Lobby AND thread died
NA East Modded
Risk of rain 2
I rather get shocked in RoR1 than deal with Overloading's shitty shields in 2.
>blazing around at the speed of sound
>roll out of the way of bullshit
>greater wisp's balls graze me somehow
bought the game today, have played for about a hour, so how do you unlock the other characters?
Fun run yurofriends, I reckon we would have had that fight against the clays if we popped the teleporter straight away but I enjoyed the ending.
Remember, don't fall for the meme red.
Mouse over the icons and it will tell you the conditions for unlocking.
google or go into the logbook and check what achievements are associated with the locked survivors
Pick it up or you'll be sorry! You'll miss out on a nice red printer!
it was good, should have kept my distance from those pots, I forgot about the suck
They said they are fixing the Overloading part of it so you don't lose your health iirc.
if HAN-D and Acrid aren't officially in the game by release i riot
Loader and Miner would be neat too
the majority you'll unlock just by playing, here's each character and how to unlock them
MUL-T: Beat first stage 5 times
Huntress: Beat Third stage
Engi: Clear 30 stages
Merc: Beat seventh stage, green portal will open, go through & kill yourself
One character, you have to do something rather specific for however
Artificer: Collect 10 lunar coins, get a portal to the jewshop (costs an additional lunar coin, but someone else can open it for you), pay to unlock her
>vagrant pops blast attack bullshit
>well time to get to cover i guess
>wisp attack bumps me up as im jumping down just in time so that I can't fall down behind a rock and get annihilated by the blast
I'm gonna take a break, the long road is a long ways away
Miner WHEN
Monsoon US East Vanilla. Trying to get Decide
A guy that has exclusively fire based abilities would be really cool.
Lots of burn damage.
sometimes the jew shop opens for free, ive noticed that the portal has a tiny orb revolving it if a portal is going to open at the end of the teleporter event
So is Enforcer really a nono? I mained the fuck out of him in the first game
>acrid, miner, loader
There's also text that appears in chat that tells you that a blue orb appears.
>Played on Monsoon for 5 hours today
>Not a single Lunar Coin dropped
If the main prerequisite to a good melee character is mobility then miner fits the bill
I finally found one
now the question is, do I do it?
still open?
People are guessing he might be dead, based on the, uh, medkit log.
-if I remember right.
ya still need 2 more
enjoy your 50 medkits
do you have the clover? if no then no
if yes then do it faggot
mobilitys mostly irrelevant
melee only has one limiting factor currently and its wisps/worms floating out of reach
they need a built-in solution to consistently damage/kill these enemies or they can get softlocked
Calling Stun bombs, Wax Quail and Brilliant Behemoth
The answer to that question is an ambiguous
"I dunno"
Who knows if he'll transition to 3D well? who knows if hopoo have even tried to implement him yet? the medkit description implies he's dead but who knows?
miner was the only character in ror1 with an inate "double jump"
his 4th ability launched him into the air
What does "her biting embrace" do?
I think it's impossible to get a good outcome from that thing since you'll either have a) no defensive item b) no offensive item c) no mobility item or d) a combination of these
Like what do you do when you end up with slugs, was birds & masks
or cokes & bandoliers
or keys & infusions
turns you into a blazing elite
I picked this up in a 120 minute monsoon run today. It made my run at least 10 times as exciting, so at least theres that plus
Eh. I'll stick with the BFG.
alright you talked me into it
holy fuck
You'll unlock most by just playing the game
Artificer you buy from the lunar bazaar for 10 coins (you'll need 11 total since opening a blue portal costs 1 coin) mercenary you have to find a celestial portal (random spawn or guaranteed spawn if you beat each stage and loop back to the ice level) and sacrifice yourself to the obelisk in it
that's sniper though
>165 Maracas
damn son
We already have 2 new original characters so there are absolutely no guarantees here on who will get in
Sniper would be fucking busted in this one
>sticky bombs
you're still gonna die in one hit though
host when?
if you don't record the rest of your run i'm literally going to find out where you live and murder you
>4 glass
dont get hit :^)
>tfw forgot face
Weird that you didnt get any but, as i understand it, Lunar coin drop chances have diminishing returns, so if you want them, spam the first 2 or so stages and reset
>4 fucking glass
I mean as long as you hit and run with your ulti, maybe you'll be fine?
I don't think the chance diminishes when you pick them up, but rather when they drop
likely they dropped but he just didn't see them
How do I survive as merc solo? I need damage items to scale enough to kill stuff, but then i get 1 shot by literally any fire enemy that spawns. I had 2 alien heads which helped a lot with using my R invulnerability more but it wasn't enough.
I died immediately after using the shrine
yeah, that's how it be
The chance to drop a lunar coin always goes up but drops a lot after spawning one. The guy most likely didn't see his drops but the chance does diminish
NA four playe
Vanilla 4man
Midwest US
>trying for deicide because i have an hour to kill
>commando because comfy
>getting bready good rng early on, some nice drops but nothing special
>hit map 4
>sticky bomb 3d printer
>end up with 32 sticky bombs
>this will absolutely get me the deicide achievement, i just need some survivability to prevent blazing elites one shotting me
>hit map 6
>actual motherfucking infusion 3d printer
>10 infusions now, managed to keep a 2x stack of will o the wisp
>luckiest run i've ever gotten in my entire life
>see two shrine of the mountains for the second time ever
>we're reaching levels of good RNG that shouldn't even be possible
>activate both because i have ascended risk of rain 2 and have become Sticky Bomb, Bring of Death
>farm a few dozen enemies to get some health via my infusion stack
>start tele
>four stone titans
>a fucking blazing stone titan
>barely managed to kill the blazing nigger but he procs his DoT on me literally a single time
>die after five (5) ticks of 300 damage each
Fuck this fucking nigger game. I still got Deicide, but seriously, I never see more than one shrine of the mountain and this was my best bet at getting this achievement I've seen so far in nearly 50 hours, and a fire elite faggot steals it from me because of his bugged damage. I want to die.
>Overloading worm straight up hits the skybox with every leap then crashes down at the speed of sound
>Huntress so I can't reach it
I mean I don't think it give any negative impact does it? Might as well pick it up
How many levels in do you need to get an elite boss to spawn?
lmao just break line of sight
yes, that's what I said
welp, guess I'm coming for you
NA East Modded
can get it on the first stage
The medkit log says nothing about him dying, it even says there are multiple enforcers.
invalid, hmmm
I couldn't really get into RoR1 because it was 2d and the gameplay wasn't good but I bought RoR2 and I'm loving it. 3D was such a good choice. Really excited to see how the game turns out.
>roll engie in drizzle to go for the clover
>collecting everything around the first map
>tri-tip printer
>decide to feed my whites to the machine for 7 of them
To make a long story short, I ate shit to a blazing titan beam but at least I got deicide.
invalid id means full or host gave up
Never played ror1 but bought the second game after hearing good reviews. Is there a story to this game? Seems to just be dudes shooting aliens.
Isn't there a mod that fixes it?
Does anyone got a link?
Story of 1
>You are on a delivery ship
>Monster gets on ship and makes it crash
>use items from ship to survive
The story is minimal but it has cool lore if you're into that trough monster logs and item description.
who is the best character
who is the worst character
how the fuck do you not die on monsoon
so why are these trash threads not in vg?
Ok so to make a 16-player lobby do I need to download the mod stuff or can I just use the console to change the maxplayers?
It's bugged currently and cuts your health in half every time you kill a shield enemy because the game is trying to give you shields but they only last for 3 secs thus not giving it time to refill and leaving you halfway dead
didn't confuse ascendant for deicide or anything, haha
requesting drawfag gif of engi/commando jamming various white items into a 3D printer for stickies/daggers/fungus
Does anyone have the 16-player dll?
Official Survivor Ranking
Here's the collection of (mostly) Huntress and Artificer pics.
Will update it later, taking a break.
Best Character: Your Dude
Worst Character: That Dude
Don't get hit
MUL-T is the best character in the game.
you sit in your pod for about an hour or two & then go to the teleporter
bonus points if you find some mountain shrines
the long road gets you the clover, user
Is there a list of all the changes it does?
Do the people joining the host also have to do the "sv_maxplayers 16" thing or do they only have to join the game?
Official survivor ranking
>Engineer with sticky bombs
>Engineer with shrooms
>Engineer without items
>Engineer with Drowned Meteor & a few fuel cells
>Engineer that does nothing but steal all your items all game
I got ascendant during the run I was trying to get the clover in. Didn't get that.
Why is your list upside down bro?
>can't go past stage 16
I feel like I'm pulling some crazy ass shenanigans but RNG always fucks me over
what do, can only play like 1 or 2 hours a day because daily 100 words essays
updates are incremental
tl;dr artifacts, modifiers, option to disable items, sprinting after utility for some classes, more selectable characters (unfinished survivors and lemurian), some fixes like headhunter, some convars to change some shit (like burn damage multiplier), ability to host up to 16 players
Going to bed now so won't be able to answer anything else
Ahem *cough* When is the next sowftware update for this electronic entertainment known as risk of rain (2)?
game cancelled
Is there no way to just play vanilla with 16 players?
Probably a week
Commando is unironically the best late-game survivor because he satisfies the pressure of DPS and survivability. His relatively long range, good accuracy and hitscan attacks gives him ample distance to safely DPS enemies, while he relies on items to bolster his DPS; he has the greatest efficiency in proc based items which scale the best as they stack.
Engineer and MUL-T are contenders for second because Engineer gets huge mileage from offensive items and hardcore shit like Tesla because his turrets in technicality triple his amount of items. At the cost of being immobile and nearly defenseless without proper items or play.
MUL-T is like Commando but needs to play closer, but on larger enemies his Nail Gun does just fine with their hit boxes, he also has great horizontal mobility for escaping enemies while increasing armor to mitigate risk. Unlike Merc who pretty much tries to tank everything and live through it via i-frames. MUL-T also abuses Leech Seed and Harvester's Scythe the best out of any other class because despite having a 0.4 proc multiplier, Crit and "hits" aren't procs, so Nail Gun is the fastest potential thing in the game to leech off of. His double item power also scales insanely well with great items and cheeky Fuel Cell builds.
read the fucking pastebin dude holy shit
Now we are all sons of bitches.
NA East
Is anyone else having a problem with the game stuttering/freezing for a second when picking up an item? I never had this problem before today.
i'll see what i can do, no promises
Is there a modded dll for JUST the 16-man lobby?
NA Modded Monsoon
The fucking contrast of colors in this picture is making my dick hard, it's like a fucking artist did it but it's a goddamned screenshot.
sale me on this game
Anyone want to play the original? I'm poor.
pirate it, play it, if you like it buy it.
>daily 100 word essays
having problems at retard school?
this website is 18 and older, and if you're at post secondary you school is a joke and you should get your money back
most likely you're at a shit tier american high school, which is even worse, also get banned
Engi and MUL-T are probably the top 2 but I disagree with Merc being anywhere bottom, the i-frames on R and his quick dashing are invaluable in the 2nd loop and beyond
need 1 more
How long until theres pvp somehow? I have fun but I want to fight people. Why am I like this?
>"Bitch!, bitch! where's bitch? ah! come here bitch
RIP run
how many stickies should I print until I'm god? I have 11 syringes but dunno how much to sacrifice
What’s Bronzong doing here?
I really hope hopoo doesn't add PvP and just expands that base game.
>Royalefags invade
Risk of Royale
When will people realize every game isn't meant to have pvp?
Stickies scale exponentially, if you're Commando/MUL-T go ALL IN at least 10 Stickies
It's called quickplay with gesture of the drowned with meteorite. Other than that you're gonna have to look elsewhere buddy.
All of them, you need all the stickies
>someone kills almost everyone with disposable missile launcher in the first minute of the game
At least the games would be fast
Get the fuck out of here. Don't go ruining this fucking game with your faggotry.
>2x gesture and meteor in the lizard store
>Merc says get in the teleport quick
>he has fuelcell
>Grabs them
>Damn near wipe us all with the amount of meteor hitting us
when people stop treating every game like a dickwaving contest. so never
Meteor is a good item in Monsoon singleplayer
>getting swarmed
>pop it
>clears the map and rake in gold
we got 4, where the white women at?
>Elites can drop essences
Wait what the fuck that's a first I've never seen an essence drop
I cant wait for some kind of arena mode so all the singleplayer faggots have to go on suicide watch
NA East Modded Glass
thanks ive never tried anything like this before
what is a shit white item he could be putting in?
Not that poster but RoR battle royale might actually be a fucking fun game.
>Pvp in a pve game
Literally stop
Rusty keys
How do i unlock banditon the pirated version? I don't get the pastebin
about to leave. got 10 stickies but stoppped cause I got teddy bears. Is it enough to be OP?
yes I'm commando
I would even go to Epic Game Store for this game, it's so fucking good.
>battle royale
Fucking stop please I'm begging you don't ruin this shit too.
look at the shooting pattern
was the mod updated or something? I can't connect anywhere
>its dying to a regular blazed enemy because its been past 45 minutes episode
>It's a rerun
i love dying instantly to literally nothing
NA East
shouldn't be fine if you have any of the 1.4 files, but yeah there's a new one
>Icemap in the background
You got killed by barrel.
They hit for a fuck ton if your not careful
Are you making fun of their culture? Not long ago we did something similar for rain...
Rusty ass keys. Fuck that thing, I hate em.
>haven't played RoR1 in ages
>only gone through a few runs in 2 as Commando
>figure I'll try multiplayer out, just use the find game function
>guy in group immediately asks why two of us are using Commando
>runs off and constantly types in chat which enemies to attack, not to attack, don't touch the teleporter until we're ready
>apparently there's a hidden boss/room
>"Guys hurry up we need to get to the room jesus christ"
>he runs in, dies
>"Fucking idiots", disconnects
Yeah sorry bud I'm not an autistic master retard of this game after a handful of runs. I solo'd to round 8 as Commando a few games after anyways, shit's fun
Hey you at least got a white box
27.5% chance, should be fine. If you had more whites I'd go all in but 10+Syringe is fine
Rusty keys or medkits
Can someone post the updated mod with more characters unlocked I only got the drone one but I wanna be a crab
shit, that makes sense. shame though, it was the start of a really good run.
>Some sperg immediately rushes for the tele
>KIlls boss
>Steals all the loot
>Host disconnects
This has happened more than once
I just looped, got back to the Ground Zero area, don't remember what it's called. Been wandering around for about 20 minutes, can't find the teleporter. I'm thinking it spawned in that dead end that's sometimes blocked by a door (pic). Has this happened to anyone else? Or am I retarded?
First time ever been in a Yea Forums room are there any rules?
>boss drops 8 feathers
>accidentally pick up 3
>"Oops sorry guys my bad, I accidentally picked up an extra"
>two guys quit immediately
>other guy AFKs
Why are people like this
By the way, I also checked on the highest elevation area and on that island that's sometimes not connected to the main area by a land bridge.
not at the moment
Around when streaming got popular, a bit earlier
>Ask ready if you wanna use the tele
>Don't take others items
>Give the Engi mushrooms
>Only take one boss item unless someone is dead
>Middle mouse is ping
>If you see someone standing next to a box, they're waiting
>No Bitchin
>When you die, don't D/C
Look over the side of the cliff on that sometimes not connected island.
Did you also check on the little ledge that hangs off said island?
What I've learned
>Don't steal shit from other accidents happen
>When you open a box move away from it to see what it is
>Engie gets fungus by default
>Make sure to ask if people are ready, r for ready and w for wait
>If you get meteor make sure to scream a variant of "Risk of rain"
Don't know about the gesture and meteor though
Look I'm actually not a BR fan but RoR2 actually lends itself to being a unique entry in the genre.
Thanks, I'm retarded
Destroy the stone titan in 3 seconds then turn my back and a great wisp one shots me for -300, It was a great run and it was getting pretty fun shame it ended so quickly
there's a lower section, too
Oh it was a blazing stone titan sorry
No, stop, please.
>play engineer
>be invincible
>get deleted by worm
>get multiple brittle crowns as engi
aw shit what have I done
Lasted about 20 more minutes before Win of Vultures procked on a Frosty Enemy and got chunked by the last Overloading Worm out of a boss battle of 9 of them.
Why are Mercenary runs always my best runs?
made some very wealthy turrets probably
Ya think the giant golden golem will unlock that item that passively generates money for ya in the full version?
Or a character?
Where's the free chest you can get? Isn't it on the red level?
i almost hope that item doesnt make it in. last thing i want are more retards standing around doing literally nothing, trying to farm gold
109775241000441730 vanilla monsoon or rainstorm
is it possible to play multiplayer if my game is pirated?
If you mean the timed chest that unlocks the Preon Accumulator it spawns on the snow level and you must activate it before 10 minutes
And I had such a good start and was trying to go for The Long Road. Oh well. Fucking lunar items
109775241000444035 us east vanilla
>game of 3 players
>2 leave around 40min in
>continue and have the longest run yet
Finally a new game I'm having fun with.
Shame it's impossible to make long webms with all these colors and movement.
2 more needed
>turn all my whips and stealthshits into harvesters expecting to get some sick leech
>first glasses drop on map 11
i wish i knew what the game was thinking
1 more
And it's so good that webm related teaches you to never take a breather on later difficulties.
harvesters do give 5% crit apiece
Fuck hit you that hard
should I pick up shaped glass as commando? 50 minutes in
you're a pussy if you don't
NA West Vanilla Lobby
I got hit twice by two different bells. Like 1400-1800 damage. Didn't have any luck on survivability items.
wasn't it only the first one? just like that other +firerate on crits item
the crit chance doesn't stack, only the health gained on crit
>Vultures with transcendence
>Literally will kill you if you kill a glacial
They're just praying for good drops like the rest of us.
>x2 gesture,soulbound and meteor
holy fuck i've made a mistake
>finally have an OP run 20 glasses and stickies as commando
>spawn in swamp map
>"ground begins to rise"
>all lemurians
>half of them are elites (loads of blazes)
>other half are elder lemurians
Press F to pay respects
gib modded lobby pls
I've never had this happen to me. Are you thinking of overloading elites? Even then, you don't lose your shields after the duration ends.
What kind of lunar items would you want to see going forward?
What about one that acts like a super leech seed, but your health drains when not in combat? You could include a massive max HP buff to make it potentially worth it.
as long as it can't bring you below 1hp
>20 glasses
do you get doublecrits when going over 100%?
Infinite use jetpack but you take damage while on the ground.
can i play in lobbies if i pirate or nah
Risk of Rain: The Animated Series.
Season 1 is 12 episodes detailing all the survivors trip to the Contact light, with the 13th episode being the final fight with Providence
No dialogue until Providence dies, since they have no one to talk to, character personality is told through actions and soundtrack and not words.
Who would you get to:
no it uses the steam network thing to set them up
anyone who says otherwise is a retard
that doesn't sound like a downside
>actually survived
>open tele
>boss spawns but dies by clipping to the ground
This is gonna be my 20 stage run. This is fucking it
scrub here
how do i fight these fuckin worms as merc
why are radar towers so rare
only found 2 in 40some hours
Yoko Kanno
Satoshi Kon
hit it with your sword until it dies
Im having a lot of fun with Risk of Rain 2 but I've played it so much I feel like I've seen everything for now. I just bought RoR1 because im starved for content. How do people like this game? I like the environments and music but the combat is shit. I can only get like 3 seconds of damage in before I have to run away. Any tips?
use it as an elevator to dash into the sky
M2 and R it once it reaches the peak of its jump and slows down
break your fall with M2 if you ever actually fall back to the ground
git gud
you know you can attack while moving right?
multiplayer seems to run through steamworks, so
unzip glass
sorry dont know what happened
vanilla west
When you start out, you're outnumbered and outgunned. The pressure is on survival above all else.
As you continue to play and your kills are mounting and you hoard items, something changes.
You become powerful. Dangerous. Zealous with bloodlust. It's at this point that you stop running away and start to run into danger leaving nothing but a pile of corpses behind.
It's a slow roller. But once it gets rolling, you'll eventually need something to remind you that you are still mortal.
I cannot find these fucking buttons in the desert map REEEEEE
well now
inb4 you die to a stray blazing enemy
>At first, they are scared/reluctant/resigned at fighting the natives
>As they activate teleporter after teleporter, getting items both mundane and dangerous, and slaughtering hordes of natives, they change, slowly losing their humanity or parts of themselves.
>Commando slowly starts forgetting about his past
>Enforcer starts to mutate into something definitely not human
>Bandit starts to stop seeing value in treasure
>Huntress' personality begins to shut down
>HAN-D starts exhibiting new behaviors
>Engineer replaces more and more of his body with cybernetics
>Miner never stays still
>The ringing gets louder and louder for Sniper
>Acrid starts to question it's existance
>Mercenary starts to see everything as something to be killed
>Loader becomes obsessed that he can still have a normal life after escaping
>CHEF starts glitching
>no lunar coins
>but want to glass or gesture spam missiles
its not fucking fair
just activated some kind of satellite and it gave me an environment log. Never seen this before
They sometimes spawn in the level giving you a log on that specific level.
fuck lunar coins, after I got mage I just gave myself 999 of the fuckers
RoR OC is the best, I wish my boy Hollow Knight got just as much.
>Wasted a couple minutes because it was in here
Toasterchads, is anyone else's resolution resetting to native randomly?
>wake of vultures is a garbage unique
good heavens look at the time
what do I edit to do so?
Check it, gasoline.
Hog all of the boss drops
>Only see like a dozen Reds in 30+ hours
>4 of them were Wake of Vultures
This is worse than RoR 1, Jesus fuck, just give me good items you cunt Hopoo, I don't want another Monster Tooth
what the hell is your use item
>get equipment that uses money to fire
>"well im never gonna touch that"
>open lunar thingy
>get item that automatically forcibly uses my equipment
extremely rare drop from elite bosses.
just found a weird skeleton in here and activated it, what the hell did i just do
there is ALWAYS a guaranteed legendary chest on the hell level, it spawns in a little cave hidden by bushes under one of the arches on the ground level
>3 hp
jesus christ
I didn't check the name when I picked it up but it looks like an aspect item
The system that exists sucks, but I wouldn't mind seeing stage based challenges that are randomized that guarantee a coin. Something like you spawn in a stage, it generates a random challenge that may or may not be time based, and doing it generates you a coin. Game shouldn't check if its remotely possible for your current build to do said challenge. If you need to burst 20 enemies down within 5 seconds of each other, and don't have gasoline, Will o Wisp or maybe ways to ability spam then tough shit on that stage.
Vanilla US West
Gotta go to Wetlands and get me preem-oreo-dial cuuube
The one that costs like $1500?
It's never worth it to take over the chest scattered around
Program Files (x86) > Steam > userdata > some number > 632360 > remote > UserProfiles
look for
Turned mega gay.
One more spot
>guy opens up lunar bud and gets Gesture first stage
>guy then picks up Crowdfunder a minute afterwards
>sudden realization pops in and he begs teammates to open equipment chest for him so he can swap the Crowdfunder away
>It's another Crowdfunder
This happened a few days ago, but I feel like this is going to be one of the more notable memories to stick with me from Yea Forums lobbies.
confirmed for never having played the game
Sometimes elites drop their aspects, they infuse you with that aspect's power ( fire, ice, lightning ), your character starts to emit an aura of whatever aspect you're equipped with and your attacks are imbued with the power of that aspect, for example, fire aspect leaves a trail of flames when you move and your attacks deal fire damage
you unlocked N'Kuhana's Opinion
, a legendary item
50 hours on the game and only have seen an ice aspect once
I'm also a draw fiend. Anything someone is looking to see in a future bread?
>be merc
>10 hoofs
>6 wax quails
>5 energy drinks
>3 feathers
>mad bunny hops and extreme air off of any and every piece of sloped ground
>get stompy boots
>50% of jumps send me out of bounds
>one shot anything my feet touch if I can use my braking skills to stop myself before getting sent back to the ground
I can't play anymore, it's just too slow.
>Get tapped by fire elemented enemy late game
>My face
Fuck am I glad they are patching this
so you haven't made it past 90 minutes on monsoon?
havent done much of monsoon since i just finished my solo diecide run on Rainstorm that lasted ~150m and i didnt see an aspect of that one
I've been playing mostly with one friend and we run into a bug with Artificer; we went to the shop and I had enough coins to unlock her, so I did, but now when we go back to a shop on subsequent runs she shows up still imprisoned for me, but not for him. So he can't unlock her. Anyone else experience that playing co-op?
>solo diecide run on rainstorm
this but with merc
>A Versus mode like Left 4 Dead
>Players get spawned in by the Director as some kind of Elite Enemy
>Every enemy is already controllable thanks to the way the game is coded
Could be cool
>extremely rare drop not even listed in the logbook
don't @ me
>be merc
>try to fight blazing enemy
>touch fire trail
now THIS is epic
yep, the unlock on multiplayer is really wonky and is she's unlikely to show up for everyone in the party.
why would you try to do deicide on rainstorm?
Glad i entertained you
The devs stated that they made this mode, and all their testers hated it. In L4D things remain balanced, and you have some back and forth with zombies pinning a survivor only for another to come and save him, but knowing that you'll never get that health back.
Imagine spawning as a Golem and getting one shot by a 50 sticky bomb stack, not really being able to influence the game.
Alright, I'll just keep telling him to get it in SP. Thanks.
am retarded, I meant to say Long Road, not Deicide
so does the golden statue just let you fight a boss that gives you nothing special at the moment?
Jesus Christ.
the special boss in gold portal always drops the knurl item which is +hp +hp regen
you can open a blue portal by sheer luck, too
It's really not worth it. I did it assuming that I was going to get an achivement or something out of it, there's not even that. The boss is a huge grind to kill too.
it's the kind of hilariously horrifying bug that'll get talked about forever
>remember broken Blazing Stone Titans?
secret discord tech no drizzle plebs will ever get to experience
it takes you to a special boss but he doesnt drop anything special
it's shit
>pleb cant into luck
source? i wasn't around if it was made by some drawfag in here
>Queen's Gland on first tele
Time to reset already
Command when, I'm getting sick of this
US room where? No modded shit please, I don't want to catch the gay.
>complaining about getting good items
I guess i'll skip it for now, thanks for the input
>commandcuck doesn't know that gland is good
I bet you thought Tentacle was shit in RoR1, too.
Oh yeah, a Beetle that gets caught on 95% of the terrain and can take like 5 hits in later difficulties is so much better than an early Ukulele or a Missile Launcher you dumbass
Check e621
retard play every game until you die stop being a shitter
Muenster tooth
if you type in Yea Forums_items = 1 in the console
it'll let you vote on items in the lobby
I've already done that for 50 hours, I'm sick of knowing a run is dead immediately
I'd be pissed if I got him like an hour in, but on stage 2 it's fast money and crowd control, almost like a free engineer turret. So I don't know why you would be mad unless you were playing engineer already.
You ARE playing a class other than engineer, aren't you user?
>find 3 fuel cells in the first level
>don't find an equipment item for 10 levels
how do you even got there ? i've found the goyim realm but what is that ?
>first item shpaed glass on huntress
>first guy to die loses
only lasted 2 stages thanks to flaming niggers sniping me from accross the map
I have returned from the dreaded library to bring you more MODDED MONSOON NA EAST
Yeah fucking Huntresses so a slow ass Beetle that is going to be halfway across the map getting gangbanged by wisps is just a waste of an item
the only time it is a slog is if you're playing on easy and get to it early or you have a shit build due to needing to farm money
otherwise it is really easy
it's under the map with all the water
go to the edge of the map and fall off, there'll be a cave on the side you can go in
it's on the marsh level entrance is king of on the side where you can fall off the level
>Slowly back away shooting worm
>Every boss consecutively rolls into view like some kind of anime opening
is this, dare I say, the Dark Souls of roguelites?
god the quality is shit but whatever im lazy
Well, don't let me stop you from resetting like a bitch on stage 2.
I want Ifrit, Scavenger and Ancient Wisp back.
>have every single proc item with stacks as commando
>ears completely filled with TINGTINGITNGTINGITNGITNGITING
Holy fuck and I thought he was bad. He's literally the most OP character out there late-game
>Thinking Beetle Queen is exclusive to stage 2
Hush now, Drizzlet
ror2 unfinished>>>>>ror1
>when the whole spring's gaming releases has been stinker after stinker and then u taste the good shit
Oooooooohhhhhhh yeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaahhh
I want Ifrit's back if you catch my drift
Let's not get stupid.
Read the environment log for wetland aspect if you want a hint
goddamn fucking shields, i dunno if im even healing off anything.
for Yea Forums_items it disables the item so it won't show up in that run
you're not
Shields are not affected by healing at all
Healing stops being a thing when you're all shield I think. Healing items are entirely worthless to you now.
>started to outheal the blazing tick damages at 200 minutes on monsoon from procs alone
>Have Newtist left to unlock
>Don't know what statues I'm missing.
what about it nerd
Visit Newt and pray he has a broken red or green item to trade in for. Or find a printer of a decent item.
>being this new
wew just had a great run where fuel cells let me become hoverfly teddy-bearcommando, nearly made it to 100 mins
>6 corpsebloom
once things stop respawning and you don't gain enough money to open things it is time to stop
I can barely make it an hour on rainstorm, what am I doing wrong
They're both good I think my thing with RoR1 is that some of the levels would be stupid annoying to navigate depending on your survivor which would be a bigger bitch if you had 1 enemy left and it was in the corner somewhere. Soundtrack I like them both but lean towards RoR1. Online for both were a blast but like that RoR2 made it easier to get a match. My runs in RoR1 seemed to be a bit more item dependent than RoR2 where I can halfway manage to go through stages even if I don't get the good shit. As for deaths go most deaths in RoR2 were my own fault where as RoR1 it'd be some pixel tiny flame trail, rocket bullshit, or funball shenanigans that did me in.
>6 corpseblooms
I'm pretty sure, you're incapable of healing disregarding the shields.
How is berserker's pauldron when stacked? found a printer for it and got tons of greens
Holy shit
lmaoing at your entire existence kiddo
Doesn't it just increase base regen instead of healing.
the only thing that increases with stacks is duration iirc, so it's trash.
Will Hoppo add emotes?
Step aside boys and girls.
What's the best strategy? Immediately rush the teleporter and pick up the closest items after you clear it? Feels like anything else just has you twiddling your thumbs waiting for enemies to spawn.
the berserk buff is extremely strong and just being able to keep it going is very good, one of the best items for huntress
>beat stage 1
>Quit instead of going to stage ???
>5 deaths
get carried scrub
No, you still "heal", but the "healing" you receive is limited to a specific percentage of your max health and given to you on a per-second basis making it look similar to regeneration.
6 corpseblooms, meanwhile, limit your healing per second to 0.3% of your max health.
since you have to kill things in a short time span it isn't nearly as good as stacking predatory instincts
also what I'm wondering. I consistently die around an hour and I feel like my damage is always trash.
>watching spaceboy wait out a boss refusing to leave the side of the teleporter just so he can snake everyones item
yeah no thanks
>only 35 stages
but he has transcendence so his max health is 1
Why would more be worse, it doubles healing and gives it as healing over time, should it be shitloads without transcendence
Rushin is worth it on Drizzle and maybe Rainstorm - not sure about it.
On Monsoon the difficulty jump on teleportation is way too high.
Generally, you still don't want to spend too much time on a map. I feel good when I leave the first stage before the difficulty leaves "Easy".
well you will have 100% chance of stickies at 39 stack. which also make the stickies do 5000% damage per stickies. anymore after that don't effect the chances same way how it useless to get 11th lens-maker glasses. but it does increase the stickies damage by 125% each after 39th stickies
i was playing solo :^) i got the teddy
From a previous thread
carried by the teddy you retard
>Gesture for the Drowned + Soulbound Catalyst + Fuel Cells + Disposable Missle Launcher
>Stacks of wisps, stickies, gasoline, ukes, fireworks, a Tesla and a Behemoth
>tfw a mob even looks in my general direction
Some items have absurd fucking synergy holy shit.
I always forgot I have big teddy and let got of the controls to see how I did - so I have a great view of me dying all over
I was talking about "disregarding the shields"
Because, while 6 corpseblooms do turn 100 healing into 6400, they also give it to you at (assuming 1500 HP character) a rate of 4.5 health per second over 20 minutes. Which is worthless. Which you can't boost in any way except maybe your natural regeneration.
it is good but rockets are slower than capacitor
>not GotD and Meteor
Is there a way to make a run less rng bullshit with items in this game?
>100 rusted keys
>~20 mushrooms as engi
>accidentally pick up transcendence
>Sacrificial Knife
>2 Wisps
>Become death
Holy fuck I'm so hard
Do rusted lockboxes give only reds with that many keys?
I can't play this shit any more. Dying of fire dots EVERY FUCKING TIME. Every other type of enemy in the game is manageable if you know how to handle them, but get slapped by a shitty little fire lizard once and die in seconds. It's always just a matter of time, whether its 20 minutes or 120 you're going to have one touch you at some point. Are they going to fix that shit because it's killing it for me.
You have to pick 8 completely different located newt statues or just pick one?
>82% chance of red from lockboxes
>All these dumb fucks accidentally picking up Lunar items
This is some fucking joke right? You niggers know its entirely your choice to pick up lunar items right, whether you pass over them or not.
Ok, ok, I've been seeing the threads for years and always had my eye on RoR, but never got it because user told me that servers were dead. Should I get 2 now? It looks really fun but I never bought anything on early access
Yes, it's fun.
>can't even see the lockboxes on half the stages
Have to find those fucking boxes first tho
If you were playing literally anything other than merc this would have been amazing
i-is my run over? I can't afford even a basic chest since the entire map dies within 10 sec of spawning in and nobody is dropping lunar coins.
I just wanted to shop achievement..
More than once it spawned right on top of me.
>that time that user tested to see if meteors stack like every other use item
>yfw they do and the game becomes unplayable after a certain point unless you find a blind spot
NA East Rainstorm
its fun
from this point on its just more levels, items, characters that are going to be added
get some mates, this game is even more fun with friends
I don't think lunar coins drop from turret kills
Keep going and hope a coin drops in those 10 seconds
You're retarded, friend
I just didn't look up what it did
>Finally got Flawless with this
You're either lying or retarded, possibly both
Are blazing bosses suppose to spawn in the first loop on drizzle while it's still on easy
I tried different statues. There should be plenty of altars but I did not keep track of them. I felt lucky to get it since I rarely find a coin per 2+ hour run.
Oh shi, coming
how about you start the lobby
Yeah, invalid
Don't die and leave the poor merc alone this time.
There are three different possible newt altar spawns in each map.
Yes if they spawn as a "Horde of Many"
I opened like 10 boxes and got 8 reds and 2 kjaro bands
Anyone want to do a simple
NA East Moonson?
>first 4 items I get are 3 medkits and 1 monstertooth
Oh well, I have two 3d printers so at least I can rero-
>one is a medkit printer and the other is a monster tooth
God fucking damn it. At least the next level made up for it with a sticky bomb printer then the 3rd stage spawned me in underneath a blazing golem who clapped me before I could even move.
>No idea why people like stickies on commander
>Try it when i see a sticky printer
>Literally anyone in my sight line dies
You know my favorite thing about RoR OC?
The lens.
I love that thing
People playing > no people playing
RoR1 multiplayer with Yea Forums can't be topped.
Fuel cell stacking with Royal capacitor and The back up on Mul-T is OP as hell.
>People think acrid is gonna get added
>Melee anything in 3d
>RoR1 multi with Yea Forums
>nothing but glass/command, with occasional funbombs
>always retards wanting massive rooms in a game where the net connection was dodgy as shit and desyncs happened all the time
Nah, it was trash with Yea Forums.
who says he will be melee
they could just make him short ranged
>what is Merc
Merc is probably the most fun character in the game late game.
You are literally fucking retarded and it makes me sad to see people like you shitting up a good ror thread
People don't "like" stickies on anyone. Stickies are mathematically the most potent item in the game when stacked, so it is always the most optimal item on anyone in sufficient quantities.
>gesture of the drowned missile launcher
>running around snow map
>hits an explosive lamp
>dead instantly
i am mad
Artificer is a lot of fun but I feel like she fuckin sucks
>there are multiple enforcers
Hoh shit yeah
The Mercenary works in 3D, I'd be more concerned about his other abilities like the acid floor ability not working in 3D.
I've gotten to the point where I can't be killed unless I let myself, what do? I haven't even been able to find a shrine of order to meme with. Also no, I didn't use the sacrifice mod.
>Melee anything in 3d
>Thinking it'd be that hard
Its harder to go to an arcade, when you are actually playing it is superior. RoR1 has the highest highs, RoR2 doesn't require teeth pulling.
odd i keep looping
even i kill myself to the obelisk
>what is Merc
>3 ukeles
>2 of the homing dagger item
>6 fireworks
>sentient meathook
>disposable launcher
>many many will o'the wisps and gasoline
Spawn in, use q, then proceed to laugh as you start a chain reaction that literally obliterates everything on all corners of the map
literally almost fell asleep last night when i was playing her
Might as well. Enemies stop spawning after 200 minutes or so.
>Think you got a good monsoon run going
>Some blazing faggot spawns directly on top of you and "you're already dead"s your ass
>Play solo round as merc
>Crank 2 mountain shrines before first boss fight
>A few stone titans later and I have many more willow wisps that I would have expected this early
>Steam roll through everything as the explosions incur more and MORE
>Snag frost relic too for the icing on the cake
>A few mobility items, leech seeds and a shades 3D printer later
>Every time I do my rules of nature blade storm wisps explode and everything procs EVERYTHING
>Lap around the stages until I do the merc platforming level just for a fun break before more mayhem
>Eventually the boss is multiple golems with a blazing variant as well
>see you space cowboy
Fuck this game is addicting
Acrid has always been """"melee"""". Extend the range on his 2nd ability or make it a sustained vomit, and make sure Epidemic can infect an entire map and he's golden.
Yeah i noticed after i clear a map of so many enemies they just stop spawning. I don't even get boss spawns on teleporter.
You think that's bad. Try getting punched by a blazing titan the moment you enter the map
We got Merc though, also
>Loader grappling in 3D and being FUCKING INVINCIBLE
>Ass blasting shit as Miner
>• People have gotten far enough into the game that things just... stop spawning. For context, the game skips spawns that it deems is too easy for the number of "spawn credits" it has. If you've gotten to that point congrats, the game thinks Overloading Worms are a bit too easy for you. This will naturally be fixed once higher tier monsters and affixes are added to the game. For now... it means that you terrified the whole planet.
Now I have become Overloaded
Because she does fucking suck.
>and affixes
W-what does this mean?
How to you build bulk? She does great burst but how do you keep her from getting blown up by green wisps?
Does it replace your health like Vulture?
Since worm "isn't fun to fight", how would you improve it? I'd say make them like 2 or 3x as long, as it would make it look cooler, extend their damage ranges, and also allow the player to hit them more. Maybe make them burrow more like how a dolphin swims instead of flying up into space all the time too, or have them alternate between those styles of attack.
The elite modifiers, blazing, ice and lightning
worse than blazing
considering he's level 27 with 417 max hp, i'd assume it's a hp replacement instead of additive
Variations, like the elite enemies. More or less a confirmation that blighted enemies will be returning.
Have it dig through the ground, popping out like a sea serpent to attack. Jumping straight up/down doesn't make for a fun fight really.
Teleporting, exploding, invisibling, sprinting, posioning, and shit.
How are these Artificer suggestions? Thinking about rewriting them and sending them to Hopoo.
>Give Artificer's wall a vertical visual component to its placement indicator.
>Give Artificer an indicator for when an unfrozen enemy's hp is at the insta-kill threshold. Possibly add a line so you always know how much you need to take off.
>You can currently sprint during Artificer's M1 and M2 but they break sprint when cast, give the player the option to make it so they don't break sprint.
>If Artificer has Back-Up Magazine, give a small window of pause (maybe 0.Xs) before she can cast a second M2, to help prevent misfires/early fires of the ability.
>If Artificer tries to cast her wall on uncastable terrain (e.g. in a rock) then, instead of an X, let the wall be placed on the edge of the terrain, if the player chooses to cast it there.
>Add a mechanic to lets us rotate Artificer's wall before placing it.
>Highlight enemies who are in the wall's placement indicator.
Will post suggestions I'm unsure about in the next post.
We will have the eventual return of missile elites.
>Artificer being last
Crowbar, willow wisp, armor piercer + Charged right click = Good bye everything.
Lens maker glasses and the scythe + flame thrower = I can never die.
Are there any downsides to playing on Easy to get used to the game other than the shame?
Also, should I be trying to buy every item on a map, or am I just trying to loop as soon as possible? I'm not sure what balance I should be trying to strike between trying to loot a lot vs. racing the timer
>Give Artificer an indicator for when an unfrozen enemy's hp is at the insta-kill threshold. Possibly add a line so you always know how much you need to take off.
this literally already exists
When are blazing niggers going to be fixed so they don't deal 200% of your health on a gentle tap?
>Backup Mag printer on first level
>7 Backup Mags
>Get one shot by a Blazing Stone Titan on teleporter wave
I'm uninstalling
there's a graphics settings that put things on the ground like artificer wall while holding shift and standing still fungus radius
give it other attacks, itd be easy to add shit like lava geysers while its underground
also on the same note, have it actually stay underground for a nonzero period of time and telegraph where its gonna come out
Let her choose different formations for the ice pillars by scrolling the mouse wheel while holding shift, like a perpendicular line or a ring
Remove her shift entirely, give her a vortex skill that pulls enemies close to group them up and combo with her other abilities, and let it keep the execute mechanic of her ice wall
Possibly add cooldown reduction to her M1 when you kill an enemy with the wall.
Possibly make artificer's ice wall continuously damages enemies around its area,
Possibly let Artificer sprint during Flamethrower and add an intuitive and/or tutorial shown way to cancel Flamethrower(and other abilities) without potentially wasting a spell.
Possibly remove ice wall altogether and replace it with a frost "bomb" AoE.
Possibly give Flamethrower a way to scale with attack speed, either with more procs or shorter channeling time
How are they going to work in a 3D space? Like the artillery enemies where they shoot where you are on the ground?
>At full health and get grazed by a blazing Lemurian
>Pretty much dead
It trains you on bad habits that wouldn't work in normal modes and higher. With the question you're asking, drizzle will absolutely fuck your concept of time management with regards to items per stage.
Sure, use it to get adjusted to the controls and map layout. But beyond that, anons have been able to have 3+ hour runs while drunk off their ass on drizzle so if you plan to play that long term, that's the level of ineptitude you're expected to have.
Can anyone explain me how im overpowered in stage 10, jumping in the air with full hp and then i suddenly die ? who the fuck kills me everytime
The kill threshold turns white while they're frozen, my man
>165 stickies
>6 behemoths
Jesus Christ, you lucked out big time
Blazing elites/bosses
Just turn the ice wall into an ice dome. Everything inside the AOE get's iced. Problem solved.
i dont get why people want the wall to be replaced by another braindead aoe stun when she literally already has one
why not a movement ability
>yfw the final boss will be fully voice acted
Modded Monsoon Glass NA east
brass contraptions probably
Meme's aside, is this the best Use item I can have with +4 Fuel Cells?
I think he wants a constant marker on all health bars so he doesn't have to remember and can just wall things to instagib them instead of walling and finding out they need another plink or two to hit the thresh hold
Windup time makes it bad against worms which is the toughest bosses.
>this literally already exists
user, please reread. I know that when an enemy is frozen you'll get an indicator, but no indicator is there when they're unfrozen.
See above
>indicator for when an unfrozen enemy's hp
Either this or the Conductor.
fireworks secretly op
>national anthem starts playing
>there's a graphics settings that put things on the ground like artificer wall while holding shift and standing still fungus radius
I don't see this or I glossed over it, what are you referring to specifically?
No one's saying it? Fuck it. I'm going to say it.
Loader and chef were OP as fuck and do not deserve to come back.
Glass was trash for ADHD kids
I don't remember. I just turned some settings down when I first started playing with a friend because the lobby was putting my gpu at 100% for no reason. A day or 2 after I bumped them back to high and that's when I noticed them
I don't think boss spawn really changes much between difficulties, usually blazing are only golems or with mountain in the first loop.
When you have daggers, wisps and uke you open a capsule and let chaos reign
Because the character's overview indicates that Hopoo wanted Artificer to be devoid of true defensive abilities.
also, an aoe stun does not have to be braindead, it can rely on timed activation for both difficulty and flexibility. People want this instead because it would mean that the oddness of having a clunky to place wall on the all-offense character would get ironed out. It would also make her more seamless to play.
instead of a movement or defensive ability she got a piece of useless shit. ice wall is the worst ability in the game.
artificer now is with proc bugs so it's shit to use it right now
Which is why the aoe stun bomb is suggested pretty often. Ice wall is a pretty not-well designed ability in practice.
They're apparently getting addressed.
>Remove her shift entirely, give her a vortex skill that pulls enemies close to group them up and combo with her other abilities, and let it keep the execute mechanic of her ice wall
This is just succ cube but with her wall's execute. Ehhhh. Would rather have the aoe freezebomb that also executes.
The character is flawed from the start because all of the damage in RoR2 comes from items in the first place, and she scales terribly with almost every item in the game. She's fucked. She needs an entire redo.
I think that if she gets better scaling and the aforementioned suggestions (or equivalent) got implemented she'd be MUL-T or Engineer or Commando tier balanced (all in pretty good places but not OP) but harder.