>he isn't playing Paladins right now
>he isn't playing Paladins right now
Never played it, but i like the butts
You post butt stuff like this a lot, but if the gameplay doesn't center around butt stuff, there's really no point.
free to play games inevitably are filled with a combination of either children, poor people (often from shit countries), and people who are willing to cheat as they can simply create a new account if they are caught
free to play games also often will encourage microtransaction spending for either in-game stat boosters or cosmetics, I dislike both of these approaches as I feel that even cosmetic items should be a reward for certain feats of in-game play and not tied to either payment or chance
ah ? im pretty sure Overwatch have all of that .
case in point
Dumb Battlepass shit, I'm not playing a damn game just to fucking fap you sexfiend
Hitboxes too big to make it a fun shooter
still sad this game never got popular with the normies because you never see female cosplayers of these characters.
I'm not a homosexual furry
Ikr. Also needs more sfm porn. Game Has real smut potential and plenty of exploitable voice lines.
overwatch has a bar to entry as it is paid
it is also an unbalanced and generally poorly managed mess that gets boring quickly, fuck overwatch
Damage is too high overall. And Flanks are annoying.
If you like looking at girls butts you're clearly trans
>Used to play with a big group of people
>One by one they went back to Overwatch
>Suddenly I'm the only one still playing it
I liked it, but it feels insanely unpolished, it just lacks detail compared to other games I feel like, most maps are very barren and greatly lack detail
I want to like it, but every time I start playing it just feels shitty.
if we're being honest about balance then Paladins isn't much better dude
not like it matters though since the TTK in Paladins is so ridiculously low it actively inhibits any fun you might have
Not enough elf porn to give me a reason.
>melts your 5k hp tank in 1.5 seconds
>lol perfectly balanced
better than ow but still too dumbed down after playing tf2 for years
>Giving HiRez any sort of recognition after what they did to Tribes
Plus I hate mobashit so whatever.
If you're comparing it to Overwatch, Blizzard is a multi-billion dollar company, no fucking shit their game is more polished looking, also the team behind Paladins is barely given any money to use for the actual game.
Paladins is a overwatch ripoff, but is the devs as much of a SJW as blizzard is these days?
begone retard, thou shalt not get an answer
I think Paladins came out first and no, they are a little bit but not nearly as much as Blizzard
Why is the player base so retarded
There is no player base on Switch
there is but they're all japanese
When I'm deciding which video games to spend my time playing I only care about which is better/more fun I don't do a cost/outcome analysis of the developer because I don't give a fuck
I want her to fart in those leggings for 3 hours then open them up right in my face
shill shill go away
All my friends quit too, don't feel bad user, they didn't even go to another game, they just quit gaming all together, feels shitty playing alone.
I just want to know if Paladin's developers are going to ban me from the game for what I say on social media, you fucking niggers.
Just act like a civilized, functional human being and you won't get banned anywhere
No they won't