I'm going to Wendy's, you guys want anything while I'm there?

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SOTN >>>>> Shallow Knight

I sure love a good burger

Good to know you consider both junk.

>food analogy
I fucking hate mutts

>you can shoot in any angle
>what is this dumb zoomer shit for fucking zoomers

Get me a four for four with the double jr burger and some sweet and sour sauce. That shit is too good.

Well, it was made that way for dumb zoomers, so

This is a good post. Hollow Knight is basically a peak Metroid game for the 2010's, for all the reasons you mentioned

>no flavor of the month

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Just get me the GJBC combo dawg

Hollow Knight is garbage.

No, don't even try to say hollow shite is better than anything because it isn't.
Learn good level design before posting here ever again.
Let me guess, HK is one of the first games you ever tried in this genre.

One Dave’s double with no pickles. Thanks, user. Hollow Knight was great and I still have the Pantheon to do.
I wish my local Wendy’s was closer. Stuck with McDonald’s and Burger “Pink-tax” King.

ok retard

>Food analogy

Good job causing all this seething OP.

>Not Culver’s

Cringe and blue pilled

>tfw they stopped selling my favorite burger

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Environmental Station Alpha

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Super Metroid shits on both of those games and SOTN is still the undisputed king

>I don't like it so it's reddit

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>things I don't like are Reddit

this is worse than food analogies

Welcome to Yea Forums where if i don't like something or agree with you, you and that thing are reddit.

McDs is cheaper than wendys tho

Metroid Samus Returns is pretty mediocre, haven't played Hollow Knight though but I certainly agree with trashing that mediocre metroid game.

reddit cannot shut the fuck up about hollow knight

this meme is shit

- Bullshit difficulty not at all in line with the game's overall design
- Forced damage
- RNG bosses
- hope you like platforming on platforms that are not aligned in any way
- that gap you thought was a gap you could dash over actually has the other side one pixel higher so you fall in the spikes
+ cute art
+ cheap as dirt

Every other metroidvania ever:
+ An enjoyable challenge balanced accordingly to the game's mechanics
+ cute art
- costs a bit more than 10$

Never been to a Wendy's before. Just whatever you think is iconic.

Not that guy but I like Hollow Knight's aesthetic the most of this genre

>implying Super Metroid doesn't shit on both of them

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I'll get you the Barnyard burger.
>chicken patty
>meat patty

i can't eat pig meat. could i get something less.... deadly?

Alright, if I ever visit the US, that's what I'll look for.

Yeah I'll get you the baconator Hussein.

But the fish fillet is good...

All Metroid games in general are insanely overrated and people only think theyre good because of the nintendo bonus.
If I was to rate Metroid is a 5/10 in reality while HK is a 9/10

It's not on the menu but they can ring it up; special order.

filet o fish is significantly cheaper. This comparison makes no sense

HK is reddit. Just look at it, the protagonist almost looks exactly like the reddit mascot.

>fucked up my stomach in dec
> stuck to a really bland diet ever since
> if I deviate I get ultra fucked. Like, flare so bad I lose 20 pounds fucked.
Think of me when you eat your burgers and pizzas, anons

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Symhony of the Night is one of the best games ever made and it can never be overated because it's literally as good as the memes say.

That shit wasnt even fotm

I wanted to like it but those graphics are just too terrible
Can't believe he isn't even trying to improve them at all for the sequel

too much linear level design of long hallways full of enemies, the inverted castle is a gimmick that harms the level design and loses its appeal on a replay thus becoming annoying
too easy to become overpowered and too easy in general, 'RPG' systems if you can call it that aren't as good as Aria and later games

it has the style and great music, and moving around feels good, but it's not the best metroidvania at all

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AM2R is better than Super

>it has the style and great music, and moving around feels good,
A flash fucking game

I liked La Mulana the most... but I guess it doesn't really have the merit to be held above cult classics.

SotN has the style and great music, and moving around feels good, but it's not the best metroidvania at all

>le funko pop aesthetic
I bet those three "talented people" actively post on reddit, possibly even moderate their own board.

>- Bullshit difficult
how to discredit your own opinion in two words: by user

All good criticisms, but I subjectively feel that doesn't topple it from my GOAT metroidvania

>3D trying to be 2D

nightmare king is actually bullshit but the rest of the game is pretty easy

A cup of chili please. Thanks user

>primary white colour
Shit you're right, it all adds up.

Been a while since we last had a HK bait thread

Well might as well use it. Anyone else even mildly excited for Bloodstained?

In Thai Mcdonalds they have something called a Samurai Burger and they serve mcnuggets with plum sauce.


>No Arby's

Shit taste desu

Want anything from Whataburger user?

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isn't that just a regular sandwich though

Hell no! In n' Out is way better

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Ya pick me up a McChicken my guy

>In n' Out is way better

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>hipsters hyping up an overpriced big mac

fuck off hollow knight shouldn't be compared to processed carcinogenic garbage

Imagine being at videogames

I second this!

Great taste, anonymouse!

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flats are for people who play fortnite

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>mfw wendy's got rid of the spicy nuggets

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it's legs or wings you fuck


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The redpilled decision is getting half winds half legs because it's more fun that way
And you're on average eating less chickens

Hey guys I'm going to the cheese store down the street, what do you want?

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I felt those graphics where part of the charm.
Felt like I was playing a lost C64 classic at times, and the soundtrack also reflected that.

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>Not food apology
one job

I wish Captain D's was closer to me. It's pretty good but a bit far.

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>Copy paste bosses
>Dumbed down combat
t. didn't play the original nor the remake.

I generally prefer the legs, but both are better than boneless "wings."

has Yea Forums always been this easy to bait or is this a recent development
maybe i'm just becoming old and senile

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Why are americans so obssessed with fast food?

this isn't bait its just mindless off topic shitposting. But yes now its easier then before to bait or get replies. When you pretend to be retarded or contrarian its "based and redpilled" instead of a simple "lurk more" or "fuck off"

AM2R is better than that

>Linear is bad

>make 2 hour game
>stretch it into a 20 hour game by making people go through this 2 hour game multiple times because "hurr you didn't have the item to get the thing here make sure to go through the whole area again after getting it!"
This "nonlinear is good" meme has to stop.

it's good when it gives you options, but bad if you're forced to backtrack through the same shit multiple times

Yea how about a number my fat cock in your throat?

In and Out is trash shilled to NPC tourists, Applepan is whats up.

Flats easy

na bro, im good.

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Based and redpilled. Throw in a crispy chicken sandwich too

I am not familiar with the pink tax meme. What does it mean?

Just a reverse psychology way of swindling money out of gullible ladies who don't know better.

Female products cost more than their male counterparts even though they're made with the same about of bullshit.

ie: Female razors costing more than men's.

Enabled by the stupidity of women who need to buy it because it's a women's product. If they would stop falling for it and buy the men's product it would stop being a thing.

Giant burger that looks good in everything you've seen it in but when you try it you become disappointed and your stomach hurts for the rest of the day
Reliable choice that you've remembered since you were a kid
Seems about right

imagine being at videogames
so fat you look and see food

drums are a dumb name.
They're still wings, not legs
You fuckers would know this if you ever actually cooked a real chicken.

>People unironically defending Reddit from hate because it got popular to hate Reddit
Why, fucking why. Reddit is the lowest tier of media fucking god why do you scoundrels do this

>Every other metroidvania ever:
>cute art
user, that's not even close to true.

look, nigga, we don't have carl's on the east coast, and it blows my dick so hard the cum went back into my balls and came out my ass with my testicles,

please don't remind me about carl's jr, k?

>Get Vorpal blade
>Kill everything by spamming one button

Fucking, why the fucking HELL did wendy's get rid of their green tea? It was so fucking good! God damnit, im so mad they did that. I would go there on my breaks and get a large green tea. Any other fast food chains have green tea? My life will never be complete again.

Yeah, I want my old baconator recipe back, the new one tastes like shit!

Taco Bell's Mango Fiesta tea kinda tastes like green tea, I guess.

>less than $10

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In the trash and out of my hand.

The right answer is an Angus Steak burger and AM2R

user specifically worded it as an allergy, not a preference, you Supersized fucking moron.

can I get a fuckin uuuuuuh pantysgawn

God, I love Harvey's.

Confirmed faggot, go beat the Pantheon of Hallownest you double legger

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>mfw can't get into sidescrolling metroidvanias anymore because 3D action adventure games have ruined me and I can't go back to inferior 2D exploration.

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Always user

Metroid Samus Returns
>level design
>power up design
>puzzle design
>enemy design

Hollow Knight
>world building

Hollow Knight is more fairly compared to Dark Souls since the things that Samus Returns is built around, smash the shit out of Hollow Knight.

>bullshit difficulty
I see you are not a very bright man

Hollow Knight was boring, at least SR was shorter
Fuck bloated Metroidvanias

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Imagine being so retarded you cant read patterns

This is a good food analogy, as both games and both sandwiches are literal trash.

Imagine being so fat you look at video games and see food.

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It's convenient, and many Americans tend to be lazy fucks who would rather just go to the drive-thru and get a shitty greaseburger than spend 20 minutes actually cooking something good. Those people are also the same ones who are too lazy to exercise, and the combination of fast food and no movement leads to them becoming obese fucks and getting government handouts because they're too fat to move around without a mobility scooter.
I hate this country sometimes.

Rabi Ribi > HK

take that back

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zoomers only like limited angles dummy

Oh, just recently?

if i don't like rainy days, does that make rainy days reddit?

>tfw you favorite burger was literally flavor of the month and will never come around again
fuck you culvers

>not spicy ketchup
What an absolute plebian.

Metroid was made by spaniards?

Official fast food rankings

TOP Tier
>Taco bell and KFC restaurant

It's "okay"
>Burger king

Overrated fucking garbage people need to shut the fuck up about tier
>Whata burger

It can "pass" tier

Don't ever fucking eat here because you will get sick and shit blood tier
>Popeye's chicken

You are the dumbest fucking nigger TIER just go to a fucking diner instead of paying top dollar for literal shit. Like holy fuck do you think this piece of shit diner quality burger is worth 15 or more dollars? Fucking kill yourself retard.
>5 guys burger and fries

I think SOTN is overrated.


The memes really oversold it.

SOTN is a garbage ass easy game and ruined how castlevania games should be.

Hollow is a great game and isn't babies first game like SOTN. Faggots only like SOTN because it's the only fucking castlevania they could beat. Because the earlier one all needed skill while SOTN threw that away.

5 guys is such a joke.
Even if they were worth waiting for I'd still skip because standing in a line for fast fucking food defeats the entire point.

>drums or flats
what animal is this even supposed to be

>You are the dumbest fucking nigger TIER just go to a fucking diner instead of paying top dollar for literal shit. Like holy fuck do you think this piece of shit diner quality burger is worth 15 or more dollars? Fucking kill yourself retard.
>5 guys burger and fries
>Even if they were worth waiting for I'd still skip because standing in a line for fast fucking food defeats the entire point.
major cringe my friends. bringing home a five guys double bacon burger with little fries and a large barq's rootbeer is truly the patricians choice. a pity, really

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>tfw i worked at culvers for an entire decade
>they got rid of literally every "best" sandwich one after another over the years

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IN-N-OUT shits in all 5 of they're mouths. Fuck off. Animal style fries are too good for this earth.

Why do you keep trying to start shit with metroid fans?

They're both good. The games, not your food choices

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wendys burgers never look as good as the promos, who do you think you're foolin'