How will Yea Forums ever recover?

How will Yea Forums ever recover?

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Other urls found in this thread:

That doesn't even make sense

How am I gonna tell my dad bros?

How does it not make sense? Whenever someone says this they’re clearly just closeted.

Not always, but she’s got a point. Many an egg was hatched through vidya.

Real straight male chads just admit "I wan't to be a little girl"

High IQ

More like transition into an ass man

Absolutely seething

Nice try resetera fag

It's true. If you admire the female form to the extent of RP'ing as one, you have feminine inclinations.

I think the girl is hot, usually.

Suck his dick first

So is she insulting them or just deluded?

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Fucking. WHAT.

Boobs confirmed for superior

What if it's furry ass?

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literally who

Tell him in your Suicide note

Using the same shitty logic: If someone cares too much about what others play as, them the one who cares is a total faggot for giving a flipping fuck what other people do with their lives and their dicks.

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If you like girls you're a faggot

Fuck you. I like playing with digital dolls but that doesn't mean I need to get on hormone supplements and get unnecessary, purely cosmetic surgery to carve myself into some cunt's idea of a person that can play female video game characters.

For a movement built on stopping people from incorrectly defining other people's gender identity, Twitter whores sure like to define the people they don't like however they please.

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That's why ancient greeks were the manliest and gayest people on earth.

i always knew liking females is gay

Seethe harder discord tranny

This is not the same logic. Keep coping.

>some literally who
>animated avatar
>clearly made up name

So what does this tranny actually look like?

Nobody cares, bro.

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Moot please fucking block australia, these threads are 90% them and it's destroying Yea Forums


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But I'm playing a voluptuous, mature woman?

What a garbage thread

someone had to come out and say it.

Cared enough to post

100% gay, sorry you had to find out this way

yep bunch of fuckin werido's playing as females

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I play them because they're cute, my propensity for Crossdressing and homosex is not related and I dont play video games to represent myself or jack off

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>be kid
>into Everquest because shit parents/rich family
>play guys
>get no invites
>make female because those polygons did something to my pants
>typing habits were slow
>man of few words
>viewed as a shy lady by guildies before I knew wtf was going on
>ascend ranks
>sociopathic little shit for brains self cleans out the guild bank
>"its just a game bro"

I never got this, I hate black people does that make me black? Also, the “if you hate gay people you’re in the closet hurr durr”

If I could pass I would probably try it out but lord knows I wouldn't pass.
So I just accept what I am given.

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Thanks doc

>why do you play as a girl
>"I just really like girls"
how is this answer not acceptable?

>that hairline
Ouch. Why even bother at that point?

I really like the trope of the unexpectedly weak looking character being super powerful. Like a tiny cute looking bunny or a child being the strongest being in the world. Since women are generally expected to not be strong, I like playing as them and making them super strong for this purpose. Bonus points if I can be a loli.

When your right your right

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How am I "trans" if I like playing as cute girls?

Literally mentally ill. I play female characters in games because they're hot and I don't identify with any character I play no matter what it looks like.

What's up with that tatoo?

Doesn’t make any sense at all, it just means I like looking at females ass, although I usually play a male because in video games because female protagonists are cringe

i didn't realize it was possible to have tumblr injected directly into your face like botox


>if you like playing games with certain animated characters, this means you want to cut your penis off and shape to remains into a makeshift clitoris, and then enjoy taking semen into your anus
This society is dogshit

Nah it's because they keep forcing women in my games

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I just pick the cooler looking character. Usually men but some exceptions

>I am a tranny
>I like looking at virtual girls asses
>Thus, everyone who likes looking at virtual girls asses are trannies in denial

Fuck. How the fuck am I gonna tell my gf she's gay?

it's pozzed up

>make female character
>literally cannot see the character's ass
looks like i'm not trans, bros

OP confirmed for tranny as that is the only reason why they would know about such a monstrosity.

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>people constantly making threads on Yea Forums echoing this exact statement
>but the second some Twitter roastie says it, it's wrong

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Holy fucking shit

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yeah what if i exclusively watch lesbian porn. does that mean i'm trans too,


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I wish Fenneko had more high-quality porn. That one animated comic only has 3 or 4 pages.

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wtf I'm trans now bros

looks exactly like the avatar


of course it's a tranny trying to convince men they're actually trans. so much for being born that way
have you ever read the replies to those threads?

it's getting crazy out there isn't it?

>blue checkmark
>smug face as profile pic
I have absolutely no interest in whatever this person is saying.

>not wanting to fuck spiders

I think staring at some shitty polygonal legs and hips swaying for dozens of hundreds of hours is part of why I dont so much care for full frontal as much as I like backs, butts, and legs.
Gee user, its almost like identity is everything to them and who you identify with is everything you are a la v is one person mentality.

she's right

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What a jojoesque picture

I don't know about trans, but they are absolutely gay and trying to hide it.


It's a risk factor for developing such delusions.
This fag is crazy.

tldr: have sex


You will never be a real women/men

Whats wrong with some fantasizing?
As long as you recognize such a thing as an impossibility

Fags Visaggio.

I mostly play guys unless a female fits the class or role better.
Not like heal sluts or anything, I usually make the oldest, baldest men for healers but I usually use women for certain class identities that work for it. Never melee though. female melee animations are always ass .

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I do actually

I play girls because I want to be a girl. But I also understand that trying to change my gender via supplemental aesthetics will not make me a girl. I would rather enjoy make believe then try to make my fantasy reality.

Is this some three degrees separation way of telling them to kill themselves?

>wanting to dress up my virtual waifu makes me a tranny
in what world does this make sense?

This is offensive and I hope you fags with Twitter accounts are pointing it out to this deranged roast.


I can't really see my character's ass, does this mean I wont chop off my genitals?

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I like ass

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Name one videogame that requires you to roleplay

>First-person game or ugly female models
>Third-person game with good-looking female models

Recover from what? The leading theory has always been that trans people are the ones pushing the "lmao you played a girl you are a freak like me XD"
Do you think people who bought Tomb Raider or Dead or Alive or Senran Kagura didn't genuinely buy that shit for the tits and ass? People don't give a fuck, video game avatars are just objects.

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Local tranny projects their retard logic onto other people in broad surface level strokes; expects to be respected and taken seriously, just looks like a dumb asshole.

More at 11

Healthy and reasonable-pilled.

It's low iq self insert fags who can't even understand the concept of playing a character

What if I'm a girl who says this?

With a sexy interpretative dance

but homos love boys. they're obsessed with either cute twinks or incredibly manly men. why would a homo want to see a girl? the only time they would is when a game has a better female dress up system than it has cute boys/custom characters

Trash thread. leave and stop bumping while you can faggots.

haha imagine if this happened in real life

>transmetropolitan smiley
thats pretty based actually

90% of Yea Forums threads are jokes dude. I just spent an hour telling people how to spell in one of those Sekiro cheating threads.
I'm fucking Mexican.

Honestly I pick females because there’s something I like about hearing them yowling and screaming out of pain

but what if I like the femal voice actor?

How did he not notice his clothing change? His glasses missing? He's talking to himself but doesn't notice his voice change? Does he have a male voice still? THIS COMIC PISSES ME OFF

The more clinically retarded the person is, the less they can understand video games and real life are different things.
Twitter gave those people the ability to speak to the entire world about their stupid misconceptions and Yea Forums does its daily job at spreading the word further and further, with 91 replies on this utterly pointless opinion from a nobody.

>elder scrolls
>third person

They literally don't even try.

This is objectively correct because ass is a fetish for trannies, faggots, and niggers (who are more likely to be trans than the average population).

If you play as girls because you want to stare at their tits, hips, thighs and faces though then you're likely normal.

>tranny says something
>try to spin it as anything but delusional nonsense
retardera get ye gon

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Actually I'm just an autogynephile.

>still no Transmet TV series


>"I'm gonna play as this alien character because I appreciate how they're designed."
>This person is absolutely a closeted alien
Implying that no one is capable of the abstract thinking that separates their own identity from the image of the character that they play in a video game is retarded.

>hah, you do something common, so you must be just like me!
Same things furries do, "oh you think a girl with the equivalent of a headband accessory is cute? Certainly, you must be an actual zoophile such as myself."

It’s fun

What if I like to play as a female because I objectify women and playing as one in a game gives me the highest rush of total control over a woman that I could ever have?

You can RP in every game.

Nice lack of self awareness given there's a whole arc of transmetropolitan that calls trannies a bunch of easily influenced morons.

The Virgin MtF
>kills themselves by 30
>rarely passes
>has to maintain a literal axe wound
>becomes a widely hated minority

The Chad Autogynephile
>keeps it in the bedroom, always exciting
>shamelessly ERPs slutty characters for the enjoyment of his fellow man
>knows he's a male, has no delusion
>keeps his high societal position

Just sounds like you're insecure about your sexuality desu

It's the only thing worthwhile about the new tomb raider games

>implying I don't enjoy watching geralt a lot more than some random hoe.
ps I'm a girl

W-what?! No... It can't be true!! Can it?...

We live in society!

Its more like trying to look at something more common and deluding themselves that its the same as the specific weird thing the ydo.

Someone post the one where a tranny said something along the lines of "you're a pedophile because you would date a woman even though she used to be a young girl."

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I don't say this often, but based tranny. Habitual girl avatar pickers BTFO.

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coping trannies


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Only autists do that shit as a necessity though.

real men stare at dude ass

Is forgetting to dilate kinda like having an actual period?

>anime avatar ERPers
>chad anything
Nice try.

straight selfcest fantasies

this basically.
Living out your fetishes in everyday life is cringy and makes everyone hate you.

>he doesn't want to fuck spiders
You digust me

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Anytime you play a game you are least subconsciously role playing. Unless you just mindlessly play you are immersing yourself in some form. Stop coping tranny discord fag.

>not enjoying the entire hip, thigh, ass package
look guys, look how huwhite I am. do I fit in yet

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Is it possible for an image to be too perfect?

>Build cute character, ideal waifu type stuff
>Maybe base them off of a character
>Like waifu, dress her up to my horny minded liking

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>I like girls
what did he mean by this

All these proves trans are narcissistic as all fucks and can't comprehend that people may want to state at things they desire, and not become

That poor man.

>dat face tho

>why do you catcall women?
>because I want to be one

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That pain on the poor man's face, I'm so sorry...

ouch, I feel bad for that father

True but pussy is pussy

>I like girls and I must always broadcast how much I like girls no matter what I'm doing and if it doesn't call for it.

Sounds pretty gay to me bro.

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>taking nearly any checkmark seriously
>looking at twitter at all


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So gays are the straightest people out there? Fucking based

>trans are narcissistic
this is pretty evident in everything they do

What if I want to be a teenage girl?

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Absolutely incredible levels of seething ITT. Jamie, pull up one of those Steam profiles with an anime girl avatar.


I only play black wizzards, what does it say about me?

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I was bored

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Dab on that disgusting boomer. How fucking selfish to act like you're the victim of your daughter living her life in the best way for her.

>Yea Forums is now full of Republicans

What happened?

If you like male characters your gay
If you like female characters it means you want to cut off your dick, live in misery as a freak for a while before killing yourself

These people hate everything dont they

Jesus christ

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Mom's a libtard so pretending we care about fetuses and God will totally make her freak!

When a woman voices her opinion she's always always always absolutely wrong.

You know what, I don't even want to make fun because as tranny cartoon avatars go, that's really damn faithful. Even down to the man hand. Kudos.

it's just ironic bro, we're actually all post-modern Marxists

it tells me you have good taste in class choice
it also tells me you can't spell wizard

It's a he, no matter how desperate he might be to change that it's no more possible that changing the color of the ocean.

>Historically the ass was the primary attractor for males of our species
>Humans actually evolved large breasts in order to mimic their asses
>This faggot thinks you're subhuman for enjoying what our earliest ancestors did


Playing female characters is only weird if the game has romance, even if it has lesbian romance.

You can't make this shit up

Listen, folks. She's not saying female characters make you trans, only that using the ass excuse does (which is true 100% of the time.)

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hating tranny faggots is a cross spectrum phenomena.

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I'm sure you feel real accomplished posting this regurgitated comment. But you are not.


If you ignore the truth on purpose it will be repeatedly beaten in to you.

That means you wish you were black, retard. Which you probably do, shrimp dick.

Is there a Youtube video of this?

republicans get the gas chamber as well

>how will Yea Forums ever recover
I know how. Leave the freak to me, bros.

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The only spider I want to fuck

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Such a limited understanding of the truth as if it were absolute. It's like you take pride in being narrow minded.

the Joker (2019) trailer came out

Every side eventually goes full retard and needs to be balanced out.
Ying and yang.
This time, it is the left going full retard, one day it'll be the right again, then the left, and on and on.

Cutting off your dick doesn't make you a girl.

>random tranny has opinion
>Yea Forums instantly must know about it

Fuck off

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Can we stop using the terms "homophobia" or "transphobia", fear is not the same as hate.

>tfw exclusively fap to trap doujinshi and shemale porn
>"hooked up" recently and couldn't get it up because I though her pussy was gross
what the fuck is wrong with me

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normally I would just make a tranny joke but this twitter post is so fucking stupid it made me mad because of how stupid it was. I wish I could strangle this bitch and rape her, I dont even like rape, I think its gross and I've never even fapped to rape doujin's before, but I would violently rape her with a stick or something just to make her upset and then bash her fat fucking face in with a rock. Then I'll take a picture of her fat bloody ugly body and upload it to twitter and post:
"If anyone says 'because I hate trannies' when asked why they always bully trannies online, they are absolutely based"

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Can you imagine being so fucking autistic that you think all games are self-insert wish fulfillment? I really like the Donkey Kong games, guys. I think I identify as a gorilla. This is as bad as people who say they can't relate to characters that aren't their ethnicity but have no problem if the character is a super powered magic cyborg or whatever the fuck

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Being narrow minded is what sane people call being objectively correct. No matter how many times you add 2 to 2 it will never equal 5.

>People actually think the character in the game is them
I feel like this is some BS that people who don't play games think happens. I have never thought of myself as the actual character in the game. I switch back and forth between male and female characters. Female characters are more fun to dress up then dudes. Honestly though worrying about what it means to choose a gender is what people with no self confidence do.

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You are just a straight as fuck chad and you need a hotter woman, that's all

>playing a female character
>get hurt
user are you watching porn again?!

Oh god, is that actually the biohazard tattoo people get when they're HIV positive? That thing is even more disgusting than I first thought.

Objectivity is a pacifier for the intellectually myopic.

By that logic females who make male characters are trans

Looks EXACTLY like the drawing in the twitter profile

you need to lay off the pron
[spoilers]pussy is gross though[/spoiler]

>That fucking power walk

>females who make male characters
never happens

It does when the game allows gay romance

It's like you take pride in mutilating yourself

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The pained look on his fucking face, poor man

>his tiny feet dangling from the chair
Manlets are hilarious. I could see why nobles used them as jesters.

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>Not making a cute girl character that you want to fuck
I can't wait for Code Vein.

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I'll take "Twitter tantrums with the mere and hollow objective of self validation" for $500, Alex.

Objectivity is a measurable and demonstrable feature of reality. Your new age philosophy being hip and obscure doesn't make it anything more that narcissistic sophistry.

I fapped to this, god I miss scene and goth fashion

but the cartoon avatar already looks like the lady(man).
I think you missed the point on that one


Trannies also say Bowsette is trans, they just try to make everything about them and their delusions instead of considering alternate viewpoints (Rule 63), I'm not buying it.

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>what is every MMO ever

you are dumb. They make male characters all the time.




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It's true though
Guys who play as girls in games are the type who would ask for Barbie dolls when they were younger
Deep down they still want a Barbie doll to play dress up with so they play as female as a way to act that out since they're male
In case you want a nostalgia fap.

A good body, nice boobs and body is important too and somewhat of a personality

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idk dude, i guess you're boned

>twitter user saying something that is unequivocally true for once

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I was literally raised by liberal lesbian moms and am in a democratic/left as fuck family and i still think trannies are disgusting and extreme examples of denial at its worst


>Giant turtle monster dragon lizard
>Female version is evil Peach with huge tits and ass
You know you're a mentally insane when you think that is at all relate-able to you.

>anyone who answers "i like girls" is a closet faggot
this seems pretty prejudiced, guys, is magdalene vitilego #Cancelled?

"egg" is code for "chance to convert this boy to our totally not cult"

I like laughing at trannies at all but I never thought about the damage they would do not to themselves but to their loved ones. Its kinda sad.

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>I was literally raised by liberal lesbian moms
I'd kill myself. Having one mom was enough to make me hate women

Just because you do, doesn't mean we're all retards, fag.

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If you stare at a Man's ass you're Gay
If you stare at a Women's ass you're Trans
If you dont stare at any ass you're a Sexist Bigot

I don't get this strip. Like what do they expect us to say? I play a girl because I want to be one? Is that it? Fuck off. I watch anime for cute girls I'll do the same for video games.

stop what?

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You took the GAMP pill

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no they dont
especially in MMOs where they can bait virgins into getting gifts just by being a girl


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Think I'm in love


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I'm sorry bro..

>Tfw all that hentai gave me a literal vagina fetish
>Glorious soft wet hole made to massage my penis into orgasm whether i want it or not

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Just because I like roleplaying as a girl doesn't mean I'm mentally ill. And guess what? Who gives a fuck. lots of people fantasize about being the opposite gender. I wish I was a qt fit lez but I'm not, and no amount of lying to myself or pretending to be will ever change that. I enjoy having a dick, baning my gf and am completely content with being a guy.

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>it's all about mommy issue
Makes so much sense, have sex.
especially with your mom

guess what faggots trannies are here to stay there aint jack shit you can do about it apart from seethe online you fucking bigots

Nothing. You realized roasties can't please you. Do what I did and get yourself a trap gf, I've never been happier

Nothing more tempting than a dripping pussy.

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Should've guessed when the animated avatar was pretty cute looking.

Bi, Non-Trans man here, in games with character customization I pick a girl if they have long hair and girls don't, like in Pokemon and Splatoon. Physically attracted to dicks so I'm not getting rid of mine.

It's from the hit 2001 comedy, Evolution, starring A-list actor Orlando Jones.

Lib here. Fuck trannies. Literally a waste of political capital. Could be better spent of healthcare, fighting poverty or giving kids better education opportunity. LGBT issues are literally first world problems for people well off enough who don't have actual problems in their lives.

I make characters that I wouldn't mind getting shrunken down and eaten by.

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I dunno when I play Near A Tomato I find myself staring up 2B's butt often, its a work of art.

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Those fucking shoulders lmao

Can't beat the 2D pussy

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>If you don't play games with female protagonists you're a misogynistic pig
>If you do play games with female protagonists you're a tranny

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What else would be band together over and laugh at?

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You're fucking gay. Enjoy your aids.

Yes I love playing as a girl in vidya and yes I am an incel, any questions?

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>"a nobody on twitter has an opinion oh no!"

Doesn't he know that consuming food on a daily basis for sustenance is something that white supremacists do? He should immediately cease this behaviour, as since white supremacists engage in it willingly and have adopted it.
Fucking faggot

No shit.

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Why haven’t you tried escorts or some hooker?

If the technology ever becomes available to properly swap into a cute female body, I'll take it the moment I can afford it. As of now, gender reassignment surgery turns you into a freak, and I certainly don't want to be a girl with a """""vagina""""" and a male bone structure. Maybe 1% of men can pull off a transition well if they have feminine features to start with.

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Or random tinder girl

That doesn't count.
You won't learn anything if you just pay someone to fuck you.

Heh you missed the checkmark next to their name incel

what a freak show

>caring for the opinion of a mentally-ill person who roleplays as a woman 14/7



I want to have my brain extracted and put into a robotic elven loli body.
That's the only body superior to my own though, you have to be not just insane but also retarded to use hormones/mutilate yourself.

On a planetary scale, you, as a male, are a minority.

the fact that trannies try to claim felix makes me seeth more than anything else


thanks doc

If you have the money even some girls at my college fuck for cash get a job or just go on tinder


Learn the real term you bigot transphobe, its a """""sigmoid neovagaina"""""

All pussy is good as long as it's tight, wet and ready.

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I don't understand people that refuse to play a game unless they can literally self insert themselves into the MC. I've been playing games all my life and not once have I wanted to play a character just like myself. Why the hell would anyone want to do that? It seems boring af.

They grew up, got jobs, and started paying taxes.

user stop using the big boy words on the retarded inbred monkey.
That's not playing fair.

Glad there's other fags like me out there.
Keep on keeping on m8.

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Based. Fuck post-modernism and trannies in general

Not for long. XD

Attached: Trannies.png (738x669, 186K)

Nobody plays games to play literally themselves. People use games as escapism, to play as their ideal self.
If your ideal self is of the opposite sex you may have some thinking to do.

"customization" is a meme that sadly sells games. Common gamedev mantra is character creation instantly regardless how miniscule it is because people get attached to their "custom" character even if it's just choose between 5 hairstyles & color.

tldr: people are retards.

Reminder, being a tranny is no different than wearing a fursuit in public.

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Perfectly okay and nothing to be harassed over?

I know this is bait but my most politically inclince liberal friend and his gf have one of those "this is a place of acceptance we believe in equality blah blah" plaques that are prevalent because we live in a nightmare totalitarian right wing world because of drumpf and they spent a good portion of time ridiculing an old friend(who I also knew) for still being with a tranny all these years.

The truly "woke woke" people are like 3% of the adult population.

>if your ideal self is an elf, dwarf, orc, robot you may have some thinking to do

This is your logic, retard.
>ideal self
You're just another idiot who thinks his reason is the only reason, just like the tranny in the OP

I like female draenei butts and tits I wish they were real so I can breed with them, I you really wanted to be a woman, you couldn't even stare at your own ass without a mirror, this is stupid.

I love looking at women guess that makes me a woman lol.

That has to be one of the dumbest statements i've read in a while

Attached: 1524754527460.jpg (236x236, 8K)

it's saying all ass mans are fagggots

>that last pic
Fuck you buddy. Joosten is cute! CUTE!


What about a girl who plays male characters?
Or people who play as genderless beings like monsters or robots or something?

Attached: marie think.png (1280x1279, 249K)

so because I like looking at a girls ass that makes me wrong as a straight male?

twitter is full of fucking retards, I swear.

Minority here, fuck you.

People who play as the girl are just in the closet

Thank you my dude, have a swell week

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If I could turn into a 10/10 anime girl I'd do it in a heartbeat and masturbate immediately.

>People use games as escapism, to play as their ideal self.
See I disagree entirely with that. It's a character, it has nothing whatsoever to do with my ideal self. When I played SR3 I played as the crazy Russian chick because I found her entertaining. I certainly don't want to be her. I don't want to be any character I play in a game. I don't personally identify with any of them.

I only want to be a cute 2D girl.
Trannies are disgusting and ugly and I'd never want to delude myself into thinking otherwise by being one.
That's the difference between someone like me and the creature in the OP. I acknowledge both that desire and the fact that mutilating myself and wearing a dress isn't going to make me cute girl.


What's even the point of this thread?

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>What about a girl who plays male characters?
what are FtM
>Or people who play as genderless beings like monsters or robots or something?
what is Agender?

>really like a painting
>prefer it over another
>like to stare at it because its aesthetics are simply appealing to me
>I am trans-visualist now

Attached: 190.gif (448x285, 1.86M)

>girl who plays male characters
tranny or fujo
>genderless beings
almost always have low self esteem or fleeting sense of self

I'm way more left of center than I am right and I gaurn-goddamn-tee I pay more taxes than you, faggot.

>Little Timmy plays with Barbie
>"Hmm, something might be wrong with little Timmy"
>Little Timmy plays with virtual Barbie
>"Wow look at how hetero little Timmy is, literally can't get enough of that ass."

One of these is frequently said, the other one has never been said.

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Well all do user.

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Attached: when you're a weeb incel and you need sex so bad you'd even fuck a man 😂😂😂😂� (949x301, 138K)

That's not even close to being the same thing.


he cute

>That 5'o'clock shadow
Way to not try at all

Attached: 1536869001493.gif (220x235, 1.02M)

then I'm sorry?

Its true, if you like playing as women in games you are a bit of a fag. If you feel comfortable playing as a female and pursuing men in romantic options then you are 100% a fag. If you for any reason decide to roleplay as a woman in a game when you could have been a man you enjoy pretending to be a girl.

If you don't know what RP is then, yes. Otherwise, no.

Yea Forums has shitposters that talk about how being a girl makes you a tranny an actual tranny says it reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee hmmmmmm is this double standard

>How will Yea Forums ever recover?
by living past 30 lmao.

All of the recent threads talking about emos and shit made remember how great it was. I hope it makes a comeback one day

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>stare at man's ass
>"Haha you're GAY!"
>stare at women's ass
>"Haha you're TRANS!"

Attached: 1540801123914.png (400x236, 57K)

Everyone who plays and played Tomb Raider is GAY and a TRANNY. you could have played a manly game but you played a game where you RP as a strong girl.


Attached: 06d.jpg (1385x2025, 1.24M)

You've been looking at so much porn you've got too used to an 'fantasy/pretty' version of what genitalia looks like, as well as exclusively seeing just dick. I say lay off the porn or you have a porn problem or you're gay.

I'm not a Republican I just hate trannies.

Attached: laughinggirls.gif (700x285, 3.38M)

You have to go full circle, you go from perfect look genitalia into complete degeneracy until you start slurping blood during sharkweek and tell her to stop shaving.

Holy shit.

>this tranny dude is more jacked and manlier than me
>im just a manlet guy
oh no no no no

I play female for the yuri options, never ever picked the male romance option while playing a female character, thats the real gay/tranny shit.

If you're male and play a female character and choose a female to romance you're straight.

Make the female option only "average" in looks, and those same guys wont be picking the female option (unless the guys look like cavemen too)

If my only option in a female character was the average american burger chugger, i sure as hell wouldnt pick the female option.
Trans people would.

Now you know who's what.

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I "played" with barbies like rubbing my dick and cumming on them and stuff
Never play as women though(when given the choice)

I'm indifferent to trannies apart from when they try and tell me what to think and feel and explain my own motivations and reasons to me. TRANSPLAINING NEEDS TO CEASE.

I never played as chicks but now by all means I'm gonna do it just to despise mentally ill trannies and insecure retards of Yea Forums.

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You're gay, simple.

It's gold and white, I can't imagine how much of a tranny you have to be to think otherwise

Imagine deluding yourself into thinking that your hormone imbalanced mangled sorry excuse for a human body can ever hope to compare with the scientifically proven idealistic aesthetic peak of an anime girl's body.

Fuckig imagine it.

You can quite literally put your self into the role of the character and use your imagination to be that character.
Are you autistic? Autistic people have trouble imagining things, or doing things outside of what is specifically told of them to do.

I can guarantee a ton of Yea Forums posters watch shemale porn in fact if porn habits were reviewed Yea Forums would be the most degenerate along with /pol/

I'm unironically a TERF

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Neither does wanting to chop your own dick off and shove a stint into your taint, but here we are.

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>He doesn't know

So fucking true just look at The Division, the female preset characters were so unnattractive and ugly, I think deliberately, that I just decided to play as the male and not even bother with a second female character like I usually do cause they're all fucking ugly

holy shit Yea Forums btfo forever

It's blue and black.
t. former white and gold fag.

It's the most hilarious when a mtf gets propped up as a more legitimate voice than a "'cis""""""" woman on women related matters.

It's not as bad as perhaps i made it sound, they're not obnoxious california-tier, they just have democratic opinions and stuff and vote for bernie. Everything went pretty okay in life, lost virginity at the healthy age of 16 and have had healthy relationships most of my life. My only real qualm is that we moved a lot and i really badly miss having a father figure in my life (had a dad before mom became a lesbian when i was like 11 or so)

But other than that it has been fine

I feel for this father. It's not like his son is just gay, he wants to be an "it"

He's right though. Just look at this thread. "I like dressing them up." or "I like roleplaying as a girl!!" Anything other than generic male or a funny mess is tranny territory. Cope.

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Actually wait. I mained Xenia Onatopp in Goldeneye.

>I like playing with digital dolls
Just look at what you said man. You're insane. Weebshit has broken your mind. It's like a little boy playing with barbie dolls and saying "I'm not gay".

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"i don't think that's how it works"


god forbid

The important thing in this comic is what it doesn't say: literally anything. for as much as it implies that there's a problem with this behavior, it never outright states why it's a problem.

Which is the real question: Why is it someone's problem what, who or how I play in a videogame?

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We’ve known this for years

>I like your ass!

>not wanting to fuck spiders
fucking pleb

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It's only the people that make excuses for their character choices that are trannies.

Considering your fetishes, are we talking about an actual pussy?

>assuming someones gender
not even 40 words and ya already fucked up,

>When the HRT suddenly turns you into Stefanie Joosten

Im sure they would love that but LOL

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"Dad, Magdalene Visaggio has diagnosed me with the gay because I like looking at female asses"

>stare some women ass irl or in a video game
>I'm trans now

Attached: 1554803839971.jpg (1024x748, 114K)

>I "played" with barbies like rubbing my dick and cumming on them and stuff
My nigga.

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>guy playing female characters keeps coming up with explanations for why
>none of them seem to satisfy him or his friend and seem more like excuses

>didn't even realize that was the mgs4 memegirl
>thought that it still wasn't convincing
wew joosfags on life alert

Attached: Capture.jpg (717x340, 45K)

wide nose huge forehead lmao 5/10

This tranny has good videos on pornhub

If I could turn into an actual cute girl tomorrow I would take it in a heartbeat, just because it would make my life easier and society would be more accepting of who I am as a person, that doesn't make me trans. Still perfectly happy being male.

Playing video games is one thing but actually self inserting as the characters puts the word "manchild" on a totally different level.

and the his friend turns him into a fag, which is better than a tranny because at least he hasn't been mutilated.

you can't just say that and not link any

>big tits, small areola
miss me with that gay shit

fuck off normie

>if you like the opposite sex you are trans
peak clown world

You got a problem with dolls buddy?

Attached: 1515473562100.jpg (2048x1365, 334K)

>liking big areola
unironically the worst taste

If this faggot isnt proof enough that gay couples shouldnt be allowed to have kids I dont know what is.

I'm very liberal in a number of my viewpoints... it's just that the left has dramatically gone WAY further left. It's almost as if liberalism has pushed the scale to the side and now I find myself identifying more with certain conservative viewpoints because liberal ones are absolutely insane by comparison.

when did it become socially acceptable to let your fetishes dominate your entire lifestyle?

Nah, they are just proving they are simply fags by using the
>h-haha you don't like gays that means ur gay

Societal corruption has escalated really fucking fast in the last few decades. It's Rome all again pretty soon.

they make my pp tingle


Well? What do you think it's trying to say? Please share your opinion.

>society would be more accepting
Maybe if you're some no ambition loser. Men still dominate every important field and no amount of feminism is gonna stop that. Women are able to get away with doing nothing and if thats all you want to do then have fun being a tranny. No amount of mental gymnastics will change the fact you have a mental illness.

Attached: this_is_your_home_now-600x373.jpg (600x373, 69K)

>my way of thinking is so indoctrinated and dictated by social standards and my upbringing that any abnomaly outside of it must be shunned and judged
Enjoy your masculine safespace bro while I get to hang out with my pretty dolls and girls praising me for my superior taste in clothing which is not only represented online but also offline in the real world due to my fashion choices.

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Well, I have the ugly fat bearded man part down so I'm already rocking the transwoman look.

I recognized him pretty fast when I saw it. Dont have a link though sorry but I know his face is on the video preview

>this necessitates roleplay as a requirement to play

>Oh boo hoo people disagree with me so I need to pretend things have changed even though I'm just a newfag

this is the gayest shit i've read since the prison experiences of donny the punk.

Why stare at my own character’s ass when I can stare at other’s?

>be autogynephile
>live out both the fantasy of being the qt girl and being with a qt girl in one when making my custom character since both are pretty much impossible IRL

feelsgoodman, I don't care what some tranny thinks, they always make everything about themselves and their delusions, they should learn to accept reality not force everyone to accept their version of reality, despicable.

Attached: TESV_2017_06_24_00_22_29_719.jpg (1920x1080, 1.13M)

Because why the fuck not?

True. Sexualizing and objectifying women is just an expression of my transness. Please do not criticize me for it.

Everyone who takes srs time to make a character is insane
it isn't a girl, incel

>not liking gay porn
What's wrong user? Not comfortable enough with your sexuality?

>trans because you like looking st female asses

I...what? Just how deep into clown world will we go?

You like playing with digital dolls too, user. You just prefer them with a penis, for some reason. I'm not judging your preferences, I'm simply not pretending, like you are, that this hobby we all share is in anything but playing around.

You're accusing someone on Yea Forums of being a crazy manchild. Think about that for a moment. You're a pot who waded into a SEA of fucking kettles and called me, specifically, black. And yeah, I'm a degenerate. Years of social anxiety and Yea Forums have left me an escapist weeb glued to a computer screen.

I'm aware of this. Are you?

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Attached: TESV_2017_07_10_20_12_27_716.jpg (1920x1080, 1.42M)

I never knew it was so easy to transition

You're mentally fucked.

This post is absolutely fucking retarded however I play females because I wish I could look just like them

>Men still dominate every important field and no amount of feminism is gonna stop that.
That's where you're wrong.Men will become apathetic.The decline will be long, and it may never end.

My family was a straight couple before it was a gay couple though nigger

actually is because being in control of a woman us rape and savages love rape
now excuse me while i go back to playing cheetah in lego batman 3

Attached: images (1).jpg (417x505, 24K)

>he hasn't seen her 10/10 tits.
Underage detected

Remember kids, you aren't born trans, you are convinced that you are.

Stop posting literally who twitter screenshots

>tfw ywn become your custom character and have lewd yuri times with her

Attached: TESV_2017_06_24_00_24_03_555.jpg (1920x1080, 1.09M)

Attached: gamingcharacters.png (2048x2048, 765K)

And here they are taking hormones when all they needed to do was play videogames. Silly trans idiots.


> that doesn't make me trans.
Did you miss this part user? I'm not trans and never will be because I'm happy being male, there are still aspects of who I am that are more accepted when women do them than men, that's just true of practically anyone, male or female. Who I am just fits under societal standards for girl more so than guy

If I had the option to magically turn into a girl I would take it, but I'm otherwise fine being a guy for the rest of my life.

I'm sure that sounded very clever in xir head but it makes no sense whatsoever.

Nah, certainly not because some online virgin says so

It's so much cheaper this way too

Maybe hes a Discworld fan. And btw shopped image, apparently that guy bitch is mighty insecure and shop him

Remember when "normal" people would screenshot Yea Forums posts as if they were serious and get angry about them? This is Yea Forums with Twitter now.

elder scrolls five? what the fuck this is skyrim? what did you mod it to have modern interiors? I know it has model mods for females and also even a femboy mod.

>everyone plays videogames with the exact same mindset as ME

Jesus fucking christ.

>430 replies and 112 images omitted

But why

This clearly isn't true. Men have a drive to succeed and women have a drive to service and help. Men will always be CEOs and quarterbacks. Hardcore feminists are already dying out and if you get out of the twitter sphere world you realize the world is fine (atleast in america).

its Halofarm's Aether Suite, its cyberpunk as fuck

Attached: TESV_2017_06_24_00_51_48_188.jpg (1920x1080, 1.11M)

Yea Forums - twitter screenshots

Good tranny shit to laugh at. Nothing better for morale to remember you will never get THAT low

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Attached: Dead inside.png (1920x1080, 2.81M)

I play vidya as female characters because I can and I'm not a self-inserting faggot with no imagination.

Attached: 1512882286971.jpg (987x700, 95K)

does it just add a whole area to the game or something?

>can't tell if dude or really ugly girl

Attached: 1548289915038.gif (250x250, 1.22M)

it's dark and there are neon lights you mean

Remember, every kid who plays with matches is a pyromaniac and every guy who has thoughts of being a girl is a transexual.
Welcome to the modern day.

Literally who?

Based Lee living up to the expectations of his sensei

Yeah. You use a teleport spell to get to it. Pretty kino ngl.

>Twitter screenshot
>Tranny at that
>Insane tranny which partially responsible for the demise of comics and has made threats to other people

A thread actually discussing a game died for this.

Attached: 56879301_633626877065073_6659347058735972352_o.jpg (1920x1080, 84K)

Yup, pretty big ass area, cyberpunk city and Japanese school, several private dimension rooms, sex club.

Best part is its all empty of NPC's, I get to experience my lewdest fantasies

I don't get how these idiots could call pinkpilling a meme when they go around making retarded statements like that.


>Your Self
Are YOU autistic?
Since when is merely influencing the plot putting your entire self into a role?
Hell, a vast majority of people are able to make options that wouldn't do at all themselves like genocide.

>I'm a female!
>but I had to transition for it

doesnt count lmao try being born female first faggot

oh fug, I don't have much SFW screens

Attached: TESV_2017_07_10_19_21_42_286.jpg (1920x1080, 1.93M)

You're not trans until you actually fucking "transition", whether openly want to be a girl or in denial about it. Dumb fucking trannies. I don't even care if you actually believe you were wrong in the wrong body as long as you don't actually try to do anything about it. Because you can't.
Can we just go back to the classic "if you play as a girl you're gay lmao"?

Registered Republican and I say fuck you alt-libtards.

>The cope in this thread

Also: here to remind you fags that you HAVE to play a male in Cyberpunk 2077, as its the way the developers intended. Doing otherwise is basically coming out to the world as trans.

True because any actually straight person would know that you're looking at her feet.

>you have to be a republican to think chopping your one and only penor off because of some invasive thoughts isn't a thing a sane person would do.

>whether openly
*whether you openly
>you were wrong in the wrong body
*born in the wrong body

Wouldn't hurt to proofread right after reformatting and not after posting.

>twitter screencap thread
>almost 500 replies
based Yea Forums

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_14.16_[2019.04.05_16.51.44 (1920x1080, 237K)

Men who voluntarily play as a woman in games are incels, this is NOT for debate.

If you're male and you always choose female characters that just means you're a horny teen.

Most of us aren't even fucking Americans fuck off.

>tfw you're a lesbian mtf


Attached: 1550190903421.jpg (950x1350, 208K)

>I don't know what role play means

>"if you play as a girl you're gay lmao"?

Even that was as retarded as the tranny argument, cause it completely ignores us yurifags

Attached: TESV_2016_09_18_00_15_16_468.jpg (1920x1080, 1.77M)

Only if they stare at a man's ass.

But this is a tranny anyway. He thinks everything is trans.
>blue checkmark
yep, it's retarded

Hey all you ass lovers. I gave her the okay because it was kinda hot in a way. She's happy, I'm happy. Fast forward to today, visiting my mom. I'm finishing making my mac and cheese when I hear my mom gasp loudly from the family room. I came in with the mac and cheese, and ask what's up.
My mom gave me the most disgusted face in my life, like I was covered in ants. I ask what's up again. That's when my girl turns to me with this shit-eating grin and says: "I told her how we sniff each other at night."

B-but the armor looks better!!!

Attached: ugh.png (440x229, 51K)

>in an unsurprising turn of events, user doesn't understand women
Have you never come across male or genderless avatars that refuse to get on mic?

Most people in this thread don't realize that OP is posting from an iPhone or an iPad

Why are mobile posters so cancerous.

I play as a girl in games unless the game has romance, then obviously I play as a guy I'm not a faggot.

Attached: 1551098211647.png (920x3004, 716K)

>tablets are phones

>waifuing your own avatar
kinda autogynephilic dude

For the first time ever, I picked the girl as the main character in a first playthrough on Pokemon Sun, because fuck the boy option, he looks like shit and has shit outfits compared to the girl.

It's not as retarded because there is no agenda behind it, and it's basically a meme at this point.

shut the fuck up, tumblr.

>if I change the discussion, I'm not retarded.
No, you own up to what you said nigger.
That's not roleplay at that point, that's self-inserting.
You even said "literally" so it's not even vague.

So if you played tomb raider you are a disgusting piece of shit that need to be killed with fire(tranny)

Holy incel. Weebshit made you gay looool.
Yeah so? It made you mad enough to write that inane post in reply to me. It clearly hit home kek.

You're literally a faggot so instead of being in denial accept it and kill yourself

Attached: 1515575139767.jpg (236x341, 9K)

Reminder if this picture turns you on you're in fact a homesexual because I said so.

Attached: 787347.jpg (1080x1350, 90K)

>Used to play females in MMOs
>Fell down the ERP rabbit hole
>Found out very quickly that I am not gay
>Haven't touched a female character since

I guess the silver lining is that all this happened when I was in my early teens. Might have turned out very differently if it happened in my later teens.

Attached: 1492680499223.gif (204x204, 3.84M)

>male or genderless avatars that refuse to get on mic?

Oh fuck women do this too?
kek its like me playing female characters in MMOs, i just wanna be left the fuck alone

Attached: 2015-01-12_00080.jpg (1920x1076, 186K)

Are you guys even reading back half the shit you type out? This thread has the most mental gymnastics I've ever seen.

obviously they're all lesbians in mens' bodies, like the subhuman in the OP

Unholy fuck this made me laugh harder than it should

You are quite literally role playing, even if it's on a sub conscious level. You are putting your self in a fake role, in a fake world, and putting your self in the role of the protagonist. You're just autistic.

>tablets aren't mobile

A belly nipple?