Franky is best strawhat, prove me wrong Yea Forums
One Piece doesn't sell. Bandai shills them because One Piece is popular in Japan.
his story is nice, but he's trash tier strawhat tbqh.
>wan piss
fuck off
strawhat ranking
Franky would be top 4 if pre timeskip
>god tier
Luffy, Zoro, Robin, Sanji
>fucking sucks but I can’t bring myself to hate
>Literally worthless
t. Know nothing about One Piece
the crew would last about 5 minutes without Nami
naruto garbage that helped kill anime
Time-skip Franky has been shit. Shit design. No attention from Oda outside of his hair of the month. No character development. I'm convinced that Oda hates Franky.
A One Piece game is literally impossible
>Arc Sys One Piece game
I feel like World Seeker had the right idea, but royally fucked up the execution.
Not gonna get good games until it's done and even then it's just going to be nostalgia wankery and never anything new.
would a one piece game where you don't play as Luffy but rather as a grand line newbie exploring the first half work?
It would only work if One Piece was more popular in the west because everyone here eats open world garbage
grand line would actually make for a very fun setting for an open world game
open world doesn't have to be bad
Only boring /m/fags like Franky.
it wouldn't fit at all
what is wrong with you faggots thinking that GOOD STUDIO WITH DISTINCT STYLE would also be good for ANY RANDOM SERIES I COULD THINK OF
Why are Fromdrones such brainlets?
Pre time skip yes
Post time skip fuck no
Hideous design and has been stripped of so much character
timeskip ruined him
robin lacks purple and should have kept the cowboy hat
One piece with fromsoft style combat sounds awful.
Their style of roll, roll, stab at the speed of a snail in tar doesn't suit how fast paced one piece is.
Do a pirate warriors style but just add potential for cancels, launches and make enemies more aggresive.
It's the haircut that kills the design for me.
Franky is the only strawhat besides Luffy to have a full drawn solo fight after the timeskip. That was SOME attention.
No fuck off and fuck those retards that want star wars souls game too
World Seeker just needed some sailing with Sunny in the sea for adventuring and it would been decent.
only if there is no easy mode so the shitstorm continues for maximum lolz now with shonenfags involved