Valve gathers huge amounts of data about virtually everything you do with the Steam client.
Valve gathers huge amounts of data about virtually everything you do with the Steam client.
I don't care I just don't like exclusivity
It's OK when Valve does it
>they gather info on what you do with their tool
Oh word? People are calling Epic spyware because it gathers tons of info on what you do with OTHER programs.
is that "former employee" again?
>Client collects data about the client itself and how you interact with it
Whats wrong with that? Its not scouring your computer like some other clients...
There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be more informed.
got fired, eh?
ok, so why does Steam gathering data about itself justify Epic gathering data about Steam and your PC without your permission?
Nothing I didn't already know.
All this shittalking EGS about being spyware stems from Chinks nearly having control over Epic, not from EGS doing something that Steam supposedly doesn't.
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>I can't provide any actual proof or details of how they do it but you should just take my word and switch now because I said so.
It's like he doesn't even understand why these Spyware stories made traction in the first place.
so someone know i only play hentai so what?
No one actually cares whether epic is spyware or not, they just don't want to have to use another launcher because they're invested in Steam.
The question is whether or not Steam digs through EGS's files, because we know for sure that EGS looks through Steam's and a bunch of other shit.
>Steam gathers info on things you do with THEIR CLIENT
>Epic gathers info on things you do with OTHER CLIENTS
Almost all proprietary software is spyware. Are the people sperging about epic really too dumb to understand that?
Steam literally doesn't do anything like EGS does aside from the opt-in(!) hardware scan.
>steam collects data about steam
woah......... I wouldve never though
>epic pulls ex-valve employee out of the trash to deflect everything they did back onto valve
Epic. Truely epic.
>Company that owns client gets user info related to the client
Fucking shocker really. I don't give five flying fucks what info they take about their own product tbqh, it's when it takes other data that I get suspicious.
Were you this mad about Uplay, Microsoft Store,, Origins?
When complying with GDPR they added a function that lets you see all data they have collected on you.
Does EGS have such a feature?
Nope. I find it inconvenient, but those are the property owners. I should've specified contractual exclusivity.
Is the complete freakout over Origin not part of your script, or are you just that new?
Link for anyone interested, by the way.
/thread, everyone can go home now
Not him, but I didn't care about those for two reasons. First is because the games are shit anyway so who the fuck cares. The second is that they aren't being massive faggots by putting a magnifying glass up to their chink dick, showing it off, and annoy the fuck out of everyone left and right.
did the chinks get hold of your family user?
i hope they get raped you fag.
>This kills the epic shill
Your lack of common sense is disturbing.
All of those stores are owned by the same developers that make the games. I don't care if Fortnite and Unreal are only on the Epic store. It's that they're paying 3rd parties.
That's rich when Valve actually cares about GDPR unlike Epic "scrapes your steam data for its shareholders" Games.
>Does EGS have such a feature?
Nope, trust me I checked and looked.
The nice part about GDPR it even effected people within the NA region.
Steam has been up front with what data they collect and even how it is used.
Even Gabe Newell came out to tell how Vac collects browser data and how if it detects any cheats being used.
>Steam collect data about what you don the Steam client
>doesn't collect local files
>doesn't do anything beyond that
I highly doubt it
>yet no one calls Steam spyware.
But everyone does.
Any eurofags working on filing a suit against Epic for GDPR violations? Would be neat to watch this shit blow up.
you gave your permission in the terms of service you didnt read
If Origin had anything worth downloading.
epic gathers huge amounts of data about your steam client.
he looks creepy as fuck
It's kind of like how Steam has DRM but for 95% of people who use it or even care about it, it's so uninvassive and inconsequential that nobody gives a fuck.
doesnt hold up in court.
You can go home now
OP got btfo
Why is "former employee" in bullshit quotes? Are you disputing whether he worked for Valve or not?
>it gathers tons of info on what you do with OTHER programs
Such as?
Ask him why he was fired from Valve and he'll probably block you.
Was it because gamers hate Chinese people?
When you try to be edgy but end up spouting lefty propaganda
>steam gathers data about what you do on steam
>forced hardware survey
rofl @ u chink shills
your friends on steam, for example.
>no one calls steam spyware
Com'on you should avoid making any absolute statements
>beleive me
Nigga I don’t use Epic for that specific reason
>steam gathers data on what you do on steam
>epic gathers data on what you do on steam
Insects cannot understabd the difference.
>Yet no one calls Steam spyware
How do these people manage to put on shoes in the morning
he was probably one of the shartifact devs kek
Yes, whats wrong with that?
>company that makes sales gather sale data of their own sales to better plan their business
>company spies on someone's else sales data to plan their business
why chinks can't understand the difference? This is why everything including your milk is counterfeit
Isn't this the fucker who ended up working on shitty games like BFV and Anthem? Sounds like he has a bone to pick with valve because his most recent work bombed
An American company taking data about American consumers vs A Chinese company taking data about American customers.
>look at profile
>formerly worked all these companies
I'm pretty sure he was fired.
ummm excuse me sweaty, they apologized for that so it's ok!!
>Epic boss Tim Sweeney acknowledged that the Epic launcher should only access the localconfig.vdf from Steam after the user has opted to import their Steam friends list, not before.
>"The current implementation is a remnant left over from our rush to implement social features in the early days of Fortnite. It's actually my fault for pushing the launcher team to support it super quickly and then identifying that we had to change it," he wrote. "Since this issue came to the forefront we're going to fix it."
I agree with you but you type like a fucking autistic retard. Stfu and kill yourself.
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just a coincidence
>steam gathers data about what you do with steam
>epic gathers data about everything it can possibly reach, not just concerning itself
>not spyware
No shit, that's why they picked him out of the trash and are shining a spotlight on him.
Why would something like that
bother you user? Are you sure
you're not the one with the
>with the steam client
So literally nothing is at risk. Because the only info they got is what games I bought.
Wow, can't believe this chinkshill. Doesn't he know that Reddit has confirmed that the Epic Store spies on your PC?
I mean, c'mon. Reddit confirming something is as good as scientific evidence. Did you guys not see how many upvotes that one thread had? Clearly EGS is spyware.
I forgot steam is US exclusive
no shti, retard
Leave it to consolefags to miss the point.
Now you can't hate chinks? What are you, a fucking racist?
I don't understand why the Epic shills try so hard when all they ever end up doing is make me associate EGS with their autistic bleating as well make other anons post insanely damning shit about EGS to shut them up.
I can't be the only one, so really what's the point of constantly making a fool of yourself?
>Steam collects data about Steam client
>Nobody bats an eye
>Epic store collects data about Steam client
>Everybody go insane
>Steam collects data on how Steam is used
Why did this get deleted?
Epic shills BTFO AF
I trust gaben, he would never lie to me just like todd howard.
your doing god's work
Valve is shit, Epic is also shit, but slightly less shitty.
Steam has turned into Facebook with video games. It is cancerous shit unlike the Epic store.
Never trust someone who says "believe me" in a sentence that doesn't end in a question mark.
They also keeps logs of everything you say in chat.
Steam has a chat?
>Steam has turned into Facebook with video games
lol what?
I think you've mixed up your transcripts somewhere there bud.
It's not even wrong to call EGS spyware. The fact is that everything is spyware and we somehow became completely comfortable with the idea of every piece of software on your PC/phone spying on us as long as it's relatively out-of-sight.
Don't believe anyone arguing against EGS being spyware because they are objectively wrong. It doesn't make it okay for Epic to do it just because some other fags are doing it. If they wanted to give people a reason to switch, they could consider not being spyware.
Do you think you're funny?
>make a shitty text text text lefty style meme
>empty post it into every thread you can
Friendly reminder to only support the most publisher-friendly stores!
>If they wanted to give people a reason to switch, they could consider not being spyware.
but that would benefit the customer and epic hates doing that
Nothing special about it. Literally every website do that. Even Yea Forums right now.
>Friendly reminder to only support the most publisher-friendly/anti-consumer stores!