Why isn't there a game to make the girl pregnant?

Why isn't there a game to make the girl pregnant?

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there is plenty of japanese games that do, you will never see a translation for any of them however

Rune factory

There is no effort to prepare a 3D model of a pregnant woman

Depictions of childbirth and other traditional gender roles are harmful to women

What game is that?
It looks super interesting.

It's Leanne 2, it's not translated

It's literally the one thing that any woman can do better than a man 100% of the time.

>He don't know

Go to hg2d if you really want game like this

I don't know if i think pregnancy is hot because tits get bigger, or if I think tits getting bigger is hot because it reminds me of pregnancy

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Thank you, and I figured it might not have.
Most of the good stuff doesn't even get translated.

Nobody thinks this.

user, it's NTR...

I guess I'll die then

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>tfw choosing between playing rune factoey and ror2

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Between NTR or death, you chose death.

I'm proud of you, user.

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You're not alone user. But the game was rigged right from the start.

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Men will figure out a way to grow children in an artificial womb and do it better than women.

I cant remember if i got into pregnancy because of stomach deformation and inflation, or if I got into those because of pregnancy.
Ill just say, johnKpeta's doujins were fucking wild as a middle schooler.

What are some porn games where I can not only knock a girl up, but see the child be born and have it incorporated into gameplay? That shitty western game Trials in Tainted Space actually keeping track of families you start and whose babies you've had/sired is the closest I've come to the mechanic I desire, but it's too full of other gross fetishes I don't enjoy.

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I guess Fire Emblem Awakening and the Fates games technically qualify for everything except "seeing the child be born." I can think of a couple of games that have a legacy mechanic where the child takes up arms in the name of the sire, but none of them allow you to witness the birth, I'm pretty sure.

I guess I should clarify that what I mean by see the birth is that gameplay continues after the child is born, and they have some effect on gameplay.

awww she's so cute pregnant

There are a few

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There is and it's called FEAR 2 and Alma is gonna have your baby whether you fucking want to or not.