Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that it's casual trash compared to RoR 1?

Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that it's casual trash compared to RoR 1?

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I actually do think RoR1 is better designed but it's EA so maybe it'll get better.

No, because RoR2 is actually good

Tranny alert

TPain is playing it right now so its gotta be GOTY.

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No, it's a good game and it's not even done yet so it's only gonna get better

Since when does Yea Forums defend early access shit.

vanilla us host when

There's never been anything wrong with good early access that's actually being actively developed, stop being a brainless maymay parrot

when it's actually done well, you nimrod

>38 minutes in and not even 10 items

it's literally the same game in 3d, we just don't have glass and spite yet
fuck off


most early access stuff comes out half baked and missing so much there isn't a coherant game there

ror2 feels like a game that has it's bases down, still needs some stuff, but nothing fully fundamental is missing


since the game is actually good and made by /ourguy/

i finished the logbook in ror2, what game should i play now? nothing sounds good... i basically unlocked all the shit from the new gungeon update so i dont wanna play that...hhhhmmmmmmm

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modded loby
NA East 5/16

Play with my dick.

Hes also got three other players carrying him. He doesnt even seem like he understands the rules. I was watching him play and hes only been using basic shots with a couple of ults thrown in and not standing in the circle when the portals activated.
Its a typical twitch PR stunt. Hes just there for the name drop which is sad. A least hes playing a decent game instead of fortnite.

Go back too reddit.

Since the games are actually well polished but missing a bit of content with promises of being added at a later date, you mindless drone

>pop my ult
>find aghs right afterwards
>reee (pepe scream) and die to creeps

Ult = from reddit.
If thats what you want to believe go ahead but im here to stay so get over it. Also ive been here longer than you :^)

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How tf did you kill the shop keep

user, I'm having a hard time believing you understand the game.

How do I survive as merc solo? I need damage items to scale enough to kill stuff, but then i get 1 shot by literally any fire enemy that spawns. I had 2 alien heads which helped a lot with using my R invulnerability more but it wasn't enough.

Would you kindly kill yourself

Can't blame them for giving it a Fortnite reskin, only way the devs will see any real money is if they try to follow what's trendy at the moment.

What the fuck do you call them, then? Reload fires?

I really wish it released in a way more finished state (no artifacts? come on) but there's so much room for improvement that I don't really mind what we got.

I am rather skilled in shooters but i can't get past medium for bullshit reasons. So fuck you.

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I call em fours

I've been away. Is this allowed on Yea Forums again?

>Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that it's casual trash compared to RoR 1?
Its not the casualization I care about. its the total lack of clean representation of information that the original had. 3d just naturally makes that harder to achieve while also adding very little to the experience. RoR2 hasn't really improved at all, its potential sales base is now wider because of 3d but its such a mess. Most of the music is boring shit as well and the new bosses models/attacks uninspiring. Not a lot of personality to beetle queen or that desert version of the jellyfish. It doesn't feel like they tried real hard.

>Blazing anything
cya merc

Sorry i dont use the preapproved Yea Forums RoR2 verbiage. Thats just what my friends and i call any skill thats the best and also on a longer cooldown. What should i call it so you arent offended?

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I don't call them anything. I call them
>Commando's stun
>Mercs lamest ability
>Weapon switch
>Huntress's AOE
Not everything needs a generic name.

>desert version of the jellyfish
You mean the clay pot?

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>RoR2 verbage
No one said there had to be a specific word for it, see Also, Commando's stun is absolutely not his best ability lmao
>Weapon switch
>Longer cooldown
Lmao what

>playing for 30 minutes
>I'm getting bored with how easy it is
>final stage
>Blazing Overlord Imp
>teleports to me and instagibs me
>entire party wipes

Yea Forums will defend this

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Gee, I don't know
>4th skill
>R skill
>Whatever name appears on the character selection screen

It always was, duplicate threads aren't though
Stop being stupid and check the catalog next time

do you call your friends (implying you have any) by their first name every time? Do you never use him he they or it?
Whats your motivation for caring so much about something so dumb?

Congratulations, I haven't seen anything this autistic on here in at least a week.

Try this on /rorg/ they might actually be upset

All of those take longer to type than ult you dip shit.

You don't? Do you just say random pronouns when talking about other people and expect others to know who you're talking about?
You might just be autistic.

>Not calling an ability "ult" or "four" is autism

Why are you typing ult and in what context? Seriously, I'm curious.

NA four player

Then R, 4th or 4 you dickwad
And besides, there are cases in which the 4th slot isn't the best ability of a class
Jesus fuck, I've been baited

Why the FUCK do you switch your equipment item with the same key that switches your fucking gun as MUL-T?

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This. Risk of Rain 1 is shit. Character too small to see most of the run, no mouse aiming, and frankly its just slow and the levels uninteresting. The transition to 3D was amazing and really turns the game into something special.

He's pretty chill

People would just use nail gun at a certain point and never lose DPS while having access to two actives.

That's not what I said. I said it was autistic to get as upset as you are over it. I want you to take a step back and realize you are angry because "not everything needs a generic name" yea how dare people try to ease communication! Everyone should type out every skill every time they are talking about characters best skills rather than typing a three letter abbreviation! If they don't it's terrible! That is your attitude and it's completely autistic.

Why does that shitlord get 2 equipment slots in the first place?

Oh i get it you are retarded. The key point of that post was EVERYTIME. learn to comprehend.
And no i dont use their name everytime. Thats why he him ect exist. Are you autistic? How do you not know that.
Not sure when you last played but im pretty sure blazing bosses are bugged to do way more damage. There was a developer tweet about it.

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More like T-Rain xD

I'm not upset, I'm just railing the user that called it an ult because it's funny.


At least give us the ability to switch slots without needing a third item lying on the floor.

Huntress is actually good.

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>Everyone should type out every skill every time they are talking about characters best skills rather than typing a three letter abbreviation!
I never said this, I just think calling them ults is silly.
>Calls others retarded
>Replies seriously to bait

>the ult isnt the best skill
I would argue that when you first start out the fourth ability is the best for every character.

>I would argue that when you first start out the fourth ability is the best for every character.

I'm trans and I like RoR 2 more than 1

Hopoo is from /agdg/ so he gets a partial free pass.

>merely pretending

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are you supposed to rush the teleporter or farm chests first

Hes the best case for my argument. Without his fourth skill he would have one type of main fire and one equipment. Which would make him way worse of a character. Only having the slow snipe shot or the short range rapid fire would be terrible.

Are you okay? Just because you misread my emotions through a forum post doesn't mean you gotta get all butthurt over it. It's a common thing and happens all the time.

Without his weapon switch he would just have a fourth skill that actually did something. His rebar is fucking shit after the nerf.

>Remove a key part of a characters kit and they're awful
Well no duh, dingdong.

That applies to any ability on any character. Come on user, use your noggin

no ones butthurt. Your projecting.
Part of reading comprehension is not looking at replies in a vacuum. When you consider the post i was replying to it makes sense. But you have an impediment so i forgive you.

Ya and just because removing an ability would make a character bad doesn't mean that ability is the best, dingdong. MUL-Ts best ability is his AOE stun.

No it doesn't. I could remove the engineers mines and he would be just as useful. The argument for calling a skill an ult is that it would make the most impact on a character for removing it.


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She is but her M2 is the only thing really keeping her from just being a Commando with more mobility and less damage
Top tier ass though

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doesnt matter how skilled in shooters you are since everything relies on the luck of item drops.

Her multi-target damage is more reliable and her dodging actually dodges

He'd lose a lot more from losing any other ability, Mul-T's entire thing is abusing procs with his nailgun.

Yea her ults my favorite

2 is harder than 1 OP what are you smoking?

farm a bit, the meta is the opposite of the original's

Funspheres when?

>ASSFAGGOTS terms aren't allowed despite RoR abilities being functionally the same as moba kits
what is autism for 500

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I don't think so, though there's no artifacts yet so we'll see - I always sucked at RoR1 Yea Forums rules - it was so brutal

If we don't get Chef with the same abilities but just widened for 3D or something I'm gonna fucking murder myself

Is there a bug where the teleporter just sometimes doesn't spawn? I've had a few runs where none of us could find it after crawling every nook and cranny of the entire map for 20 minutes.

jesus christ the artifacting on that image
please, save this one

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what I meant by more mobility
I will admit her 4 gives some decent utility and AoE but again functionally weaker than Commando in terms of raw damage without her M2

And commandos M2 is all that's keeping him from being useless for multitarget damage (read: the entire game), congrats characters blow if you remove one of their four total abilities

Why is it that every nigger i see playing merc doesn't know they have a double jump by default
Shit makes me furious

Mods were literally posting in and closing RoR2 threads saying to take it to /vg/, not a non-duplicate thread.

Saved this one instead

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I've run into this bug a couple times as well
Extremely rare bug but a gamebreaking bug nonetheless

The proc rate of his rapid fire is much less than any the tool tips say so the your wrong there. Its a placebo effect based on the item/weapon desciptions not telling you that the chance is reduced for weapons with faster base speed.

fair enough I concede and admit defeat

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That's a good girl.

actually he's still pretty useless multitarget
commandos m2 is just fucking awful

it was going just about perfect

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His proc coefficient to attack speed ratio is higher than other characters, stop being retarded
Nobody claimed or thinks his proc chance is equal to the other characters


I think it could use a buff but I think it's very useful. Early on it's just more damage on a couple targets but in endgame it's very easy to hit many targets with it. It's very handy once multiple bosses start spawning.

>2 mushrooms
Not even close.

How would chef's aoe work in 3D without being either insanely OP or incredibly underwhelming?

make it affect a full sphere around them
it isn't hard

Commandos M2 is pretty boss late game where you can't even sneeze without hitting at least 12 enemies. Especially with backup mags

>without being insanely OP

hitting in a sphere would not be op on its own
see: artificer

>opinion and 2 racks while having a foreign fruit and a bunch of other healing items

I'm gonna miss this run

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I'd say for monsoon you're generally trying to get at least 4-7 items from each stage and spending no longer than 5 minutes each for the first three stages. You want to get to the first loop before I SEE YOU difficulty and pray you get a good red item/3d printer that increases your damage by a lot so you can get to HAHAHA and still be capable of killing enemies without taking too long.

nice job making an op the braindead jannie won't delete

[/spoiler]Still having fun with it [/spoiler]

he doesnt mean tranny literally it just means that he is being homogay about it


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I'm just waiting for more interesting classes.
Also more maps.
And items.
And monsters.

I... shouldn't buy Early Access games I guess. This was the first and last.

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What is that little skull you can break under the swamp level, also does the swamp level have a name? I'm writing some bug reports to email in and I want to use real terminology

Yeah I've never bought an early access game either. It was fun to get in on the ground floor, but now it's only been a week and a half and I'm mad there's no new content, while modders are already going crazy with shit. It's sad to think I've basically had as much fun as I'm going to have with it outside of playing for a few hours several times a year whenever they decide to release content updates.

I use a controller. Is M2 teleport or glaive?


>I'm mad there's no new content, while modders are already going crazy with shit
Modders don't need to worry about keeping the game balanced

Or having things work.