in assets doesn't mean it's a lot of money.
I dont really keep up with the dude but why are you so butthurt about him?
Don't buy useless shit. How hard is that? just stop buying every new video game and console whenever it comes out. Pay all your bills and buy groceries and that's it, make no other purchases except maybe buying clothes and necessities whenever you need to which should only be a few times a year.
Uh huh
Yeah okay I'ma need a drop of sauce with that
It's strange how minimal this post is but I can almost feel the heat from the utter seethe radiating off it
dude is a NEET shutin that plays games.
not a man with wife and kids that he has to put through school and feed daily.
I think you SERIOUSLY overestimate the spending habits of a shut-in gamer who does nothing but uber in food and talk to Twitch Chat.
>unironic smiley face
dude I'm not even commented on your shitty marriage bait but for the love of god go back to posting on reddit and stop coming here
his ex "wife"
Yeah nah get fucked :)
Based btfoer of incels
There's a documentary about it called Broke as well.
>uber in food
It's little things like this that leave people wondering what happened to all of their money 5 years down the line.
Why are britains so ugly?
So which is it? Do women want Alphas, or do they want money? Because he makes like $100k a month.
>I'm a huge faggot and you can't stop me from eating my own shit
you're not wrong but really not something to be proud of
>His wife divorced him recently. She's going to try and take the house and half his shit.
don't you amerifriends have this thing where you marry but each one get to keep/own their own shit, instead of "everything is shared now" faggotry
You are 100% lying if you find her ugly. We all know the user base on here, and we all know the desperation. She’s attractive but you continue with your contrarian rhetoric just to fit in because you think it’s cool.
Honestly don’t feel bad for bezos. All he had to do was not cheat on his wife.
Both preferably. But if they can only get money they'll just ride that until it runs out.
How about doing the math yourself instead of arguing from vague notions of how much he needs. It's less than the average person single person makes in their lifetime. It's maybe enough if you while away your days in a rural house eating rice every day, but somebody who thinks like you do will try to have a phone and an internet connection and electricity.
The computer hardware and internet connection you need to stream at a decent quality already disqualifies this lifestyle. If you use Uber to get fast food you are already spending probably 20x your food budget.