>cant outrun his attacks because of the insane tracking
>cant parry or block because you still take damage
>dodging is pretty much luck based because you can never tell if his bullshit hitboxes are going to hit you or not
What the fuck am i supposed to do here?
Cant outrun his attacks because of the insane tracking
deflect, nigga
firecrackers, nigga
parry it. you can outpace the burn damage if you're aggressive and don't fuck up
I held the run button the whole fight and didn't get hit git gud lmao
Honestly, this. Just run around like a faggot and get a couple hits in when you can. The fight isn't that hard when you're constantly running
>I run and turtle like a bitch and it isn't working
man, if you're stuck on THIS boss...
I tried that but every once in a while he'll still manage to run straight at me like he's magnetized and take 3/4 of my hp away
Bruh literally wtf lmao
so deflect the hit. they are not hard to see coming
>>cant parry or block because you still take damage
if you deflect correctly you should take no damage, retard, he also takes extra dmg if you hit him in the head.
Why are people still bitching about this bull? Its ez. (Also theres a second one)
Demon of Hatred currently fucking me up.
Sidestep, attack. He's the buttdemon of sekiro.
If you sprint (holding circle) in a circle he's never gonna touch you
attack him when he tries to turn
firecrackers if you want more time to bash him
This fight is straight booty, it's just uninspired filling. I hate it when bosses are there just to be there
you parry and firecracker.
If you are stuck jump on his head and you'll get behind him
You can outrun him. Literally run around him and hit him.
>buy fire healing gourd
>beat butterfly
>tank hits
>guaranteed win
Regular enemies are harder than this guy. You don't even need to know how to parry and you don't even need firecrackers. Shield his hits, heal when needed, and you are guaranteed to kill him before he kills you. No if's, and's, or but's.
THANKS Yea Forums
The bull fight is really easy to cheese by running hard to either side when it first comes at you and then continuing to run circles and getting a free hit every time it digs the trunk into the ground for a turn.
This just run like mad and get behind him use the firecracker for a few more hits.
have you noticed that he uses his horns to make sharp turns
just dodge to his other side when he does that so he completely misses the charge dumbass
this game has been a gift, boys.
i love these threads
Sekiro does a really shit job of getting you into the game.
Fighing Ashina dude on top of the castle was fun as fuck, but the first two just straight up suck and do the actual combat system a disfavor. I wonder how I'll feel on a replay, but when starting out they are simply frustrating and don't help you get into the combat at all.
If you pretty much agree with my list of hardest to easiest so far, can you fill in the rest of the bosses so I know what to look forward to?
2 Ape
Genichiro isn't hard. If you struggled with him you probably won't be able to beat the main boss
Suzaku's Loaded Umbrella to tank his fireshit
Malcontent stuns him out of attacks
The fight is all about prosthetic tools
Based on your list you suck at deflecting, practice it or you'll never beat based sword saint
Are the Seven Spear guys supposed to one shot you?
nah, took him like 2 hits to finish me with about 2 posture upgrades