Aren't you a bit too told to be playing with pokemon?

Aren't you a bit too told to be playing with pokemon?

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Mainline has always been boring
Spinoffs are where it's at

this art is shit

I'm not. You're on the wrong board

I have never gotten "told" because I'm not a retard.

arent you a bit too old to be a furry

i want to fuck a male pokemon

Is Gripes the most based furrybaitbro in existence?

Post the weavile.

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>tfw those eeveelution comics

kurodood is a nigger, unironically

Anyone else unironically going to want to see Detective Pikachu at midnight?

As long the pokemon stripper clubs are actually on the movie.

Wait it's this Midnight?

I stopped after X

I like lucario and other pokemon and sometimes playing games

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>nig protag

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I stopped playing over a decade ago and only care about the series now because I jerk off to pokemon

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>Plague "totally not a furry" ofgripes

>nig protag
It's not even a nig, it's just some mulatto halfcast that represents the 56%.

I still enjoy the games quite honestly, but I always look forward to all the floods of porn every Pokegirl or Pokemon inspire

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Aren't you a bit too old to be giving a shit what other adults so with their free time?

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>No Mr Harkness, and I will continue to impregnate your pokemon and there's literally nothing you can do about it.

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No it’s in may

God bless you Plague..

make me fagazoid

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