What's the best SCP game?

What's the best SCP game?

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i haven't found this SCP despite looking it up
Probably faked

How loud is 500 decibels?


>At 150 decibels you stop being able to breath. You feel like you are underwater from the amount of air being hurled at you. Past 160 flashlights and other battery-powered equipment will begin to fail due to electrical interference and your brain and eyes will start getting permanent damage.
>Humans exposed to 170 decibels have about a 50% chance of surviving.

A jet take off is 150 decibels. Decibels increase exponentially

the best its obviously contiament breach
for multiplayer its secret lab

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SCP was always garbage so none

>Krakatoa's eruption was 310 and blew out concrete walls300 miles away. Tambora, the loudest sound ever recorded, was 325 decibels and had enough energy to dig a crater 12 miles wide and as deep as Yosemite.

>500 decibels would likely annihilate large sections of whatever landmass you were on, possibly with enough force to launch debris into space.

I think its far past the point were soundwaves stop being proper waves and they turn into explosive shockwaves instead.

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I was about to make a Lobotomy Corp thread since the last SCP thread got me interested, is it good? is there porn?

the poughkeepsie tapes was a shit movie

there are no good scp games

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It's a fun game with an interesting story.
There isn't enough porn.

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its not worthy right now, wait for the translation patches and a tutorial, because right now its a mess

Why would a cleaning crew go in there with the SCP still in there?

There are some chinks on the wall

fuck off

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Name a more kino not-SCP

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Pretty sure it's enough to start a black hole

tutorial came out and the translation has been expanded upon, depending at what point you stopped paying attention to the game
Hell they're even working on the sequel right now

why a sequel instead of updates or a dlc?

It existed but got downvoted to hell and back

what the fuck
why a sequel instead of updates or a dlc?
i remember the sotry being imcomplete, and yes, i stopped paying attention to the game a long time ago, not because i disliked the game, but it was a literal clusterfuck

Reminder that the trans satellite is only the second-worst. Worst goes to the Emperor Norton one. It's one thing if you want to make an article that pokes fun at certain stances, but that whole article was hot garbage.

Probably not, but now I want to know how much is required

Based zoomer opinion

Honestly, I have no idea why. Perhaps they're working on both at the same time?

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post it

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/scp/ board now and delete /mlp/

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Give me a quick rundown

Completely unironically, I don't inherently mind articles that reference/play with real-world politics, but I'd at least like to see a little nuance.

>delete /mlp/
Do you like punch open wasp hives too?

Which SCP is this again?
I need more creepy/horror tags


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만지지 마

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Loud enough to be heard from anywhere on earth

SCP-1471-B AKA Mal0

>scp that's just a guy named Carl
>the only anomalous thing about him is that seals within a certain distance will tell him to fuck off
>is not a "-j" entry
What the fuck

Is there other managament games like Lobotomy about SCP like monsters?
I'm aware there is Containment Breach and the Multiplayer, but i want to play SCP Tycoon and Lobotomy is Fun until you know all the abnormalities

it goes from slow to fast pretty fast, but if learning and building a bestiary of monsters is your thing then I say the game does a good job at that, well over a hundred anomalies to research
Yeah there's some porn but not a lot

like 2 or 3 of the games endings end with the Corporations downfall in some way, especially with the canon one that sets up a new location called The Library, i suspect this was their intent from the start ever since the Legacy edition of the game was scrapped

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I've been to shows in that range. It just feels nice on your organs.

>scp that's a clone of Bernie Sanders that literally anally vores people
>also not a -j entry
I'm not surprised anymore. And now from googling it, I found out they have two Bernie Sanders articles, one of which is about literal twitter memes.

Angela lewds when

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Is the game pretty hard story oriented or is there a lot of room for comfy freeform management?

Mostly free form management. Angela, the one you talk to the most, has most of her dialogue accurately translated

Game when?

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Imagine being a agent for the foundation and you keep following the symbols left behind from previous agents only to reach a point where you find both
>Symbols have been compromised
>Do not br taken alive

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Anyone have the Yea Forums version?

>Do not follow the little girl
>Symbols have been compromised

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There is a story, but I do say it's relatively easy to ignore up until you unlock story based 'boss battles', and even then you don't gotta do them.
Boss battles in parenthesis because they're more like stipulations, where something goes terribly wrong and the game challenges you to complete a day with a new rule, like 2x damage for all units to deal/receive or gradually decreasing stat debuffs. They're optional unless you care about which ending you get, though doing them all unlocks the final few days where actual combat oriented enemies show up and you gotta fight them.
There is a 'Challenge Mode' that unlocks after completing the game where you're allowed to play for 99 days with all the monsters you've gathered in the regular playthough, but by that point you've unlocked the entire facility and can't fit anymore monsters unless you start a new playthrough to document the rest

Yeah this has some cringe political stuff in it, and It is overly complicated with all this weird shit mentioned that I don't really understand, but I like the general idea, it's basically a scp version of the patriots from MGS with a bit of funny valentine from jojo, which is even referenced in the scp itself. But overall I do agree that it's pretty bad

Isnt there a game where you manage an SCP base or something like that? I know i have seen it before but i can't find it anymore

Lobotomy corp

Closest I know is Lobotomy Corporation

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Yeah i feel like an absolute retard for not reading the thread before asking. I'm sorry, but thanks a lot!

they ain't the strongest but i like swans a lot

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Gamers against weed is singlehandedly the worst thing to ever happen to any franchise in history.

Didn't they make that communist Mexican lady?

>literally just found out about this game yesterday
>thread today with scps and this shit turns up

>Symbols have been compromised.

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Arnoldo Verdugo?

There was this one thing where you start to notice something a lot more once you find out about it.

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What the everloving fuck is Thaumiel?

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funny thing is I've been in several Yea Forums scp threads before and this is like the only time I've seen someone acknowledge the game's existence after I've already discovered it

The fandom is at its weakest, the show is almost ending and literally the only reason ponies get shitposted is to trigger Lee and because it is illegal.

I just finished yard work and I'm kinda light headed, but I think its synchronicites.

The last SCP thread mentioned it a lot.

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suppose I just missed that one then

i've been trying to talk about this game for about a year now and each thread barely got any replies, i wonder what caused its discussion to spike up now. Other than the Angelaposter i mean.

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They added it ages ago. It's a classification for SCPs that the foundation has found a use for in containing other SCPs.

Then it is compromised. There is no logical state in which the symbols have been compromised sign doesn't compromise the symbols.

found this on wikipedia of all places
>"Thaumiel" is an esoteric object class, used for objects that do not fit into one of the three major classifications for anomalous objects or entities. Specifically, the "Thaumiel" classification denotes objects or entities that are used to contain other anomalous objects or entities.

>500 decibels
Mr. Chang is the real SCP

>old authors used to advise not just randomly referencing memes/real world pop culture as to not date the articles too much
>GAW literally made it a point to reference fotm twitter memes

I really like Angela

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You have good taste.

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Thanks, Hod-user.

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I watched a video on youtube about it and got myself a copy and now i'm noticing this a whole lot more

The hell

whatever the case, thank you sating my to talk about this bizarre game. I hope the sequel holds up well despite the genre shift

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Genre shift?

Besides the game being good, I hope we get more fan art.

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By Symbols being compromised, doesn't it mean that whatever it is that a agent is going after knows the symbols and can make use of then?
Essentially, it's telling you that "Don't trust the symbols anymore, you are fucked"

Anyone still have the original Soulberg?

The sequels announcement trailer has gameplay that doesn't look very 'Monster Management' at all.
Avoid watching this trailer if you care about story spoilers.
Judging from the weapons being used, Abnormalities are not scrapped, but i don't think we're researching them anymore

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300dB is a nuclear explosion.
Every 6dB is a doubling in power.
500dB would be about 10 billion nuclear explosions.
The biggest impacts recorded in the solar system's history were of roughly this magnitude, including the one that created the Moon.
This amount of energy is also similar to the Moon's orbital energy.

So 500db would basically be "You get hit by The Moon".

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I just hope we don't have to go against Angela. She never betrays you in Lobotomy Corporation, iirc.

Wait, wait...is that...

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Decibels is a logaritmic scale. It scales drastically.
Decibels actually measure the energy in a mechanical wave (sound). But if you put too much energy in said wave it becomes a shockwave.
The energy contained in a 500 decibel wave is absurd. Im talking "more energy than the energy output of all stars in the universe put together" kind of absurd

Actually, every 6db is a doubling in amplitude and a quadrupling in power.
500dB is "You get hit by the Sun"

>there'll be a Red Mist / Arbiter 2.0
>no way to cheat on either of them

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This... doesn't look good to be honest
Like some Mobile Gacha game or something

Wasn't there an alarm clock SCP that would just steadily increase the decibels of sound if it hasn't been put off? Like potentially destroying the universe kind of decibels?

Wasn't there some toaster that just kept on getting hotter and hotter?

Not an alarm clock

Why did Angela even become a librarian and cut her hair?

>UI is great
>portraits are great
>gameplay looks like a flash game

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I can't completely answer the first question because I'm not sure what Angelas ultimate motive was by fulfilling Carmens dream, but i can answer the second one:
Angela has a husbando she idolizes and loves very much

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>tfw you become the husbando

What SCPs do you guys think are the scariest?

106, probably. The guy can drag you into his own dimension and torture you forever. I'm normally adverse to the high amount of fates-worse-than-death SCPs but 106 makes it work. Creepy visuals, creepy concept.

The Flesh That Hates, and the first part of that anomalous video tape with the giant doll chasing a woman through a mansion was creepy for me.

The firewatch one before it was edited and the stare well one.

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>The Flesh That Hates
I liked that one until they decided to make a shit ton of supplementary articles for it in a shitty attempt at making a CotBG foil

Fire watch?

What's the third one meant to be

how could you leave the symbol to proceed with caution unless you have been given hostility?
and even then if its something like eye contact or so you are dead before you can even give or leave any symbols?
half of these aren't practical in the slightest

Can of monster energy drink on the other side

The ending was edited to be worse, but I can't quite remember how.

Do you forgive her for her crimes?

I was a little excited to come back to that article years later to read it again only to find that they added more material
i got pretty bored by the second part, it worked well enough as a bizarre and horrifying disease

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Ronald Reagan Cut Up While Talking, the taped NBA game, the one where there's two people aware they're trapped in a recording and just end up killing each other repeatedly
did a VHS player sexually assault me as a kid and i just suppressed the memory, or something?
not familiar with the second one

can someone give me a rundown on the unnamed scp in question

>Exploring a new unknown area
>Find an unnatural lantern shining its pale light in a small area
>carve "Stay in the Light" in the darkness all around it
>carve "Symbols have been compromised" directly underneath the lantern in small enough text that you'd have to be in the light to see it
Who else devilish here

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Of course, user.

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Interview logs are on the meh side of things, but i like the rest of it

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>"SCP-3127 should not have anyone in it's containments chamber over any circumstances"
>Dr. Chang thinks he's above the rules and got smooshed
Deserved it.

I'm having a really hard time understanding what the fuck is being climbed in these logs


wait I get it now

3000 is pretty spooky

What abnormality allows me to stuff my face into Angela's breasts?

Transparency fucked up, lemme retry

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3999 is the worst imo, creator himself admitted it was depression fueled drivel and more of a tale than anything. At least not everyone likes it but way too many people think its this incredible work and somehow one of the best.


Yikes oof. Ouch

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SCP is cringeworthy as fuck, especially nowadays.

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the clock probably
and by that I mean you can make your move, enjoy yourself, and then turn back time quickly before you're fired

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or the horror movie version
>>Find an unnatural lantern shining its pale light in a small area
>carve "Stay in the Light" in the darkness all around it
>as they walk into the area a bit further they see the symbols have been compromised sign all over the walls and ceiling

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* have someone turn back time for you
i forgot to add that.

What if I'm the manager?


This is why we need an /scp/ board
Co-opt the culture back

You'll just get banned as soon as they find out you're not on their region of the political spectrum.

How it used to be:
>People who get into that SCP started saying nonsensical stuff, such as a white flaming mountain, but none of them die. But they start behaving in a very weird way.
>Turns out its a lie. Instead, there are skinwalkers that steal your body. They talk the stuff about the mountain to confuse the Foundation and trick their curiosity to attract new preys.

But now its changed to actually have some sort of fire entity drying people up and mind controlling them, completely negating the twist. Because djkaktus will not stop until he ruins every single article not written by him

god scps are so cringe

Djkaktus needs to be stopped, it's just embarrassing when he makes his own shit worse

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I like the first fifteen hundred but then all the absolute terrible writers got their hooks in it. People that feel the need to explain EVERYTHING with no redactions, people that try to moralize the damn things or add some stupid lesson, and people that obviously wanted theirs to be the next big popular thing but try way, way too hard.

I've just been clicking on random new entries and there wasn't a single redaction in any of them. The current most popular one is anomalous rock paper scissors without the joke tag.

I want actual mystery, danger, and ultimately futile attempts to deal with something we don't understand.

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If I know her well enough, then I can safely say that you’d be decommissioned for the next candidate in line

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kaktus is a blight
his doorknob and plague doctor rewrites were so fucking weak, and his 4000 entry was so fucking long and boring.
If there is any real negative trend to point to in new scps, it's the fact pretty much everyone tries to make each scp into a long ass tale. No one can be concise for shit, each one has to be an intricate, thematic narrative with compelling humanoid scps.

I was actually thinking about writing something about this, like how some of the Middle Eastern sites got really asshurt and almost went over to the ORIA with all their SCP's, and an SCP "accidentally" breached and killed a trans technician in Russia or something

Can't anybody write their own?

I said this in the last thread, that everyone keeps trying to make a deep and elegantly deadly lovecraftian horror with tons of lore significance when simpler ideas are necessary to balance the series out

Backwards Clock it is. All for the supervisor's tits.


Has to get approval

Fucking why do they keep doing that shit? They literally made a specific thread even where authors just reveal the entirety of what each thing they made is. Why would you remove all the mystery and possible interpretations like that?

Yeah and it's popularity attracted people that are just plain terrible writers.

The only meme doctor that was actually funny would be Dr. King

new scp website without crap writers when

You need to create an account, and the moderators are power hungry jerks.
To get upboats and not have you article deleted, you need to dicksuck in the forums for months, if you show non-conformity they will just shit on your work regardless of quality

it may as well be a big bang attack

That was the SCP-666-J guy, wasn't it?
I liked the apple seed doctor.

>do not follow the little girl
>do not make contact
>Get out fast
Chris Hansen SCP when?

Reminds me of the good old days of forums. Those were the times.

Let's brighten the mood some. Anyone know any newer articles that aren't shit?
Loved this one.

Please keep the thread alive while I'm taking this exam.

Tales were a mistake
Shit is pretty much a soul successor to the massive crossover mess that everyone hated and tried to swallow the site if you think about it. NOw everyone's trying to make the next cool group everyone jacks off too or some super amazing tale that shakes up the site.
I'm not sure if they are entirely to blame in a way, there are just so many scps that making simple weird ones may seem trite or just steps on another, better one's toes. But I do think there has been a big shift in what writers want or what writers think readers want.

>mods warn users and ban them for saying why they downvoted certain articles because "that's not good criticism"
>mods also post "this one detail sucks, instant -1 lol"
What did they mean by this?

>statements such as "The United States should have open borders" are less popular than they would be otherwise
oy veeeeey

No it was the same apple seed guy

Standards of quality are not enforced by good will, or a document, or the concept of justice, or the deeds of your ancestors.
Standards of quality are enforced by the knowledge that, should someone try to publish bullshit, you will FIGHT BACK. with LOIC.

>it's another world ending SCP episode

I maintain articles like the one on Drapetomania or the one making jokes about Reagan as a spaceman, or the one about the PROC oppression, or shit, even the one about how Hiroshima was bad, are how you could do political themes in articles good. This is just shit.

Does anyone remember that old "rules for making an SCP" page that was written like this:
>4.No making things what are for fightan good

Is there a scarier thing in all of SCP than this?

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I want a VR Multiplayer SCP game where you play a D-Class with a piece of chalk in a labyrinth. There's 3-8 players. You're in your own instanced version of the labyrinth, and your goal is to mark the walls with symbols so that you all have a better chance to escape. You can run into traps and SCP's, but if one of you manages to follow the symbols to the escape, the team wins.

A pack of 3 scrakes when you have a 2** Commando with an allcaps name and a ping of 300 on your team.

by "symbols" you mean penises, right?

What game studio do you think would be capable of making a decent SCP game?


>Playing endless on killbox
>special scrake round
>me and the other demo with m32's just look at each other
>We both start just pissing off every scrake
>Three people die
>Guy crys "Of course i have retarded demos just shooting"
>We win the round and i tell him to hold that w
>Next round it's scrakes again
We won that one too

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f good scps rip

I mean, I don't see why not. Both would be fine.

wot anniemae

Attack on Eoten

I'm disappointed and my afternoon has not changed.

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>don't give up

That's a pretty cool looking dude, I wonder what SCP h

The first sign the site was going to shit, the second was Apollyon

There’s only 3 classes that should exist but they couldn’t help it. Someone always eventually has to be the fucking snowflake.

boring and gay

the fuck is apollyon

He? it's a sh

extra edgy Keter

Another bullshit snowflake class that shows up time to time

Anything other than the big three is garbage period. They get too big in scope to fit the context of an article or they get too bloated and you know it’s some shitty idea of a book the writer couldn’t fully recognize so he dumped it off on the site

Ah, that's right. The skinwalker plot is so much better.

A character obsessed with wolves and sheep in a third person action game called not "For You" but "For Honor."

hey whats going on in this thread

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this is just /x/ bullshit, there are no SCP video games.

What’s his name again?

The second the site started going to shit was when it started giving retarded special treatment to fan-favorite SCPs even if it made no sense. For example, SCP-682 is terrified of SCP-173. Why is it terrified of SCP-173? No idea, but since SCP-173 was one of the first SCPs you're not allowed to question the constant raping of canon.

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you sure about that?

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SCP-999 best scp

Angel of the Abyss mentioned in Revelations. Also called Abaddon.

The Despoiler?

I'm always wanting more quality SCP content, videos, audio or whatever.
I guess I should contribute sometime.

That's not 914

Are there any good Lobotomy Corps lewds?

Can't do that sorry :)

Is this kill 682?


not as much as you'd think

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3001 is the best post 999 SCP.

Would this keep her counter from going down?

obviously the one where we can scream at each other through the mic about how Nine Tail Fox is the BEST as the T-posing zombies crowd us in to a corner

Become the change you want to see, user!

fuck i dunno, do i look like a walking encyclopedia to you?

it did have a reason to despise the statue, but i see no point in actively avoiding it. Now that it developed a perfect counter to 173 it could easily shatter that thing while it's helpless

Scp001 the Abrahamic gate was pretty kino

Not much

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Abrahamic religions are kino in general

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I remember another kind of like that where some woman who can read minds was brought to various silent SCPs to see what their thought processes are, and when she tried it on 173 she just started screaming in terror
Wish I remembered the number.

It wasn't reading minds, it was seeing them in the future. She can't eat because she sees the food as partially digested or as shit.

I had a feeling I got something wrong, but didn’t think it’d be that far

She's mentioned in the desire camera SCP. In her photograph, she's able to eat food without needing the blindfold.

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what the fuck is yesod and apollyon

Special snowflake designations for SCPs made by people who desperately want to be unique.

Yesod is also an AI in Lobotomy Corporation who used to have severe OCD.

Well, because of how pressure and atmosphere works. The earth itself can't go over 194 decibels. So the atmosphere itself would turn that sound wave into a shockwave at anything above that.
150 decibels is enough to cause deafness at point blank
For reference, a point blank train horn is 150 decibels, so is a jet taking off. While most normal guns are only clocked at around 125 - 130, anything above 80 or 90 will cause hearing problems if exposed long term

How may I help you?
Good bye

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Scp containment breach is the goat. That shit is terrifying


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What did it mean by this?

>retard writes something nonsensical about how hard being a faggot is, breaks the fourth wall multiple times in a non -j
>gets over 1000 upvotes

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Learning a new language is hard

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The ALEPH classes genuinely spook me. How do they do it?

>being a brainlet

Is that how this got so many liked? Despite not fitting how an article should be at all, people are shamed into pretending to like it because other retards pull a 2deep4u?

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Its literally just an SCP fucking with a researcher by ending and recreating the world and making dumb shit happen to him

Yes, I understand what it is. That doesn't make writing about yourself in an SCP not retarded.


>Because djkaktus will not stop until he ruins every single article not written by him

I dont go on SCP often so i dont know much about the internal drama, but it sounds like djkaktus wasnting editing it because of jealousy. Or are there things behind the scenes that im missing?

>Alright so Jekeled deleted a bunch of articles the other day, and has made his intentions of pulling back from the site at large pretty clear. He approached me the other day and said he intended to delete this article as well, unless I rewrote it.

So as a heads up, so everybody knows we're on the same page, the plan is to make some changes to the themes of this article while maintaining a considerable amount of the original. This article is really good, and honestly I don't think it needs to be rewritten, but I also don't want to see it deleted. So we'll do what we need to do to keep it up, and keep Jek listed as the original author.

I've got minmin working with me on this, and we should have something ready to post here before too long. So keep an eye out for that.

>For example, SCP-682 is terrified of SCP-173
>go to 682 experiment log page
>we tried to force 173 to snap him, he broke like 50% body mass but failed to kill, then 682 developed multiple, superprotected eyes and we couldn't get him to be snapped anymore
come again?

Didn't it hide in a corner and develop superprotected eyes to prevent snipers from shooting them out?

>Japanese SCP

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I’d chalk it up to a dread of knowing what you have is more powerful than you can comprehend
I know I wanted to beat the daylights out of Nothing There after having to deal with its loud ass

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don't have the game, what the fuck is that?

>Russian SCP

Attached: Russian SCP.jpg (1000x1487, 2.54M)

A million voices cried out at once:

>...Who is diagnosed with stockholm syndrome

How does this connect to anything described?

The Holders > SCP

Because he hated having something related to Sweden



She's even named Melting Love


Gay esoteric shit classifications by angsty weebs

I want a 507 game

Don't open

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>not "For You" but "For Honor."
>I'm still in a dream, Snake Eater



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A-am I dead now?

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Only if you convince her your dick is evil and this is the only way to stop it.

those tits are at least Euclid class

Attached: Owl man.jpg (500x660, 97K)

why do these people ruin everything they touch
it's like it's in their nature to destroy absolutely fucking everything that normal people enjoy

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They're fucking great, I know.

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Reminder that there is an SCP light novel

Attached: Cute Iris.jpg (900x1200, 128K)

i cant read it

It's in Japanese

thank you, i thought all the letters on my copy were somehow individually smudged into unreadability by some very persistent copy worker

You're welcome, user. It happens sometimes.

GodDAMN user calm down. you're not allowed to own people like that anymore

The warning music of Lobotomy Corporation is quite nice

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post slime girl


Have any of you guys played the VR game?

Attached: Time to work.png (700x514, 300K)


Forgot link: youtu.be/eTqm0ZBqgUA

Yes, very nice

Attached: Melting Love.jpg (700x879, 74K)

>chris chan


Attached: kek of ten thousand years.jpg (655x653, 125K)

Whats her gimmick?

I dont get it.


It's disappointing that they changed the 106 images. I really doubt anyone was ever going to complain about copyright if they hadnt had any issues over the past several years

Affectionate slime who latches onto the first person who does a good job with her that isn't repression(?). Said infected worker will then unknowingly spread around her pink slime every 20 seconds. Infected personnel can be distinguished by the pink slime dripping off of their face. After an amount of time, they'll die and turn into hostile slime monsters. The original infected person only turns into a slime monster when Melting Love escapes containment, and they're a lot more powerful than the typical slime. If the original infected person is killed, Melting Love will go berserk.

What was the origin of the first pic?

>Tfw afraid of Ikeas now

Attached: JUST.png (282x297, 215K)

this fucking game gets so hard, holy fuck

then I fuck up and lose my gear. RIP

Just reset your day user lmao

Attached: How has your life been.jpg (1619x910, 303K)

>"Safe place", "Don't give up" on the wall in Marker instead of chalk
>On the opposite wall is a poorly written "The Symbols have been compromised and "don't be taken alive", but written in chalk
What do?

Depends on where I am but just to be safe get out of there

assume that the team sent before mine had an unwrangled special ed student or person with awful handwriting, and erase both to be sure before continuing

>"Safe place" symbol, Followed by at least 30 "Symbols have been compromised"

Attached: 1547339882773.png (666x666, 433K)

There's an SCP that's an abandoned SCP facility, forgot the number. It goes to shit in the end because it turns into an action movie plot with super cyborgs, but survivors in the facility that were still hiding just painted normal text on walls instead, things like "Lay low and don't look at the walls".

According to Dark Souls logic there's actually nothing there but 10 feet further down the wall is the monster.

just run away from that place
since"Symbols have been compromised" symbol applies to every symbol present including itself imo

>There's an SCP that's an abandoned SCP facility

scroll up, retard

the gear on the dead people is still gone, and I need Aleph level gear to deal with them

If you latched yourself onto 173's back and closed your eyes, would it be able to reach and kill you?

Attached: 1492918133755.png (465x266, 172K)

Because its so fast its possible that is shakes you off and then snaps your neck

No but that dude moves crazy fucking fast, you would most likely be thrown off the moment you close your eyes. Or it just moves so quick the force just snaps your neck right there

What if I held on really, really tightly?

That was the latter option, force of being spun around on him snaps your neck

john madden john madden

How fast can we get 173 to spin?

173 goes back in time to snap your neck when you were a child

This makes me wonder: what would happen if you drove by 173 travelling at the speed of light and blinked?

Im sure 173 has a top speed, and is not some infinite acceleration case. But it would be similar to those pictures of cats shaking their heads really fast

Overall, how does the Lobotomy Corporation compare to the SCP Foundation in terms of things contained and competency?

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Kids never told no growing up

Has anyone tried sending someone in with 173 in a immobile suit of steel or titanium?


Is Lobotomy corp worth $25, and if it's not how often does it go on sale?

I say it's worth about 10-15$ If you want pirate it and then buy it if you think it's worth buying

Chad Special Helper putting Dr. "Tianaman Square" Chang in his place

Lol yeah I watched it twice though.

is this creepypasta for grown ass men?

And trannies

Attached: lady.jpg (1000x1000, 694K)

Rarely and it just got one last march.

Far less competent, but mostly because they're an energy company and not some secret society.
For instance, one Anomaly that looks like a giant fetus with a mouth in its stomach will start screeching autistically every once in a while, and won't stop until it's fed human flesh. Instead of getting corpses from morgues, or death row prisoners, or any of the other options that the Foundation has, they have to do a roulette of the staff on-site. Whoever "wins" is killed and fed to it, but the excuse is that the roulette is selecting people to be transferred to the Main Branch where they don't have to deal with monsters all day. Their family and coworkers are told they were transferred because the Corp is not actually an extralegal entity and doesn't have the right to kill people.
It all boils down to the two differences in philosophy, really. The Corp only keeps the anomalies around because they can use them for infinite energy, the Foundation ensures that the anomalies are contained because they're aware what would happen if they weren't.

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Reminder that One Sin is a bro you can always count on

Attached: One Sin.png (276x267, 58K)

SCP is run by redditor trannies now

Should I wait for Lobotomy Corporation to go on sale, or is it one of those games where that just doesn't happen?

>everyone likes the spooky SCPs
>actually prefer the more benign and friendly SCPs that don't do anything bad, they just do the weird thing they do and go about their day


348 is one of my favorite, just a soup bowl that tells you how much your parents love you (most of the time).

I'm still mad about the 049 rewrite

It's specifically a soup bowl with messages from your dad.

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I can go weeks, sometimes months, forgetting that I spend time on an indonesian knitting forum that has an entire board on it dedicated to grown men that love my little pony. And every single time I am reminded, I just feel so fucking disgusted at myself, just by proxy.

Why does that make me think of a Madoka Magica witch? I like it.

My favorite SCP page is actually the anomalous objects one

>bisexual and nonbinary

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LC has a lot of cool abnormalities

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Don't try to understand them, user

What kind of copyright does SCP fall under? I'm tempted to make another organisation and steal all the good content into one cohesive database and remove every single OC donut steel garbage.

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There's Containment Breach and Secret Labs, this should honestly be a secret labs thread.

Creative Commons


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>that scp that is just a normal coffin unless you look at it through a video camera,then it drives you mad
>that scp that is a magic forrest which can only be entered with a special key,but theres also a large monster in there that is gonna hunt you down
>that scp that makes you think you re a toaster and ends up getting you killed because of it
>that scp thats a red skinned monster with only a large mouth for a face that materialises behind doors and fills you with a primal fear,also steals corpses

Attached: scp hazards.png (4146x1947, 959K)

Which one has the least amount of mary sue self inserts with swords?

That third option sounds a lot like me.

First time visiting this site in ages
>LGBTQ2BBQ+ logo
>real world politics
>a description the length of an essay

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post more low quality cringe scps

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I think the reason I stopped playing lobotomy corp was the VN tier levels of unending dialog. does it get better as the game progresses in this regard?

It gets worse, unfortunately. However, there is a mode where you can just skip all the story, if I remember correctly

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>not Dr. Gerald
Sounds like someone's up for a road trip

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the fuck is this

>tfw no slime gf

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SCP-3127. The real one. Not the fake one like the image of OP.

Wouldn't here be a new 3127 if the one in OP got deleted?

I bet old 3127 could beat up new 3127

Not scp but does anyone remember those old creepypastas about finding hidden rooms by preforming certain procedures and saying specific things or what have you at odd places? There was quite a few of them I remember. There would typically be a monster hidden in them and it would list what you should and should not do. I forgot what the end goal of them was.

user, she'll turn you and all your friends into blobs

Fucking bullshit, I really liked that one.

the Holders
the end goal: gotta catch 'em all!

I remember the stairs to nowhere, portals and shit but not doors.

>and this here's our son's room
>he really likes video games and those spooky stories he reads online
>what were they called again...? Haunted.... pasta?

Shieeeet that takes me back. Remember thinking the keys/items they'd get at the end were so badass

It's terrible how much they're changing every thing. The LGBT shit and every new SCP being Keter or some stupid class above it just shows how utterly incompetent these people are at being immersive. Honestly, I wish these people would learn how to write horror at the least. Did you know that world-renowned writer Stephen King was once hit by a car? Just something to consider.

>that one article where a guy is stuck inside a mad house and goes full doomguy mode on everything inside it

>Did you know that world-renowned writer Stephen King was once hit by a car? Just something to consider.
what did he mean by this

So who was phone?

Didn’t he proceed to write about shit weasels after that?

i like some of the scp stuff i read posted on here occasionally but shit like this makes me never want to check it out for myself for fear of cringe-induced death

Which one?

>/scp/ discordfags shilling their dead server and dead general on Yea Forums again

This one, I assume

Attached: Hideous Familiars.png (233x620, 112K)

Reminds me of that time a lone D-Class took out an SCP by himself.

I think the shitweasels came much later. The one immediately after was Misery, about a writer who gets hit by a car.

Attached: 1551725308164.png (605x1200, 1.02M)

Yeah this one

>SCP-1983 is presumed to have been neutralized by D-14134, who was posthumously awarded the Foundation Star (one of only two awarded to Class-D Personnel).

Cute thread !

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Alright guys,how about we come up with our own spcs for a change
Heres some of my ideas

>an SCP thats just an endless hole in the ground, 1,5m by 1,5m thats filled with water
>its anomalous properties come into play when an object enters it,in that the water has no mass when you re above it but does gain it when you re below
>its pretty much like that episode from samurai jack where he almost drowns in the lake
>no one knows how deep it is because any object thrown down into the hole quickly gets destroyed due to the pressure
>its safe and the only containment procedure is a big slab of concrete on top of it and maybe a fence

>a species of frogs that evolve according to the enviroment
>they start off as normal tadpoles,but depending on where they are they grow up differently,for example a tadpole in a dry enviroment will grow to resemble a scally frog while one high up in the trees will grow to resemble a bird,with wings and a more aerodinamic form
>its euclid in that no one understands why this happends and containment of the few specimens in foundation custody consists of either a box if they ve grown up or a freezer if they re still tadpoles

>a dude that can travel through dimensions willingly but claims he is hunted by a cosmic horror for his soul and he willingly let the foundation contain him because if the monster ever showed up the other scps could win him some time to get away and survive
>he is currently contained in the same facility as 682
>he claims to have done this many times before with many different versions of the foundation

I remember reading this, checking if it was -j multiple times and then struggling to figure out how this shit was acceptable.

What a fucking hero

Why do people always mistreat this cute girl?

That water one sounds really cool.

SCP-1155 is one of my favorites.

Good night, anons

Attached: Coat.jpg (236x504, 30K)

God, I want to fuck Angela

What's going on here?

wheres the downside

I can at least say its not a van

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You die

What's the absolute B E S T SCP

>Look up the supplementary article on D-14134
>"Uhh we're so sorry that we killed all of those people, we were such assholes"

I like the article, but this change in tone within the Foundation doesn't sit right with me. They deal with world ending threats on the daily, but they can't handle having a few dead d-class personnel on their collective conscience? If feeding a d-class to some anomaly means that five hundred thousand people won't die as a result, then there should be no hesitation.

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>scp discord trannies from /vg/
Do yourself a favor and fuck off

Attached: file.png (1393x1005, 636K)

wheres the downside


>he STILL can't tell the difference between a Discord and a Steam Group Chat
lil goblin brain.

Bap euclid !

Attached: 1539156989920.png (756x1051, 547K)

>le discord boogeyman
>shows steam group chat

Attached: 1526814435006.png (729x638, 154K)

Your mum, lolz

Cousin Johnny.

Just ignore it then. That article was added later, so just assume it’s non canon.

I don’t get it. SCPs rarely are much better than that.

Attached: Middy skies.jpg (900x473, 151K)

this isn't even a secret lab thread

>that one SCP thats literally an immortal fox girl with memetic properties and acts all nice and lovely to earn your trust,then she murders you in the most cold blooded and sadistic way imaginable

So it's just some talentless hack trying to take something cool and attach themselves to it like a tumour. Thanks.

That basically SCP in general at this point.

stay away from me

>goes on a massacre on furry and anime cons

Obssessed barneyfag 2.0

Whats with the weird influx of SCP threads popping up in boards? Also SCP fucking sucks now.

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They're people deeply rooted in their bubbles where they strongly believe that by injecting gay shit into everything and diversifying everything they make the world a better place and anyone who denies them is a racist/bigot that needs to be banned and removed from the internet for the betterment of the world

Abib is on a vacation thus zero moderation against SCP threads

Demanding a containment board

Nobody wants that,probably a lone shitposter.
The containment /trash/ general is enough

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The armless.

>still no cp scp

where can i get this game

That pic creeped me the fuck out first time I saw it.

SCP? More like shit cum piss

I really liked the Antimemetics hub stuff.

I wish I was amused by vtubers

post a one sentence scp idea even if you don't have any good ones

Wait, they changed that one? What the fuck, it was great in a subtle sort of way.

Baby shoes that are impossible to wear, foundation purchases them from an advertisement.

ur mom gay lol

Guy that makes people explode when they hear him say the N-word.

A fedora that shuts down certain brain functions so as to make the wearer an atheist while its on his head

>complained about exactly this back in like 2014
>ur full of shit user ur a fucking moron simpleton doodoo brain
>poop for brains poop brains!!!
Well now who has poop for brains. You.

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a fake 3127, OP's is the real one

Damn, dude. You showed that poop for brains who has poop for brains. I'm glad I don't, though. Would suck t b h.

Us normal brained folks have to stick together, they'll poop you alive out there.

Attached: 1524851919996.png (800x450, 290K)

Beds from which monsters emerge under every night and the janitors have to go Doomguy every day so they don't build up.

Can of compressed air which is more effective at blowing away larger things than smaller things.

>daily doses of presidential blood
>and it only gets more retarded from there
How the fuck does this have a positive score?

Attached: laughingslug.gif (675x227, 73K)

>go to /scp/ on trash
>everyone wants to fuck the furry, maybe the occasional sick fuck who wants to fuck the child ruiner thing.
>no love for the broken god(dess)
>no love for that one living drawing
>no love for 610
>no love for 2521 wait oh fgkaslyegdsjkbvu

Attached: 1548619166742.jpg (640x602, 80K)

>aim downward
>get total recall'd because you just blew the earth out of orbit and are now in space

Total Recall isn't an accurate representation of what happens to your body in space or outside of an environment; you just freeze and die if you don't get in somewhere soon enough.
If you get hit by direct sunlight it can give you heatstroke and radiation sickness quickly too.

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Attached: bb411194d65649552e4b6fc9c200a315.png (700x839, 842K)

Attached: __scp_166_scp_foundation_drawn_by_kibadori_rue__573ab0586b1b03a6e46b0f6da3d91e4b.png (636x900, 554K)

>that scp that is the revived former director of the scp org who reveals that death is just never ending and ever increasing agony that defies any logical or phyiscal sense; i.e. You become hyper aware of any little thing happening to any individual atom/electron that ever made up your being and can "feel" all the pain that happens to it, like its return to the ecosystem and being sugested by birds etc. Etc.
>tries to use an scp to become immortal
>gets gunned down and all records are expunged

Direct sun exposure will fry you really fucking quick. It is true that you're relatively fine short-term in a vacuum as long as you empty your lungs- if you try and hold your breath, they'll pop.

I'd be cool if these were rival organisations.

Should have just left it at "Peanut fucked him up but couldn't finish the job due to differences in size."

it's slightly less noisy then the neighbors above your head at 7:00 on a calm sunday morning.

>statements such as "The United States commits war crimes," "The United States mistreats foreign nationals," and "The United States should have open borders" are less popular than they would be otherwise.

So they basically made nationalism and right wing politics in America into an SCP?

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Chaos Insurgency is. It’s a splinter cell that broke off from the foundation, and uses anomalous entities to their own benefit.

There’s a theory for that one that you only die like that because of an incognito hazard, so they expunged records and gave amnestics to everyone involved with bringing him back.

Remember that one with a video of Reagan as the SCP, and they thought it would be a good idea to show it to him?


Yeah. He preferred being with 106 rather than being dead again.

Isn't their gimmick destroying shit instead of containing?

No. The Global Occult Coalition destroys them. The Chaos Insurgency captures them and uses them as weapons to obtain power throughout the world.

okay but get this
an scp
that's just a guy
but he's immune to amniesiacs/anti-memetics

But there's an infinite amount of stars innit?

Attached: sunflower.jpg (466x260, 27K)

>have weird shit that can help humanity
>put in a box and refuse to use it
the foundation are fucking idiots

500dB would probably be enough pressure to cause spontaneous fusion of the hydrogen atoms in the air

That's what she said

Can someone post an actually bad SCP? I always see people talk about the low quality of SCP, and then someone mentions OP pic, but OP pic is obviously a joke.

Show me one that isn't a joke but that has a genuine misunderstanding of SCP or fails to get the atmosphere. I've not seen one like that, though I've not exactly read every entry either.

>tranny moon
Can’t remember it’s number

Multi-Dimensional Vending Machine

>that one Polaroid camera scp that shows the thing in the picture's moment that would make them the happiest.
>096 doesn't want to exist.
>106 wants to go back to his farm with his wife.
>173's picture doesn't change at all.
>682's is as expected.
some of these really makin' me feel.

Attached: 1552004551917.jpg (1024x768, 404K)

There were plenty before the big purge they did a while back, and they're creeping up again since SCP blew up in popularity last year.

a steam account that causes any computer that access it to get hijacked by a slightly rude entity

Curved line on the top connecting to a horizontal line in the bottom. Curved line on the bottom connecting to a line going up which then turns to a horizontal line at the top. Another curved line on the top connecting to a horizontal line in the bottom. Vertical line connecting to a small diagonal line at the top.

>Not wanting to fuck the childbreaker

Abel is still around, somehow.

>Subject: Dr.
>Photographed Activity: Smiling for the camera, neutral pose.
>Photo Result: Subject is shown wearing a different tie.
What a lad.

Okay, homosuck tumblr satellite but instead of being a self-insert it was supposed to be a device that would eliminate legitimate fucked up users, but it learned to eliminate everyone who is not super leftist.

>SCP-049 is embracing an unidentified approximately 6 years old kid

Which one is the child ruiner again?

>written by "communism will win"


Why the fuck is the logo on the foundation site still gay?

Attached: 1500146519557.jpg (350x330, 35K)

anti-dictionary, unnames any term written in it

do it faggots
don't let me give trannies traffic


>About - Death to America.

dis nigga fucks rocks lmao

no nigga dis nigga fucks lithuanians nigga lmao nigga

this nigga wants to fuck lithuanians made out of stone

>SCP-451 lies awake in a bunk in the Site-19 sleeping quarters, surrounded by other staff members. SCP-451 exhibits a look of relief on his face.

Do anons still play on secret lab? Did they add much? Last I recall was the security guard role instead of instantly spawning as NTF.

iirc the game isn't being developed anymore because the creator is a fucking jew

Is this a meme or something? I've literally only seen a gay logo in Youtube videos complaining about a gay logo.

game died, lack of updates and new players. I blame the too early containment to /vg/
Also they got their own barneyfag, he's even here

Attached: 1553279231965.png (1902x1970, 1.57M)

He’s killed himself hasn’t he?
Fuck man that hits surprisingly hard.

this is unironically worse than OP

Considering that the observable universe is a thing, we are only concerned by a finite amount of stars, since all those that exist past the observable universe could never interact with us, they theorically do not exist as far as we're concerned.

Well fuck, that sucks. I had a lot of fun playing that shit with you fags and this thread made me want to do that. Wasn't there also some mod who hated the game and would delete every thread until it got forced to /vg/?

SCP 245 has one of my favorite executions of an SCP even though the SCP itself isnt that interesting.

How many playable scps did they add overall? I know there was

Don't mind me, just posting best waifu scp

Even worse, he was sobbing profusely in the cafeteria when the picture was taken.

Why is there yellow circle with pixel in the middle?

It's a friend.

See you soon

That’s 096.
You’re fucked.


>class : ??????
>contianment procedure
you cna't contain it because it's tooo strong lile it can go through walls and it can appear in your drzams to kill you
it's like noone ever saw it but I did since im the creator ok so basically it's invisible it's like a beautiful guy and apparently in the chat logs je said he killed god :o
omgomg my scp is so strong it can kill EVERY other scp and if you frustrate it too much, it will cause a NIG-GER end of the world type scenario
isn't ym scp cool?

scp-682 was supposed to be a warning, not a fucking model

It isn't even redacted at all and has no expunged data. It's almost like the writer absolutely wanted every reader to receive all of his wisdom. You'd think that a Thaumiel class object that is meant to irrationally steer an entire population away from the inevitably accepted universal truth of internationalist socialism would have some sections of its special containment procedures that shouldn't be for all eyes.
On the other hand, since this is a Thaumiel object and is meant to exercise its supernatural power to prevent communism from taking over, doesn't that basically make the concept of communism itself a Euclid class SCP?

I know your secret.

Why the fuck does everything have some dedicated shitter trying to ruin everyones fun now? Is it just people trying to emulate Barneyfag?

You can't talk about FF XV, Metroid, Gravity Rush because in some capacity one guy shit up discussion for everyone by not shutting the fuck up about a specific thing.

The """famous""" writers of SCP have such a massive ego and think of themselves as the arbiters of god tier writing when they're just writing glorified fanfictions. They even had the audacity to fuck with the doorknob, 049, and 106.

what does it m

Attached: wat.png (998x194, 5K)

>Subject: SCP-166
>Photographed Activity: Praying.
>Photo Result: Fully clothed, talking to and holding hands with an unidentified male around her age in an unidentified restaurant.

Attached: 1529180989096.jpg (937x803, 71K)

I still can’t believe that they changed the picture.

Attached: 2A56496B-DD8D-4D59-84EB-14293275918C.jpg (1050x1318, 890K)

Apparently they had to because of copyright Jewery.

someone should make trannies/tranny acceptance a result of scp fuckery

The one where you play in that staircase.

Friendly reminder that this exists and is not tagged -j


>that scp that's literally the n word
>makes it so that anyone who says it has always been a bad person, like that picture that makes it so anyone who sees it has always been a foundation employee
Ignoring the obvious political shit, how did this faggot get away with just ripping off another SCP?

Elaboration: A line does not connect from more than one point unless otherwise specified and any line connects to another at the end unless otherwise specified. This elaboration does not constitute an escalation of the infohazard in question.

Did they hide the downvotes?

What's the N-word one?

The general did contribute with some porn of that living graffiti owl though

>the author is proud of it

Attached: Untitled.png (751x276, 21K)

No they said in case a copyright claim ever happened. No one was claiming it because I believe the original was just some street graffiti