Epic is bas-
Steam is bas-
GOG is bas-
Uh.. Uh oh... Fuck what do I use now!?
Epic is bas-
Steam is bas-
GOG is bas-
Uh.. Uh oh... Fuck what do I use now!?
Other urls found in this thread:
I'd fuck Sue's brains out.
kill all trannies
His tits look terrible uncovered, Sue would have to be in cosplay the whole time for me to fuck him
>Max got to pound Sue's boipussi
It's not fair bros
Literally, looks like a dude in a wig.
Did Nick Cage suck that boy's dick?
I did not expect to see Peter Coffin here.
>looks like a dude in a wig.
Well yeah user, Max is pretty self conscious about his hair loss
There are dozens of us. Dozens!
That’s how alot of women look. Some women are just boys with vaginas, breasts and ovaries.
>Go to comments
>One of the top comments is some commie bs
Tells me all I need to know.
Holy shit, youre not kidding
Hi comrade
You should familiarize yourself with Coffin's idea of cultivated identity, it is quite interesting
Yeah, but no. I've seen "her" nude pic soooo you're not fooling me pal.
Notice the wide stance Sue makes in an attempt to make his shoulders appear less broad
Post the side view.
Use a shotgun
who the FUCK is sue
>Peter Coffin
I didn't save it, for obvious reasons. I've just seen it posted here(or linked to).
I can go post it on the trap thread on Yea Forums if you want to see it.
Two hideous men in one image.
His penis is tiny
No, he's just fucking ugly.
Stop posting this ugly nigga, sue is literally the shittest trap in existence.
Even meowie looks better than him.
Legitimatlly curious, why do you suggest that?
I want to play video games with Sue.
Like two baseballs attached to his chest you dont want to see
Because he is Peter Coffin shilling his youtube channel on Yea Forums, for some unknown reason
both of them .
peter "imaginary gf" coffin? 20 seconds in and i don't see any value to his content.
Alright i posted it on Yea Forums's trap thread, go look at your own discretion.
>Fuck what do I use now!?
Buy direct from the publisher/developer or use small independent retailers, obviously.
You know you can just find Sue's old webcam videos on pornhub or most shemale sites.
PH: viewkey=ph570823ebc6d0c
>Some women are just boys with vaginas, breasts and ovaries.
That's true. But the vaginas and ovaries are very important and valuable. A boy with a vagina and ovaries is the BEST boy and I would love to have him as my boyfriend!
>girls with small breasts still showing massive cleavage/tight clothes
Really? Fuckin ace
Chinder Chagger Nigger Dagger
3d is not important
futanari is not important
3d futanari is doubly non-important
Safe to ignore it and throw it away.
trannies are all so fucking ugly
So much trickery going on it almost looks like someone else and you can still its a guy
if you want to see what it looks like without the bullshit.
We had this thread a few days ago. Fuck off OP
Wtf like that user said but just one baseball instead of two
Khajit has wares if you have coin
I've seen females with much wider shoulders.
Ho-lee fuk
Sue isn't a trap, he's an ugly disgusting tranny. Meowie is a trap, which is why he's so much more attractive. Natural men can be cute. Trannies can never, ever be cute.
>she has a wiener
thats gay
Sue wasn't even actually involved in this video.
Imagine trying to play video games in peace while your roommate is having a tranny gangbang on the other side of the bedroom wall.
Because the statement I replied is a fantastic example of cultivated identity.
If he’s wearing his ff15 Cindy cosplay I would.
Is there a larger version of this pic?
disgusting and ugly.
I gotta ask, how does a male get a tummy to look like that without automatically having your abs pop out if you're working out to have a body like that?
hormones can do a lot of shit to the body
Im both of those posts.
Can you give me the tldr, Im at work.
You don't have to work out to get a body like that, you just need to lower your calorie intake to get slim.
Based dog
I'm not watching this video, just tell me what's wrong with GoG
>start watching ''her'' videos
>fall in love with ''her'' voice
>discover that it's actually a man
>feel devastated, unsub for 6 months
>only now I can start watching ''her'' reviews without being upset
>commie fag with 250k subscribers
Clown world, i swear to god
You're lying to yourself if you say you wouldn't pull Sue's shorts down and pound his boipuss if he was in your room dressed like that
That picture is photoshopped to hide their disgusting tranny gut. The male tummy naturally looks flat and smooth, though.
And it's all bad. Trannies inherently have awful bodies. Only natural twinks can be smooth and lithe. Every tranny always ends up with a beer gut and a receding hairline.
No, he looks like utter shit. Sue is one ugly abomination and you have no standards if you think he isn't garbage
why are dogs (other than pit thrash) so based?
Imagine being so fragile a dog barking destroys your self esteem.
I mean dogs arent retarded, they can recognize you even if you change your appearance.
I used to have hair down to my ass, went away for a few months and shaved my head. My dog instantly recognized me upon returning.
Is he still dating a non-existent asian girl or nah?
How do I get a big titty gf
Imagine being so fragile a dog barking destroys your self esteem.
I mean dogs arent retarded, they can recognize you even if you change your appearance.
I used to have hair down to my ass, went away for a few months and shaved my head. My dog instantly recognized me upon returning.
>love watching Natalie get fisted and fucked by a strap on
How gay does that make me
Because they are good boys/girls
Just post it here with a spoiler tag. Depending on what jannie is up they might keep it up, skicky it or remove and perma ban you.
Is slide my shween down that throat
This right here. You'd have to be gay not to want to fuck Sue.
I watched a Natalie vid on a lark and had the hardest orgasm of my entire life, literally squirted 14 times. It was kind of worrying and I stick to porn with vaginas in it now.
male tummies are very slim. trannies don't have tummies like that though, they've all got beer bellies. the picture in question is doctored to hide gross tranny traits.
Boys are so much better than trannoids it's not even funny.
No straight guy is going to fuck that, only closet fags and tranny fetishists.
Not taking the risk, hope that emo poster shows up.
post it on b ill repost it here tell me which thread you posted it in
Post it on Yea Forums.
I already posted in on Yea Forums in the "trap" thread.
It's ok bros, it's totally not gay, I just have a latex fetish and that's why watching Natalie get spit roasted by strap on dildos and being told to take it like a little slut while wearing a latex corset, gloves, and stockings got me off, that's all
This comment is so fucking retarded I dont even know where to begin. Go figure are literal commie would be this stupid.
>someone gets a revolutionary idea
>literally no human has ever thought of it
>no demand because no one knows they want or its even possible
>advertise the product to raise awareness
>this is somehow evidence of capitalism failing
Thats just one scenrio off the top of my head that shows how dumb this comment is.
So glad I'll never be hideous like these mutants.
is that ben shapiro's sister on the left?
Cute feminine penis.
Throw up uncontrollably.
what a disgusting waste. these freaks should focus on being the best and cutest males they can be, not ruining themselves in an attempt to become more like a hideous caricature of females. boys, twinks and traps are fine, trannies are not.
Have him suck my dick and cum on his face to establish dominance
Exactly. The fact that the video author loved the comment made me never want to watch anything by this idiot.
There's nothing cute about that permanently ruined body. Shoulda stayed a dude.
Check this 5 and see you in a week
those fucking pathetic bolt ons, what a disaster, I'd get my money back if I were him.
I'd suck Sue's brains out
>see you in a week
>Bans mfw
she's a dude wtf lol
Why doesnt he show this picture to anyone that subs to his Youtube?
Anthony Cumia payed for those things in echange for sex
his basic idea is that certain "powers" (this is deliberately vague) under capitalism create a template identity that people then adopt. They cultivate an identity within the people inside their influence.
A video game related example would be the whole console war thing. The game system you buy makes you associate yourself with the respective culture. And this part of your own identity, cultivated by a capitalist "power" is then used to sell something to you. It's a very insidious thing, and I'm not sure if I am explaining it clearly.
Your categorical rejection of anything that even remotely resembles communism is an expression of this idea, because Coffin argues that political ideology can function in much the same way (he also recognizes that he is also doing this same thing). You can cultivate an identity based on rejecting or endorsing certain political ideas, just like you can around products. And it functions in the same way.
Nothing, the point he makes is that it is not competition to Steam and never can be, the existence of GOG holds the optics of a competitor, but this competitor is ultimately toothless. The Epic store with the huge amount of financial backing offers "real" competition to Steam and people feel personally attacked by this, due to how their internalized identity was part cultivated by Steam as a means to sell product to them.
You should look into what he has to say, his critique of capitalism is on point.
while I like flat tummies, this was meant for
Reminder that trannies will NEVER be cute girls.
Just look at this abomination EMBARASSING.
do you ever feel like girls like that get tattoos of like crying faces and shit because they are incapable of articulating or maybe even understanding the nature of their own suffering
do you think they even slightly understand that treating and dressing themselves like prostitutes may not be conducive to their own happiness
maybe i just feel this way because im getting older. but when i look at her all i see is a little girl posing awkwardly for the camera, begging for validation the only way they know how.
look at this dude
I'd still fuck him
But if you really feel that strongly there's always piracy to tide you over until Denuvo and IGN launch their own game.
They've also ruined themselves so that they can never be cute boys. They're literally a wasted life with no redeeming qualities.
That's what daddy issues are all about.
Getting the affection and love that you didn't get as a kid.
They end up sluts, but this just makes people see you as a fucktoy, not as someone worth loving, and they end up even worse.
Bad parenting is always the source of all these problems.
She said on her social media once that her bigger regret in life is getting tattoos.
>this competitor is ultimately toothless
Okay this is true, but it doesn't change the fact that GoG is in fact based.
>his critique of capitalism is on point
I honestly couldn't care any less about it. Does he try to relate this Epic competition thing to it?
You're a ruined, wasted life tranny aren't you?
The emo aesthetic is oddly adorable.
>Peter Coffin
now this is some blatant shilling
do you have a new fake gf btw?
Sauce of the vid?
The main point he makes is that Epic is an actual competitor and that bothers people.
>Okay this is true, but it doesn't change the fact that GoG is in fact based.
GoG is great, yes.
But the point is that they're not competition, but they give off the illusion of competition.
Just get rid of democracy lmao.The discussion of capitalism vs socialism is retarded.
thats pretty fucked up. i dated a girl with daddy issues and it just made me sad. no matter who she meets or who loves her, she will always be fucked up.
people with abandonment issues will always be dependent basket cases that simultaneously push people away while doing anything to keep them from leaving.
most of her tattoos arent bad, but the pussy tattoo that says 'god keep me grounded' is legitimately embarrassing
Prepare to see it shill even more in the coming days since it claims that its new video is almost done.
>this retarded thread of people complaining about politics and another argument over traps and twinks
Correct. Natural boys are great, trannoids are ugly as fuck 100% of the time.
You can see the insanity in that thing's eyes.
It is.
I find it extremely feminine.
It's just about looking at the current system and pointing towards things and recognizing what they (you can put the parenthesis around that word if it makes you feel better) are doing, at least that's what Coffin mostly talks about.
>Epic is an actual competitor and that bothers people
This interpretation of the events if what really bothers me. People welcome the competition, I welcome it, but what people despise is taking a game that was set to release on a platform just mere weeks out and then buying it out for some exclusivity deal. Then Tim in his infinite wisdom, said he wouldn't do that anymore and not even a week after that statement continued to do it.
Sure, Epic is slimy. But if this sliminess is what gets Valve to kick it up a notch on their end then so be it. Just like all those dumb boycotts with Modern Warfare 2 and Left 4 Dead 2, people just want to be upset at something but don't actually care. They'll eventually give in and buy the games that they want to play.
>the point is that they're not competition
That's not what OP was saying. Like I said, I didn't watch the video so how would I know what the author said about it?
Good taste.
I haven't even heard the guys argument, but 30 seconds in and I already think he's an obnoxious asshole.
its a shame emo are non existent anymore where i live, can you post some more to cleanse my eyes from the freak's monstrous visage?
This is no rabble of mindless crossdressers!
These are Discord Trannies. Their dilators are thick, and their shoulders broad.
I think it's very boyish. I think we can both agree that boys and girls are both better than trannies though.
Very well.
Why do guys center part their hair? What do they honestly think they look like? There aren't any good visual role models when it comes to center parts, they all look like disgusting losers
If you part your hair in the center, look in a mirror for once (also consider a haircut, you're not in high school anymore)
What you could use is an ass beating.
That's the thing, the exclusivity deal is the expression of this competition. These deals allow the Epic Store to compete. If you are complaining about these things, you are complaining about the primary method through which the Epic Store can compete.
>They'll eventually give in and buy the games that they want to play.
Correct, the capitalist always wins.
>That's not what OP was saying
OP is blatantly shitposting
I think it's girly because of the emphasis on long hair, the eye shadow, eyeliner and just timid looks in general.
Is his real name James?
What a Chad, doesn't even look at tiddy
He might puke otherwise.
Fuck this commie. Never post him again you smooth brained faggot.
I'd be shocked if it wasn't legally changed so no, but it is his birth name.
I think those things accentuate boys better than girls. But then again I only like boys. Either way, I wish it was still in style.
Okay, so let people be upset and get over it. That's the power of freedom, people can do what they want and it can either hurt or harm themselves and they'll have to deal with the consequences. What the point in bringing attention to the very obvious fact that exclusivity deals are a part of competition? Why does it matter that people don't like them?
>the capitalist always wins
What do you even mean by this?
Fuck kill marry
Imagine being attracted to men that dress as wo(men.)
Chinder chander nigger dagger
Based Max
Based Armus
Thanks for telling me
Both Jaret and James are disgusting fucks
Capitalism will always win. How bad does that hurt you? Tell me how it makes you feel.
*sweating uncomfortably*
Mar(r)y Sue, kek
Fuck Nat
Kill Sher
Based and boypilled
They had a few nice photo sets
With photoshop.
>Tfw no bf that looks like this
Why even live
That's a shame.
Every man should enjoy at least one night with a big tiddy goth girl.
what about Drake tho?
Drake got great taste.
only a faggot would not want to hit that
Oh yeah, what better than some bolt on baseballs, broad shoulders, a goofy face with insane eyes, and just a freak in general.
I don't want to fuck Suzy, but I wouldn't mind being friends with Suzy.
Seems like a comfy person to be around.
Y'all niggas gay
>wanting to be around a mentally ill narcissist
Are you mentally ill yourself?
I feel like this is the only option
Its a tranny, these people live only to feed their vain ego's, its all an illusion, give your friendship to someone that actually deserves it.
Fuck Sheri, marry Sue....I don't want Nat to die though. Kill me instead.
Yeah I've been into Nat for a while but she seems like she'd get under your skin easily. I actually know a guy who was Sue's childhood friend so I'm sure we'd get along. Sheri is just an unfortunate casualty.
THIS. Why are people still reacting to this trend? Everyone that isn't a literal retard knows there is no such thing as trans and all that shit. A man can't be a woman and vice versa.
So does "she" has a dick?
Exactly this, trannies are abominations.
Yes, James, indeed, has a dick.
>people just want to be upset at something but don't actually care
Gamers rising up. Pretty pathetic to see, youtube comments are the worst. Some of my friends are also like this. Its just video games, who gives a shit lol.
Men that dress as women are sexy and based. Men that want to be women are hideous and worthless. The key difference is hormones. Natural boys are great. Trannies are fucking disgusting.
I think shes probably changed a lot since childhood... A LOT
James is cute and I saw video evidence of him being edgy and smashing a guitar when he was young.
>used to do this shit with my hair in high school
I cringe every time, but I did fug a girl with it and would still do so
Fuck off James i wish i was there to beat you up in school.
Nah people don't change, that's just a myth.
So I can't tell who this is. Max's wife? Gf?
Skeet skeet.
Capitalism is so dumb
Why does the same guy keep posting all the same images of emo girls in these threads
>What do you even mean by this?
not him but probably a reference to the idea of consumer sovereignty
god i really want to fuck trannies
i want to see them having hot incestual trans lesbian sex.
seriously i would literally write a story about this.
who wants it?
Why do autists like OP keep posting that disgusting tranny?
>dumb commies trying to post their favorite yootooberz on Yea Forums
Yikes. Gotta love how the guy cant stay on topic on his own video and needs to go off on anti-capitalist tangents. Also tf is up with his gay ass hair.
Posting a tranny for (You)s is less weird than going into every tranny thread you see and posting the exact same images of emo girls in every single one
this but only because they have naturally higher libidos than 90% of women
Women have absurdly strong libidos they just want to fuck Chad and not you
>Using Guts for tranny shilling
The faggot shills his same photos every single day so you shouldnt be talking.
I want to be hrt trans to make literal thousands doing online shit because my brain will still be male and I can intelligently make more than actual girls doing this, but the downsides really suck
>will never be strong enough to defend my life
>will have lower libido so prolly can't even use that money on hookers + most escorts refuse to do things with trannies or even other girls
>will have to spend hours every day taking care of my body to be presentable for the camera
>will end up needing to always wear a wig when hrt makes me start balding
also I have a very fat bird nose so I'd need a nose job
I'll take that guy over tranny shills any day of the week.
It's not like these threads are on-topic in the first place. They deserve to get shitposted
>this guy is shitting his pants so if I shit my pants too you can't say anything about it
Not true, the Chads I know cheat because they can't get their girls to fuck as often as they want.
No I get it I just think it's weird that it's always the same pictures of the same emo girls
uncovered tits may be shit
and she may have a butter face
but i'd still fuck her hard
fuck sherrie
kill natalie
marry sue
>But if this sliminess is what gets Valve to kick it up a notch on their end then so be it
Kick up a notch IN FUCKING WHAT?
Everyone talks about how Epic will make Valve wake up, what the fuck do you think Valve is going to do?
That they are going to make your beloved Half Life 3?
Epic is bribing third parties, they are not going to stop just because Valve made a game.
If Valve counters Epic, it'll be bribing developers too.
And the question is: WHAT THE FUCK DO I GET FROM THIS? What do I get from Steam and Epic's slapfight over exclusives?
Someone just put this boy out of his misery.
A bullet to the head should do.
Yes, it's a fucking tranny, with a goddamn dick, it's simply a dude who went insane.
You won't get an answer.
People have been asking that for months and they never get an answer, it's just vague comments about how Valve is fucking it up, but never mentioning what they are fucking up, how they need competition, but ignoring that the way Epic competes doesn't end in benefits to people.
Sue is A WOMAN
he's an ugly, disgraceful failure.
You always post this one too
Sure, as much as pic related, you mentally ill fucks.
It's the average tranny, well, maybe even above average.
And you always post this one, why do you have a tranny folder?
Oh wow, a le quirky and le positive anime gif, wtf ripping my dick off makes me a woman now.
To expose the tranny shills by showing people what trannies actually are.
Sorry, but photoshopped pics taken from an angle are not going to be enough to make people accept your disgusting abominations.
If you're that dedicated to your cause why wouldn't you expand your arsenal instead of posting the same 10 or so pictures over and over
Doesn't change the fact you got a tranny folder tho lol
Wow they'd fit perfectly together
Why don't you post pics of your tranny that aren't taken from an angle and photoshopped to hell?
it's literally a fetish.
The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
Just like how typically the most zealous homophobes are typically self-loathing gays. He's completely obsessed over a tiny percentage of the population that affects him in exactly zero ways.
You're on a fucking anime site you retard.
>If Valve counters Epic, it'll be bribing developers too.
I don't think Valve will do that any time soon too. Pic related; They're going to focus on what they've been working on, VR. Trying to perfect it.
funny thing is Coffin's not even a real communist.
He's just desperate for fame and has failed as an e-celebrity multiple times over.
He must have realised there's a lot of dumbfuck young communists on reddit and decided to milk them for views.
Easily the least pathetic thing he's ever done.
Why do you assume I'm posting the trannies I'm just asking you why you keep posting the same 10 pictures over and over, it's pretty weird
Nigga I don't give a fuck about Yea Forums's hateboner for trannys but Sue makes cash I don't see any failure there.
Anthony and James sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G
If you think you are women, why do you use the same tactics fags do of "haha, you hate gays so you must be gay yourself".
Sorry that nobody likes mentally ill fucks who cut off their dick and put baseballs under their chest skin and call them tits.
>affects him in exactly zero ways
You are trying to make society revolve around you, when you are nothing but a bunch of schizos who think they are women when you are actually men.
not him, but trannies are all horribly immoral scumbags. their awful cult-like and destructive mentality does affect other people and they make the world a worse place by entrenching and reinforcing gender roles rather than overcoming them.
Yes you are, don't pretend otherwise, and I already told you, to expose you tranny posters and show people what the average tranny is like.
You won't convince anyone with all those shopped pics of James, we've already seen that abomination naked and it's puke worthy.
>The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
As if it wasn't obvious it's Resetera pushing this tranny.
Who the fuck speaks like this?
I know you think you're fighting a moral crusade but everyone here already knows what trannies are, posting the same handful of images over and over isn't exposing anything it just makes you look like an obsessed weirdo
If you didnt care you wouldnt defend him, either you are a delusional tranny chaser or the nutjob himself.
It's a Shakespeare reference, you rube. It's a common saying.
I just like his resident evil videos
No, it's just you post pics of James, pretend he's a "cute girl" and then start seething and do passive agressive posts like this in an attempt to imply that those who are, rightfully, disgusted at trannies are the wierdos, and not the ones posting pics of a man who thinks he's a woman.
Everything about him is a failure. All trannies are disgusting trash.
Is it true that If I post about trans community in a non negative way some one will reply to me about how I'm wrong?
Trans Rights are human rights!
Here come the (yous)
So yes, you are a tranny chaser.
What has to go wrong in your life to be chasing after trannies?
>t-these trannies are okay
Nice try, Resetranny.
All of these are disgusting.
You're the one posting the same pictures over and over and throwing a tantrum my dude
You will never be a woman.
Not even his real name, but it's funny how you saw a random name tossed out and cling to it like it's proof lol
Do you actually live on the same planet as the rest of us? Have you been outside in years? Or did you just take out a restraining order against reality? Hell a toddler is less terrified of made-up boogy-men than you are.
>watching a video made by a tranny means you want to fuck it
What a strange mindset
And you are the one posting the same pics of James over and over again and trying to imply that abomination is good looking.
I'm simply representing the majority of the world who thinks trannies are basically the closest thing to real life orcs.
Sue is best RE waifu!
You understand there are more than two people in this thread right
Are you schizophrenic
The average /v-pol/ poster intelligence.
Why are you seething so much at the fact that nobody likes men in drag?
They'll probably assume you're a tra-
No one cares fatty, trannies like natalie and sue are fine and I would fuck the living shit out of them any day of the year. Go be low-test somewhere else.
And in come the buzzwords
Why would you watch anything by an ugly, deranged trannoid with trash opinions and zero competent thoughts?
Ah yes, we all know chads fuck trannies, right, resetera?
Would you suck his penis too, faggot?
Why are there so many trannies in gaming? In no other medium do I see these freaks.
What makes sue's resident evil opinions trash
What buzzwords?
Men in drag?
Is he not?
He is a man, and is wearing girl clothes.
A man in drag.
Yes, and are all disgusted at James.
What an embarassment of a man.
i like men in drag desu senpai. natural guys are cute. i hate trannies though, they're all gross and shitty people.
>being this mad you can't see the irony of the image making fun of Yea Forums trannyfags chasers
>resetera as an insult
>solves nothing
Truly the savior of our previous image board.
Unironically doing god's work.
Either a tranny, or resetera, which one?
Seething is a buzzword that spastics use whenever someone disagrees with them
I don't give a shit, because it's a tiny part of the real world population and none of it actually affects any of you. But you keep tilting at that windmill, Don Quixote
Ignore him, he is jealous as fuck of his sucess on top his hateboner for trannies
Perhaps it's because gaming is your biggest interest and you wouldn't notice a fringe element in a community you don't participate in as much
I cum hardest if I imagine it's in a trap's flat butt.
Then get the fuck about back to /lgbt/
Oh wait, even those are getting tired of trannies.
>resetera as an insult
Does it offend you?
Literally SEETHING
>imagine being prison gay enough you find this thing fuckable
Cope harder mentally ill fag
Nah, men in drag can actually be sexy and make the look work for them. Trannies, on the other hand, are all absolutely disgusting. The hormones utterly destroy their bodies and make them hideous beyond all redemption.
>Only low test men wouldnt fuck mentally ill dudes in drag
What fucking planet are you on?
Gays = Steam
Trannies = Epic
Fight to keep those exclusive Bi-curious one then.
>p-please, don't shit on our trannies s-stop you are crazy...